Playing the Field (Hot-Lanta Series)

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Playing the Field (Hot-Lanta Series) Page 6

by Quinn, Meghan

  Lucy grabbed a bottle of wine, turned on some soothing music and slipped into her bath tub. She needed to wash the day away and unwind. She had been so tense lately with her new job and dealing with Austin.

  Now that they were near each other again it was hard to keep her feelings in check. She knew Austin would never feel the same way she felt about him, she knew that. He always looked at her as a sister type figure and nothing more. He occasionally joked around about her being attractive and occasionally flirted but Lucy knew it was nothing serious. She knew Austin was just doing it to be nice. He fell for girls like Molly, not her.

  Lucy was emptying the rest of her bottle and feeling pretty good when her phone rang. Austin was calling. What did he want? He probably wanted to talk about how hot Molly was or how perfectly perfect and round Molly’s boobs were. Gag.

  “Hellloooooo.” Lucy said drawing out the word.

  “Hey Luce, what’s going on girl?” Austin said in a questioning tone.

  “Oh you know just lying in my tub, completely naked and drunk. What are you up to?”

  “Naked huh? That sounds pretty nice.”

  “You actually wouldn’t know Austin.” Lucy said snidely.

  “Hey, Lucy what’s wrong. Is something bothering you?” Austin sounded concerned.

  Thanks to the wine Lucy was feeling pretty feisty so she decided to not hold anything back.

  “I hear you made quite the ruckus the other night with that hooker of a girlfriend you have.”

  Austin was silent for a second. Lucy was about to hang up when Austin said, “You know Lucy, you don’t have to be rude. Molly is going through a rough time.”

  That was it Lucy could not take it anymore. She was sick of everyone defending Molly for what happened two years ago.

  “You’re fucking kidding me right now, please tell me you are. It has been two years, Austin. Two fucking years! She should be moving on with her life and accepting what happened, not using you purely for sex and pawning her daughter off onto Luke’s parents. She is irresponsible and frankly a bitch. Did you know she threatened me in the dressing room the other day? Of course not because that would require her to actually have a conversation with you, not just shoving your dick down her throat. She is always complaining about how the world is against her, she’s pathetic. I’m so tired of it and I’m tired of hearing about how she won’t commit to you when there are other people in the world who would love to commit to you Austin. Who would love to call you their boyfriend and show you off to the world but you are too fucking blind to see that.”

  Lucy was out of breath. She didn’t even want to hear his response so she hung up the phone, drained the tub, grabbed her short robe and made her way to the couch. She was not going to deal with Austin’s lame excuses about Molly any more. If he wanted to talk to someone about her he could find someone else. Lucy grabbed another bottle of wine and turned on her TV to her favorite channel; Turner Classic Movies. She didn’t care what was playing, she just needed some simplicity in her life.


  Austin sat on his couch stunned. Lucy had never talked to him with such hatred and vehemence in her voice.

  Frankly, he was a little insulted that she hung up on him and would not pick up his return calls. If she was not going to answer his phone calls then he was just going to go see her. He had known Lucy since high school and they never got in fights and he didn’t like how the feeling of them fighting was settling in his stomach. He felt uneasy about it and needed to solve whatever was going on between them.

  On the drive over to Lucy’s apartment, Austin thought about what Lucy said at the end of her rant. He was too blind to see other people around him? Was she talking about herself? Is that why she was so mad? She had a crush on him?

  He always thought she might have had a crush on him but not to the point where she would blow up on the phone. He thought it was an innocent little school girl crush. Maybe she was talking about someone else she knew. Then again, why would she be so passionate about someone else’s feelings for him? He was so confused.

  He got to Lucy’s apartment and let himself in, thank god she gave him a key. He walked into her apartment and instantly noticed the empty wine bottle on the counter. That could explain a few things. He looked around and saw Lucy on her couch with a glass of wine crying. What the hell?

  He walked toward her and she did not even glance at him when he sat right next to her. He put his hand on her leg and rubbed it gently in a friendly like manner. She looked up at him tears filling her eyes. He put his arms around her and brought her into a hug.

  “Shhh.” Austin said. “It’s ok, Luce.”

  “I…am…sorry.” Lucy said mid sobs. She gathered herself and continued, “I’m just having a rough week and Molly was really mean to me the other day. I wanted to tell you about it but I know you are on her side so I didn’t.”

  “Luce I’m not on anyone’s side and even if I was on a side I wouldn’t choose Molly over you, you’re my best friend.”

  “But you have already chosen her over me Austin…”

  She pulled herself away from him and looked into his eyes. She looked so beautiful how come he had never noticed it before? Maybe because she always hid behind those glasses of hers and frumpy clothes but now she was sitting in his arms, with just a thin silky robe on, no make-up and no glasses. She was breath taking, so fresh and real.

  He could not help himself he took her chin in his hand and lifted her mouth to his. Her bottom lip was trembling and he gently kissed it trying to help her calm down. She pulled her head away and looked at him in confusion.

  “What are you doing?” She asked.

