Beautifully Unnatural: A Young Adult Paranormal Boxed Set

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Beautifully Unnatural: A Young Adult Paranormal Boxed Set Page 68

by Amy Miles

  I nodded and stared out the window, my eyes stinging.

  The engine roared to life and the car began to move, but I barely noticed. I had this amazing guy who liked me — at least enough to make out with me — and he could never be mine. Where was the justice?

  I needed something to take my mind off Zack and how I couldn’t have him. “Why don’t you turn your mom into a werewolf? Then she’d be strong and healthy, right?”

  “I can’t turn her for the same reason my dad couldn’t. She’s too frail. If we bite someone and they’re weak, the wolf virus kills them. If they’re strong, they fight the virus and develop an immunity of sorts. Except it’s more like a unity. The healthy human cells meld with the wolf cells, creating a powerful human that’s also a wolf.”

  Zack found a spot close to the school entrance and handed me the keys. “I’ve been thinking. Daniel might give up on you if he thinks we’re a couple.”

  Sounded interesting. “So we should act cozy?”

  “Yeah.” His eyes darted away.

  “I can pretend if you can.” But I hoped it wouldn’t be too painful for me once the charade was over. I reached for the door handle.

  “If anything happens and I’m not there after your last class, leave without me.”

  I spun in my seat. “No. Because this time, Gina won’t be in the way and you’ll be waiting for me. I’m not going to desert you, so you end up walking home. Or worse.”

  “Fine,” he mumbled, opening his door.

  Students gaped as we got out of my car together. Zack rounded the hood and walked by my side, his arm protectively draped around my waist. Gina glared at me from near the bike racks. Standing next to her, Daniel looked like steam would billow from his ears at any moment. I spared him a glance before spotting John who gave me two thumbs up.

  It felt comfortable and safe with Zack by my side touching me. And yummy. I had to remind myself we weren’t really a couple.

  “She has to go to the bathroom. Now.” Maya faced Zack as though daring him to challenge her.

  He laughed. “I’ll be waiting.”

  Yes, he would. Right outside the bathroom door. He’d probably even listen in with his super-human hearing. I’d have to be careful what I told Maya.

  Dragging me through the hallway, she eyed a girl going into the bathroom ahead of us. There went our privacy. She stopped right outside the door, positioning us in the corner. I spotted John approaching. He huddled up with us.

  “What is going on with you two? Trevor said Zack spent the night at your house,” she whispered.

  Word traveled fast.

  “He did?” John asked. “Your taste in guys has improved.”

  “It’s not like that,” I said.

  She folded her arms over her chest. “Liar.”

  “She likes him,” John said.

  “Did he kiss you yet?” she asked.

  “If he spent a whole night alone with her and didn’t try to hook up with her, he’s clearly gay,” John said.

  I laughed and held up a hand to stop further probing, though good-natured and well-deserved. “I’m not denying he’s gorgeous or that I like him. But guys,” all humor left my voice, “he doesn’t want a relationship. When his mom is gone, he will be too.” I lowered my voice. They didn’t need to know all the details, but I didn’t want to have to pretend with my closest friends. Plus, they could help keep an eye on Daniel. “Zack stayed over, because Daniel…”

  “What?” Maya asked, eyes narrowed.

  “He cornered me yesterday after school,” I answered. “I was a little freaked out, but I don’t think he’s dangerous. Zack is just being overly cautious.”

  Her head rocked up and down, eyes bigger than usual. “I knew he was a pig, but I didn’t think he’d stoop that low. I’m so sorry. But you got a night with Zack.” She grinned. “All’s well that ends well.”

  “Maya, you are so bad.” My mouth dropped open as I playfully slapped her arm.

  “So, did anything happen last night?” she prodded.

  “Uh, that’s my cue to leave.” John grimaced. “I don’t need the gory details. See ya.”

  “’Bye.” I shot John a smile as he took off. Sensing Zack close by, I chose my words carefully. “I spent the entire night in my room and he slept on the sofa.” There. I’d told her the truth and implied exactly what Zack would want — without the little extras.

