Playing the Field (Hot-Lanta Series)

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Playing the Field (Hot-Lanta Series) Page 18

by Quinn, Meghan

  With that Molly shoved past Lucy making Lucy tumble back in her high heels and land on the floor. She couldn’t help but cry like a school girl who just got bullied. The door to the bathroom slammed shut and Patty went to Lucy to help her up.

  “Oh honey, are you ok?”

  Lucy assessed herself and realized the only thing that was hurting, was her heart. She had to get to Connor. There was no way she was going to let Molly fuck with her life again. She thought she hurt when she lost Austin but Lucy could not even imagine what it would feel like to lose Connor. He had become everything to her in such a short amount of time.

  Lucy got up, thanks to Patty’s help, brushed her dress off and dried her eyes with the toilet paper Patty handed her.

  “I can’t believe she threatened me. Do you really think she would steal Connor from me?” Lucy asked still trying to contain her crying.

  “I don’t know sweetie but like she said I would not test her. Just try to avoid her” Patty said in a low whisper. “She is kind of unpredictable these days.”

  Lucy agreed with Patty on that one. Lucy heard all the great stories about Molly and what a great friend and person she was but Lucy still had yet to see that side of Molly. All Lucy knew was Molly was a dangerous busty bitch on the loose with a libido that battled any pubescent boy. Lucy didn’t want to cross her, especially if she was threatening to take Connor away from her. She could not let that happen.


  Connor sat on the couch trying to stay awake. It was half past two in the morning and he was starting to get a little nervous that he had not heard from Lucy yet. He hoped she didn’t get too drunk that she passed out and forgot to come over. He was really looking forward to seeing her tonight, even if she just fell asleep in his arms, that was fine by him. He just wanted her near him.

  He had never felt this strongly about a woman before but Lucy was different, different than anyone he had ever met. She was beautiful even though she didn’t think so, sweet, funny and most of all he loved sparring with her. She had such a witty tongue it made time spent with her fun and exciting. Plus she had by far the most perfect ass he ever laid eyes on which always helps. He thought about her ass for a minute and found it ironic that when he first met her she was sitting down. He didn’t even know about her ass until later, which was an amazing surprise.

  He was startled from his thoughts when there was a knock at his door. His heart fluttered, finally she was here. He opened the door and instead of seeing his gorgeous girlfriend he found a blonde bombshell staring back at him.


  “Hey Connor, I know it’s late but can I come in?”

  Connor was hesitant, he knew Molly and Lucy didn’t get along but Molly was also the mother to his niece and in a weird way he still thought of her as his sister-in-law even though Luke never had a chance to marry her. He hesitantly held the door open for her and gestured for her to come in.

  “I’m sorry about dropping in on you like this but I didn’t know who else to talk to.”

  She was wearing by far the skimpiest dress he had ever seen and glittered everywhere. It was going to take months to get the glitter off his couch that she now occupied. She stretched her legs out on the couch and played with her hair. Connor couldn’t help but gulp.

  Luke definitely had good taste in woman. Even though Molly was insanely beautiful, he still thought his Lucy was more beautiful than her. Molly was more fake beautiful, whereas Lucy was a natural beauty.

  “Not a problem, what’s going on?” Connor asked sitting as far away as possible.

  She exhaled and then started to cry. Oh Jesus, he was not prepared for this.

  She waved her hand in the air as to say it was nothing but then she looked at him and said, “It’s just hard you know? Going through all this wedding stuff with Jane, it brings back memories and feelings I locked up two years ago.”

  Connor felt bad for Molly. He had the hardest time getting over his brother’s death but he also had his family to lean on, Molly seemed like she was doing it all by herself, plus she had to deal with the loss of Luke while pregnant. He couldn’t imagine the pain Molly endured trying to get over the loss of her fiancé.

  Connor tried the best he could to console her.

  “I know, I’m sorry Molly. I can’t imagine how you feel.”

