by Jane Leavy
Adams, Gary
Adams, Red
Akan, Geri
Albom, Mitch
Albuquerque Dukes
Ali, Muhammad
Allen, Maury
Allen, Mel
Allen, Richie
Allison, Bob
All-Star games (1962)
Alou, Felipe
Alston, Walter
Amalfitano, Joey
Amaro, Ruben
amateur draft
American Baseball Guild
Amoros, Sandy
Anderson, Chickie
Anderson, Dave
Anderson, Wayne (“Doc”)
Angell, Roger
Antonelli, Johnny
Armstrong, Jack
Ashby, Alan
Aspromonte, Bob
Aspromonte, Charles (“Sonny”)
Aspromonte, Ken
Atlanta Braves
Auletta, Dick
Auletta, Ken
Auletta, Pat
Bailey, Bob
Bailey, Ed
Baker, Dusty
Baker, Jesse Eugene
Baltimore Orioles
Banks, Ernie
Barber, Red
Barbieri, Jim
Barry, Rick
Barzun, Jacques
Baseball Assistance Team (BAT)
Baseball Prospectus
Baseball Writers Association
Basic Agreement (1976)
Battey, Earl
Bauer, Hank
Bavasi, Bill
Bavasi, Buzzie
Becker, Joe
Beckert, Glenn
Belcher, Tim
Belinsky, Bo
Belshaw, Jim
Bensonhurst, Brooklyn
Berle, Milton
Berra, Yogi
Black, Joe
black players
Blass, Steve
Blumenthal, George
Bodenstein, Ken
Bolling, Frank
Bonfils, Pete
bonus babies
bonus system
Boston Braves
Boston Red Sox
Boswell, Tom
Bouton, Jim
Ball Four
Bowen, Rex
Boxer, Barbara
Boyer, Clete
Boyle, Buzz
Bradley, Bill
Bragan, Bobby
Brame, Rich
Branca, Ralph
Brandt, Jackie
Braun, Carl
Braun, Jack
Bright, Harry
Brock, Lou
Brodsky, Joseph
Brooklyn Dodgers
World Champions
See also Dodgers
Brosnan, Jim, The Long Season
Brown, Jim
Brown, Kevin
Browne, Byron
Buhler, Bill
Bunning, Jim
Burr, Harold
Bush, George W.
Calmus, Dick
Camilli, Doug
Campanella, Roy
Campanis, Jimmy
Camp Chi Wan Da
Cannon, Jimmy
Cannon, Toy
Carnochan, W. B. (“Bliss”)
Carty, Rico
Cecil, Dick
Center for Jewish History
Cepeda, Orlando (“Cha Cha”)
Chance, Dean
Chandler, Happy
Chicago Cubs
See also Koufax, Sandy: perfect game
Chicago White Sox
Chozen, Harry
Cincinnati Reds
City College point-shaving scandal
Clemens, Roger
Clemente, Roberto
Cobleigh, Dr. Mark
Cohen, Alta
Cohen, Andy
Cohen, Herb
Cohen, Hy
Cohen, Renee
Cohen, Sid
Cole, Nat (“King”)
Collier, Phil
Collins, Terry
Coney Island Sports League
Conlan, John (“Jocko”)
Connors, Chuck
Conrad, Raymond
Costas, Bob
Covington, Wes
Cox, Billy
Coyle, Harry
Cracker Jack old-timers games
Craig, Roger
Crawford, Shag
Crosetti, Frankie
Culp, Ray
Cy Young Award
Damone, Vic (né Vito Farinola)
Dandridge, Dorothy
Dann, Asher (né Asher Jagoda)
Dark, Alvin
Dascoli, Frank
Davis, Tommy
Davis, Willie
Dayan, Moishe
DeBusschere, Dave
De Cicco, Nick
Decker, Carol
Dede, Arthur
De Havilland, Olivia
Dell, Helen
Della Feminia, Jerry
De Luca, Sam
DeLury, Bill
DePace, Lu Lu
Dershowitz, Alan
Detroit Tigers
DiMaggio, Joe
Doctorow, E. L.
