Beautifully Unnatural: A Young Adult Paranormal Boxed Set

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Beautifully Unnatural: A Young Adult Paranormal Boxed Set Page 29

by Amy Miles

  “How is he still alive?” she asks Fane. “He should have been dead hours ago.”

  Fane shrugs, completely at a loss for an answer. He has been wondering the same thing. No human can lose that much blood and survive but, then again, Gabriel isn’t entirely human. He is Lucien’s son, after all.

  Unable to bear the pain in Roseline’s tortured gaze, he rises. “I should probably go help—” his words cut off as blood gurgles from his lips. A crimson stream stains his pale skin as it drips from his chin and splatters onto his shoes.

  “No!” Roseline cries out as a sword pierces through Fane’s chest. In a hacking motion, it rises dangerously close to his heart.

  Fane jerks to the right when the sword pulls back and changes its deadly course. Vladimir appears over his shoulder and he shoves the blade deep. The new angle splinters his sternum but saves his heart. A sickening gurgle erupts from Fane’s throat as a bubble of blood bursts, splattering Roseline and William.

  William cries out as he frantically wipes his face, smearing the blood more than he manages to remove it. The sword jerks to a halt as Nicolae attacks from behind, forcing Vladimir to retreat to find a new weapon. Roseline must release Gabriel to help Fane. She sets Gabriel gently back on the ground and backs away. Her vision tints red around the edges as she steps up to Fane. “Are you okay?”

  “I will be—” he chokes, and his knees buckle and he falls to the floor. Roseline grasps his arm in time to ease him onto his side before sword connects with the ground. She kneels by his side and places her hand behind his back. “Just get it over with,” he grunts.

  Without hesitation, she yanks the sword from his chest. Fane’s scream wrenches at her heart but she clamps off her emotions. She eases him onto his back and turns to William. “When I leave you, need to lock that door. No matter what happens, don’t open it.”

  William’s eyes are as wide as saucers; his mouth fills with the foul taste from a second wave of bile rising in his throat. “What about Fane?”

  “Keep him comfortable till I get back,” she replies in a clipped tone

  “You mean he’s not going to die?” William gasps, horrified at the reality of how much it takes to kill an immortal.

  “No, but I bet he wishes he could.” She slips off her bloodied cloak and tosses it to William. “Use this to stop the bleeding. I’ll be back soon.”

  She crouches low and leaps through the opening. She spins in midair and slams the door shut. The lock clangs into place before her feet touch the ground.

  “Holy crap,” William gasps. “I didn’t know she could do that.”

  “You should see her when she’s really angry,” Fane wheezes sarcastically. He winces at the burning in his lungs.

  Roseline ignores their quips and she focuses only on Vladimir. He has yet to realize she has joined the fight. That’s good. She still has the advantage.

  Blood drips from her matted hair, splattering on her shredded dress. It hangs in strips along her body, revealing her gruesome wounds. Bruises bloom along her stomach and abdomen as the internal bleeding recedes; strips of skin regenerate as the old sloughs off.

  She rocks onto the balls of her feet as she watches the battle unfold. The sword swings back and forth like a pendulum, counting down the seconds until she will engage her husband for the first time ever.

  Vladimir is the stronger of the two; Nicolae has speed on his side, but even this is starting to betray him. His forehead drips with sweat as he lunges and parries. Blood seeps from several wounds. He is forced to favor the one on his right leg, which leaves him at a disadvantage, one that Vladimir is skillfully playing to. It is only a matter of time before Nicolae makes a mistake.

  “Vladimir!” she screams, planting her feet as she raises the sword her husband carved Fane with.

  Her husband bashes the hilt of his sword into Nicolae’s face. He doesn’t even pause to enjoy the spray of blood that flies from Nicolae’s nose as he turns to face her. “Ah, I see you are whole again…and looking as lovely as ever.” Vladimir’s frosty voice sends chills racing up her spine.

  “No thanks to you,” she hisses, clasping the sword tightly in her hand. Her knuckles turn white as they pop under the strain. This is a battle she refuses to lose.

