Beautifully Unnatural: A Young Adult Paranormal Boxed Set

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Beautifully Unnatural: A Young Adult Paranormal Boxed Set Page 58

by Amy Miles

  How freaking cool.

  My parents always lived in rural areas. So long as I’d had my own room, I never cared… until now. In the foothills of Los Angeles County, there were a variety of neighborhoods — from exclusive gated communities to ramshackle little houses. We lived on a quiet cul-de-sac with newer homes and manicured lawns. At the end of the street, a chain link fence formed a barrier between the houses and a field. A little farther, walnut trees beckoned, dwarfed next to giant pine trees stretching as far as the eye could see. Beyond that, a meadow.

  I headed out.

  Under the cover of dense forest, I inhaled the scent of earth and pine. With my improved vision, I could see the individual leaves at the top of the trees and the tiny yellow eyes of an animal staring at me from a lower branch.

  I sprinted, weaving around the raised roots, wayward branches and occasional rock. My legs wanted to carry me faster, but I didn’t feel confident yet with the uneven terrain, so I held back. Taking a moment to inhale the smell of the woods, I sensed… a deer?

  Scanning the woods, I cautiously moved toward a clearing that was several times the size of our back yard. A deer stood at the far side where the woods began again. He would surely bolt as soon as he saw me, but could I outrun him? I focused on a point on the other side and ran as fast as my legs could go. In an instant, I was there and touching the deer’s flank before he scampered off.

  My mind reeled from the sheer speed. I wasn’t even winded.

  Directly in front of me lay a fallen tree. The trunk was probably wider than Zack’s delicious shoulders and likely extremely heavy. Bending down, I clamped both hands around a branch and heaved. The tree rose above the ground, but banged into my shins and I dropped it. But I’d lifted it, which meant I could probably bench-press a bear.

  I stifled hysterical laughter.

  This was just crazy. People didn’t suddenly get superpowers. Well, apparently I did, but why? What changed? As I replayed the last few days in my head, I scaled the tallest tree at the edge of the clearing, careful to avoid the sap. Every day for the last week, extreme stress had hit me in one way or another. Perhaps the heightened emotions brought on the physical changes.

  No, that couldn’t be it. Everyone had stress. Compared to other people’s problems, mine were minor. I hadn’t been exposed to DNA-altering chemicals and I hadn’t been experimented on by some mad scientist. So what was happening to me?

  At the very top of the tree, I distributed my weight between two branches, but the tree still swayed beneath me. I gazed at the lights of the city, cars driving in the streets, logs burning in a fireplace through a window of a house.

  The world had never been this breathtaking.

  Holding very still, I listened. Somewhere behind me a twig snapped and a cricket chirped. Beyond the trees a horn honked and about a half-mile away, a jogger pattered softly along the road.

  After inhaling the forest air one more time, I descended. When I landed on solid ground, leaves crunching beneath my feet, I stiffened and sniffed the air. It wasn’t a dog… but similar. Coyote?

  A moment later, a large black wolf entered the clearing. I could smell him. Male. Somehow I knew that scent was definitely male.

  He skirted the edges, but stayed close to the trees, his dark green eyes watching me. A coyote probably wouldn’t have fazed me, not with what I could do. But this thing — he was enormous. If he caught me, would I be able to fight him off? Either way, I didn’t want to get hurt if I could avoid it.

  My body tensed for flight mode, but the wolf stopped several yards away and sat on his haunches, his tongue lolling. Keeping me in his line of vision, the beast yawned and lowered until his belly touched the ground. He didn’t look threatening. He was still a wild animal though and it would be foolish to let my guard down. Which took the thrill out of being in the woods. Time to go.

  I backed away and wove through the thick trees until I hit the open field leading to the houses. While listening for signs of activity, I glanced back occasionally, but didn’t see him following.

  Wolves in California weren’t much of a stretch. But so close to humans? And why was he so damn big?

  † † †

  Driving into the school parking lot Thursday morning, I tightened my grip on the steering wheel when I saw Daniel sitting in front of the school building where he used to wait for me on the low wall. He spotted my car and jumped off, his eyes following me. Crap. What did he want now? Anxious to get it over with, I looped my backpack strap around my hand and climbed out of my car.