Dodger Fantasy Camps
See also Brooklyn Dodgers
Los Angeles Dodgers
Dodger Stadium
Chavez Ravine
pitching mound
Dodgertown, Florida
Doggett, Jerry
Doren, Jerry
double no-hitter (1917)
Dowd, Chris
Drabowsky, Moe
Dreyfuss, Barney
Drysdale, Anne Meyers
Drysdale, Don
Drysdale, Ginger
Drysdale, Scotty
Dubersin, Rob
Dunne, John Gregory
Durante, Jimmy
Durocher, Leo
Durslag, Mel
Eastwood, Clint
Ebbets, Charles
Ebbets Field
Eisenstat, Harry
Emanuel, Ronald
Epstein, Jack
Epstein, Jerry
Epstein, Joe
Erskine, Carl
ESPN Sports Century series
Etchebarren, Andy
Fairly, Ron
Fehr, Donald
Feller, Bob
Felton, Happy
Ferrara, Al
Field of Dreams
Figge, Greg
Finkel, David
Fischer, Bobby
Fisher, Eddie
Flood, Curt
Florence, Mal
Ford, Henry
Ford, Whitey
Foster, Dan
Fox, Nellie
Francis, Earl
Franco, John
Fristachi, Dom
Furillo, Feru
Galbraith, John
Gallatin, Harry (“The Horse”)
Gambuzza, Joe
Game of the Week
Garagiola, Joe
Garten, Steven
Gellis, Ike
Gentillon, John
Gent, Pete, North Dallas Forty
Gerhringer, Charlie
Gershman, Michael
Gibson, Bob
Gilbert, Danny
Gilbert, Joy
Gilbert, Russell
Giles, Warren
Gilliam, Jim (“Junior”)
Gitlin, Todd
Glatman, Bruce
Gold, Milt
Goldberg, Gary David
Goldfeder, Mel
Goldsmith, Maxine
Goldstein, Bonnie
Goldstein, Jerry
Gomez, Preston
Goodman, Danny
Goodman, John
Gordon, Sid
Gorman, Tom
Grawat, Ken
Green, Ira
Green, Shawn
Greenberg, Han
Greene, Graham
Greenfield, Arthur (“Trip”)
Greenfield, Eliot
Greenspan, Arthur
Greisser, Grant
Groat, Dick
Gross, Milton
Guerrero, Pedro
Hackett, Buddy
Hall, Bill
Hall of Famers
Haney, Fred
Harvey, Doug
Harwell, Ernie
Hatten, Joe
Hawkins, Tommy
Hayes, J. William (Bill)
Hazan, Joe
Hemus, Solly
Hendley, Bart
Hendley, Bob
Herman, Billy
Herrera, Pancho
Hershiser, Orel
Hitchcock, Billy
Hochman, Stan
Hodges, Gil
Hollywood Stars
Holman, Nat
Holmes, Oliver Wendell
Holmes, Tommy
Holtzman, Jerry
Holtzman, Ken
Howard, Elston
Howard, Frank
Howe, Irving
Hume, Richard
Ice Cream League, Brooklyn
instant replay
Isaacs, Stan
Jagoda, Asher. See Dann, Asher
Janssen, David
Jazayerli, Rany
Jenkins, Dan Semi-Tough
Jethroe, Sam
Jewish Community House, Bensonhurst
Jewish players
Jewish stereotypes
See also anti-Semitism
Jobe, Dr. Frank
John, Tommy
Johnson, Davey
Johnson, Lou
Johnson, Raudy
Johnson, Walter
Jones, Garry
Jones, Grover (“Deacon”)
Jones, Saer
Jucker, Ed
Kaat, Jim
Kahn, Roger
Kahn, Zoe Rosensweig
Kane, Pearl
Kansas City Athletics
Kass, Deborah
Kaufman, Richard (Richie; “Rug”)
Kawano, Cheesy
Kawano, Nobe
Kawano, Yosh
Kazanski, Ted
Keane, Johnny
Kempner, Aviva
Kennedy, John
Kennedy, John F.
Kennedy, Kevin
Kerlan, Dr. Robert
Kessinger, Don
KFI radio
Killebrew, Harmon
Kindred, Dave
King, Larry, (né Lawrence Ziegler)
King, William (“Dolly”)
Kinsella, W. P., Field of Dreams
Kitaj, R. B.
