Red and her Wolfe: A Sexy Present Day Fairy Tale

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Red and her Wolfe: A Sexy Present Day Fairy Tale Page 4

by Blythe Reid

  “So,” I said. “What’s in New York?”

  “What?” Scarlet frowned.

  “Why are you going to New York?” I asked.

  “Oh,” she said, laughing. “My grandmother lives there.”

  “I see,” I said. “That’s great.”

  “Are you from there?” Scarlet asked.

  I nodded. “I am. I go to NYU.”

  Scarlet nodded back and glanced around again. She seemed incapable of looking me in the eye for longer than a few seconds at a time. I had never met a woman who was so jittery around me.

  I couldn’t tell if it was me or just the situation. It wouldn’t have surprised me if Scarlet admitted that this was her first ever flight. She seemed uncomfortable in her own skin, but there was something about her that intrigued me. She was innocent and sheltered, that was obvious, but there was an excitement hidden behind her eyes. It told me there was much more to her than I first thought.

  “Thank you again,” Scarlet said suddenly. “I know I already said that, but I just, I’m really grateful for your help.”

  I smiled. “Of course. It was my pleasure.”

  Scarlet smiled back, and I led her over to where Adam was still sitting. I introduced them and motioned for Scarlet to join us. She would be sitting with us on the flight, so it only made sense for her to sit with us while we waited.

  It wasn’t long before the gate attendant began boarding the plane. Adam, Scarlet, and I were the first three people on board. We all had first class tickets, and we were able to bypass all the coach passengers. I was glad. After sitting in the airport for two hours, I was more than ready to be on the plane.

  As we found our seats, Adam and I slipped easily into our row without a problem. Our carry-on bags were tucked safely overhead within seconds, but Scarlet seemed to be struggling. I’d given her the aisle seat, so she wouldn’t be stuck between Adam and I the whole flight, but she hadn’t sat down yet. Instead, she was standing in the aisle holding her bag above her head. She attempted to shove it in the overhead compartment, but it kept falling back down and hitting her in the head.

  “Here,” I said, standing up. “Let me help you.”

  “No, it’s okay,” Scarlet insisted. “I can do it.”

  I watched for a few seconds while she tried and failed to put the bag away. Trying to keep the smile of amusement off my face, I took the bag from her gently.

  “I’m taller,” I explained, “It’ll be easier for me.”

  Scarlet smiled shyly and released the bag. Stepping to the side, she watched me stow her bag safely away. When I was done, I grinned and slid back into my seat. Scarlet was beat red when she sat down beside me. I fought the urge to laugh, yet again.

  I wasn’t just amused by her, I was intrigued. Every time her cheeks flushed red, I found it incredibly alluring. She had no idea how gorgeous she really was, and I could tell from her nervous demeanor that she hadn’t traveled much in her life. This trip to New York was probably her first time leaving France. I was glad she was on my flight, if only so I could witness her experience firsthand.

  I’d only just met Scarlet, and already, I wanted to know more about her. I was suddenly thrilled by the prospect of a long flight because it meant I would have time to talk to her. She was sitting beside me and wouldn’t have anywhere to go. As the rest of the passengers boarded the plane, I subtly watched Scarlet out of the corner of my eye. She was glancing around the plane, taking everything in with a vague smile on her face. Her green eyes were alive with energy, and her hands were shaking on her knees. At first, I thought she was nervous to fly, but I suddenly realized it wasn’t nerves that kept her moving. It was excitement.

  Chapter 6


  My whole life, I’d always known I was innocent. Compared to other people my age, I knew very little about the world. My experiences were extremely limited. Sometimes, humiliatingly so.

  Still, I’d never felt as helpless as I did on the flight from Paris to New York. If it wasn’t for Lucien, I wouldn’t have been let on the plane at all. I was being bumped when this handsome stranger stepped in to save the day. He shut down the gate attendant with an easy confidence. A few short minutes later, my problem was solved.