  “This is all your fault, you know,” he says, waving his hands around the room. His gaze flickers toward the cell. “Your friends and your lover are all in pretty bad shape because of you.”

  “You’re poisonous words won’t work on me this time, Vladimir,” Roseline growls. She won’t let them.

  He tsks, shaking his head. “That’s no way to speak to your husband.”

  Roseline snarls at him, raising her sword into the air. “I want a divorce.”

  Vladimir’s cold black eyes narrow. “You belong to me, Roseline Enescue.”

  Her aqua eyes flame with rage. “My name is Roseline Dragomir!” she screams, launching herself across the room. Her lips peel back from her teeth as she strikes. The muscles in her arms quiver as their swords clash. Sparks fly as she grinds her sword against his, running it all the way to the hilt. She snarls, spitting in Vladimir’s face before she dips and knocks his feet out from under him.

  His enraged cry follows her as she drops her sword and leaps onto the wall. Her fingers latch onto a pair of manacles. She runs up the wall, coiling the chains loosely around her arm.

  “Get down here!” Vladimir roars from below.

  “Coming, dear,” she growls as she launches off the wall. Roseline arcs around the center of the room and spins back toward him. He braces, his sword ready to cut her down, but Roseline releases her hold on the chains at the last second and flips over his head.

  Vladimir cries out as the heavy chains uncoil and slam into him, knocking him off his feet. Roseline sprints for her sword as Vladimir rises. His gaze is murderous as he spits out teeth and blood. “You will pay for that.”

  For years, she balked at her training, shied away from embracing the anger that always seethes just under the surface, but for the first time, she latches hold of it.

  “But I thought you like it rough.”

  With a wild scream, Vladimir attacks. Roseline bends backward, narrowly missing his first lunge, but is ready for the second. She spins, in a whirlwind of blood, and slices clean through Vladimir’s sword. The pieces of his sword clatter uselessly to the floor.

  “How did you—” Vladimir flips backward to the middle of the room, in search of another weapon. Roseline has to move fast. She crouches low and shoots up into the air, whirling over Vladimir’s head. The bottom of her dress grazes his face, obscuring his vision for a split second, but it is enough.

  “Roseline,” Nicolae shouts, tossing his crossbow high into the air.

  The instant her fingers wrap around the weapon, Roseline’s foot smashes into Vladimir’s face. Blood spews from his lips as his four front teeth are ground into dust. He sprawls on his back, head smashing against the stone floor. The sharp crack of his skull fracturing fuels Roseline’s rage.

  She kneels above him, trapping him with her knee on his chest. “This is for my sister,” she says with air of calm, letting loose the arrow.

  It pierces through his rib cage, grazing his heart. Blood seeps into his chest cavity. His eyes narrow with fury as he listens to his own heart struggle to beat.

  “Playtime is over,” Vladimir growls. He tosses her end over end as he leaps to his feet. He grips the arrow protruding from his chest and roars as he tears it out. The instant his gaze shifts from her she knows she won’t make it in time. She barely has time to blink before the arrow slams into its target.

  “It’s me or him now, Roseline,” Vladimir taunts, clutching his chest. “Your choice.”

  She snarls at him as she turns and leaps to Nicolae’s side. Her hands feel around the wound. She breathes a sigh of relief as she realizes the arrow has missed all vital organs. “Stupid,” she grunts as she turns to catch Vladimir’s grin before he bolts for the exit. “He missed on purpos

  Nicolae’s groan pulls her attention back. His face pinches as he writhes on the floor. “This is going to hurt,” she whispers in his ear. Without any warning, she snaps the end of the arrow and pulls the spearhead from his back.

  Roseline’s arm slices through the air, hurling the broken steel tipped arrow at Vladimir’s back. The blood coated arrowhead burrows into Vladimir but it doesn’t stop him as he dives for the tunnel. He is gone.

  She should probably go after him. It would be easy to take him out now that he is injured and weary from battle, but her friends need her.

  Dipping low, Roseline pulls Nicolae into her arms. She carries him to the cage and grimaces at the sight of her war-torn friends.

