Body Lock: A Bad Boy Romance

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Body Lock: A Bad Boy Romance Page 8

by Leah Holt

  I need to be here. Right here—right now.

  There's no time for that shit.

  The bell sounded, my eyes freezing on Steel. His hands were held up, palms open. I watched him move, watched every limb, and where it was.

  His feet hit the thin pad below, crossing over each other slowly. A thick scar tapered across his chest, muscles contracting as he inched towards me.

  My plan was to let him come to me, I never go in first.

  “Afraid, Asshole?” Steel said, the raspy growl was faint beneath the energy surrounding us.

  “Not in the least.” My hand came up and gestured for him to come in, make his move.

  His face contorted, eyes glazing over. The thick vein on his neck popped out as a loud snarl escaped his breath. In one quick lunge, Steel charged at me, arms stretched out, aiming for my throat.

  This guy was bulky, moving awkwardly across the ring, running at me like a drunken gorilla. I wanted to laugh again, and even though I kept my game face, the chuckle hit my chest.

  Quickly, I slapped his arms away, sliding a foot out to trip him. Steel hit the ground, the mat shook under his weight, vibrating my calves.

  His face turned a bright shade of red, eyes popping out with rage. Pushing up from the floor, he wiped the debris off his arms, a mix of dirt and old flesh.

  I wasn't supposed to be here, I wasn't supposed to ever step foot into a ring again.

  Yet, here I was, staring down the barrel of a gun, holding it to my own head.

  Outside, I was fighting with this man; inside, my own demons clawed to be set free, tearing at the surface with the intent to hurt.

  Steel let out a gut wrenching howl, his head snapping back as he charged, one fist raised high, ready to strike. He was so obvious in what his next move was going to be.

  The trainer inside me wanted to stop the fight, realign him and adjust his stance, then have him try again.

  Dodging his blow, I grabbed the back of his shoulders, and buried my knee into his stomach. His yell was muted as the air was driven from his lungs.

  Following with a quick elbow, I jammed it into the back of his head. The deafening crack silenced the onlookers, hushed mouths dropped to the floor.

  Steel fell hard. As he pressed himself up, my heel came down and crushed his face. Gripping his nose, blood poured from behind his fingers.

  I wanted to step back, let him climb to his feet.

  But I didn't.

  This wasn't a regulated fight, there were no referees, no one controlling the inside. This was bare-knuckle, dirty underground fighting. So I played by the Macro's rules.

  As he rolled to his back, I jumped onto his chest, fists raining down in a heat of brute force. One after the other, all the pent up rage and hatred I've felt over the years was thrown onto this one man.

  It felt like I was looking at myself from inside a soundproof box. Trying to stop myself, I screamed as loudly as I could, but heard nothing.

  His arms fell limp, body still; and my fists continued to fall. The color red glowed from behind my lids, deafening thuds impinging my ears.

  A set of hands fell over my shoulders, gripping tightly. The voice a murmur at first, began to fill my ear. “He's out! He's out! Stop!”

  My chest heaved, the painful oxygen filled my lungs like sharp needles. Each rib cracked beneath the pressure, my heart pounding so heavily it radiated through my bones.

  Looking up, Cadence stood beside me. Her hands were shaking against my shoulders, eyes gazing down on me as wide as the moon.

  Lifting to my feet, I peered down at Steel. The man was now unrecognizable, bloody and battered, already swelling around his eyes and nose. I couldn't believe what had happened.

  I lost control, lost sense of myself. I dismissed my rational thoughts to let him up, to let him regain himself. My primal being took over, all my anger was pushed onto him.

  Shrugging her off my shoulder, my head hung low and I stormed out of the ring.

  Walking swiftly towards the door, a mirror hung on the wall. My reflection caught my eye as I passed by. Droplets of blood spattered my skin, trails ran down my chest, seeping into the seam of my jeans and staining them a rusty color. Bringing my hands up, they were painted in red, the warmth fading to a crusting chill.

  Who's the monster here?

  Look at me! I'm a reflection of my past.

  The image sent a shockwave through my body, chills running down my spine. Glancing around, I spotted a bottle of water on the bar. Wrapping my swollen fingers around the plastic, I poured the cold liquid over my face.