  “I just wish more people understood me like you do.” She said while getting up and taking in his wall decorations. “You know what kind of loss it was. Luke was such an amazing guy, it’s hard to get over him. And then there are people talking about me behind my back saying how I’m a horrible person and how I should just get over it by now.”

  Outraged, Connor stood up and asked, “Who’s been saying that?”

  Molly worked her way over to him and looked at him with tear soaked eyes. “Your girlfriend.”

  “Lucy?” Connor asked baffled.

  “Yes, I overheard her talking to Patty in the bathroom. I don’t want you to be mad at her, everyone is entitled to their own opinion but it just hurts you know.”

  Connor could not believe Lucy was saying such hideous things about Molly. Molly had her problems but she deserved a break, she’d been through a lot.

  “Was she drunk when she said it?”

  Placing a hand on Connor’s chest she said, “It doesn’t really matter. I don’t want to start anything between you two. I just needed someone to talk to.” She shivered.

  “Are you cold?” he asked while rubbing her arms up and down.

  “Yea, I got the slut award tonight according to all the women. I guess I went a little far with the outfit. I’m just proud of the body I was able to retain after having a baby. No one really appreciated the dress though. Do you think it’s too much?”

  Connor could feel the heat coming off of Molly and he realized this was not a good situation. She was getting too close. He backed up a little trying to gain some space but she threw her arms around him and said, “Please Connor just hold me for a second. I had a rough night.”

  Connor held her for what seemed like forever. He needed to remove himself from her and get her out of his house.

  “You never said if this dress was too much. Do I look good in it? You can be honest. I didn’t know if my boobs looked too saggy.” She said while arching her back giving him a fantastic view of her ample cleavage.

  Connor ran his hand threw his hair and backed away.

  “Molly you look great but listen I’m with Lucy and it seems like you’re trying to get a little too close here. That would be weird since you were going to marry my brother.”

  Molly slapped him in the face. “How dare you! I just needed a friend to lean on and you accuse me of trying to come on to you? Sorry that I needed a little pick me up.” She started to storm off when he grabbed her arm.

  “Jesus, I’m sorry Molly. I didn’t mean to upset you. I know things have been rough for you but you’ve done an amazing job with Winnie, she is darling. You have a great body and any man would be lucky to have you. Things will get better I promise.” He wrapped her in his arms again and continued, “Just stay strong, things will turn around sooner or later. I promise.”

  “I hope so. Now can I borrow a shirt. I’m a little cold and don’t need people thinking I’m some kind of hooker paroling the streets tonight.”

  Connor chuckled and told her to grab whatever she wanted in his closet. While she was upstairs Connor checked his phone for the hundredth time hoping Lucy tried to contact him but still nothing.

  Molly came downstairs wearing one of his oxford button up shirts. It was entirely too big for her but she made it work.

  “Thank you, I feel much better.”

  “You’re welcome. Listen don’t be afraid…”

  He was unable to finish his sentence because a gasp came from the other direction. Standing in his entryway was Lucy wearing the most magnificent dress he had ever seen and mascara smeared down her cheeks.

  Chapter 11

  Marc could not believe this wa
s finally happening. Patty was in his arms and not in a friendly way. The yellow dress she wore tonight was fantastic on her, more than fantastic, absolutely amazing. It brought out all her beautiful features.

  He turned her in his arms so her back was toward him and started slowly kissing her neck from her ear down to her collarbone. He heard her release the sweetest moan he had ever heard and he felt himself get harder than he ever thought he could.

  He unzipped the back of her dress and let it fall to the ground. He touched her incredibly soft skin across her back as he continued to kiss her. As she turned in his arms, he noticed he was naked, when did that happen? He didn’t care to find out because he was ready to finally take her to bed.

  He encouraged her to take her bra off and as she reached behind her back the anticipation slowly killed him. The straps fell at a snail’s pace off her shoulders and she was just about to release the front when his phone started ringing.