  My head was still spinning after everything, and I wasn’t sure what to think. Lucien was tall and gorgeous with dark brown eyes and short black hair. His t-shirt showed off his muscular body and huge tattoo. My eyes were immediately drawn to the tattoo. It was amazing. I’d always wanted one, but I never had the guts to do it. My mother would have killed me if I ever even considered marking my body permanently. Just the thought of her wrath made my stomach churn uncomfortably.

  Still, I couldn’t tear my eyes away from Lucien’s arm. The tattoo was enough to keep me captivated, but his bicep didn’t hurt either. I did my best to look away, but I was drawn to him again and again.

  When we boarded the plane, I was so distracted by his presence that I couldn’t get my carry-on bag in the overhead compartment. Try as I might, I just couldn’t tuck it safely away. Each time I tried, it fell back down and knocked me on the head with a painful whack. I quickly became embarrassed, and when Lucien stood up to help me, I felt my cheeks flush red.

  He took the bag from me easily and shoved it upward. When he moved, his body brushed against mine, and I inhaled sharply. He barely seemed to notice our contact, but it was all I could think about.

  My head was instantly filled with his scent, and I felt light-headed and woozy. He smelled like lumber and testosterone. I couldn’t place where I’d smelled that smell before, but it reminded me of the woods, of being surrounded by trees and fresh air. I breathed in automatically, sucking in his scent one last time before he sat down.

  I followed his lead, sliding into my seat and looking around the plane. Other passengers were boarding, and my excitement was growing. I was finally on the plane. In just a few minutes, we would take off and fly to New York! I couldn’t believe this was actually happening. That I’d really made it this far.

  All the anxiety I’d felt in the airport suddenly left my body as I imagined what it would feel like to land in New York. For the hundredth time, I thought that my entire life was about to begin, and I couldn’t wait.

  “So,” Lucien said beside me. “How long will you be in New York?”

  “At least a year,” I said. “I’m going to help my grandmother, but I’m also finishing out my degree at NYU.”

  “Oh, wow,” Lucien said sweetly. “That’s awesome. Adam and I go to school there, too.”

  “Right, you mentioned that,” I said. “Do you like it?”

  “It’s great,” Lucien said. “You’ll love it.”

  “Well, I’m glad there will be at least one friendly face on campus,” I said. “Or two.”

  I didn’t want to leave Adam out. He seemed nice enough, but my mind was completely occupied by Lucien. I’d barely noticed his friend until he introduced us in the airport. Then, I only paid attention long enough to learn his name.

  Lucien smiled. “Definitely. We’ll be there to lend a hand if you need it. We’re actually in the Delta Pi fraternity, which is the most helpful frat on campus. All our members are great guys. You’ll have a lot of friends, if you need it.”

  Lucien’s smile was sweet and kind. He had a way of putting me at ease without even trying. His comment about the fraternity would normally have set me on edge. If any other guy told me he was in a frat, I would have run in the opposite direction.

  Even being a sheltered kid, I knew the reputation American fraternities had. They were notorious for recklessness and drunken behavior. I was eager to experience life, but I wasn’t exactly itching to partake in a frat party.

  Still, I wasn’t worried at all. Lucien made Delta Pi sound like a family, not a fraternity. Everything about him made me feel relaxed and peaceful. It didn’t make sense, but I already trusted him. If my mother could have seen me, she would have lost her mind. This was her worst nightmare, but I truste
d my gut. It told me Lucien was a nice guy. He was helpful and sweet, sincere and genuine. I was excited to get to know him better.

  It didn’t hurt that he was unbelievably gorgeous. His tall, muscular body was a huge turn on. I’d checked out men before, but none as attractive as Lucien. Just looking at him made me blush. I couldn’t control my thoughts. When he spoke, I found myself watching his lips, wondering how soft they would feel against mine.

  Lucien and I spent most of the flight lost in conversation. Adam joined us occasionally, but mostly, it was just Lucien and me. He told me all about his fraternity and how much he loved it. He was going to be president this year and he seemed so proud of himself.

