Beautifully Unnatural: A Young Adult Paranormal Boxed Set

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Beautifully Unnatural: A Young Adult Paranormal Boxed Set Page 61

by Amy Miles

“Okay, you guys.” Maya giggled nervously. “Let’s play nice, huh?”

  A pretty brunette appeared at our table. “Are we ready to order?”

  No one spoke up and my stomach was so empty, I thought it might make good on its threat and implode. “I’ll have the cheese ravioli in the pink sauce,” I said.

  After everyone else ordered, Maya and Trevor talked animatedly about movies, which left Zack and me on our own. Now that we’d gotten everything out in the open, maybe we could get past it.

  “What got you interested in cars?” I asked.


  His terse reply wasn’t helpful in keeping the conversation going. “So it’s just a job?”

  “I like seeing how things work and figuring out why they don’t.” All annoyance had vanished from his voice. I wondered how long that would last. “What was so interesting yesterday that you didn’t have time to research cars?”

  “I saw a giant wolf last night when I went out for a walk. Actually, it was the second night in a row.” I twirled the handle of my fork between my thumb and middle finger. “So I researched wolves instead of cars. But I’ll do the car stuff in the morning and still be ready when you pick me up.”

  “Hmm. What did you find out about the wolves?” he asked, angling toward me and narrowing his eyes.

  A tingle crept up my spine. “Most wolves are usually under a hundred pounds, give or take, but they’ve been known to get twice that size.”

  He nodded. “You shouldn’t be out in the woods alone.”

  My fingers stilled. How did he know I’d been alone?


  “I never said I was alone…” My voice trailed off as alarms pealed in my head. “And what makes you think I went into the woods?”

  Zack sighed as if I were trying his patience. “You said you went for a walk and the forest is practically in your back yard. Where else would you see a wolf?”

  I glared at him. “Can’t you be nice for one evening?”

  He took a bite of the bread, then returned it to the small plate. Inhaling slowly, he lifted his chin and sniffed the air. He repeated the act two more times.

  I struggled to keep my voice level. “You’re smelling me again, Zack.”

  “Yeah.” He must have been totally oblivious to how much he was pissing me off, because he sniffed me again. “You smell unusual.”

  “Gee, thanks.” The disgust had to have been evident in my tone. Just when we were getting along. Sort of. “Thanks for letting me know,” I said with a sarcastic edge.

  “No, not in a bad way. You’re a mixture of…” He inhaled again, long and deeply. “Lavender and vanilla and a little bit earthy.”

  “Earthy?” I’d been called many things, but never that. “Whatever. Just stop sniffing me, okay? It’s weird.”

  “Autumn,” Maya interrupted. I’d forgotten she was next to me. “There’s a carnival next weekend. We should go.”

  That would be a nice break from all the drama in my life. And refreshing not to have Zack there. “I’d love to.”

  “You’re coming too, right Zack?” Maya asked.

  My mouth dropped open.

  “Uh…” He stared at me with wide eyes, but I couldn’t think of any way to rescue myself, much less come up with an excuse for him. He turned to Maya again. “Sure, if I’m not working that day.”

  Trevor shook his head. “You don’t work on Sundays.”

  “I might be car shopping,” Zack explained, his eyes darting to me.

  Trevor waved him off. “Not at night.”

  I tuned them out. It was bad enough we spent our afternoons together without donating my play time to him.

  “Maya told me about your mom,” I said once Maya and Trevor were absorbed in each other again. “How’s she doing?”

  “Hanging in there.” He stared into the plate in front of him. “I’m not seeing much of her these days.”

  And I was sucking up his extra time by car hunting. “We don’t have to shop over the weekend if you don’t want to.”

  “No, it’s fine. If I stay home too much and hover over her, she doesn’t like it. She wants me out living life, meeting girls.” He shook his head. “But if we could meet at Trevor’s place tomorrow, that’d help.”

  “I’m so sorry about what you guys are going through,” I whispered. “What rotten luck.”

  “She’s had great luck, actually. She wasn’t supposed to live past eighteen.” He toyed with the little bread plate. “But she went into remission and had me, kept me safe after my dad died and made it to my eighteenth birthday. I’m lucky to have had so much extra time with her.”

