Beautifully Unnatural: A Young Adult Paranormal Boxed Set

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Beautifully Unnatural: A Young Adult Paranormal Boxed Set Page 88

by Amy Miles

  “You think I’m doing this for cheerleading?” She turned to Sammy, her expression exasperated. “You’re right. Your brother is dense.”

  Sammy giggled.

  Gabby squeezed his hand, urging him to look at her. “I came up with that crazy plan so you might actually decide you want to spend more than five minutes with me again.”

  Confused, Alexander’s gaze flew between the two of them.

  “You idiot.” She dropped his hand and threw her arms into the air. “I can’t date a person who can fly if I’m scared of heights, now can I?”

  Alexander gaped at her for a moment. “I’m not a person.” He wanted to hold on to the hope she still wanted him, but knew it was useless.

  “You are a person. You may not have been born on Earth, but you feel, and think, and love, just like any person I know.”

  “You deserve better. A human and an angel won’t work.”

  “Who says?”

  “It’s always been forbidden for an angel to become involved with a human.” he said.

  The memory of an all too familiar connection with that rule made him shudder. He fisted his hands at the image of being sentenced after he attacked the angel that blasted false accusations about Sammy.

  “Newsflash,” Gabby said impatiently, “I don’t need you to guard me. Now that I know the truth, I can take care of myself. I wouldn’t want you guarding me anyway.”

  “You wouldn’t?”

  “No, I want you to be my boyfriend. I don’t need protection.” She took his hand again. “I just need you.”

  Alexander noticed Sammy slinking off with a look of accomplishment on her face. “By the way,” she called over her shoulder, “he isn’t even a guardian angel. He’s a healer.” She darted over the dunes and into the woods.

  “There is just one thing.” Gabby stared him down and Alexander held his breath. This was what he was waiting for. She couldn’t possibly want him now. “You have to tell me everything. No more secrets. I want to be with you, but not if it’s based on lies. For the first time in my life, I don’t feel crazy.”

  “You see me turn into a fallen angel and you don’t think you’re crazy?”

  “I’ve known for almost a year now that other creatures beyond what we believe to be on Earth are around us. Now, I have proof.” She fisted her hands on her hips. “For the first time in over a year, I know I’m not crazy. Now, out with it.”

  His teeth clenched so tight his jaw popped. “All of it?” When she nodded, he groaned inwardly. No way could she handle the entire ugly truth. “I don’t know that you would want to hear all of it. There’re things that no human should know.”

  “Trust me, I can take it.”

  Man, where to begin? He’d have to tell her about the demons and how he fell from Heaven. Everything, even the fact he’d killed her mother. A wave of nervous energy swept through his body. She’d never want to be with him after hearing that.

  He stared past her, out at the gently rolling waves. Maybe this would be best for both of them. He knew he wouldn’t be strong enough to stay away from her on his own. If he told her everything, she’d hate him, possibly even be terrified of him and would keep her distance. Sorrow threatened to consume his human heart but he’d learned how to suppress the emotion since his fall.

  “You sure you want to know?” he asked, futilely hoping she’d change her mind.

  “Yes.” Gabby pulled on his hand as she sat down, guiding him to her side on the soft sand.

  Her silky skin and pale-blue eyes, full of innocence and hope, distracted him. She was everything he yearned to be again, but at what price. He didn’t want to spoil the pureness of her heart, ever, and knew that telling her the truth about her mother’s death was the one way to guarantee she’d want him as far away as possible. Now that he knew her, he couldn’t let her go.

  He took a deep breath. The waves crashed and the sea birds called overhead as he began. “There have always been angels and demons. The kind that most religious books speak about, but I don’t know much about fallen angels except they’ve done something to offend the rules of Heaven. I broke a rule when I spoke out to defend Sammy. That’s why I’m here.”

  “So, you fell from Heaven because you were protecting Sammy? That doesn’t seem fair.” Gabby’s look of shock and disgust at the news surprised him, and his heart pumped a little faster with hope.