  His personality was infectious. I found myself laughing when he laughed, smiling when he smiled, and following every cue he gave. I felt completely swept away by him, but I wasn’t worried or afraid. If anything, I felt perfectly safe.

  “Is your grandmother sick?” Lucien asked about halfway through the flight. I blinked at him and frowned, wondering why he would ask such a question. “You said you were going to New York to help your grandmother, so I just assumed. Is she ill?”

  “No,” I said with a shake of my head. “She’s not sick or anything. She just lost her husband recently, and it’s been hard on her. She’s old and just doesn’t want to be alone anymore, you know? My mom wanted to come take care of her, but she couldn’t get away from work. So we decided that I’d fly out.”

  “That’s really amazing of you,” Lucien said earnestly. “I don’t know any college girls who would give up their lives for their grandmother. You’re really kind, Scarlet.”

  “It’s nothing,” I said with a shake of my head. “To be honest, this is as much for me as it is for her.”

  “How so?” Lucien asked.

  I was suspicious of his intentions, but I told myself to relax. His eyes were focused on mine, and he stared at me deeply, waiting patiently for my answer. Part of me wanted to change the subject so I wouldn’t have to admit my deepest secret, but a bigger part told me to keep talking. There was something about Lucien I couldn’t resist. He was so sincere, so kind. I couldn’t stop talking to him.

  “Well,” I began. “I’m happy to help my grandmother. I really am, but I’m also excited to start a new life. I’ve been sheltered all my life. My mother homeschooled me through high school, and even when I started college, I stayed at home with her. I’ve never lived away from her, not once in my entire life. So, as happy as I am to spend time with my grandmother, I’m just as happy to be away from my mom.”

  “Wow,” Lucien said with wide eyes. “That sounds rough.”

  “It was,” I admitted. “And it wasn’t. Don’t get me wrong. My mom was always insanely strict, but she loves me. She wasn’t mean or cruel or anything. She just wanted to protect me. She means well.”

  “I’m sure she does,” Lucien said. “Moms can be overprotective that way. I guess all parents can be.”

  “Are yours?” I asked.

  I hoped he would say yes, so that we would have something in common. So far, I felt like we were total opposites. He seemed worldly and experienced, where I was sheltered and innocent. Everything about him contradicted everything about me. I was desperate for some connection, something that could bond us together.

  “Kind of,” he said with a shrug. “They aren’t super protective, but my father expects me to follow in his footsteps. After graduation, he wants me to join the family business and work for him.”

  “Is that what you want?” I asked. We’d spent most of the flight talking about me. I was eager to hear about him and his life.

  He laughed. “No, not at all. Honestly, that is the last thing I want.”

  “What do you want then?” I asked.

  Lucien paused, his eyebrows knitted together. I could tell he was thinking about his answer, wanting to get it right.

  “I don’t know,” he finally admitted. “I know that sounds silly, but it’s the truth. I really don’t know.”

  “Well, that’s okay,” I said, smiling kindly. “I don’t know, either.”

  “Really?” he asked. Relief crossed his face, like he was happy someone else was undecided.

  “Really,” I nodded. “I’m just finishing school, and then, I don’t know what I’ll do.”

  “I guess we have that in common,” Lucien said.

  I smiled wider and nodded. It felt good to share something with him. I suddenly felt less intimidated by his charismatic spirit. If someone as bright and lively as Lucien could be undecided about his future, then maybe I wasn’t as far behind as I thought. I was just like other people my age.

  It felt nice to sit and talk with Lucien throughout the flight. Sooner than I wished, we were preparing to land in New York. I strained my neck, trying to see out the window. When I caught my first glimpse of the skyline, I felt like a child at Christmas time. My entire body vibrated with excitement.

  I couldn’t wait to walk the streets of the city and lose myself in this new way of life. By the time the plane touched down, I was beyond ready for an adventure. I felt like I’d already had one, just by talking to Lucien. He was my first New York adventure, and I couldn’t wait to experience even more.

  As we got off the plane, Lucien and Adam walked beside me, chatting my ear off about New York. They each told me about different restaurants and clubs I had to check out. I made a mental note to remember everything they said, but it was too much. I couldn’t possibly remember everything.