  I wanted to clean my flesh, wash the entire world away, and all my memories with it.

  That night from two years ago, the phone call that woke my hung over brain, washed over me. The words refilling my ears as if I just heard them for the first time.

  “He's gone, Quinn. He's gone.”

  Cadence stormed up next to me. “What the hell was that? Were you trying to kill him?” Her hands flew wildly around, the high pitch crashing into my ears.

  “Isn't that what your daddy wanted?” My fingers forcefully dragged down over my face, rubbing away the drying blood.

  “Quinn, he was out long before I stopped you! What the fuck were you thinking?”

  Letting my head fall back, the wet skin now a glistening mix of water and sweat. “I'm not supposed to fight. I shouldn't have even gone in there.” The words soft, falling off my tongue with the weight of a feather. I spoke more to myself, a reminder of what I had just done.

  “No, you shouldn't have. I knew you were just like everyone else, a fucking dick trying to make sure he has the biggest balls.” Her lashing tongue sliced through me, and it hurt. It hurt more than I wanted it to, more than I was ready to feel right in that moment.

  “I wasn't going to let your father think I'm some fluke! He wants to call me out in front of everyone—in front of you!” Throwing the bottle to the floor, I turned to leave, and escape the hole I had crawled into.

  Cadence followed, her feet just one step behind mine. “Who cares about my dad! You don't need to prove anything. If you shouldn't be fighting, then why the hell did you get in there to begin with?”

  I wanted to tell her, explain my past, what I'd been through, and who I gave my life to for a promise.

  But it didn't matter, not anymore.

  Huffing under my breath, I pressed on, throwing open the door to the street. The brisk air slapped my chest, the cold ground felt like needles under my feet, making me realize I had forgotten my clothing.

  “Here, asshole!” The whip of fabric and thump of sneakers hit my back. “You might want these. I knew you couldn't be different. Go on, walk away, run far away from here.”

  The sharp tone forced its way into my head, and in that instant, all I wanted to do was kiss her. Make the poison of her mouth feel my lips, and taste my tongue.

  She thought I was an asshole, her piercing words stabbed into my chest. She was ice against my heart.

  And yet, it beat harder, pumped stronger.

  “You don't understand.” Lifting my fist, I punched the building. “Fuck! Why did he have to do that?” My hair fell into my face, dragging my nails against the scalp, I forced it back.

  Grumbling beneath my breath, the intense throbbing of my fingers came into my senses, the pain setting in, as my adrenaline slowed.

  Folding her arms across her chest, she stepped closer. “Let me see.” Her delicate hand reached out, fingers wiggling for me to come forward.

  “I'm fine.”

  “That wasn't a question, let me see,” she said sternly. Her fingers tightly pulled my wrist out, rolling it under the light from the street. “Come on.” Turning towards a door on the building, she yanked it open. Nodding her head to follow, she stood in the dim glow.

  I couldn't help but notice how her features looked softer. Her brows twisted toward her forehead, the hardened glare now melting with concern. “Come on.” Her need to help hovered between annoyance and frustra

  Holding my hand like an injured bird, I followed her in. We walked through a narrow hallway and up an old rickety set of stairs. Stopping at a door with the number thirty, the three dangled sideways, held on by one tack. Pulling a set of keys from her pocket, she popped open the door.

  “Where are we?” I asked.

  “My house, come in.” Flicking on a light, she walked inside the first room on her left.

  “You live right above the ring? Isn't that convenient?” I said, while opening and closing my hand, and trying to will the pain away by wriggling my fingers.

  She poked her head out from the doorway, hair hanging over her shoulder, framing her face perfectly. “Funny,” she said. “Go sit at the table so I can check your hand.” Her crystal blue eyes guided me in the direction I needed to go.

  Sitting down, I glanced around the apartment. It was a small place, rundown, and worn. There were pictures lining one wall, a dark green sofa divided the kitchen and living room. It was tiny, but homey, reminding me of my own shit hole.

  Her feet patted against the wood floor, delicate and soft. Turning the corner, her image was radiating. The tight pink halter top squeezed her tits up, her dark blue jeans wrapping around her curves perfectly.

