Curves and Mistletoe

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by Veronica Hardy

  Curves and Mistletoe: A BBW Erotic Short

  Veronica Hardy

  ©Veronica Hardy 2013

  Copyright 2013 Veronica Hardy:

  Smash Words Edition 2013

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  Curves and Mistletoe

  Jenny shifted her weight from one leg to the other and pushed back a strand of dark mahogany hair while she waited for the President and CEO to take the stage. Every year at Christmas it was the same thing, a party with free food, alcohol and implied mandatory attendance. All so that the board of executives could pat themselves on the back for another year of bloated profits at the expense of the laborers. And were they ever invited? Of course not, just upper management was ever in attendance. Like Jenny.

  Phillip Seymour was crotchety old man who took his time doing what he damn well pleased, so it was no surprise to the young creative director that he would leisurely make his way to give the talk that everyone wanted just to get over with. She was white knuckling her punch, waiting just like everyone else. Trying not to look as impatient as she felt.

  “This is always the most annoying part, isn’t it? Waiting for his majesty to get up from his throne and address the serfs.” A handsome man with a chiseled jaw leaned towards her, a smile of his face. His muscular stature and youthful face was betrayed by his jet black hair that boasted a small patch of gray at either temple. She couldn’t place who he was, but he did seem familiar so she gave him a weak smile and turned her attention back towards the stage.

  “Ah, a loyal subject, I see. Well, forgive me, milady. I just want to skip the pleasantries and get to the potent eggnog.” He kept chattering away at her while she tried her best to ignore him. She wasn’t used to such friendly banter at work, especially from someone so handsome, so despite her best efforts a grin crept across her face.

  “I see that my efforts have awarded me with milady’s attention, I shalln’t waste it. Is that right? Shalln’t? Shall not? Well, whatever. In any case. Do you want to listen to this old windbag talk or would you rather help me find where they keep the booze stocked?” His grin was impish as he winked at her.

  She couldn’t believe his nerve, so she let him know. “How do you put your pants on in the morning? Surely fitting them over your balls is a difficult task.”

  “True. Very true. But that is why they pay me the big bucks. To have the big balls. Are you coming or not?” He seemed too confident for her not to know who he was; he had to be in charge of something.

  Jenny thought for a moment and then nodded. She really didn’t want to hear Mr. Seymour give the same exact speech for the fourth year in a row. Not to mention, she was interested to see what else this mysterious coworker had in store. He was way too handsome to be interested in her romantically, his muscular stature just looked out of place compared to her lush, rounded curves. He was definitely a fitness junkie. So why, out of all of the people there, did he feel the need to pull her aside and ask her to go out, alone with him. Especially when alcohol was abundant at the end of a table.

  He grabbed her hand and pulled her away from the crowd of people, most of them looking directly at the man, but avoiding her gaze. She couldn’t blame them, he was seriously hot. Now that she got a better look at him she was even more impressed. His ass, so tight in his pants, teased her, as he led her away from the crowd of people. They left the social hall of the hotel and continued down the hallway, towards what she presumed was the stock room.

  Jenny could see the snow clinging to the windows. It was just starting to stick but she knew that when it came time to drive home in the morning, the roads would be plowed. Tonight, though, it would be far too dangerous to go out.

  Which is why the hotel had been booked. They had thought of everything in way of showing them a good time. Which was precisely what Jenny was going to have.

  “Come on, I have supreme confidence that the company stock is right here, through the kitchen.”

  “I don’t even know your name.” She admitted as she followed him through the double doors that led her into the kitchen and through to the back pantry. Sure enough, cases of alcohol were there with Seymour Inc. written right on them.

  “Bryce.” Her eyes constricted. She now remembered where she had seen his face before. At her hiring committee and just after her promotion. She was looking at the back side of Bryce Seymour. Heir to the enterprise.

  Bryce grabbed a bottle of scotch, the kind that these employees wouldn’t be seeing but that the executives would be privy to later in the evening, and poured each of them a glass. He seemed to know exactly where everything was, the alcohol, the glasses. Like he had planned this.

  “I know your’s, Jenny. I have been watching you for quite some time. Fought to get you hired even.” Bryce pulled her into him, his arm firm around her back as he pressed her body to his. She could feel his desire rock solid on her belly as he whispered to her.

  She was stunned, so stunned she didn’t push him away or pull him closer. She was unable to do anything at all. Why would someone like him be looking at her? She could name at least ten women in the firm that were more beautiful, had just as much talent and a better body.

  “Why me?” She asked as he placed his hands firmly on her hips. She wasn’t fishing for a compliment, she truly didn’t understand what was going on, why he would even look at her.

  “Because you are talented, more so than even you realize. You could be more than just the assistant director over Creative. You could be a Vice President over the entire creative operation, but you don’t know it. You just push people to do their best. You are feisty. And beautiful.” Bryce Seymour’s tone was just like she heard over a conference call whenever he was being honest but forceful in what he wanted for the company, so she knew exactly how sincere he was being. His dark eyes sparkled as he tilted her face up towards him and regarded her for a moment.

