Beautifully Unnatural: A Young Adult Paranormal Boxed Set

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Beautifully Unnatural: A Young Adult Paranormal Boxed Set Page 97

by Amy Miles

  They landed, sand flying up around them from the beach. He released her and ran for the front steps, but Grace intercepted him.

  “There might be a chance to save Sammy’s wing but there’s not much time.” Grace sounded breathless, her hair tussled about.

  “Can I see her?” Alexander stepped around her.

  “I need you to hurry. You’re the only one who can get what I need in time. So please, make the visit short.”

  Boon came out the front door, his expression grim, eyes vacant. “I’m sorry…I-I tried—” He choked, unable to get the words out.

  Grace turned to him. “We know you did everything you could. Right now, we need to focus on what we talked about. Take Alexander and explain on the way. There’s no time to waste.”

  “How much time do we have?” Alexander asked.

  “A day, maybe two. I’ve been able to stop the spread of decay, but I can’t heal the damage already caused, at least not without some help.”

  “I’ll do anything.” Alexander turned to Boon. “Please, just help Sammy. Let me see her then we’ll go.”

  Gabby stepped up onto the porch. “Is there anything I can do?”

  “No, child. You can’t go inside. Her powers are too unstable.”

  “I have to go, Gabby.” Alexander kissed her cheek.

  She closed her eyes and lifted her chin for one more kiss before he disappeared inside the house, but all that greeted her face was the cool breeze off the water. She opened her eyes. The front porch was empty and the door stood ajar. Her heart ached to touch him again.

  For the first time, she envied Alexander’s powers. If she could fly or heal, she’d be of some use to them.


  “Just tell me where to go,” Alexander said.

  “No, I have to take you to him.” Boon followed him up the stairs to Sammy’s room.

  “Him?” Alexander lunged up the last several steps, anxious to be by his sister’s side.

  “Yes. His name is Herak. He lives in a remote region of the Pindus mountain range in northern Greece. I’ll take you to an isolated area of the mountain where he lives. After that, don’t worry. He’ll find you.”

  “You need to tell me how to get there. I can’t carry you all that way. We’ll waste too much time.”

  Boon shook his head. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll keep up.”

  What was this demon playing?

  Alexander gave him a dubious look as they entered Sammy’s room. She lay unconscious, with one wing bandaged. Alexander knelt next to the bed and stroked her silky hair. She looked so frail and unnatural in the half-human, half-angel form.

  “Hold on, Sammy. I’ll be back as soon as I can with a cure.” Alexander closed his eyes, willing her to heal. If only his powers were fully restored, he’d be able to save her. Someday, he’d possess his full strength again and be able to protect everyone he loved. He’d never have to watch any of them suffer again.

  He squeezed her hand, his eyes burning from the sour stench of decay. He was thankful a bandage covered the wound; he didn’t want to see it. She was his constant in this earthbound life, and from his previous life as well. He fisted the sheet by her side. “It should have been me,” he choked out before rising. “I won’t fail you.”

  “There’s no time to waste.” Boon grabbed a black bag Grace handed him, and pulled Alexander from the room. They rushed down the stairs and out the front door, heading for the beach.

  “Now what? You going to swim all the way to Greece?”

  “Don’t worry about me. Just try to keep up,” Boon retorted.

  “Keep up?” Alexander scoffed at Boon’s arrogance. Typical, cocky demon. He’d probably hitch a ride on Alexander’s wing the moment he lifted from the ground.

  Boon’s small frame twisted and turned, bones cracking, skin stretching. His face elongated and changed into a large nostril-flaring beast. No horns protruded from his head, but veins and muscles bulged under dark leathery skin. His clothes shredded and fell to the ground. By the time his transformation was complete, he stood over seven feet tall.

  “W-what are you?” Alexander stammered.

  Tremendous bat-like wings unfurled and spread to over seven feet in length. “Try to keep up,” Boon taunted as he shot into the sky.