  I dropped my gaze as my eyes misted. I cleared my throat, willing myself not to get choked up. “So I’ll meet you at Trevor’s. What time is good for you?”

  “About one o’clock?”

  “I’ll be there.” The food arrived and I attacked it, shoveling it in while still maintaining a ladylike veneer.

  Lord, Zack’s dinner smelled unbelievable. I tried to ignore the smell, but that only made it harder to enjoy my own food. Half way through my pasta, I set my fork down and watched him with his big, juicy burger. Sauce dripped out and onto his plate as he bit into it. The delicious aroma made me crave his food instead of my own.

  My mom had lectured me for years on the food industry — how animals were treated and the hormones they were given. And it had worked. Until now. What was up with this sudden need for meat?

  “What?” Zack finished chewing and swallowed. “Is it bothering you to see me eat an animal?”

  “Not at all.” I stared at the burger, saliva pooling in my mouth.

  “Do you want a bite?” he asked.

  I froze, my eyes wide. What would my parents say if I turned carnivore? “I’ve never eaten meat before.”

  He thrust it at me. I took the juicy burger, licked my lips and sunk my teeth into it. As I chewed, the flavor melted on my tongue and my taste buds rejoiced. I started to hand the burger back to Zack, but before he had a chance to take it, I swallowed and brought the burger back to my lips. Opening wide, I shoved it in.

  Zack chuckled. “Should we order another one?”

  Heat rushed into my cheeks and I pushed the food toward him. “Sorry.”

  His eyes danced with amusement, the dimple in his left cheek appearing. “You can eat that and I’ll order my own. It’s totally fine. I think you need it more than I do.”

  “No!” I finished chewing the stolen bite and swallowed, so I could talk. “I don’t know what came over me.”

  “The movie starts in forty-five minutes,” Trevor reminded us.

  When the check arrived, Trevor insisted on picking up the entire tab. It didn’t feel right, since it wasn’t a real date. But since he’d snatched it up and left the table to pay, I had no other choice.

  Maya beamed when he returned to the table. “That’s so sweet of you.”

  Zack and I led the way to the Jeep with Maya and Trevor lagging behind. Arriving at the car, I turned as they strolled toward us. Trevor looked at her adoringly, stopping to capture some stray hairs that had fallen over her eyes. She paused too, smiling up at him shyly. Gently, he brushed them off her face.

  I wanted someone to look at me like that. The same way my parents looked at each other. I knew I was still young and didn’t need to settle down yet. But my age didn’t stop me from dreaming. I didn’t want to kiss a bunch of frogs first or compromise ever again.

  † † †

  In the dark theatre, Trevor and Maya sat in the middle with Zack and me on the ends, all loaded with popcorn and soda. The movie was an unimpressive action flick, but it provided cover where I didn’t have to do anything but take up space next to Maya. When the movie finished, we called it a night, but I would’ve loved to stop for a burger.

  When Zack dropped me off and said goodnight, he was strangely pleasant as he walked me to my door. He didn’t scowl at me or anything. “No walking in the woods alone tonight. You’re
safer at home,” he warned.

  I rolled my eyes. “I’ll be fine.”

  “All alone with wolves? Really?”

  His show of concern made me want to agree. “I’ll consider that before I do anything rash. I promise.”

  “Good.” He waved, then jumped into his Jeep and drove away. Maya and Trevor waved goodbye from the back window.

  At home, I zoomed up the stairs, already stripping off the dress. Once in my room, I tossed it on my bed and kicked off my heels. I couldn’t wait to be in the woods and wasn’t planning on taking time to find a different forest without strange wolves. Throwing on sweats, a T-shirt and some sneakers, I tore out of the house.

  The wind on my face soothed me and I lifted my chin to see the glowing twinkles in the darkness above. With my heightened senses, I drew in the night scents of pine and earth. My ears picked up the chirps of crickets and a small animal rustling in the nearby brush.

  I’d never felt better in my life.

  What undiscovered powers did I have? With my body’s ability to heal rapidly, could I be killed? Would I require a stake through the heart like a vampire or a silver bullet like a werewolf? Werewolves, vampires and leprechauns… I chuckled softly to myself at the absurdity of my thoughts as I raced past my neighbors.