  What the hell? He looked back down at Patty and she turned into a giant 90’s cellular phone that Zack Morris used to pull out of his locker. His phone rang even louder.

  “Shit.” He mumbled as he realized he was dreaming. His phone continued to ring. Fumbling around to shut the damn thing up he answered the phone with a groggy voice.


  Marc sat straight up. It was Patty. He looked at the clock on the nightstand and realized it was the wee hours of the next morning. Why was she still up?

  “Patty, are you ok?” Panic sunk into his heart. Why was she calling?

  “I’m sorry I called you, I know you have a game today.”

  “That’s ok,” he said rubbing his eyes. “Are you ok? Are you home right now?”

  “Yes, I’m lying in bed…naked.”

  Jesus! She was drunk.

  He didn’t expect to be able to go back to sleep now thanks to the image she just painted in his head. He had no clue how to respond to that comment, thank God she interrupted his thoughts.

  “I don’t know why I just told you that.” Her voice slurred a little. “What am I going to do Marc?”

  Confused he asked, “About what?”

  “I’m so horny Marc but I don’t want a guy to ever touch me because all they do is hurt me. They punch me and kick me and make me bleed.”

  Marc at first could not get past the fact that she announced how horny she was but then he realized what she was saying. She was afraid to get intimate with anyone because of the way her jackass ex treated her.

  “Patty, not all men are jerks like Gino. He was wrong for what he did to you and you deserve better. You deserve to be loved and cherished.”

  “Who would want me?” she asked mid sob. “No one wants to deal with a mess like me.”

  It took every ounce of self-control for Marc not to scream into the phone how much he would like to be the man that takes care of her, makes her feel loved and special. Even if he did she probably would not remember anything since she was so drunk.

  “Don’t sell yourself short Patty Cakes, you’re going to make some man very lucky one day.”

  “Why do you put up with me Marc? It’s not like I’m giving you any.”

  Whoa where did that come from? He did not want to be talking to drunk Patty right now. She was going to say something she was going to regret, so best thing to do was to coax her into going to sleep.

  “You’re my friend Patty and I care about you. I don’t put up with you. There is nothing to put up with, you’re important to me and I just want to make sure you’re ok. Listen…”

  Before he could continue she interrupted him, “Still what’s in it for you? Are you thinking, if I’m nice to this girl and treat her well she is bound to give me a blow job at some point? Do you think I’m going to blow you Sully? Is that why you’ve been hanging around? Well newsflash, it’s not going to happen.”

  Ouch. That stung a bit. Not that he was looking for a blowjob or anything, he didn’t stick his nose up to them in fact he was a fan but that was neither here nor there. The thing that stung was the tone of her voice and her so called “newsflash.” He needed to get her off the phone, this was not going well.

  “You’re drunk right now Patty. I’m going to get off the phone so you can get some sleep and before you say something that will hurt our friendship.”

  “I meant what I said Marc. Never going to happen, so don’t start counting your chickens and putting your baskets all in one egg. You’ll regret it.”

  What the hell was she saying?

  “Alright, night Patty.”

  He didn’t even give her a chance to say good night to him before he hung up the phone. He was done with that conversation. He had such mixed emotions about the whole transaction between them. At first he was excited because usually when someone calls you when they are drunk that is a good thing, it means they have feeling for you and deep down there is a reason they want to talk to you and now one else. But then she hit him with the never going to happen line which split his heart in two. He was so hopelessly longing for her that her words cut through him like a rusty knife getting caught on every last nerve in his body.

  Just like he predicted there was no hope at getting back to bed after that phone conversation so instead of going back to sleep, he put his running shoes on and went down to the gym in the hotel building. He needed to run off some steam.


  Lucy stood in Connor’s doorway completely baffled by the scene taking place in front of her. Molly was in his house, wearing one of his shirts. Was she really going after Connor already? This was not going to happen, not again.