  Alexander stood on the beach speechless. What kind of demon had wings? He looked more like a gargoyle than a creature from the underworld, but did gargoyles even exist?

  Boon darted back out of the clouds. “Snap out of it, Alexander. And get moving.” The oversized gargoyle-like creature vanished into the clouds again. This time Alexander followed.

  He flew faster and harder than he ever dreamed possible and still struggled to keep Boon in his sights. They covered half an ocean before an hour passed.

  The sky darkened as they approached the European continent, making the trip seem doomed. Alexander was determined to find this Herak guy before the sky became pitch black. Would this man even venture out in the night to find him? He should have asked more questions, made Grace provide more details.

  They landed in a rocky area surrounded by scrubby trees. Sandy paths, wrapped around old, rotting trees between boulders. Not only did it look deserted, it felt deserted. Alexander’s senses should have been able to notice something, an animal, or even an insect. There was nothing, not a sound, or a smell. Not even the trees swayed from a coastal wind.

  Something was wrong. This place felt unnatural. Too quiet, too remote. Why would anyone live here?

  Alexander turned to find Boon back in his human form, dressed in a pair of jeans and pulling a shirt out of the small bag. Why didn’t he just take off the clothes he had on before he turned into an overgrown black raven, instead of shredding them? Probably to show off.

  “What is this place?” Alexander asked.

  “Follow the grassy path down the hill. Herak will find you.”

  “That’s it? You’re just dumping me here?” He was seriously questioning his judgment for trusting this demon. “If you know where this Herak fellow is, go talk to him. There’s no time for games. Just get what we came for,” Alexander insisted.

  “I cannot,” Boon said.

  Alexander shot him a look of disdain then started down the grassy path. When he looked back, Boon had vanished. That demon was grating on his nerves.

  Alexander climbed down the hill until the path ended then paced around the area, waiting for someone who may or may not show up. He walked from tree to tree, then up to the rocky ridge, but still there was no sign of anyone.

  “Herak?” he called out into the night. No response. Should he fly back and try to find Boon? He didn’t even know where Boon went and with his senses so askew he didn’t have a prayer of finding him.

  “Herak!” he yelled. “We need your help. Grace sent me. Please, my sister will die.” He picked up a rock and threw it into the surrounding darkness but no sound came when it landed.

  “Calm yourself. You almost caused an old man to fall off the ridge.”

  Following the sound of the voice, Alexander spotted an old gray-haired man leaning on a wooden stick, holding a rock in his hand. “Who are you?”

  “I’m the one you seek,” the old man replied.

  “I’m looking for a man that will help heal my sister. He’s supposed to have something that will stop the decay of her wing.”

  “How much wing has been lost?” The old man stepped forward.

  He should’ve inspected Sammy’s wing, but he couldn’t face the sight of her suffering. “I don’t know exactly, but it’s bad.” He ran a hand through his hair and sighed. “Are you Herak?”

  “So I have been told.”

  “Listen, I don’t have time for games. Can you help my sister or not?” Alexander shuffled in agitation, trying to alleviate the nervous energy surging through him.

  “Grace spoke of your impatience,” the old man said with a sigh. He took another slow step forward.

  At this rate, if they had to go any great d
istance to retrieve this cure, it would be too late by the time he returned home. “I have no time for patience.”

  “There is always time.”

  In a blink of an eye, the man skittered forward, straightening to tower over Alexander. He wasn’t crippled at all. Alexander winced. An angel, demon, he wasn’t sure, but whatever it was no human could move that fast. “Who or what are you?”

  “I see I have your attention.” Herak’s eyes shone red but his body stayed human. Grace must’ve been desperate if she needed help from a demon.

  “There are no demons on this mountain.”

  “But you—”

  “Yes, I know what you think. The disgust you felt the minute you believed me to be a demon. The judgment of my abilities when you first looked upon this body and the distrust of something you do not understand. Grace did not reveal everything to you but there is no cause for concern. I can help.”

