Beautifully Unnatural: A Young Adult Paranormal Boxed Set

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Beautifully Unnatural: A Young Adult Paranormal Boxed Set Page 24

by Amy Miles

  “I’ve got a bad feeling about this.” Gabriel sighs. “Look, I’ve gotta grab some stuff and try to avoid Steve. Pack a bag and sneak out with Sadie. I’ll meet you there.”

  “Fine, but make it quick,” Nicolae growls, obviously in a bad mood.

  Nicolae’s scowl falters as Gabriel’s hand catches his. “You’re wrong about her. I know Rose. She would never hurt anyone.”

  Nicolae’s eyes frost over. “When I was a little boy, I saw her for the first time. My parents had gone to a party that night and made me stay home with my nanny. I was angry they wouldn’t let me go, so I snuck out and ran across the town square to the main hall.” Nicolae closes his eyes against the tears that threaten to spill over. “By the time I arrived, the doors were locked. Their screams still haunt me.”

  “What happened?” Gabriel asks, letting his hand drop away.

  “Every single person inside was slaughtered. It took weeks to clean the blood from the floors,” he chokes out. “My mother, father, and two sisters were found among the carnage…in pieces.”

  “Oh, god.” Gabriel grimaces at his loss. “I’m so sorry.”

  Nicolae straightens his shoulders and pushes away the memories. “Vladimir is a sadistic monster, Gabriel, but he doesn’t even come close to comparing to your father.”

  “And Rose was with them?”

  Nicolae nods. “She was.”

  “And you think she was a part of this massacre?” Gabriel’s mind refuses to accept it. Rose is gentle and kind. She could never be a killer.

  “I know she was.” Nicolae takes a few steps but turns back. “She’s not who you think she is, Gabriel. Or maybe you already know that. Maybe you’re keeping a few secrets of your own.”

  Gabriel is shocked by the urge to rip out Nicolae’s throat for speaking such things. Unsettled by the sudden desire, he stands his ground. “I don’t know who, or what, I am. All I know is that I love Rose and I’m going to save her.”

  “Even if she’s a blood-sucking monster?”

  Gabriel nods. “Even then…but I know you’re wrong. Can you honestly tell me that she’s the same person today that you think she was then?”

  Nicolae thinks for a moment, considering his words. “She is different than my Uncle Sorin has led me to believe. I have not seen her kill or maim anyone during my time here.”

  “Then maybe she isn’t as evil as you think she is,” Gabriel says.

  “No. I think she is exactly as evil as I have been told.” He meets Gabriel’s gaze. “She plays on people’s emotions. Look at how she has captured your heart and those of William and Sadie. No,” he shakes his head, “she is a master at deception. Nothing more.”

  “Make no mistake, Roseline is evil in its purest form. She’s far more dangerous than you can ever imagine, especially since this evil is masked behind such exquisite beauty.”

  Struggling to breathe, Gabriel forces his shoulders to rise in a shrug. “It changes nothing. I am still going after her. I won’t let Vladimir kill her.”

  A faint gleam flashes across Nicolae’s eye. “Trust me, there are things far worse than death for a vampire.”


  Two hours later, Gabriel sits impatiently in the first class lounge. He rubs his temples as he tries in vain to block out the loud voices next to him. Sadie and William are still arguing with Nicolae over the tickets.

  “Look, it’s no big deal. The tickets weren’t that unreasonable,” Nicolae insists, obviously wishing they would just drop it.

  “You just bought four first class tickets to Romania and you want us to believe that they are cheap?” Sadie cries. “Do I have LOSER written across my forehead?”

  Nicolae sighs. “Fine. The tickets were seven thousand apiece. Happy now?”

  William jerks upright, spilling his fancy espresso. “Good night! Where did you come up with that kind of cash?”

  “My parents. Just trust me, the money will never be missed.” Nicolae folds his hands over his lap and leans back to get some rest. Gabriel hopes Sadie will take the hint, but that just isn’t in her nature.

  “So your family is, like, rich or something?”

  Nicolae groans as he opens his eyes. “I’m a foreign exchange student. Do you think that’s cheap?”

  “Huh,” William mutters, scratching his jaw. “You know, I never really thought about that.”