  Fane’s eyes are closed as he leans against the cool wall. Already the blood has begun to clot around the wound. Healing will be a slow and painful process, one that Roseline does not envy him. Fane’s immortal blood will eventually seal over the lesion, forever hiding the evidence of his injury.

  Sadie’s color has returned slightly and her breathing is much less labored than before. William cuddles up to her, holding her in his arms. His face is streaked with blood;tears wash winding trails of grime from his face.

  Gabriel’s heart continues to beat at a snail’s pace but Roseline has no idea why or even how. Each breath he takes is a miracle.

  Roseline carefully settles Nicolae next to Fane, propping him up on his good side. Despite her great care not to jostle him, Nicolae still cries out in pain. “William, throw me your shirt.”

  Without thinking, William strips. His skin pimples against the frigid draft pouring from the open tunnel. “Hold this tightly over the wound,” she commands.

  Nicolae offers her a wry smile. “I didn’t know you could fight like that.”

  She smirks. “And you never told me you were Sorin’s nephew. I should have known. You’re both stubborn mules!”

  “Guess we both have our secrets.” He winces and presses back into the wall.

  “Thanks for keeping them alive,” she whispers. “I owe you.”

  “Huh.” He grins, tilting his head to the side. “I like the sound of that.”

  Roseline laughs as she squeezes his shoulder and hurries to Sadie’s side. “Hey,” she whispers as she drops next to her friend. Sadie’s eyes flicker open. “How do you feel?”

  “Like I’ve been trampled by a rabid elephant.” Roseline’s throat clenches. This is all her fault. If she had just kept her distance from Sadie in the beginning, none of this would have happened. “I’ve been thinking…” Sadie trails off, wincing as she pushed herself upright. “I’m thinking about going blonde next.”

  William stares at his sister in amazement. “You nearly died and all you can think about is your next hair color? Unbelievable.”

  Roseline smirks, shaking her head. “What’s the theme this time?”

  Sadie grin is a faint glimmer of her former self. “I’m thinking of going Christian.”

  William splutters, glancing at Roseline to see her reaction. When all he sees is a twinkle in her eyes, he reprimands Sadie. “You can’t just ‘go Christian.’ It’s a whole faith thing you know.”

  Sadie shrugs. “I’m thinking I might give God a know, just in case,” she whispers. Roseline refuses to think of what might have happened if Fane hadn’t stopped her in time. Maybe Sadie is right. Getting on good terms with God is a great idea if Sadie is going to spend any more time around her.

  Roseline pats her best friend’s hand, grateful to feel warmth returning to her skin. “I think your mother will be proud.”

  Sadie grins, nodding weakly. Her smile fades as her eyes rolls toward Gabriel. “Is he dead?”

  “No, not yet.” Her heart shatters at the thought of losing him. “But it won’t be long.”

  “Can you save him?” William asks. He might not have liked Gabriel much before they went on this harebrained adventure, but the guy has actually started to grow on him. If donating his blood for a transfusion can save his life, then William is all for it.

  A tear slips down Roseline’s cheek as she shakes her head. “He’s too far gone. He shouldn’t even be alive.” Her voice cracks as pain ripples through her chest.

  Fane slips an arm around her, pulling her close. Roseline buries her face in his chest, sobbing over the boy she should never have fallen in love with but will never be able to get over. How can she go on without him? Losing Gabriel will destroy her and Fane is the only one who truly understands that.

  “Turn him,” he whispers. His gaze fixes on the boy over her shoulder. It hurts far more to say the words then he could have imagined. As if he reached into his own chest and tore out his heart. This is a wound that Fane knows will never heal, but what choice does he have? He loves Roseline.

  She rears back from his embrace, horrified at the thought. “I can’t do that to him. I would rather die than let Gabriel suffer as we do,” Roseline says.

  Fane’s handsome face melts into a resigned smile. “You’ve only suffered because you never had love.”

  “No,” she whispers, grasping his hand. “We did have love...a long time ago.”

  Nodding, Fane wipes away her tears. “You know I will always love you.”