  Alexander tried to ignore his ranting, dismissing it as senility. Hopefully, he was at least in control enough of his faculties to provide the treatment Sammy needed. “Is the treatment nearby?”

  “No,” Herak stated, providing no further information as he leaned on his cane.

  “Then we should get going. I could fly us there.”


  “But it would be quicker.”


  Alexander huffed. “Tell me how to expedite this so that I can return to my sister.”

  “You seem to misunderstand.” A devious smile played across Herak’s lips.

  Alexander’s body shivered. “What do you mean?”

  “You will not be returning to your sister.”

  A chill sent goose bumps erupting along his skin at the realization his angel form hadn’t tried to take over, even when he was startled by this man. No familiar tingle along his spine. Even when he’d thought about flying off to find Boon, something kept him firmly planted on the ground.

  “The only way to save your sister is to stay here with me,” Herak continued.

  What did Herak mean by that? He wasn’t going to stay. He had to get back to Sammy, to Gabby and Grace. The muscle in his thigh twitched but nothing else happened. “What’s going on?” Alexander’s voice cracked at the realization he was powerless.

  “You will stay with me. Come,” Herak said, gesturing for him to follow.

  No, he wouldn’t give up that easily. He lunged for Herak. Powers or no powers, Alexander would make him listen. But he was stopped mid-step, an invisible force holding him back.

  “Yes, Grace was right. There is great trouble around this one.”

  “I’m right here,” Alexander snapped. “Why are you speaking to yourself?” Clenching his fists, he concentrated on spreading his wings but only felt a burning sensation in his muscles.

  “Come, we have a long journey ahead. If you want to save your sister, I suggest you follow me before you exhaust yourself.”

  Exhaust himself? Angels didn’t tire like humans. Only when they overused their angelic abilities did it drain them, like when he and Sammy had carried Gabby back to her house.

  Yet, his leg started to shake under him from the strain of fighting the force that held him there. There was no other choice. Alexander couldn’t leave. He couldn’t fight. And he couldn’t convince Herak to help. All he could do was follow this old man through the darkness, in hopes of saving his sister and hopefully discovering a way out of there.

  Chapter Nineteen

  She tiptoed up the back porch steps and listened for her father, but the house stood quiet. With a deep breath to calm herself, she made her way through the back door and kitchen to her father’s bedroom.

  Hearing a sigh, she quietly eased the door open. Her dad sat on his bed, looking down at an unopened bottle of whiskey clutched in his hands. Her heart ached. How could he? He’d made so much progress. How could he just throw it away?

  Gabby shuffled away. She’d learned a long time ago that confrontation just drove him to drink more. She straightened, crossed the living room, then opened and slammed the front door. “Dad, I’m home!”

  The clank of the bottle hitting the floor, followed by faint curses, sounded from his room.

  “I’m in here, G-Bear.” His speech sounded clear, a good sign.

  Gabby stepped into his room and embraced him. A long hug. A pleading hug. She wanted to scream that he should stop. If not for himself, then for her. His only daughter.

  They stood there for a moment, neither speaking, until Gabby pulled away.

  He cleared his throat. “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah, Dad. Of course, everything’s great. How ‘bout you?” She didn’t look him in the eye. Secrets. Secrets always surrounded his drinking. But this time, she was keeping some herself.

  “I’m fine. Are you hungry? I can fix us something for dinner,” he offered.

  “No. I ate at Sammy and Grace’s. I’m tired. I think I’m going to head to my room, unless you need something.” Her heart squeezed tight, hoping he’d ask her to dispose of the bottle.

  “No.” His gaze flicked to the bed. “Actually, if you’re okay, I think I’ll go grab a bite out. Just take a drive and get some fresh air. I’ll be back in an hour.”

  While she was glad he’d be out of the house, away from the bottle so she could remove it, there was nothing to stop him from buying another one or going to a bar.

  “Do you need me to go with you? I mean…” Gabby heard the stress in her voice and tried to give a reassuring smile.