  “Well, there you go,” Nicolae says. “End of story.”

  Gabriel frowns at his answer. “What about your visa? Are you allowed to come back?”

  Nicolae sighs, resigned to playing twenty questions. “No. It’s a one-time deal. I hop on that plane and goodbye America. At least that should make one of you very happy,” he says, staring pointedly at Sadie.

  She squirms. It’s no secret that she has spent the past couple months loathing the guy but now, as Gabriel watches the emotions shifting over her features, he realizes she might actually miss Nicolae. Girls! They are all screwed up.

  “I feel weird sitting here,” William says, sinking lower in his seat as gawking travelers pass by, peering in at the four teenagers who must have found a way to sneak into the private lounge.

  “Don’t worry about it. Your ticket says you’re first class and that’s all the flight attendant’s care about.”

  “I’m still jumpy,” Sadie says, rubbing her arms as she darts a glance around the empty space. “Mom and Dad are going to flip when they figure out we aren’t coming home tonight.”

  William waves her off. “It’s couples dancing at the country club. You know Mom. She’ll have a few too many drinks and come home tipsy. Dad will carry her up to bed and probably pass out too. They won’t even know we are gone until morning.”

  “Maybe,” Sadie frowns, “but Mom was pretty ticked about Gabriel sleeping over. She’s probably pacing the kitchen right now waiting to tear me a new one.”

  “At least you’ll still be alive when she gets done with you. I was supposed to be heading to Notre Dame this week to view the school,” Gabriel mutters, fingering his ticket. “There won’t be anything left of me when Steve’s done.”

  Nicolae gives him a curious stare but says nothing.

  “Now boarding: Flight forty-six to London Heathrow. All first class passengers are welcome to board at this time,” a robotic voice calls over the loud speaker.

  “London?” Sadie questions, looking down at her boarding pass. “I thought we were going to Romania.”

  Nicolae smirks as he offers to help her to her feet. “That’s just the first stop, love.”


  The flight into London was eventless, apart from William’s loud snoring. Even the flight attendants were annoyed by all of the racket. After a lengthy visit with Heathrow’s immigration, the four friends made it to their connecting flight with five hours to spare. Not exactly ideal when you’re facing another long flight.

  William and Nicolae passed the time shopping. Sadie tried to sneakily browse the teen magazine rack while Gabriel paced around their pile of carry-ons. The closer he got to Rose, the more anxious he became. Is she okay? Will she confirm Nicolae’s crazy story? Will she be happy to see him?

  Now that their flight into Romania is nearly complete, he is bursting with anticipation. Sadie stretches her arms high overhead, working out the kinks in her sore body. “What time is it?”

  “It’s nearly four. We’re about to land,” Nicolae answers her as William yawns, waking from another catnap. Gabriel hasn’t slept. He is sure that will come back to bite him later.

  He glances over at Nicolae and instantly notes the shift in his appearance. His glasses met their untimely end with the on-flight bathroom not long after the seat belt sign went off. Sometime during Gabriel’s obsessive musings, Nicolae discarded his baggy clothes for a designer sweater that hugs his muscular frame, faded jeans, and expensive leather slip-ons. His hair is waxed and styled in a messy look. All evidence of his former façade has been erased.

  “What’s with the new lo
ok?” Gabriel whispers across the aisle.

  “I’m home.” Although that is all he says, those two words feel like the answer to a million questions.

  Gabriel leans back, smirking at the cautious glances Sadie shoots toward Nicolae. He appears to be completely oblivious, too tormented by his own demons, but Gabriel has no doubt that when he finally does notice he will be intrigued by her budding interest.

  “Will your parents be glad to see you?” Sadie asks. Her eyes can barely believe the transformation before her—annoying nerd to confident model. How did he hide it so well?

  Gabriel tenses, sure that Nicolae will find some way around telling her the truth, but the newly transformed boy surprises him. “They died a long time ago.”

  “Then who paid for our flights?” William leans forward to join the conversation.

  “They did. Or at least my trust fund did.” Nicolae’s face contorts with pain. “After my parents died I was sent to live with my uncle. He lives on a large estate just outside of Brasov. When I turned sixteen, I was given full access to my parent’s wealth. To be honest, I never knew they had so much money.”