  He pulls Roseline into his arms and kisses her, sharing every ounce of his devotion in that one final kiss. He breaks away and lurches to his feet, unable to linger in the moment any longer. The pain is too raw. With one final glance at Roseline, Fane exits the cell and disappears into the shadows.

  “He’s gone,” Sadie whispers. “Will he come back?”

  “No,” Roseline shakes her head. “Not for a very long time.”

  “Is it safe to leave?” William asks.

  “It should be. Vladimir won’t stick around now that he is injured. He needs to heal. I’d stay away from Brasov for a while though.”

  William shudders but nods as he wraps his arm around Sadie’s back. They navigate the slippery floor, leaving Roseline behind. Neither one of them knows what decision she will make, but they know she needs to make it on her own.

  Nicolae cups William’s shirt to his wound as he rises. He darts one last glance back at Roseline before turning to follow behind Sadie and William. After everything he has witnesses tonight he can’t decide if saving Gabriel would really be a bad thing. Surely, his uncle was wrong about some immortals. He was obviously wrong about them being vampires. Maybe they aren’t all damned.

  He watches as William helps Sadie to the tunnel that leads into the forest surrounding his home. He wants to follow, to be near Sadie, but there is something he has to do first.

  Nicolae kneels at his uncle’s side. He ignores the congealing blood and stares into the face of the man that has been the only family he’s had since he lost his parents. “I will avenge your death, Uncle. I swear it.”

  He grasps Sorin’s hand, pledging his oath. Tears fall unashamedly as he pulls his uncle’s sword from his stiff hands. It is the sword that Sorin used to kill Lucien. “Vladimir is next.”

  Without another word, Nicolae turns his back on the gruesome scene in the dungeon. He vows this place will never be used again. As soon as the dust settles from tonight, he will blow up the entrance to the tunnel and seal Sorin into this eternal tomb. It is what he would have wanted.


  Warm tears stream from Roseline’s bloodshot eyes. Her heart is broken and bleeding, torn in two directions. One is racing away from her, desperate to flee his self-inflicted agony after releasing her to love another. The second lies with only seconds remaining of life. She can hear the final beats of Gabriel’s heart approaching.

  Roseline dips low to brush her lips against his. “I’m so sorry, my love.”


  Gabriel moves through the dark, vacant of his body and yet somehow still tethered to it. If only the shadows will part so he can see. There is something he is supposed to be doing. Someone he is supposed to be looking for. Someone that needs him.


  Her name echoes through the dark, taunting him as he races ahead. His hands splay before him, desperately searching for a door that will lead him into the light. It has to be here, somewhere.

  The pain from his wounds receded long ago. How long? He cannot remember. Time is meaningless here. Wherever here is.

  Gabriel stops and listens. He can hear something. The sound is muffled, as if he is listening to it from under water. A girl is crying.

  No. Please don’t cry.

  He wants to console her, to tell her that he is okay, but she can’t hear him.


  Yes. It is her. He is sure of it. Even her heart wrenching sobs are delightful to his ears. He thought he would never see her again. And now he has found her—at last.

  The sound changes. Something is happening. Oh, why can’t he see her?

  “I’m so sorry, my love.”

  Wait. What’s wrong? There’s nothing to be sorry for.

  Gabriel whirls around and around, searching for her, but there is only darkness.


  His nose prickles. Something smells sweet. His mouth waters as saliva swirls in his mouth. What is that smell?

  Gabriel feels something different. He can feel his body. Not the body that is trapped in this hell dimension. His real body. Real flesh and blood. Probably more flesh than blood now.

  Something presses against his mouth. He fights to move his lips, to loosen his frozen tongue, but nothing happens. Then something wonderful drips into his mouth, oozing down the ridge of his tongue. He can hear Roseline’s voice whispering an enchanting language. He feels a stirring in his soul.

  The blood burns a trail down his throat, winding its fiery tendrils all the way to his belly. The warmth spreads, searing his skin as it shoots through his veins, into the recesses of his body. His toes begin to tingle. His fingers cramp, aching to move. Gabriel’s mind whirls into action, frantically struggling to comprehend the changes in his body.


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