Shattered Lives Mended Hearts

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Shattered Lives Mended Hearts Page 20

by Lena Nicole

  We walk over to the conference table to sit and eat. He pulls out my chair and as I take a seat, he presses his lips on my neck to kiss it. I suck in a breath and he pulls away.

  I HAVE to pull myself away from Addison’s neck to keep from pouncing on her and throwing her on this conference table. She smells phenomenal, like vanilla, and it makes me want to eat her up. After pulling back, I look at her and notice the goosebumps that are creeping down her neck and arm. It makes me grin.

  “So, how was your day?” I ask.

  I watch her throat as she swallows and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. “It was nice and relaxing. Guess who got engaged?”

  “Who?” I’m sure she’s going to say Colby, since that’s who she was with, but she looks so excited to tell me, I don’t want to suck the wind out of her sails.

  “Colby and Damon! Isn’t that great?” She’s beaming and her enthusiasm for her friends is infectious.

  “That is great. When did this happen?” She gives me the rundown of the whole weekend Damon planned for Colby and how he proposed. It’s a really sweet story and I’m truly happy for them. They’re going to be very happy together, I just know it.

  We’re just about finished eating our calzones when I notice a piece of cheese stuck to Addison’s chin. “Hey, come here a little closer. I think you have something on you.”

  She leans in and I cup her jaw with my right hand as I use my thumb to wipe off the cheese. Gently pulling her toward me, her eyes flash to my lips. I wet them with my tongue before closing the remaining distance and sealing my lips over hers. The kiss starts out slow and gentle, but gradually works itself up. She’s got her hand inside my jacket, fisting my dress shirt as she pulls me closer to her. I grab the arm of her chair and spin her toward me so I have access to her legs. Using my hands to uncross her legs, I cup the back of her knees, pull her toward me, and spread them so that they’re draped over the sides of my legs. She’s completely open to me and I love how she gives herself so freely to me. Just as I’m about to make my way to her center, my office door swings open suddenly, slamming into the wall. We both jump back from each other at the loud noise and scramble to not appear compromising.

  I turn to see who the hell barged into my office, and am greeted by a fuming Samantha.

  Fuck. Me.

  Vanessa is hurrying in our direction. “I’m so sorry, Mr. Whitmore. She didn’t even stop at the front desk, she just stormed right in.”

  Taking a calming breath, since this isn’t Vanessa’s fault, I say, “It’s okay, Vanessa. You can go back to your desk and I’ll buzz you if we need anything.”

  “Okay, Mr. Whitmore,” she says before leaving, closing the door behind her.

  I pull my attention back to Samantha. She’s so angry, her face is a flushed color. With her hands on her hips, she’s tapping her high-heeled foot impatiently on the floor.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing, barging in here like this?” I ask through clenched teeth.

  “You went to my parents, Pierce? My fucking parents?!” she yells.

  “I made it perfectly clear to you several times that you needed to leave me alone. The stunt you pulled at my house was the last straw. I told you I wasn’t fucking around, and I meant it.” I chance a glance at Addison. She looks a little stunned by the interruption, to say the least.

  “It doesn’t really matter what you told them because they don’t believe you.” She has her head held up and looking down her nose at me in a smug, stuck-up kind of way. She looks at her nails for a second before continuing, “I told them what was really going on. That you had to keep up pretenses for Addison’s sake, but as soon as you found a way out, you would end it with her to be with me.”

  My mouth literally falls open. She is completely delusional and might be in serious need of some medication. “Why are you telling lies, Samantha?” My tone is firm and direct, hoping that yet again, my message to her will be received.

  “IT’S NOT LIES!” she screams. “I know how you feel about me. It’s just taking you some time to realize it for yourself. Until you do, I’ll be here waiting.”

  Okay, maybe it’s still not going to get through to her. “You’re with Max and I’m with Addison. There isn’t going to be an us. Period. You need to accept that.” I’m hoping that pointing out that she’s in a relationship too will wake her up to reality.

  She lets out a creepy, evil laugh. “Max and I broke up. I guess he caught wind of our little moment in your house and he broke up with me.”

  Well, there goes that tactic too. Walking back over to Addison’s side, I rest my hand on her shoulder and say, “I’m with Addison. There’s no one else out there for me. You need to move on.”

  “Don’t bring that bitch into this conversation!” she spits out. “She has nothing to do with us!” She’s inching closer to us and at this point, I have no idea what she’s capable of. I take a step forward to put myself between her and Addison. I’ve never seen this deranged look on her face before. She’s about one step away from losing touch with reality. I’m not so much worried about me, but I am worried about Addison. She doesn’t need to be in the middle of this and I will kill Samantha if she lays a finger on her.

  I quickly pick up my phone and wait for Vanessa to answer. “Vanessa, I need you to send security up here immediately.” I place the phone back down into the receiver and watch Samantha.

  “Oh, just great, call security. That’s fine, Pierce. We can work this out later when that bitch isn’t in the room with us,” she sneers.

  “That’s enough!” I shout at her, my voice booming off the walls. “You will not talk about her that way. Don’t even fucking look at her, do you hear me?” I’m stepping closer to Samantha with each word that comes out of my mouth. I’m sick of her shit. Right at that moment, two security guys open the door.

  “You called for us, Mr. Whitmore?” one of them says.

  “Yes, would you please escort this woman out of my office and see to it that she can’t get in the building again?” I say, gesturing to Samantha while looking down at her in disdain.