  He gave me a charming smile, the same one he used whenever he wanted something. “I thought we could talk,” he said as I approached.

  “I remember when I wanted to talk. Instead, we parked and you tried to molest me.”

  He pretended to clutch at his heart. “Ouch.”

  “I need to get to class. Say what you have to say.” I tapped my foot.

  Daniel sighed, his face pained. “I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness. I screwed up bad, but… I love you, Autumn. I can’t lose you.”

  He sounded like he meant it, but none of that mattered, because I didn’t feel that way about him anymore. “Daniel, I can forgive you, but we’re not getting back together.”

  The lines on his face hardened, his eyes darkening. “It’s Zack, isn’t it? You’re with him now.”

  “No. It’s you. I have zero interest in a relationship with you.” Where the hell did Daniel get the idea it had to do with another guy? “I’ve barely spoken to Zack and I don’t even like him.”

  “You two are always staring at each other.”

  “Only out of mutual loathing. Trust me.” I gave him a quick laugh. “He hates me.”

  “Don’t mess with me.” His hand shot out to capture my wrist. “You’re playing us against each other.”

  “You’re twisted.” He needed to cool off before I accidentally hurt him. “Let me go.”

  His other hand circled my waist and pulled me against him. “Okay, fine. You win. You cheated on me with him and now we’re even.”

  I stared at Daniel in disbelief, my palms against his chest, ready to shove him into the next century. “I never cheated on you. Now let go.” I sensed Zack before he spoke.

  “Is there a problem?” Wisps of hair fell around Zack’s face, making him look like something out of a magazine. Perfection. My stomach fluttered.

  “Stay out of this.” Daniel held me tighter.

  “Let’s ask Autumn what she wants.” Zack shifted to me. “Are you enjoying this interaction with Daniel?”

  I saw Maya among the forming crowd. Daniel was about to be humiliated beyond belief, but I was done protecting him. I met his eyes and made sure Zack heard me. “No, not at all.”

  Daniel scoffed. “Okay, you want to play games. Fine.” He released me and sauntered off.

  “Thank you,” I said to Zack.

  “Your taste in guys is lacking.” He turned to leave.

  Since I was wildly attracted to Zack, I’d say his comment was quite accurate.

  “What was that about?” Maya asked as he stomped off.

  I nodded toward the double doors and we moved in unison. “Daniel expects me to get back together with him.”

  “Ew.” She grimaced, slowing her pace. “You don’t want to, do you?”

  “No way. But apparently, that doesn’t matter to him.” I rubbed my wrists where he’d grabbed me. My ex had gone from a jerk to downright creepy.

  † † †

  At lunch, I found Maya with Trevor and Zack. I tensed. It was either sit with Zack or leave myself open to Daniel. Not that I was afraid of him. Thanks to my new strength, I was afraid for him and I didn’t want to end up in a position where I had to explain to the paramedics — and possibly the police — how Daniel got hurt. Better to avoid him altogether.

  Gina sat with Natalie and some of the same girls she’d scorned all year. That was their problem though. Unlike Daniel, Gina seemed to understand what she’d done
was a deal breaker. That or she never cared about me at all. Either way, she was out of my life.

  I ate in silence while Maya appeared to be lost in another world chatting with Trevor. Zack stayed at the opposite end of the table, which was easier, because at that distance we weren’t obligated to talk.

  “I’m hitting the ladies room,” I whispered to her when I’d finished eating. “I’ll see you after school.”

  Maya smiled, then returned to Trevor. She gave me more attention before they’d started talking. But she was so happy, how could I be jealous? I made my way down the nearly deserted corridor. Hearing footfalls, I spun around.

  I sighed. “What do you want now?”

  “I’m sorry, okay? It’s just… you drive me crazy.” Daniel stopped in front of me, but he didn’t try to touch me. “Autumn, please. Give me a second chance. You owe me that much.”

  He seemed imbalanced and I didn’t want to push him over the edge, but I couldn’t let him think it would ever happen between us. “I owe you? What the hell for?”