  What is it going to take to have this woman? I want to fuck her so badly it hurts!

  Cadence dragged another chair over, pulling herself in close. “Give me your hand.” The softness of her skin against my fingers made my cock rigid, the events from the night fading away as she stroked my hand.

  The blood pumped down fast into my length, tip swelling beyond its limit. I needed her cunt, needed to feel it wrapped around me. Shifting in the chair, my free hand pushed against the stiffening member.

  Her eyes drifted down, and shot back to my hand. Her skin was gleaming in a flushed, pink hue. Inhaling a lump of air, the apple floated down her neck as she gulped.

  Licking my lips, I asked, “Like what you see?” Biting down hard, my brow curved.

  Glaring up at me under hooded lids, her lips pursed tight. “Hold still.” She lifted each finger, bending them at the knuckle.

  “Ahh.” The word hissed through my teeth, a jolt of lightening shot up my arm, and made me cringe.

  “You're lucky, I don't think anythings broken.” She brought the white wrap to my palm and started twining it around.

  “Do I get a lollipop for being good?” My almond eyes peered at her, a crooked grin seeping over my jaw.

  Glaring up at me, she said, “Tell me something.”

  “Anything, ask away.”

  “You said you're not supposed to fight, why?” Her fingers slid gently across my hand, drawing me in, making me crave her even deeper.

  Wrinkles fell across my forehead, jaw crooking to the side. “That's not something I like talking about.” My stomach began to turn, twisting like hot plastic under a torch.

  “I just don't understand. You're obviously good at it, and seem to enjoy it.” Clasping the bandage together, her hands fell into her lap.

  “It's just...” Exhaling a labored breath, I shifted uncomfortably in the seat. “I made a promise a long time ago.” Bringing my hand up, I stared at the bright white wrap.

  I haven't talked about that day since I left home and came here.

  And for now, I'd like to keep it that way.

  “Look, I'm just trying to understand. Your eyes were empty when you were on top of Steel, your head was someplace else.” Her hand drifted over her hair, fingers running through the thick mane.

  Taking a long solemn breath, I fidgeted with the bandage. Maybe I should have just spit it out, told her everything about what had happened to me, and why I wasn't supposed to fight.

  Why I was never supposed to set foot back in the ring.

  It would have been easier for me to walk out that door, stomp down those stairs and disappear into the night. Except, that's not how I work.

  I don't run, I don't hide.

  Or do I?

  I've hid from what I loved, the fighting. Only to get my fix in small brawls at a bar, or on the street. The one thing that truly ran through my veins and fueled my existence, I've left in the shadows; until now.

  Until her.

  She's been running through my brain since day one. That same shot of adrenaline hits every muscle when I'm around Cadence.

  And it's fucking incredible.

  On pure impulse, I lifted my hand to her cheek, softly grazing my fingers down her skin. Cupping her jaw, my thumb swept her throat, feeling her pulse beat fast, hitting the pad with force.

  My gaze fixed on the precious stones of her eyes. Her lips parted, a breath of air escaping as if she wanted to speak.

  But her silence never breached.

  Tightening my grip around the base of her neck, I pulled her in, pressing my lips forcefully against hers.

  Cadence didn't resist, she didn't pull back, or try and tear herself away. She accepted my kiss, my tongue, and gave me hers in return. Caressing the inside of her mouth, our tongues danced with desire, licking and twining around each other.

  I'm making her mine. No more bull-shit, I'm fucking her right now.

  My cock pressed painfully against my jeans, her touch thickening my throbbing dick. The intense burn in my hand faded with each gentle twist of her tongue, and everything around me was washing away.

  Pulling her onto my lap, her hands dug into my shoulders, nails raking down my back. “This is dangerous you know.” Whispering into my ear, her back arched as she ground her hips down.

  Locking my eyes on her face, a smile saturated my lips. “It is for you.” Licking her neck, I felt her whole body quiver. “Because I don't run from danger, I run to it.” Biting down, I nipped her shoulder.