  Sadie smirks. “So you’re the one that’s rich.”

  “Not in comparison with my uncle, but he has a highly sought-after job. I guess you could say it’s a rare commodity.” He pauses to think over the irony of his words. “My uncle is a hunter.”

  “That doesn’t sound so rare to me…” William cuts off as a flight attendant rushes forward to shush him. She manages to scold them to put on their seatbelts before rushing back to her seat only moments before the wheels touch down.

  After a manic rush to get off the plane and through customs, Nicolae leads them to their next gate. “Are you serious?” Sadie moans, rubbing her lower back. “I don’t think I can stomach another flight.”

  Nicolae nods, beginning to betray signs of his own weariness. “Otopeni Airport doesn’t get us close enough to Brasov. We have to take a flight over to Bucharest.”

  After the brief internal flight, the weary group of friends departs their final plane. “I really don’t want to get on another plane any time soon,” William groans, stretching out the kinks in his body.

  “Not to worry. It’s only a car ride now,” Nicolae calls over his shoulder as he opens the door leading outside. Parked next to the curb is a sleek, blacked-out limo.

  “This is yours?” Sadie gasps, clinging to her brother. It is frightfully cold, with winds gusting wildly, tossing snow in their faces. Her short-cropped hair waves madly in the wind.

  “It’s my uncle’s,” Nicolae corrects, his ears tinged with red. Gabriel seriously doubts the color has anything to do with the frosty air. “Hop in.”

  Sadie practically dives inside, desperate for warmth. She completely ignores the guys as she wallows on the soft, luxurious leather seat. “This is what I dream heaven will be like.”

  Nicolae seems pleased with her comment, but quickly looks away to share strange words with the driver. As soon as the doors close, Nicolae settles back and closes his eyes.

  “I take it this will be a long journey?” Gabriel grumbles, rubbing the sore muscles in his thighs. How is he supposed to rescue Rose when he can barely walk without a darn muscle cramp?

  “Yes. About three-and-a-half hours, depending on the snow.”

  “Lovely.” Gabriel glances out the window at Romania. He has visited parts of Europe with his family over the years, so he is familiar with the narrow streets and stone buildings. Numerous people walk the stone paths, braving the frigid temperatures instead of simply driving to the store. Europe has always held a sense of wonder for him.

  “You never finished telling us about your uncle,” William says, more out of boredom than real interest.

  Nicolae glances at the driver before flicking the privacy button. As the blacked-out screen rises, Gabriel’s eyebrows mirror their movement. Apparently, what he has to say is best not overhead. Even Sadie stops petting the leather long enough to listen.

  “I told you that my uncle is a hunter…but I failed to mention what he hunts.” Nicolae’s voice comes out barely above a whisper as he glances warily at Gabriel.

  Seconds tick by before the meaning behind Nicolae’s gaze hits him. “Oh no,” Gabriel moans, gripping his stomach tightly as he bends over. How could Nicolae keep this from him? What if he is too late? What if Rose has someone more than her husband to fear?


  Nicolae watches Gabriel like a hawk as his chest rises and falls, his eyes darkening with fury. “Look, Gabriel, it’s for the best.”

  “I’ll kill you!” Gabriel roars, hurling himself across the narrow carpeted aisle. His fingers tighten around Nicolae’s throat. Strangled gasps dribble from his mouth as Nicolae’s fingers claw at Gabriel’s grasp.

  Sadie screams as the car swerves off the road. William picks himself up off the floorboard, as the back door is yanked open. A tall, hulking man dives through the door and starts pounding on Gabriel’s back.

  He howls but tightens his grip, ignoring Sadie’s shrieks and William’s pleading. He ignores the iron-clad fists beating his back. He stares into Nicolae’s bulging eyes and snarls. “You did this. It’s your fault!”

  Nicolae’s lips part; shaky words inch between his lips. “You…need…me.”

  The lights go out as a final blow lands at the base of his neck. Gabriel slumps and passes out.

  When he comes to, William has Sadie cradled in his arms. They stare at him with a mixture of fear and awe. Gabriel winces as he rubs his head.