  “You have to understand. Sammy was accused of becoming involved with the human she guarded. This is strictly forbidden. When I found out Appius, a fellow angel, filed formal charges, I became angry. Angels do not know anger. Anger is a human trait. Yet, when Appius informed the council presiding over Sammy’s case, I became outraged and threatened him.”

  “But you were trying to protect Sammy.”

  “It didn’t matter. I was found guilty of acting in a manner unbecoming of an angel and sentenced to live earthbound. Appius informed me that Sammy was found innocent of all charges but, due to my behavior, we were both sentenced. Angels are held to a standard higher than humans. We are divine and cannot falter or sin. You see, she fell because of me.” He the muscles in his back and neck tighten at his confession. It was the first time he’d ever told the story aloud. Sammy had the honors of telling Grace when they arrived.

  “I’m sorry.” Gabby wrapped her arms around him, but he pushed her gently away.

  “There’s more.” He took a deep breath and continued. “There are things in this world that a human shouldn’t experience. Demons live among humans. They prey on the weak and isolated. You were targeted by a demon.”

  She stared at him, her eyes growing wide at the realization. “The ocean. I wasn’t trapped in weeds, was I?”

  “No.” His shoulders tensed at the memory of Forras torturing her, his long arms coiling around her thin body, pulling her deeper and deeper.

  “You saved me from a demon?”

  “Yes, and no. He was toying with you and baiting me for a fight. Once I jumped in, he marked you. You see he wants to torture you and eventually cause us both to turn to his ways. Demons long to have everyone fall with them. It’s Satan’s plan to fight for as many souls as he can, demons are his tool to accomplish his mission.” Alexander watched her, waiting for a hysterical outburst, but none came. “I don’t understand. You should be freaking out. I just told you there are evil creatures hunting you, and you seem perfectly fine with it.”

  “I don’t know that I’m fine, but somehow I’m not surprised. I think I already knew demons were after me.”

  “How? How could you have possibly known that demons are hunting you?”

  Gabby’s bravery amazed him. Never had he witnessed a human so calm, especially in the face of evil. Not a single worry line marred her perfect face.

  Gabby paused for a moment. “You’re going to think I’m crazy.”

  “Me? I just told you about fallen angels and demons. I don’t think it can get more insane than that.”

  “You’d be surprised.” She straightened her frame and pushed her shoulders back. “You know how I love art?”

  He nodded. He’d seen her draw and knew it was a connection with her mother. Her mother. He still had to tell her about his part in her mother’s death. The ocean breeze picked up, rustling his hair, as if in warning to tread lightly.

  “I also have some crazy dreams,” she said.

  “Yes, but the demons cause those. That’s why I tried to watch over you at night.”

  “That was you? I mean, the nights I slept without having nightmares. You were there?” She stared at him in amazement.

  “Yes.” He averted his gaze for a moment. “I stayed in the tree outside your bedroom window.”

  Gabby brushed the sand from her knee. “Anyway, the dreams I have leave me tired and jumpy, but also inspired to draw.”

  “Why is that crazy?”

  Gabby hesitated, digging her toes into the sand before continuing. “Because…I draw the future.”

  “Why do you think that?” A
lexander’s mind hummed with questions, but he forced himself to take it slow.

  “Twice now I’ve drawn things that eventually came true.”

  He watched her as she continued to bury her feet, her eyes flicking to his every few seconds, no doubt gauging his reaction. Could she honestly have some sort of ability to see the future? Such an ability was rare, even amongst angels. But if so, how did she, a human, come to possess it? Was it a gift from Heaven or…a curse from hell? Maybe when Forras had marked her, could he have somehow passed along the ability?

  An electric current of panic shot through him at the thought of her connection with the demon. “What things?” he asked.

  “It’s personal.”

  “More personal than my telling you about being a fallen angel?” When she didn’t look up, he continued. “I thought we were going to be honest with each other.” He had to know. If she had some sort of connection with Forras, it could be too late to save her.

  Oh, dear God! No.