  Like lightning, I charged through the forest, with furry little animals scampering in my wake. As my lungs effortlessly took in air, a familiar scent wafted toward me and I slid to a halt, bits of dirt spraying the nearby shrubs.


  He came into view beyond a clump of trees, dark and magnificent. A few yards away, he hesitated, almost as though he didn’t want to scare me. I can’t explain why I suddenly felt comfortable with this wild beast, but I did.

  “I’m not in danger with you, right?”

  He sat on his haunches and swung his head side-to-side as if answering no. I was not going to make anything out of that. He couldn’t possibly have understood me, nor could he know sign language.

  I took his cue and sat on a nearby boulder. “So what’s your story?”

  He rose, then slowly edged a few feet toward me. About a yard away, he sat again, his eyes alert. This was the closest I’d ever gotten to him, close enough to see into his deep green eyes and admire how the moon glinted off his dark fur. Beautiful.

  I’d already been out for a while and the need for speed had subsided. “I should get going. See you here tomorrow?”

  He barked once, then stood on all fours when I rose from the boulder.

  “Such a gentleman. You know who you remind me of?” I giggled. Yeah, as if the wolf cared. But I had a captive audience and Maya wasn’t around to talk to. “This new guy at school. Total douche. You’re not a jerk like him, but you’re both so pretty.” A vision of Zack when he’d met me at my door earlier flashed through my mind. “You should’ve seen his face when he saw me tonight. He actually stuttered.”

  The wolf whined and dropped his head to the ground, burying it under his paw. At that moment, my feelings for the wolf and Zack were similar too — I wanted to pet them both.

  I laughed. “Goodnight, sweet wolf.”

  † † †

  By the time I’d made it into bed, I’d been exhausted. But, wired from my brush with the most glorious thing ever to meet my taste buds and my strange wolf friend, sleep didn’t find me until around two a.m. Five hours later, I popped up, wide awake and well-rested. Which was odd since I’d always been an eight-hour girl. Maybe because I healed so fast, my body recharged quickly now too.

  Several hours remained before I had to be at Zack’s house. First order of business: fulfill Zack’s homework request. I did enough online car shopping to make plans to see an FJ Cruiser. I doubted that a decent one would be in my budget, but maybe by some miracle while I was there, I’d find something else that would work for me.

  Done with the Internet for the time being, I shut down my laptop, then stood and sniffed the air. Rancid smoke and nicotine. Ugh. Maybe if I cleaned, I could enjoy the house stink-free for the duration of my parent’s absence.

  After opening all the windows, I made the kitchen and bathrooms sparkle, swept the hardwood floors and polished the furniture. My olfactory system still picked up the smoke that had seeped into the paint and wood, but the air quality had improved dramatically.

  After a shower to rid my body of the chemical and disinfectant smell, which was almost as bad as the smoke, it occurred to me that I didn’t have Zack’s address or phone number. So many opportunities and I’d never asked him for either. I’d have to call Maya for that, but didn’t look forward to listening to her gush over Trevor. It only made me realize how much my own love life was lacking. I wrapped a towel around myself and dialed Maya.

  “Hello?” a sleepy voice croaked.

  “Maya, it’s me. Did I wake you?” Of course I did. “I need Zack’s address or phone number.”

  She yawned. “I was so excited after Trevor kissed me goodnight, I couldn’t fall asleep.”

  I grinned. My annoying semi-date with Zack was definitely worth seeing her dreams of being with Trevor finally come true. “I’m so happy for you.”

  “Yeah, me too. I don’t know their address, but they live two blocks down on the same side of the street. Right before it curves.”

  “On what street?” I asked.

  “Your street, silly. But towards Foothill Boulevard, not the forest. It’s the yellow house with the white picket fence. You can’t miss it. Can I go back to sleep now?”

  “Sure. We’ll talk later. Sleep well.” Who knew Zack lived so close?

  Wearing snug, faded jeans and a white tank top, I slipped into some flip flops and headed out. I didn’t bother starting the Taurus, opting to walk there instead.