  “Thanks guys,” I said with a laugh. “But I don’t think I can remember all of that.”

  “Here,” Lucien said. He pulled his phone from his pocket and handed it to me. “Give me yours. We’ll trade numbers. That way we can keep in touch. I can show you all these places myself.”

  “Sure,” I said. I took his phone and handed him mine.

  Typing my number into Lucien’s phone gave me such a rush of adrenaline that I felt more awake than ever. I hadn’t slept a wink on the plane, so I should have been exhausted, but I wasn’t. Just being in Lucien’s presence was enough to keep me energized.

  “Thanks,” Lucien said when I handed his phone back. He gave me mine, and I tucked it in my back pocket. “Well, I guess I’ll see you around, Scarlet.”

  “Yeah,” I nodded. “I hope so.”

  I watched as Lucien and Adam walked away, leaving me alone in the airport. At first, I couldn’t move. I felt cemented to the ground, just reliving everything about my flight. Then, with a smile on my face, I took my first step into New York.

  Chapter 7


  We arrived back in New York early on Saturday morning. I was in desperate need of sleep, but I couldn’t turn my mind off. Ever since I met Scarlet, she had been occupying my every thought. I left the airport that day, unable to get her face out of my head.

  Adam and I hailed a cab, letting it drive us to campus. We unloaded our bags at the frat house and disappeared into our rooms. As seniors and officers, we each had a single room in the house, so we enjoyed all the privacy we could ever desire.

  Adam went to bed almost immediately. I closed the door of my room and slowly began to unpack my bags. As exhausted as I felt, I just wasn’t ready to succumb to sleep quite yet. I spent the morning unpacking and thinking about Scarlet.

  I replayed our conversation in my mind, hearing her voice and seeing her bright green eyes sparkle. She was captivating beyond measure. My interest in her took me by surprise. She was gorgeous, yes, but she was also so much more than that.

  My eyes began to droop slowly, and I knew it was time to rest. We had our first fraternity meeting the following afternoon, and I needed to be well rested.

  I laid down in bed, pulling the covers over me and letting my eyes fall closed. It felt amazing to be back in my own bed. Paris had been a dream vacation, but I was glad to be back home. I never would have admitted it to Adam, but I too, had been growing weary of travel. Being back home made me realize just how much I missed the
comfort of my own room.

  Being back in the Delta Pi house felt right. I smiled to myself as I let sleep overcome me, ready for what my senior year would bring.


  Sunday afternoon arrived all too soon. My jetlag hit me like a ton of bricks when my eyes flickered open.

  I could tell it was late in the day by the amount of sunshine seeping through my curtains. The sun was high and bright, which meant the meeting would begin any second now. I frantically searched for my phone and checked the time. It was half past two. The meeting was due to start at three.

  I sighed and leaned back against my pillow again. Jetlag was always the worst part of traveling. It was worse than all my hangovers combined.

  When I finally dragged myself out of bed, my entire body felt heavy. I stretched and tried to regain some flexibility in my joints, but it was no use. I would feel stiff for the next few days.

  Grudgingly, I pushed myself toward the bathroom and cranked the shower to full blast. I undressed and climbed inside, letting the water wash over my skin. As I stood in the shower, I thought about Scarlet once again. I pictured her face and smiled.

  On the plane, I told myself I was only being my usual, charming self. I was using my talents to keep her interested in me. She was sexy and innocent, just the kind of girl I would have loved to corrupt.

  Standing in the shower, I reassured myself that my interest in Scarlet was purely sexual. She was just like every other woman I seduced. We talked on the plane as a way to make her comfortable around me, to make her feel safe. Someone like Scarlet couldn’t be easily pulled into bed. She was sheltered and shy. She would need more coaxing than most women, a more subtle seduction.

  When I finished my shower, I was still thinking about her, but I felt better now. I’d been worried that I couldn’t shake my thoughts of her, but now I knew it was just sexual desire and nothing more.


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