  She took a deep breath. “I came down stairs the other night and found my dad drunk, passed out on a sofa, with a bloody shirt.”

  “I’m sorry.” Alexander’s heart tightened at the thought of what she must be feeling. “But what—”

  “It was the exact same scene I drew in a picture eight months ago, right down to the empty bottle of booze on the floor.”

  Eight months ago? Then it couldn’t be Forras.

  He released a long breath, and his blood started to move again. “You said there were two times.” Alexander saw the terror painted in Gabby’s eyes and he wanted to gather her into his arms. Fearing he might never let her go again if he did, he clasped her hands instead.

  How could she face demons and not shed a tear yet just speaking about this made her tremble?

  “I told Sammy the visions started after the car accident that killed my mother, but that isn’t technically true. I drew one before that, a picture of my mother lying next to a mangled car.” She shuddered. “I drew my mother’s death a year before it happened.”

  Unable to resist her sorrow-filled gaze any longer, Alexander took her in his arms and held her for a moment. His heart broke as her body shook in his embrace.

  I caused your mother’s death.

  He repeated it over and over in his head, but couldn’t bring himself to say it aloud. He gulped, trying to swallow the boulder sized lump in his throat. Why couldn’t he just say it? But if he confessed, she’d never forgive him.

  Holding her head against his shoulder, he breathed in the smell of her apple-scented hair. Kissing the top of her head, he whispered, “I’m sorry.”

  Patronus, who’d been chasing seagulls up and down the beach, suddenly turned and ran toward them, barking fiercely.

  “Patronus, stop. It’s just Alex.” Gabby stood up and reached for the dog’s collar.

  “No, this is good,” Alexander said as he closed his eyes and inhaled deeply.


  He looked up at her. “Patronus is protecting you. I started to get…well, I…”

  “Oh.” Gabby glanced away as her face flushed.

  Alexander climbed to his feet to stand next to her. “Well, I guess we worked out our issue about being alone together. Anytime I get too worked up, Patronus will set me straight.”

  Her flush deepened, spreading up to the tips of her ears. “Is that why you got him for me?”

  “He’s your protector,” he said softly. “If a demon is anywhere near you, he’ll bark. Now that you’ve been marked by Forras other demons will know you’re an easier target.”

  She looked down at his bare feet then back at him. “Forras. He went nuts when Forras came near me in the woods. Is he the only demon around here?”

  “No. Half the players on the football team are demons. That’s why I didn’t want you anywhere near them. And why I didn’t want you walking through the woods alone. You have to be careful. Take Patronus with you everywhere you go.”

  “What about Sammy and cheerleading? It doesn’t seem safe for either of us to be at practice with demons so close by.”

  “You’ll be safe. They won’t try anything in public and they wouldn’t challenge Sammy. They’re a bunch of cowards. That’s why she joined cheerleading, to try to protect people from them.” Alexander stroked her cheek and kissed her forehead. “You’re amazing. I can’t believe you’re taking this so well.”

  “I know it sounds strange but I’m just happy not to be insane. I feel like I have a purpose now or something.” She leaned into him. “I think I can handle just about anything. Anything but you lying to me.” Looking up at him pleadingly, she said, “Please, now that I know everything, you can be honest with me. I don’t care how bad or evil it is, just tell me. I’m sick of secrets in my life.”

  Alexander felt a knot rise in his throat. Somehow, he had to tell her the truth about what happened a year ago, eventually. “I promise.”


  Gabby’s head swarmed as she tried to process everything Alexander had told her about angels and Heaven. How he’d appeared different in his angel form when he saved her that afternoon opposed to when he’d carried her out of the woods. There were so many new questions haunting her. How did his wings feel? Was there a chance that he’d have to leave her and return to Heaven one day?

  Too many questions.

  Gabby sat on the floor, petting Patronus’ belly and flipping through her drawings as she waited for her father to return. She couldn’t believe she’d shared her secret with Alexander. And surprisingly, the familiar anxiety that would have nearly killed her six months ago barely made a ripple. Not a glimmer of haunting sadness, dark all-consuming grief, or sting of fear took over, only the feeling of a healing scab turning into a scar. She was in control and with no medicine. For the first time in over a year, life gave her a purpose and hope.