  “Autumn, I still love you.” He stepped forward.

  I backed up and my shoulders hit the lockers. He pressed his palms low and flat on either side of me, so it would be harder to duck under and get away.

  Gazing into his eyes, I saw the pattern. His future. He was the guy who’d treat his girl like garbage, then beg for forgiveness and repeat the cycle all over again. But I wasn’t that girl, the type who’d put up with it.

  Even though he was kind of freaking me out, I kept my voice steady. “But I don’t feel that way about you anymore.”

  He raised an arm to stroke a finger along my cheek. “Aw, don’t be like that. I don’t think I can live without you.”

  I gagged as the warmth of his breath hit me in the face. “You’ll have to.”

  “C’mon, baby, one more chance.” He aimed for my lips, but I turned my head to avoid him.

  “Get the hell away from me.” My hands curled into fists.

  “You know you want me back. Why fight it?” Daniel dove for my neck.

  I thrust a shoulder up to deflect his mouth. “I mean it. Get off me!”

  Zack appeared out of nowhere. “Let her go, Daniel.”

  “This is none of your business, New Boy. Keep walking.” Daniel’s gaze stayed on me as if willing me to go along with it.

  “I don’t think so.” Zack took a step forward.

  Daniel released me and glared at him. By his stance, it was obvious he’d only let me go to free up his fists so he could pound on Zack. “You think you own her because she sat at your table during lunch? She’s mine.”

  Zack moved fast enough to make my head spin, getting right up in Daniel’s face. Before that moment, I hadn’t realized how big he was, standing about two inches taller than Daniel. “I don’t want to own her and neither should you. Don’t ever let me catch you bullying any girl again.”

  “What are you going to do about it if I do?” Daniel’s smirk remained firmly in place.

  Zack grabbed him by his shirt, easily lifting him a foot off the ground, and shoved him into the lockers. Daniel’s legs dangled as he struggled. Zack slowly eased his grip, allowing Daniel to slide down against the cold metal.

  “I won’t annihilate you today, no matter how much you provoke me,” Zack said. “But only because it would upset my mom.”

  Daniel straightened his shirt and forced a laugh. I could smell his sweat and knew he was scared. “Mama’s boy, huh?”

  Scared, with suicidal tendencies, apparently.

  “Don’t push it, lowlife.” Zack raised his brows at me expectantly.

  I glanced around at the faces that had gathered. Why did my boy drama always draw a crowd? Cassidy Lieberman never gets a crowd and I happen to know she’s dating Eddie and Peter at the same time.

  If I left with Zack, everyone would think something was going on between us. Bad idea. But if I didn’t, it would be as good as choosing Daniel. In his mind anyway. So I followed Zack, weaving past kids rushing to their classes. The bathroom could wait.

  “You think you can make it through one day without my help?” Zack glanced at me with a bored expression as I walked beside him.

  This time, I didn’t thank him. His attitude was wearing on me. “Who said I needed your help?”

  He whirled around. “That guy is unstable. You got some kind of death wish?”

  I straightened my spine. “I can handle him myself.”

  His gaze traveled over me, from my toes and back to my eyes. “Really? Because where I’m standing, I see a hot girl and a psycho nearly twice her weight. Hardly a fair fight.”

  Goosebumps prickled my neck. “You think I’m hot?”

  He scoffed and shook his head. “That’s what you got out of that?” Before I could reply, he’d turned on his heel and gone to class.

  † † †

  As I left my last class, Gina was waiting at my locker. Figuring I could get my stuff out of it later, I kept walking, but she shadowed me.


  I ignored her.

  “I’d like to talk to you. Please.”

  I stopped abruptly and turned on her. “Between you and Daniel, I can barely breathe in this school.”

  She scowled. “Daniel’s stalking you?”

  “I’m amazed you haven’t already heard.” Word of Zack’s rescue should’ve spread like wildfire.

  Her chin trembled. Did she genuinely like Daniel? I hoped not. I wouldn’t wish the creep on anyone. Not even Gina.