  Jenny’s heart fluttered: he knew her, respected her. One day he would run the entire company and he thought she was talented. She had a good job there, for sure, but she wanted to climb the ladder as quickly as possible. He believed she could do it. She pressed her chest into his, her supple, full breasts against his rock hard muscles.

  Bryce understood the message she was sending and reciprocated by swooping down upon her lips. His kiss was soft but firm as he molded her lips to his. There was a power in his kiss that she had never felt in another man. One that radiated authority. He was going to have her, she knew in that moment, and there was nothing she could do to stop it. Not that she wanted to.

  Jenny surrendered herself to him, her lips soft and pliant against his as he forced them open and invaded her with his tongue. At the same moment he reached over and unbuttoned her blouse, each button coming undone with a swift pop before he moved to the next. When it was finally open he pushed into her blouse and around her back, unsnapping her bra and pulling both the bra and the blouse off one after the other. She was topless before him, clinging to him as he deepened their kiss. Jenny wrapped her arms around his neck, her hand threading through the hair on the nap of his neck, holding tight as he slipped his hand around her pert breast. He felt warm against her body as she clung to him. It was nice hotel, but historic and that meant that there were noo
ks and crannies that let in the air, creating a draft that left goose bumps all over her body.

  “You feel amazing,” Bryce whispered as his thumb found her stiff peak and brushed it, sending chills up her spine.

  He kissed along her jaw line and down to her neck before he picked her up like she was nothing and placed her firmly on the counter. Jenny grabbed his shirt and yanked it off, revealing the handsome, chiseled muscles underneath. Her hands ghosted over him before she looked up into his eyes.

  “I am going to take you right here, Jenny. Against this counter.” His voice was rich and velvety as he reached up into her skirt. There was no doubt in her mind that he meant exactly what he said

  She wanted this. So when he reached up and pulled her panties off from underneath her skirt she wasn’t surprised at how dripping wet her pussy was. She could feel her creamy juices coating her pussy, waiting for him to touch her, to delve inside of her.

  Bryce didn’t waste any time, he bent down and stuck his head up her skirt, forcing her legs open, kissing her wet flesh before running his tongue up the entirety of her. She fought back a high pitched scream that somebody would surely have heard and instead allowed a soft moan to escape her lips. His tongue hot against her sex, she almost jumped when he pushed his finger into her, and lapped at her while he pushed into her pussy. He was tight against her walls, pressing against her as he thrust in and out of her. She was so close, she could feel the tendrils of pleasure wrapping around her as he continued to lick her. Only a little bit more and she would be pulled into it.

  But he stopped cold.

  “Oh no, Jenny. You are going to cum with me.” Bryce growled as he withdrew from her and unbuttoned his pants, sliding them down so that he could access her aching, dripping womanhood. After a moment she heard the subtle rip of foil as he put a condom on. Jenny enclosed her hand around it, stroking the shaft a few times before he grabbed her arm and stopped her.

  “I need to be inside of you. Now.”

  He plunged into her, his girth filling her in such a way that she gasped out, trying to make sense of it. He was thick, thicker than she had ever experienced as he pushed into her, his cock raging inside of her body. She loved the way it felt against her innermost walls as it delved into her deepness. She shuddered as he pressed all the way into her, his balls slamming against her, hitting her in just the right way to elicit a moan that was louder than she expected.

  He pounded into her again, rough and hard, almost like a punishment for her transgression as he gripped her hips and thrust into her, over and over. She felt like a rag doll, sliding on the counter with each movement, her body at his mercy. It was delicious. Her limbs started to tremble as she reached up and grabbed his shoulders, getting leverage to move and buck against him, increasing her pleasure. It wasn’t long before her body was out of her control, writhing and shaking as she felt that explosion of pleasure wash over her. It forced her to move in ways she never thought she could, creating a truly magnificent scene.

  She wasn’t the only one experiencing the pleasure of orgasm. Her body was strong and forceful as she milked every last drop from his cock, making him cum with her. Bryce was more controlled in his release, his moans low and soft as he pushed his last forceful thrusts into her.

  “I told you that you would cum with me. You put on a good show.” Bryce slid out of her and pulled his pants up, zipping them and looking her over longingly before pulling down her skirt and helping her off the counter.

  “I’m glad I could please.” She grabbed her clothing and started reassembling her outfit, putting on a piece at a time and saving her panties for last.

  “If anything, you have left me wanting for more.” Bryce kissed her hard on the lips. He wanted more of her, she could tell, but not right now.

  Somehow she found the prospect more exciting than her options at the company.


  Jenny brushed her hair back with her hands and put it up in a neat bun, using only her reflection in the metal refrigerator door to guide her. When she was satisfied she pulled down her skirt a bit and straightened herself. She felt good, like a woman of accomplishment.

  “You look stunning.”

  “Why thank you.”

  Bryce led her back to the party, where the guests were finally starting to mingle, the procession of long, boring talks over with. He smiled as he put his hand on the small of her back and guided her over to the punch table, getting her a glass and leaning close.