  “That sucks.”

  “What’s the point of wanting someone who doesn’t want me back?” I couldn’t have Zack thinking I was pining for him. “How are things with you and Trevor?”

  “Heavenly. We’ve only been dating a week or so, but it feels like we’ve always been together.”

  I smiled. “I’m glad one of us is in a normal relationship.”

  “I can’t believe it finally happened.” She sighed. “See you at lunch.”

  Maya rushed off to class and Zack ushered me down the hallway. “You better not make me late. Nicely done, by the way,” he said.

  No remark at all on my comment about not wanting him, but that was just as well.

  † † †

  At lunch, I invited John and Janine to eat with us. Where I sat, I could see Daniel. Jeff sat with him again, along with Gina. She and Daniel huddled up next to each other, Gina frequently brushing up against him.

  Daniel’s eyes cut to mine. As he held my gaze, he kissed Gina. So they were out in the open about being together. Poor Gina had no idea what she was getting herself into.

  I shuddered.

  Maybe having Gina at his disposal will keep Daniel off you.

  The words came into my head and I jumped. But they didn’t come in through my ears. It was like an impression of words, like when you hear something and replay it in your head another time. A slow smile spread over Zack’s face.

  You heard me. Good.

  Can you hear me? I asked.

  Zack grinned. Very good, Grasshopper.

  Rumors are already starting that we’re together. If we keep talking like this, people will think we’re making eyes at each other. I snickered inwardly.

  You don’t need eye contact to mind talk.

  I focused on the other end of the room.

  I don’t care what people think, do you? He threw a balled-up napkin at me. I say we give them something to talk about.

  John leaned over and whispered into my ear. “He’s so into you.”

  Knowing Zack heard that, I laughed and elbowed John. I’d missed him.

  † † †

  After school, Zack dropped me off at his house and stayed parked at the curb until I went inside. The place appeared deserted, but I heard distant noises, like kids playing in the backyard.

  Something delicious tickled my nose. I followed the scent of garlic to the oven and peered in at the casserole. It reminded me that I needed food at home. If I left now, I’d have the groceries put away and maybe have time for homework before Zack got back.

  Since his family didn’t know I’d arrived, they wouldn’t miss me if I snuck out. I sprinted to my house, stopping in front of the Taurus. Zack had my new car, which meant I’d have to drive the old nasty one. So wrong.

  Inside my house, Zack’s scent rushed me. It was strong enough to make me wonder for a split second if he was there. If my parents came home, and if they were shape-shifters, they’d smell Zack all over the place. Not only would they ground me the rest of my life for having a boy overnight, but they’d forbid me to hang out with a werewolf. I shouldn’t take any chances.

  I gave the place a quick scrub, wiping down the sofa where he’d probably been sweating, as well as the kitchen countertops and table. Then I made my shopping list, thankful I hadn’t spent all the money my parents had wired.

  An hour later, car loaded with groceries, I neared my house. As the lawn came into view, I noticed an unfamiliar car sitting in our driveway. I parked and cautiously approached the front porch. A shadow appeared beyond the screen door just before it opened.


  “Dad!” I leaped into his arms and he swung me around, laughing. When my feet touched ground again, I hugged my mom fiercely. “I’m so glad you’re back. I’ve missed you guys.” I hadn’t realized how much.

  My mom released me, but kept my hand. “We missed you, too.”

  Dad scanned the immediate area, his eyes landing on the Taurus. “Where’s that new car you emailed us about?”

  Uh-oh. I couldn’t tell them that Zack had my car or about the whole Daniel situation. Why make them worry? Zack and I were officially going nowhere and, besides, I had everything under control.

  “The mechanic has it.” Which was the truth. “You’ll see it tomorrow. I thought you were staying in Arizona a few more days. Why didn’t you tell me you were coming back?”

  “It’s all good,” my mom said, squeezing my hand. “Your father heard from one of the other jobs. They’re in a bigger hurry than we thought and the pay is substantial enough to make us speed things up. It’s a small job in Montana, so we thought we’d go there and come back in a couple weeks.”