  “Molly, what are you doing here?”

  Molly came running over and hugged Lucy. “Oh Lucy, we were worried about you. Connor has been wondering where you are. I’m glad you finally got home safely.” She turned to Connor and said, “Thank you for the chat, you’re such a great friend. Winnie is lucky to have you as an uncle.”

  “Anytime Molly. You can come talk to me anytime.”

  Lucy watched Molly walk over to Connor and give him a hug, eagerly pressing her boobs against his chest.

  “I’ll let you two be alone.” She leaned into Lucy giving her another hug and whispered in her ear. “This is a warning, next time you will find his dick lodged inside of me if you ever cross me again. Watch your back Bitch because Connor is mine if you fuck with me.”

  Molly waved at Connor and shut the door on her way out. Lucy turned to Connor who didn’t look too happy to see her.

  “Did I interrupt something?” Lucy asked.

  “No, she was just upset about tonight. Apparently there were some mean girls in the bathroom talking about her and saying how she needs to finally get over the death of Luke.”

  Lucy’s cheeks instantly flamed. Did Molly come over here to tattle on her? What was she in third grade? Good Lord.

  “Did you really say those things Lucy?”

  Lucy could not look Connor in the eyes, he had such a disapproving look on his face.

  “I said some things that might not have been the nicest but I had reason, sort of.”

  “What kind of reasoning do you have that makes it ok to judge somebodies ability to get over the loss of the love of their life?”

  Well when he said it like that, he made it seem like she was some kind of heinous human being.

  “It’s not like that Connor.”

  “Please explain what it’s like then. I’m all ears.”

  “Why are you being so mean to me right now? I had a terrible end to my night and I was hoping my boyfriend would be at his house waiting to hold me in his arms.”

  Connor exhaled and ran his hand over his face. “Just tell me why you said those things.”

  “Will you believe me when I tell you or are you going to automatically take her side without even listening to me, like you are right now?”

  “Damn it Lucy, I’m just trying to understand. Tell me what you said.”

  “Fine, not like it matters. I told Patty how I was sick of her
moping around and playing the dead fiancé card. I know it sounds harsh but she is the maid of honor for fucks sake and has not done one god damned thing for Jane. She sat in the corner all night drinking her sorrows away and then she goes around fucking Austin and making him believe that she wants to be with him when in reality all she wants is his dick. She is manipulative and mean. I don’t trust her one bit.”

  Through gritted teeth Connor said, “Did it ever occur to you that helping Jane do wedding things might be difficult for her?”

  He was taking her side. She could not believe it.

  “I don’t even know why I came here, clearly you would rather have her here with you.”

  “God damnit, Lucy I’m not interested in her. Get that through your head. Why do you have such a problem with her? She’s been through a lot.”

  “I know she’s been through a lot, I get that, but that doesn’t give her the right to go around fucking with people’s feelings and lives.”

  “Oh I see what this is about,” Connor said in a condescending tone. “You still have feelings for Austin.”

  He might as well have smacked her. Was he serious? The fact that he could even think that was a huge disappointment in the relationship she thought they had.

  “Wow, you really don’t know me at all do you? For your information I was talking about the threats she laid out on the table for me today. She told me how if I cross her she is going to take you away from me just like she took Austin. To her it is a game Connor but you’re too blind to see that. She fucked with me once and I got burned but if she actually took you away from me I would have no clue what to do with myself. Apparently that doesn’t matter now though because you’re on her side. Thanks for the bode of confidence you have in me. It’s really endearing.”

  Lucy was so mad she turned around and went outside dialing the number to a cab service. She told them to meet her at the corner of Connor’s house so she didn’t have to wait outside his front door.

  She couldn’t believe Molly’s medaling turned her night of fantasy into complete shit. She was now alone, walking in high heels to the corner of a curb in a skin tight dress. In no time flat she was going to be mistaken for a hooker and either be abducted or arrested.


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