  “It seems we missed all the pleasantries. Oh well, I’m sure we had more fun.”

  She just smiled and looked around the room, trying to find someone familiar.

  “Jenny! There you are! I have been looking everywhere for you,” Roger Steadman called out, waving to her as he approached. As the Creative Director he was seemingly always looking for her, trying to get her to work and make decisions for him, even in the middle of parties. Over the last couple of years at the position she had gotten used to it, doing her work and some of his. But Bryce was right, she didn’t have to. She could be so much more, to the company, to Bryce.

  “I see you have met young Mr. Seymour. It is an honor to finally see you at one of these things, Bryce. How are you?” Roger shook his hand and smiled as he looked at the two of them.

  “Doing as well as ever, Roger. Especially after having the pleasure of meeting such promising young potential.

  Roger shifted uncomfortably and then looked up, pointing and drawing attention away from him.

  “Oh, look at that! Standing under mistletoe. You know how the tradition goes. Give her a kiss.” Roger was always one for silly traditions, black cats, and cracks and all that. So she wasn’t surprised.

  Bryce’s eyes gleamed as he looked up and then down at Jenny, a smirk on his face.

  “If it is for tradition, then I must.” Bryce leaned down and placed a chaste kiss on her lips. It was warm and sweet, and held a note of the passion that they had shared earlier.

  “Allow me to steal Ms. Cromwell away, will you? Creative has been looking for her all evening.” Although Roger asked politely, it was more of a demand than a question.

  “Absolutely,” Bryce turned to her, “I hope that I will be seeing a lot more of you, Ms. Cromwell. Both in and out of the office.”

  “You can count on it.” She wouldn’t let a man like that go, especially one that made her feel so damn naughty.

  Sample: Riveted: For Love of a Soldier


  Ava bent down, cigarette dangling from her mouth and pushed the end of it into the hole, hitting the ignite button and taking a long drag. She coughed and sputtered, letting out the smoke as she held it between her fingers. Like dozens of other girls at the factory. Looking at the stinking, unwelcome protrusion she contemplated her option for a moment before she threw it on the ground and snuffed it out. I’m never going to like these stupid things.

  “Well, you’ll never be a femme fatale,” A tall leggy redhead grinned as she elbowed her.

  Ava’s look soured like curdled milk on a hot day.

  “Oh come on. I’m only bustin’ your chops. Ain’t no need to go and act like a humorless geezer. Edythe, Edythe Shannon.” She held out her hand and Ava contemplated not taking it, for a moment anyways.

  “You new here at the plant, Ava?” Edythe leaned against the half wall, her hair bright in the sun as light shown through its strands.

  She had it up in victory curls, a look Ava could never seem to get right, so she just let it down, a hat pinned in place to give her a look of social acceptability.

  “Second week.” She watched as Edythe bent down and lit her cigarette, take a long drag and blow it out in a soft, gentle stream. Just like a movie star.

  “I haven’t seen you much around here. Where you working at?” Edythe’s eyes narrowed as she assessed Ava. Ava knew that look anywhere.

  “Rivet line, working on the wings.” She tried to remain curt, not wanting to seem too eager for approval.

ity control here. A riveter huh? Like them posters?” A smile crossed Edythe’s face as the lines in it relaxed.

  “Just wanted to help the war effort.”

  “And make a bit of cash? Me too.”

  Just then the whistle blew: two shorts. A five minute warning. Edythe took another long drag on her cigarette then snuffed it out, putting the remnants back in her metal casing.

  “Gotta save all we have. Never know when they will start rationing these too.” She closed the casing with a snap and nodded at Ava. Edythe turned to walk away from her, her heels clicking against the pavement of the walkway.

  Ava didn’t expect Edythe to acknowledge her again but the bombshell turned suddenly and looked at Ava, “Some of the girls are going out tonight. To the dance hall. Wanna join us? It should be a real good time.”

  She was asking her to hang out with the girls, she had not expected that. She was not the typical shape for the group of girls Edythe was talking about, thin and beautiful. Ava was plump and curvy. She was beautiful and she knew it, but she was nothing like that class of woman. She never expected Edythe to ask.

  “Uh, sure. Why not?” Keep it cool.

  Edythe gave a satisfied smile and walked off.

  A slow smile crept up Ava’s lips until she could hardly stand it. In town a week and already she was being invited to things. Perhaps her mother was right. She would have new opportunities.


  “You ready?” Gladys asked as they took their place on the line. Gladys was her bucker today. The burly woman worked opposite Ava, taking her rivets and smoothing them out. It was harder work and Gladys’s large size explained why she was doing the job. Riveting wasn’t as bad as people made it seem, you just had to have a good eye.

  “As ready as I could possibly be, Gladys.” She tried to force a smile but it was hot work, the shield that she held over her was all she had to protect her. She had asked for goggles, but there was a shortage and women in the munitions factories needed them more. So she was told by the shift matron.


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