  “No,” Nicolae shouts from somewhere behind him. He slips fluidly into his native tongue. The man protests but Nicolae cuts him off with a stern glare.

  Gabriel cranes his head back to meet the livid glare of the driver. He dodges the spitball the man shoots at him before slamming the car door closed.

  “What the heck is going on?” Sadie trembles, staring at Nicolae then turning on Gabriel. “Have you both lost your mind?”

  Gabriel rises slowly, refusing to look away from Nicolae. “Why don’t you ask him? I’m sure you’d like to know why Nicolae was sent to Chicago to hunt Rose.”

  Sadie’s eyes widen. William’s arms tighten around her. Nicolae bows his head under their weighty stares. “It was my job.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” William asks.

  “Nicolae isn’t a normal exchange student, Will. He’s a hunter, just like his uncle, and he’s after Rose.”

  Nicolae raises his gaze to meet Sadie. “I never knew she would be your friend. When I realized that you cared about her, I did everything I could to protect you. I’m not actually a creepy stalker.” He offers a weak smile.

  Sadie isn’t buying it. “So all this time you’ve been watching her for what exactly? To drink someone’s blood? To raise someone from the dead?” The more ludicrous her statements become, the higher her voice rises.

  “Something like that.” He looks away.

  “This is insane,” she growls, crossing her arms over her chest. “Vampires don’t exist.”

  Nicolae turns to look back at Sadie. His gaze is haunted, intense. “Just because you choose not to believe something doesn’t make it the truth. Rose is a killer, born and bred.”

  “A creature of the night?” William scoffs.

  Nicolae’s anger singes William. “Mock all you want, but she killed my parents. That is not something you easily forget.”

  Sadie’s gasp draws his attention. He winces at the blood draining from her face. She wavers as William pulls her close. “Smooth move, idiot,” Gabriel says as he moves closer to Sadie.

  William turns to survey Gabriel. “You don’t seem surprised by Nicolae’s words.”

  “No,” he says, pulling Sadie’s hand into his own. He awkwardly gives it a pat. “I already know.”

  “How?” she whispers. Her fingers flinch in his palm.

  “I stuck around to listen to the full story at the park, remember?” He smiles weakly.

“Yes, it’s a shame they didn’t get to hear your story, Gabriel.” Nicolae’s gaze is icy but it softens when he looks past Gabriel to Sadie.

  “Okay, I want to know what the heck is going on, and I want to know right this instant!” She is losing control but really does not care. Her freaked-out state totally vindicates her tantrum.

  William stares out the window at the landscape flying past. “Why are we here?” he whispers.

  “Because Rose needs us. That’s why,” Gabriel responds.

  “Does she?” William shoots a wary glance at him. “If what Nicolae says is even possible, and at this point I’m assuming we might believe that it is, then what can she possibly need us for?”

  Gabriel opens his mouth to answer, but he doesn’t know how to respond. What can he say to that when he doesn’t even really know why he came? Only that he had to. “I don’t know, William. I don’t know anything right now.”

  “But he does,” Sadie murmurs, glaring at Nicolae. She pulls out of William’s grasp. Her pale skin blotches with anger. “So what are we? Bait for Rose?”

  Nicolae closes his eyes. “No. I’d never risk your—” he clams up, shaking his head. “I tried to warn you, but you are so stubborn.”

  “Then why did you give in?” Sadie pounces, getting right up in Nicolae’s face. His eyes widen; his Adam’s apple bobs as he fights to swallow. Nicolae gently pushes her back before he answers. “Because she means so much to you.”

  “So? Why do you even care?” she retorts, practically spitting in his face.

  Nicolae looks away. “Because I can’t help it. What you care about, I care about. What you like, I like. I can’t get you out of my mind!”

  Sadie sits back, shocked. William grinds his teeth. “Oh, no you don’t. You don’t get to sound like the noble hero in all of this, Nicolae. I don’t know what kind of crazy fling you have for my sister, but it’s not gonna happen.”

  “Says who?” Sadie snaps, rounding on her brother. “Who are you to tell me who I can and can’t like?”

  William blinks. “Are you telling me you like this guy now? All I’ve heard for the past two months was how annoying he is.”


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