  What was he doing? Austin had no clue what he was doing but all he knew was that he just had the slightest taste of Lucy and it by far was not enough. He needed more. He needed her whole body.

  “I don’t know Luce but what I do know is that I want you. I want you so bad right now.”

  Lucy stood up separating herself from Austin. Her robe peeked open and he saw the small swell of her breast poking through, barely covering where her nipple would be. Austin started to get hard so he got off the couch and moved closer to her. Lucy didn’t move which was good, he didn’t want her pulling away. He slid his hands up her arms and brought his hands to her face.

  She slowly put her hands on his waist and asked, “What’s happening Austin?”

  Austin didn’t say anything he just pulled her head closer so he could get another taste of Lucy. He slowly brought his lips to hers just in case she was going to pull back but she didn’t she met him half way and before he knew it they were kissing again. Their tongues danced around in each other’s mouths as their hands roamed their bodies. Austin could not believe what was happening. What had gotten into him?

  He saw Lucy on the couch looking gorgeous and natural and he could not help himself. This was his best friend, the person he relied on the most and he was kissing her. And damn if she was not giving him the best kisses he had ever received. Her lips were like magic sending him pleasure to places he didn’t know existed. He couldn’t imagine what else those magical lips could do.

  She grabbed the hem of his t-shirt and ripped it over his head. Her eyes widened in appreciation and Austin beamed with pride. What a turn on it was to see the satisfaction in her eyes while she was looking at his body. She grabbed his pants to unbuckle them and started kissing him again with those amazing lips of hers. He was wearing only his briefs now and clearly was ready to move from just kissing to more intense interactions.

  He grabbed her hand to pull her to the ground but when she refused he got nervous but was quickly reassured when she said in a husky voice, “This way.”

  She brought him to her bedroom and tossed him toward her bed. She walked over to the floor to ceiling window and opened the curtains slightly so the moon could shine through. His body started sinking into the down comforter she had on her bed and he noticed how extremely feminine and comfortable her bed was. It smell
ed like roses and felt extremely sexy. She walked over to him as he sat on the edge of her bed with his feet on the floor.

  She grabbed the knot of her robe and started to undo it. Austin waited in anticipation to see what was covered by the thin, silky fabric.

  This was it, once she took her robe off their entire friendship was going to be different. Did he want to jeopardize that? Was it worth losing Lucy over? Austin was just about to stop her when she released the knot and let the robe fly open and fall off her shoulders.

  Austin didn’t think he could breath. He had never seen anything more amazing. Lucy was tight in all the right places, her breasts were small but perky and begging for his hands to cup. How come he never noticed her before? God, she was perfect.

  “You’re beautiful Luce, God are you beautiful.”

  “You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for you to say that.” She said as she climbed onto this lap moving her hands up his chest.

  “God, where have you been this whole time? How come you never told me?”

  She kissed his chest and worked her way up to his neck. “You never would have done anything about it.

  “Oh yes I would have!” Austin said grabbing her and placing her on her bed as he fell on top of her. “How could I resist this? You’re amazing Lucy.” He looked down at her as she smiled brightly at him.

  She grabbed his briefs and started to pull them down while giving him a devilish grin. Oh yes, he made the right decision. He made the right decision indeed.


  Lucy woke up the next morning with muscular arms wrapped around her and something poking her in the back. What the hell? Then it hit her. She slept with Austin last night. Austin Lee called her beautiful and amazing. Her best friend and forever crush thought she was beautiful and he told her that he would always choose her over anyone else. Lucy melted into Austin’s embrace savoring every moment. She wondered what was going to happen to them, what this all meant. Were they going to start seeing each other?

  Austin rustled behind her and she went still she didn’t want this moment to end. The sun was shining down on them and she had the most glorious naked man in bed with her. She wanted this moment to last forever. Instead of pulling away like she feared, he nestled his face into the crook of her neck and smelled her hair.

  “Mmm, you smell so good. Last night I could not get enough of you. How are you feeling?”

  She backed her booty up so his erection was right against the crack of her butt. She heard a groan of pleasure come from Austin sending great satisfaction through her body.

  “I’m feeling great now. A little sore though. Apparently my body is not used to having sex with a guy like you.”

  “And what is that supposed to mean?” Austin asked while rubbing his thumb up and down her stomach. She couldn’t help but get turned on from such a small movement.

  “You’re a pretty big man in a lot of ways, bigger than I’ve ever experienced if you catch my drift.”

  Austin stopped moving his thumb and she wanted to scream in protest. He lifted his head off the pillow and looked down at her. “Jesus, I didn’t even think. I didn’t hurt you did I?”

  “No! Not at all.”

  He lied back down and started rubbing her stomach again.

  “Good, you scared me. I don’t ever want to hurt you.” He paused for a second and then added, “Luce, last night meant more to me than I think you’ll ever know.”