  “You’re both going?” Without being blackmailed into it?

  “Is something wrong? You sounded happy in the emails, so we thought you’d like a little more alone time.” She studied my face and pressed a warm palm to my cheek.

  I smiled. “I really missed you guys.”

  “Everything going okay?” my dad asked.

  “School is still tolerable and I have a new car. Couldn’t be better.” And it was all the truth. So long as I had Zack in my life, I knew everything would be fine.

  “You think you can do without us for a couple more weeks?” he asked. “It might end up being a little longer, but not by much. If it’s a problem, your mother can stay.”

  I missed my mom and her cooking, but Zack’s aunt’s cooking kicked ass too. Plus, I still needed to learn to morph and if they were human, I couldn’t have them around while I practiced. If they were shifters… Since they weren’t grilling me at the moment, they probably had no clue a werewolf had been in their house.

  If only I could ask them what they were.

  “I’ll be fine,” I assured them. “I’m glad you guys will be together. When you’re not working, you can sightsee in Montana together. Like an extended vacation.”

  Mom pulled me close. “That’s what we thought. But did you want to come?”

  As much as I’d love to be with them, no way was I leaving. “Prom is coming soon. Last year I missed it, because Dad got a job and we moved.”

  Now that I thought about it, why was prom so important when I didn’t have a date? I couldn’t imagine Zack taking me. Even for pretend. It would be far too personal for him — and too much like a real date. But what if his feelings changed up the road and he asked me?

  “You can stay.” Dad ruffled my hair. I loved his playfulness, but not that particular gesture.

  “How soon are you leaving?” I asked.

  Mom checked her watch. “In about forty-five minutes.”

  “Seriously?” My mouth dropped open. “You’re not even spending the night?”

  Dad shook his head. “They’d like me on the job tomorrow.”

  I glanced from one to the other, unable to squeak out a response.

  Mom slung an arm around my shoulder. “Look at it this way. The sooner we leave, the sooner we come back. And since we already have a rental,” she nodded toward the car in the driveway, “you don’t have to drive us to the airport. Let’s go inside.”

  “Wait. I have to put away the groceries.”

  “Which reminds me, we made another deposit into your account for food or whatever else comes up,” she said.

  “But I still have money left over from the car.”

  Dad held the door open for me. “We trust you to manage it wisely. I’ll get the bags out of the car.”

  “Okay.” Who were these people? Why such generosity now when before I had to pay back every penny or stay grounded? Why weren’t they worrying and fussing over me? Why weren’t they interrogating me on my friends and whether I’d seen any weirdoes lurking in the bushes? They’d done a complete one-eighty. Not that I minded. It was just very, very strange.

  My dad lightened the Taurus’ load, then my mom began putting the food away.

  “I can do that,” I told her.

  She waved me away. “I want to see if you’re still eating healthy.”

  Good. They hadn’t been taken over by the pod people after all. No way would I mention the hamburgers.

  My mom quickly went through the bags, eyeing the contents with approval. I folded each one as she emptied it. “You bought a ton of stuff. Feeding an army?”

  Only Zack, one meal a day, which made up for the meal I had at his house. “I don’t want to go shopping again anytime soon, so I got enough to last a while.”

  “That’s my girl.” Mom smiled, her eyes twinkling as she closed the fridge door.

  They brought out a couple more suitcases from the attic and filled them up, then collected last-minute items. I glanced at the time on my cell, knowing Zack would be home soon. When he discovered I wasn’t there, he’d come looking for me.

  If my mom and dad were shape-shifters, a werewolf’s presence would stress them out. If they were merely human, an unknown guy coming to the house while they were supposed to be away might put them on alert. They might even cancel their trip.

  I went inside to text Zack, telling him about my parents and not to come over. Dashing back outside, I sat on the front porch as they loaded up. Dad tossed a bag in the trunk before scanning the vicinity. My mom mimicked the move. It was strange the way they kept tabs on everything around them. It reminded me of how Zack always looked around to make sure danger wasn’t lurking.