  “Can we talk in private?” she asked.

  Gina no longer had the power to hurt my feelings, so what harm could it do? “Sure.”

  Inside an empty classroom, she closed the door. “What I did was wrong. I shouldn’t have let my feelings for Daniel affect our friendship.”

  I was about to tell her that forgiveness came easily, but trust was a different matter entirely. She didn’t give me a chance.

  “If you’d gone to the party like you promised,” she continued, “Daniel and I would’ve never had the opportunity to hook up.”

  Any guilt I may have felt vanished. “And the excuse for making out the other times?”

  “You know Daniel. His girlfriend wasn’t around and, well, he can be pretty persuasive.” She gave me a sheepish smile.

  From what I witnessed in the bathroom stall, she could be persuasive too. “Whatever you say. But you and I will never be friends again.” I turned to go.

  Gina yanked me back by my arm. “I was trying to be nice, because I felt sorry for you. But you blew it.” She glared. “And when I’m done with you, not even your geeky friend John will want anything to do with you.”

  Fury brewed in the pit of my stomach and I raised my voice, my palms itching. “You hooked up with my boyfriend and somehow you have the right to screw me over? How does that work?”

  She gave me a hateful look, the one she reserved for people she loathed the most. “Don’t think I didn’t notice how you’re always staring at Zack. You knew I liked him! You already had Daniel, but you had to have Zack too.”

  Wow, she and Daniel were made for each other. “You’re delusional. Take them both. I don’t care.” I twisted out of her grasp and shoved her against the wall. “I just want my stuff back — my suede boots and anything else you’ve borrowed and never returned. Like the pink heels you wore the other day when you were making out with someone else’s boyfriend. The leather jacket—” Her gaze fixed on a point behind me, but I ignored it. She was probably faking me out hoping I’d get distracted so she could get the advantage over me. “I want the pink skirt, the black Twilight T-shirt, the—” Her eyes wandered again, and this time the door opened.

  I sensed it was Zack without needing to turn around. Crap. The way I had Gina cornered did not make me look good at all. Glancing over my shoulder, I saw Zack quirking a brow.

  I shrugged. “She started it.”

  “Which required bullying?” he asked.

  My fists clenched. To p
revent myself from looking any worse, I backed up and made a sweeping gesture toward Gina. “She’s all yours.”

  “Thanks, Zack.” Gina rubbed her shoulder — which I hadn’t even touched — while gazing up at Zack with wide, moist eyes. “I don’t know what I would’ve done if you hadn’t shown up. We’re still on for Saturday, right?”

  “Yeah. I’ll see you later. I need a minute with Autumn.” He glanced at me, one eyebrow up as though I’d misbehaved.

  Gina moved behind Zack where he couldn’t see, then smirked.

  I wanted to slap her. To keep myself from going after Gina, I focused on Zack. “Why are you even here? You’re always around.”

  He shook his head. “Extortion is beneath you, don’t you think? Well, maybe not.”

  “How do you know I wasn’t demanding my things?” My nostrils flared and I raged inside, my body vibrating. “Never mind. Just get out of my way.” I was too incensed to stick around. I stormed past him and down the hall toward my car, praying it would start. I needed to get away before I detonated.


  Much to my relief, my car fired up right away.

  At home, I stomped through the house and tried to think of anything that would calm me down. Wait. Where was my backpack? It contained all my homework.

  In my locker at school.

  After Gina had distracted me, I’d forgotten about it. I wanted to weep in frustration.

  Hearing my phone beep, I tried to remember where I’d left my purse during my fit of fury when I’d flown through the front door. Spotting it on the kitchen table, I rummaged through it. Two texts from my mom.

  Sweetie, check your email STAT.

  I scrolled to the next message.

  Check ur email. Why arent u answering ur txts?

  Apparently, I’d been too emotionally distraught to hear my phone go off. My fingers flitted over the keyboard in reply. My poor parents were probably worked into a frenzy imagining all the reasons, none of them good, why I hadn’t answered.

  I’m fine. Checking email now.

  I sprinted up the stairs, raced to my laptop and rapidly scanned my inbox.


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