  Lucy was stunned for a second. What did he mean by that? Lucy was so confused she didn’t realize he slid his hand down to her pussy and started to massage her in all the right places. A strangled moan escaped her lips, she couldn’t help it. He did things to her she never experienced before. She was by no means a virgin and was experienced in sex with different types of men but she didn’t know if it was because Austin and she had an emotional connection but he was the best she had ever experienced. She didn’t know sex could be that good.

  “When you moan like that, it makes me want to plow right into you.”

  Lucy was breathing heavily slowly getting closer and closer to falling over the edge. “Why don’t you?” She said in between heavy breaths.

  “Because right now I’m going to watch you come and enjoy every last inch of it.”

  With that Austin slipped his fingers inside of her, making her throw her head back in pleasure. God, he was good. He knew exactly where to put his hands and how to make her scream. He kept sliding his fingers in and out of her while using his thumb to massage her nub. She could tell she was very wet because of how easily Austin slid his fingers in and out her.

  He turned her on her back as he continued to massage her and captured her mouth in his. That was all she needed. Every ounce of her body shook in pleasure as she screamed Austin’s name. He wouldn’t let up and pleasure kept rolling through her body to the point where she thought she might cry. She kept herself together and just let him take over her soul.

  When he finally stopped she felt him lightly kiss her on the lips and returned to holding her. She could not even move, her body was spent. What did he just do to her? She had never felt that good.

  She heard a phone ring in the distance but could care less who it was. It wasn’t until Austin let go of her did she realize it was his phone. He placed a kiss on her ear and slid out of bed. Lucy just laid there in ecstasy until she heard Austin talking on the phone.

  “Hey…no I left early for the gym this morning…wow that would have been nice…yea I can meet up later today…your place or mine…sounds good…bye babe.”

  Lucy sat straight up in her bed when she heard Austin say babe. Was he just talking to Molly on the phone? Did he really just make her come, then get out of bed to talk to that whore he was seeing, after everything they experienced in the last twelve hours?

  Lucy could not believe it. She quickly grabbed her robe and frantically wrapped it around her naked body before Austin came back into her room. She hopped out of bed as quickly as she could and ran to the bathroom closing the door.

  She was going to hyperventilate if she did not gain control of her breathing. Breathe in and breathe out she kept telling herself. This could not be happening, was he really going to see her tonight? She heard a knock on the door.

  “Lucy, you in there?”

  She felt herself starting to choke up, she couldn’t get any words out so she just mumbled a yes.

  “Is everything ok?”

  No everything was not ok! Everything was completely wrong. Anger rolled through her veins making her vision start to fade. She was furious, she no longer was going to be a push over, no she wanted answers and damn it she deserved them.

  She flung the door open and came face to face with the sexiest man she had seen. He threw his briefs and jeans on but left them undone. Shit. Focus Lucy.

  “No Austin, everything is not ok. Who were you just talking to and don’t you dare lie to me.”

  Austin’s hand was on the doorframe gripping tightly as he dropped his head and started shaking it.

  “It was Molly, wasn’t it?” Lucy continued. She didn’t need to wait for an answer his silence was all she needed. “You can leave now.” She pushed him aside gathering his shirt, wallet, keys and phone and chucked them at him. “Get out Austin.”

  “Are you even going to let me explain?” Austin asked looking pitiful.

  “Explain what Austin? What you and your ‘babe’ are going to do later tonight? I don’t care to know, thank you very much.”

  He went over to her grabbing her arms and pulling her into him. “You really think I would go and do something with her tonight?”

  She released herself and said, “Well I don’t know Austin, you just got done finger fucking me and answered your phone two seconds after I came. You tell me.”

  Austin was silent. Bastard! He was going to see her tonight and do whatever he wanted.

  “You are such a prick! I can’t believe I fell for you pathetic lines. Jesus, I’m such a moron.” Lucy mocked him.
“Oh Lucy you’re so beautiful, you’re so amazing. Fuck, I’m an idiot. Well congratulations Austin you got what you wanted you came here, got your jollies out of fucking your friend and now you can go back to Molly. Good luck with her, she seems like a real treat.”

  Lucy took off down her hallway and into her entryway. She opened the door and told him to get out.

  “Lucy I’m not leaving until we sort this through. I think there might be something here.”

  “There’s the problem Austin you think there is something and I knew there was last night. I’m done waiting. If you need to think anymore after last night then clearly you will never know. Get out. I don’t want to see you anymore.”

  Austin went to say something but she didn’t let him she pushed him out the door and slammed it shut making sure to lock the deadbolt. She slid down the door, falling to the floor and put her head in her hands while she cried hysterically.

  Chapter Five

  To: Patty

  From: Marc

  Subject: I’m back

  Patty Cakes,

  I’m back and I want to see you! Meet me at Café Lolo Saturday at eleven. I want to find out what this place is all about. Wear something athletic I feel like throwing around a Frisbee before we dive our faces into some of the finest baked goods in Atlanta and there is a park right across the street so it would be perfect.


  To: Marc

  From: Patty

  Subject: RE: I’m back


  That sounds good to me but don’t you have a game on Saturday?


  To: Patty

  From: Marc

  Subject: RE: RE: I’m back


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