  She continued to skim through the sketches but they all looked the same, showing abstract views of things yet to come. Something was missing, though. She could feel it.

  The dark swirls with strange animal-like features were obviously demons. Large puffy white wings shrouded in gold and pale blues represented angels, yet all the pictures had a common element. No faces, no marks of any kind that would clue her in to whom the images were of.

  She held one in her hand for a while, following the strokes on the page with her fingers. Dark merged with light in a sea of color, spinning like a tornado in what looked like an alleyway. Something about the scene nagged at her, as though the picture had a significance she couldn’t make out, but what?

  Around two in the morning, Patronus lifted his head. A minute later, she heard the tires of her father’s car crunching down the gravel driveway. The door clicked then slammed shut and the sound of shuffling feet filled the silence. He’s drunk again.

  She crawled into bed and Patronus jumped up to join her, settling at her feet. For the first time, she welcomed the dreams, hoping they might reveal something, anything that could help save her father, protect them from Forras, or show her if she’d lose Alexander to Heaven.

  Chapter Ten

  Gabby tiptoed down the stairs, avoiding the third step so as not to wake her father with its inevitable creaking. Attaching the leash to Patronus’ collar, she opened the front door a few inches, just until it began to squeak, and squeezed through.

  A cool breeze was coming in from the ocean, making it almost a pleasant temperature. Almost.

  Heading down the path leading into the woods, Patronus stopped, looked around then darted forward, yanking Gabby along with him. “Patronus, wait. Slow down.”

  He dragged her to a clearing where she discovered Sammy sitting on a fallen tree trunk. Her friend’s arms were wrapped around some guy, their lips locked in a passionate kiss. The kind of kiss she longed to share with Alex.

  Not wanting to disturb them, Gabby tried to pull Patronus away quietly, but he tugged the leash from her hand. Prancing up to Sammy, he happily rubbed against her leg.

; Startled, the guy jumped up, his eyes bright with fear. Recognizing him as the smaller boy from the group she’d met on the beach, Boon, Gabby turned to see what had spooked him, but nothing was there.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt. Patronus, here, has a mind of his own.” Gabby patted the dog on his head then grabbed his leash.

  “Oh, uh, it’s okay. We were just talking,” Sammy said, fidgeting with the hem of her hot pink mini-skirt.

  “Looked like more than just talking, if you ask me,” Gabby teased.

  “You can’t say anything,” Sammy said, her expression suddenly serious. “I mean, to Alex.” She grasped Gabby’s arm, her eyes wide. “Please, Gabby.”

  “Well, okay, but why don’t you want Alex to know? Is he really that over-protective?”

  “It’s not that.” Boon stepped closer. “I’m not good enough for Sammy.”

  “Don’t say that.” Sammy let go of Gabby’s arm and leaned into Boon. “He just doesn’t understand you’re nothing like them.”

  “Like who?”

  Sammy and Boon looked at her as if she’d just missed the punch line of a joke.

  Boon…Alex…friends…football. “Oh!”

  “I think she gets it, Sammy,” Boon said, crouching down to pet Patronus.

  She watched Patronus relish the attention, rolling onto his back to allow Boon access to his belly. “But I don’t understand. I thought Patronus protected me from demons. If you’re a—”

  “He protects you from harm,” Sammy interrupted. “Boon isn’t a threat to you. He isn’t a threat to anyone.” Sammy crouched down next to Boon and looked at him with so much compassion and love, Gabby felt a spike of jealousy. She longed to have Alexander look at her like that. To be a real couple.

  “Gabby, please. Just promise me you won’t tell.”

  She’d just made Alexander promise to tell her everything. How could she lie to him now?

  “Please, Gabby,” Sammy pleaded.

  “If asked, I won’t lie. But I won’t volunteer anything either.” She placed her hands on her hips. “That’s the best I can do.” Having friends definitely complicated things.


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