  His house had yellow clapboard siding with white-trimmed windows. A bicycle, Frisbee and other play items littered the yard, spilling into the driveway. Potted plants hung from either side of several steps that led up to a wide front porch. Homey.

  I knocked and a pretty, dark-haired woman answered. I could hear boys shouting in the background as the door opened wider. She smiled and waved me inside. “You must be Autumn. I’m Cara, Zack’s aunt.” Beyond her, a boy darted by.

  I stuck out my hand. “Oh, you’re Trevor’s mom. Nice to meet you.”

  She shook my hand, then closed the door behind me. “You too. Zack’s around here somewhere.”

  Cords and gadgets littered the coffee table and the overstuffed couch, stretching across the muted blue-green rug to connect to a wide flat-screen TV. Zack came into view, following a boy who looked about ten-years-old. “I demand a rematch, Brian,” he said.

  A gleam came into the boy’s eye. “If you want to lose again, how can I refuse?”

  “Cool,” Zack said solemnly. “Hey, maybe you could show me one more time how to do it.”

  “Yeah, whatever.” Brian smirked and sauntered off down the hallway.

  “You shouldn’t let him beat you all the time, Zack,” she whispered. “I want him to learn he has to work things out for himself.”

  Zack shrugged. “But it makes him so happy.”

  I stared at him, little butterflies invading my belly, warmth and fuzziness washing over me. Why did he have to do such a sweet thing for his cousin? It made me wish he didn’t save his surly self for me.

  “Hey, Autumn.” He shifted his weight to his other leg as his gaze made a circuit around the room. “My mom wants to meet you.”

  Warm and fuzzy turned to cold and prickly. What if his mom didn’t like me? “Why?”

  “I don’t know. She just does.” After a moment, he turned and I followed him down the hallway, since anything else would’ve been rude.

  He tapped twice on a door, then opened it and motioned me to go ahead. The room was light and sunny, the curtains riding the wave of a light breeze. Sunflowers greeted me from a vase on the nearby nightstand.

  The woman in the bed flicked a remote and silence filled the room. Pallid complexion aside, she h
ad the kind of timeless beauty that required no makeup. Long, dark brown hair, olive skin a shade darker than her son’s and catlike eyes that crinkled in the corners from her welcoming smile.

  “Ah, tesora, come closer.” She patted a vacant spot next to her on the bed. “It’s so rare Zack has a girl over.”

  “Mom, I told you. We’re just working together. She’s not a girl.”


  Favianne’s brows rose. “She looks like a girl to me.”

  “I meant she’s not my girlfriend.” He sighed. ”She’s paying me to help her buy a car. This isn’t a social call.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. De Luca,” I said, offering a tentative smile.

  “Call me Favianne.” She beamed at me. “What are your plans today?”

  “We…” My eyes shot to Zack, hoping he’d save me, but he only stared back. “We’re going car shopping.”

  “Sounds exciting.” She grinned.

  Her enthusiasm and graciousness permeated my body, calming me. “It is. I’m still not sure what kind to get though. But I won’t keep him out long.”

  She waved a hand at me. “Borrow him as long as you want. When he’s home, he mopes around. Especially lately.” Favianne switched to Zack. “Did you two meet at school?”

  “Mom. Stop,” he moaned. “It’s not a date.”

  His mom tried to hide her smile. I felt oddly connected to her and she was so sweet, I had an overwhelming desire to see her happy.

  I just couldn’t resist.

  “Actually, we met a little over a week ago. He’s really been there for me — helped me with my car when it broke down. One thing led to another and last night, we double-dated with Trevor and my best friend.” I snuck a peek at Zack whose mouth had dropped open.

  Favianne beamed. “When you’re done car shopping for the day, you’ll both come here for dinner.”

  Oops. Zack was going to kill me.


  “That was low, even for you.” Zack rocketed down the steps of his house and marched across the lawn, trampling an innocent plant before jumping into the Jeep.

  Mindful of the flowers, I followed suit and strapped on my seatbelt. Was I sorry for what I’d done? I recalled the way Mrs. De Luca’s eyes lit up. No, I wasn’t. I’d only just met her and already loved her. And Zack… well, I was never going to please him anyway.


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