  I approached them at the curb. “Is something wrong?”

  “Why would you ask that?” She smiled in that way that told me I was her everything.

  Suddenly, it all seemed right again. “I don’t know. Just checking.”

  “Don’t worry. We’ll have a productive trip and be back soon,” my dad assured me.

  They finished loading and closed the trunk while I hovered. We did a three-way hug and they drove away. I waved until I couldn’t see their car anymore.

  Alone again.

  Finding my phone, I texted Zack and gave him the all clear. He replied right away telling me to stay put, make sure the doors were locked and he’d be there in a few minutes. But I was fine. It was still light outside. Daniel wouldn’t make an appearance knowing I had protection. Would he?

  While I waited for Zack, I checked my email, then scribbled out a check for the bill Timothy had emailed for Zack’s time.

  True to his word, Zack drove up moments later and honked. I ran outside and he flicked a thumb toward the passenger side. “Get in,” he said. “We’re going to my house for dinner.”

  “And we can’t walk one block?” I raised one brow.

  “While we’re there, I can pick up more of my things. Easier to drive my stuff back than carry it.”

  I hopped in. “Fine, but on the way back, I get to drive. Tomorrow too.”

  “Sure, it’s your car. What’s the deal with your parents?”

  “Just stopping by between jobs. Dad thinks it’ll take two weeks, then they’ll be back. I don’t know whether to be relieved or concerned. It’s so unlike them not to drag me along.”

  “From what you say, they’ve never had any real time alone together. Maybe they realize it’s not such a bad thing.”

  “You’re probably right,” I said.

  At Zack’s house, the smell of garlic and basil and other spices greeted me. I wondered what surprises waited for me in that casserole I’d peeked at earlier. “What’s for dinner?”

  “Smells like baked ziti. You’re in for a treat. God, I love my Aunt Cara.” He grinned.

  Zack was right. It was delicious. After we ate and I helped him clean up, we did our homework. When we’d finished, we visited his
mom. A few minutes later, he left me alone with her while he gathered more of his things.

  “How are you and Zack getting along?” she asked.

  “Fine. But—” I held her hand between mine, about to tell her that we didn’t want to start something we weren’t going to finish. But I couldn’t do it. “We’re taking things slow.”

  “You’re such a nice girl. I’m glad he found you.” She smiled sweetly and I ached for Zack, because this beautiful, wonderful woman would be leaving him soon. I barely knew her and my heart felt heavy as I contemplated her fate. Zack’s fate too. He had to feel a hundred times worse than me and would miss her a thousand times more.

  He came in, kissed her on the cheek and tucked the blanket around her. “Goodnight, Mom.”

  When I got into the driver’s side of the Mustang, I saw a duffle bag and a box filled with tattered books and yellowed papers. “What’s that stuff?”

  He threw a quick glance into the back seat. “The books my dad left for me. You need to read them. They’ll explain things a lot better than I could.”

  Good. It would occupy my mind. Then maybe I wouldn’t notice I was alone in a house with a gorgeous guy who’d already demonstrated his attraction for me, in the yummiest possible way. Was there anything in the world more tempting than that? I didn’t think so.

  Back home, I curled up on the sofa with a blanket wrapped around me to ward off the frigid temperature of the living room. I’d turned down the air conditioner earlier, so Zack wouldn’t sweat on the furniture. I didn’t want any more of his scent permeating the house in case my parents returned unexpectedly, as they were prone to do.

  But it might be a good idea to turn it back up before I went to bed or my room might be too cold for me to sleep. The last thing I needed was to be up all night, with nothing to think about but the scantily dressed boy on my sofa.

  Zack sat in the recliner rereading one of his dad’s books. I’d snagged an old, crinkled letter that his dad had written to him years ago. I unfolded the yellowing papers and turned toward the light of the lamp.

  Lucio Gavino De Luca told how he’d grown up human, his lack of propriety and complete disregard for others, how he’d been turned into a werewolf and eventually worked for the king as a scout. But the indulgence and decadence had grown old. The abundance of willing women became meaningless and he wanted more from life.


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