  Swaying over my hard dick, her body moved erotically, rocking back and forth. Heavy breaths fell from her lips spreading across my ear. My hands followed the fabric of her shirt, hitting the edge, I tickled up her back.

  A soft gasp escaped with raw need, her body becoming rigid as goosebumps emerged over her skin. Her breasts lifted towards my face with the air struggling to find her lungs.

  “I've been waiting patiently, but I can't wait anymore.” I hissed into her ear, running my tongue across the edge.

  A long, drawn out moan spilled from inside her. Pulling her in tight, I wanted to merge our bodies into one. She was too amazing to ever let go, and my arms felt like the perfect place to keep her.

  My palms walked up her shoulder blades, the bare flesh dampening with desire. Finding the tie to her shirt, I tugged it free. Her shirt fell from her neck, exposing the soft pink of her nipples.

  Dragging my tongue over her chest, and down through her ribs, I pressed her tits together. Twirling over the hardened buds, I nipped each one, rolling them between my teeth. Cadence's body became static, prickles shot over her skin, reducing her to a heavy gasp.

  She was a live wire before me, skin hot to the touch, fire burning between her thighs. Gyrating against my waist, her nails dug deep into my scalp, tearing at the roots.

  Bringing my teeth to her shoulder, I dragged them over her flesh, and felt her body shake against my chest. I needed her now, here, and forever.

  Ripping at the button of her pants, her hands swiftly stopped me. “Not here,” she muttered out, the words mostly composed of air.

  Fuck, is she going to stop this again?

  I can't, I won't let her.

  She's mine.

  Pressing off my lap, she tugged at my wrist, pulling me from the chair. Guiding us to a darkened room, my heart that had paused briefly, restarted with full force.

  Clicking on a small lamp, the room glowed, warming her face. A twinkle sparked in her eye as she looked over my body, her face frozen on my muscles.

  The ripples were enhanced, sweat shining across each contour, her eyes following the ink that coated my body. Biting her lip, she lowered her jeans, peeling them off to reveal the sexy white panties beneath. Her shirt was still wrapped around her wa
ist, and she looked so fucking irresistible.

  Rolling her hips, she stepped forward. “I need to feel you, I haven't stopped thinking about the other day.” Her words floated into my ear, making my cock jump with excitement.

  “You and I both, Baby.” Bridging the gap between us, I wrapped my hands under her ass, lifting her to my waist. “Now you won't have to think it, you'll have it.”

  Cadence held on tight, her wet pussy pushing against my stomach. The thin fabric was doing all it could to keep her cunt hidden. The warmth of her hot, soaked pussy sent chills all through me.

  Walking her to the bed, I threw her down, the springs creaking in place of her voice. Unbuttoning my pants, my eyes were drawn to her legs crossing over each other with numbing desire.

  Her slender fingers spread across her thigh, slowly sliding up and cupping her pussy.

  I was done waiting, it was time to claim this woman.

  Cadence was mine.

  Climbing onto the bed, I forced her thighs open. My firm cock pushed angrily against the cloth of my briefs. Palming the hard erection, her lips parted gently, a light moan emitted, breaking the silence.

  Peeling her panties to the side, I glided one finger over her clit. Dripping with thirst for my hardened member, she dragged her tongue over her lips, eyes rolling back in her skull.

  “Is this what you wanted?” I whispered, tickling her swollen clit. I felt her body shake under my touch, prickles jumping to life over her flesh. Flashing my teeth, my lip twisted up.

  Nodding her head, she tore at my briefs, yanking them down. Her eyes widened with the massive muscle that sprung out. Clenching her hand around the shaft, she pulled, squeezing tightly at the base and stroking to the tip.

  A grunt spilled from my mouth, abs firming with the warming sensation that emerged from my lower belly. Sitting up on one hand, the edge of her tongue dragged across my enlarged ridge.

  Cocking my head back, tingles struck every nerve. “Yeah, doll. Suck my cock. Taste what you're about to feel.” Sparks lit behind my lids, the colors burst in blues, reds, and yellows streaking like lightening.

  Wrapping her plump lips around my hard length, the veins popping as it throbbed, she pulled hard, tongue riding across the bottom, dancing over the crown.


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