Klein, Lou
Kluszewski, Ted
Koufax-Drysdale holdout (1966)
Koufax, Edie (sister)
Koufax, Evelyn (mother)
Koufax, Irving (father)
Koufax, Kim (2nd wife)
Koufax, Sandy
adoption story
as a basketball player
as a batter
a bonus baby
career firsts: debut in Dodger uniform
major league debut
first start
first strikeout
first victory
first one-hitter
first world series appearance
at college: Columbia University
University of Cincinnati
as a golfer
honors, awards, and tributes
All-Star team
Cy Young Awards
ESPN athlete of the century
Hall of Fame
Player of the Decade
SI athlete of the century
Team of the Century
world series MVP
injuries and surgeries: arm and elbow
index finger
rotator cuff
Anne Widmark
and memorabilia industry
1st (June 1962)
2nd (May 1963)
3rd (June 1964)
see perfect game
no-hitters through six innings
perfect game (September 9, 1965)
as a pitching coach
pitching duel with Bunning
pitching style and delivery
physical build
portrait by Kitaj
consecutive strikeouts
first to strike
out 300 men in each of three seasons
shutouts by left-handers
strikeouts in a season
world series strikeouts
refusal to work on Yom Kippur
retirement from pitching
scouting reports on
season by season (1955, rookie year)
signing with Dodgers
as a sports broadcaster
statistics: intercollegiate
major league
as a wrestler
Kramer, Marcia
Krug, Chris
Kubek, Tony
Kuenn, Harvey
Labine, Clem
Lafayette High School, Brooklyn
Landis, Jim
Lang, Jack
Lasorda, Tommy
Laurie, Larry
Laurie, Milt
Laurie, Wally
Lazzeri, Tony
Leary, Tim
Lefebvre, Jim (“Frenchy”)
Lefkowitz, Norman (“Left-ky”) Al
Lemaster, Denny
LeRoy, Mervyn
Levett, Michael
Levine, Peter
Liberatore, Eddie
Lichtenstein, Dora
Lichtenstein, Max
Lieberman, Sen. Joseph
Life magazine, Koufax cover (August 2, 1963)
Linn, Ed
Logan, Johnny
Lombardo, Guy
Lopez, Hector
Los Angeles, Watts riots (1965)
Los Angeles Dodgers
See also entries at Dodger Lustig, M. Bruce
McCarrick, Ed
McCarver, Tim
McCovey, Willie
McGraw, Tug
McGuire, Al
McGwire, Mark
McKeever, Steve
McMahon, Jim
McMullen, Ken
McNally, Dave
MacPhail, Lee
McWhirter, Bill
Maglie, Sal
Major League Baseball Players Alumni
Major League Baseball Players Association
Major League Baseball Productions
“Major League Baseball’s Team of the Century,”
Maloney, Jim
Mantilla, Felix
Mantle, Mickey
Marciano, Rocky
Marichal, Juan
Marino, Bob
Marion, Marty
Maris, Roge
Martin, Billy
Massifero, Jimmy
Mathews, Eddie
Mathewson, Christy
Mauch, Gene
Mays, Willie
Mazur, Gail
Merchant, Larry
Messersmith, Andy
Miami Beach
Middleman, I. C.
Miller, Joe
Miller, Marvin
Milwaukee Braves
Minnesota Twins
Moeller, Joe
Monday, Rick
Moon, Wally
Muchnick, Irvin
Murdoch, Rupert
Murphy, Jimmy
Murphy, Robert F.
Murray, Jim
Musial, Stan
Mussina, Mike
Myers, Kenny
Napoli, Mike
Narron, Sam
National Basketball Association
National Jewish Welfare Board championship
National League pennant race (1963)
National League records
National League rules
Nen, Dick
Nen, Robb
Nesbitt, Don
Newcombe, Don
New York Giants
New York Knicks
New York Mets
New York Post
New York Yankees
in 1963 World
Nixon, Richard M.
Norman, Howard
Nossek, Joe
Oliva, Tony
Oliver, Gene
Oliver, Nate (“Pee Wee”)
O’Malley, Peter
O’Malley, Walter
Osteen, Claude
Ozark, Danny
Pacific Coast League
Pagan, Jose
Palmer, Jim
Palmquist, Ed
Park, Chan Ho
Parker, Wes
Paul, Phil
Pepe, Phil
Pepitone, Joe
Perez, Sharon Morris
Perranoski, Ron
Pettit, Paul
Philadelphia Athletics
Philadelphia Eagles
Philadelphia Phillies
Phillips, Lefty
Pietro, Joe
Pignatano, Joe (“Piggy”)
Pike, Lipman E.
Pink, Dr. Marilyn
Pinsky, Barry
Pinsky, Robert
“The Night Game,”
Pinson, Vada
Pitcher Abuse Points (PAP)
pitching, art of
pitching arms
Pitler, Jake
Pittsburgh Pirates
Plaia, Angelo
Podres, Johnny
Portnoy, Mindy
Powell, Boog
Procter, Rich
Puerto Rico winter ball
Quilici, Frank
Raab, Marv
Rabinowitz, Frank (“Red”)
Ramsay, Johnny
Raskas, Bernard
Reagan, Ronald
Reese, Mark
Reese, Harold (“Pee Wee”)
Regan, Phil
Reuss, Jerry
Richardson, Bobby
Richardson, Ham
Richert, Pete
Richler, Mordecai
Rickey, Branch, Jr.
Rickey, Branch, Sr.
Riley, Don
Roberts, Robin
Robinson, Brooks
Robinson, Frank
Robinson, Jackie
Robinson, Rachel
Roe, Preacher
Roebuck, Ed
Roeder, Bill
Rogers, Kenny
Rogow, Eileen
Rosburg, Bob
Roseboro, John
Rosen, Al
Rosen, Bob
Roswell, Gene
Roth, Allan
Roth, Philip
Rothenberg, Ed
Rudd, Irving
Russo, Jim
Ruth, Babe
Ryan, Nolan
St. Louis Cardinals
Saks, David
Salk, Dr. Jonas
San Francisco Giants
San Francisco Warriors
Santo, Ron