  “Am I goin’ to drink?” Bruce rubbed the back of his neck. “No. I’ll be fine. Thanks.” He walked over and planted a kiss on her forehead. “You get some rest. I’ll check in on you when I get home.” He paused at the threshold. “I missed you, G-Bear, but we’re goin’ to spend a lot more time together. You deserve better.” Without another word, he disappeared down the hallway.

  She remained where she was, listening for the click of the front door closing. Wind blew through the trees out back and she watched them sway outside the window.

  Alone again.

  She reached under the bed, retrieved the bottle of caramel liquid, and wondered if it would dull the pain like her father once said. She turned the cap and sniffed the strong, bitter, yet sweet aroma.

  No, it wasn’t the answer. Even if it dulled the pain and loneliness for a while, it would return eventually and bring a hangover with it. And worse, make her like her father.

  She poured the liquid down the bathroom drain and stuffed the empty bottle in the bottom of the trashcan.

  Achy and tired, she ascended the stairs to her room. Her art supplies still sat out on her desk, a reminder of her failed mission. She had to draw a picture that would help them. A diagram of what was to come, in time to prevent the outcome. It had to work. Why else would she have the gift? She had to try, before it was too late.


  “Where are we going?” Alexander slipped on another loose pebble.

  “I will take you where you need to go. There are many things in this world and other worlds you do not understand. If you want to save your sister, you will stay with me and you will discover how.” Herak didn’t look back as he spoke.

  “I’m trying to be patient,” Alexander shuffled. “I would follow you anywhere if it meant saving my sister, but please hurry. There isn’t much time.” All of this was his fault. Sammy wouldn’t be suffering if he had protected her. It was up to him to make it right, and he would.

  “What I will give you, time does not affect,” Herak stated.

  “What’s that supposed to mean? Why do you speak in riddles?”

  “Do I? If I spoke directly and clearly, would you comply? It seems to me the more you have to focus, the better you listen.”

  “Why do I feel like you’re playing with me, old man?” A strange sensation plagued Alexander that trouble waited just around the corner.

  “You will understand.” Herak lifted a large stone, as if it were a feather floating in the air, an
d held it out for Alexander.

  Alexander cradled it in his arms, the weight of the rock knocking him off balance. “What? Why is this so heavy?” Straining to take a step, he tried to balance his body weight against the rock.

  “Alexander, you have carried burdens heavier than that stone each day of your earthbound life.”

  Great. More riddles. “I can’t carry this for long. Where are we going?” Alexander could barely see Herak around the large rock.

  “If your burden is too heavy than cast it away.” Herak mimed tossing a rock over the cliff.

  Alexander tried to drop the rock but it wouldn’t leave his hands. Knees locked tight, he couldn’t kneel to the ground either. An unforeseen force held him in place, and the rock in his hands.

  “You are not ready to cast your burdens. You must continue to carry them.”

  Alexander wanted to protest but, like his immobile body, his lips were frozen shut. He had never felt so physically weak and vulnerable. The muscles around his lips shook in protest until he finally gave up. For the first time in his existence, he was forced to listen without argument.

  “We go there.” Herak pointed up the side of a cliff.

  Alexander swallowed hard. There was no way he could climb all that way, and he suspected Herak wouldn’t allow him to fly up there either, assuming he could get rid of the rock. It also wouldn’t surprise him if Herak could fly himself.

  Herak led the way up the hill to a small steep path along the side of a cliff. Alexander’s arms trembled from the weight of the rock and his legs threatened to buckle beneath him. As they neared the top, an opening between two boulders led to a dark cave with a few pieces of wooden furniture decorating the stark interior.

  “Here, sit, my young friend.” Herak gestured to a wooden bench. An old dusty, rust-colored cushion covered the top.

  Alexander collapsed onto the bench. How did humans live like this—without strength, or endurance? Never before had he been so grateful for his angel abilities, even the limited ones on Earth.

  The force that kept his mouth closed finally gave and he blurted, “Please, Herak. You have to help my sister. I beg you to give me what she needs. I promise to return and stay as long as you want.”


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