  “Let’s go,” the other guard says. She starts to resist, so they each grab one of her arms to help guide her out.

  “This is all your fault! If you weren’t in the picture, he would be with me now, you stupid slut. You better watch out because he will be mine!” Samantha continues to yell at Addison.

  She’s finally out of my office, so I walk to the door, but before I close it, I say to Samantha, “You keep this shit up and I’ll file for a restraining order against you.” Then I close the door.

  Turning back to Addison, I take in her face to make sure she’s okay. She doesn’t look overly upset, which is a good thing. “Are you okay? I’m so sorry about that,” I say as I reach out to her and pull her out of the chair to wrap her up in a hug.

  “It’s okay and it’s not your fault. She’s crazy.” She squeezes me around my waist and I relish in the affection from her. “But do you think a restraining order is necessary?” she questions.

  “You saw her. She’s clearly losing it and becoming unhinged if she thinks that I want her back. Hopefully, my threat will get her to back off and keep her from doing anything stupid,” I say and kiss the top of her head.

  “Yeah, I guess you have a good point. Man, you sure know how to pick ‘em,” she says with laughter in her voice.

  I chuckle slightly. “Yep, I sure do,” I say as I nuzzle into her neck and start to trail kisses down it. Just then, my phone rings. I drop my head to her shoulder and exhale loudly. “What now?”

  I pick up the phone. “Yes, Vanessa.”

  “Sorry to interrupt, Mr. Whitmore, but your next appointment is here.”

  Letting out a sigh, I say, “Okay, escort them to the conference room and let them know I’ll join them momentarily.”

  I hang up the phone and give Addison an apologetic look. “I’m sorry, Beautiful, but I have a meeting I have to get to.”

’s okay,” she says, placing a kiss on my lips.

  I walk her to the elevator and hit the down button to call the next car. Wrapping my arm around her waist, I lean into her ear and nibble on it before saying, “Don’t forget where we left off. I intend to finish as soon as I leave work this afternoon.”

  Seeing her shiver at my spoken promises has my dick twitching and hating my next client. I want so badly to go home with her and finish what we started before Samantha barged in. For now, I settle for a kiss before Addison disappears behind the elevator doors and I return to work.

  ONCE THE elevator doors close, I take a moment to let what just happened sink in. I shake my head a little to make sure that did in fact just happen. If I wasn’t in the room with Pierce, I probably would have thought he exaggerated some of the story when he eventually told me it.

  I was in such shock that I just sat back and watched the crazy unfold. I feel bad for Pierce having to deal with that. The elevator doors open and I step out, holding the door open for an elderly man as he gets in. He thanks me and I nod and head to my car.

  I pull out my phone and call Morgan to see what she’s up to. She picks up right away and I ask her if she wants to meet to do a little retail therapy. She agrees, so I start my car and head to the mall. I park and meet her at our usual meeting spot and see she is already here waiting for me. I walk up to her and kiss her on the cheek.

  “Hey, you got here fast.”

  “I was actually already headed here to do some shopping when you called,” she says and starts walking.

  “Great minds, I tell you,” I say nudging her arm. “So what makes you need retail therapy on this beautiful day?” I ask her as we enter the first store.

  “Jeremy, that’s what. But I guess it would be more of a who,” she says in an agitated tone while pushing through a rack of clothes, using a little more force than needed to separate them.

  I’m a little shocked at her confession. She normally doesn’t give up information that easily when it comes to her love life. I normally have to pry it out of her.

  “So, are you going to tell me what happened?” I ask her, grabbing a cute dress I was eyeing.

  “No.” She cuts me a look, telling me it’s not up for discussion. I know Morgan well enough to know when to back off, so I’m going to do just that. She will talk to me when she’s ready.

  “Okay, how about I tell you about the very crazy lunch I just had with Pierce?” I ask her as we head toward the dressing rooms.

  “Crazy as in you had some hot, crazy, office sex lunch?” she says a little too loudly for my liking, making me blush in embarrassment. I shush Morgan, grabbing her hand and bringing her into the larger dressing room with me.

  “Morgan, you have got to learn to speak in a lower tone. Not everyone likes to hear about sex all the time,” I say pulling the dress from its hanger.

  She laughs and waves off my statement with her hand. “So, tell me what happened.”

  “I went to Pierce’s office and brought him lunch after I left Colby. Lunch was great. The food was good, conversation was flowing, and the impromptu make out session was even better,” I tell her, smiling while thinking about Pierce’s hands on my legs. I love when he takes charge like that.

  “Lunch sounds good and dessert sounds steamy. What was so crazy about it? You have to buy that dress Addison. It looks amazing on you,” she says, pointing at the dress I just slipped on.

  Taking the dress off and putting it aside, I try on the next one. “Well, things were steamy, as you would say, until Samantha came barging in his office.”

  Morgan’s head immediately pops up and her eyebrows are raised in curiosity.

  “Oh, this ought to be good,” she says in amusement, taking a seat.

  “Like I said, things were great and then bam, Samantha comes storming in, acting like a loose cannon. She just started going off on Pierce and yelling at him about how she couldn’t believe he went to her parents and told them about what happened at his house.”

  Morgan lets a laugh escape and covers it quickly with her hand. She pulls it away and says, “I can’t believe he went to her parents. That’s kind of awesome.”

  “I guess he was tired of telling her to back off and stay away. Desperate times call for desperate measures,” I say, shrugging my shoulders. “She asked him why he was telling her parents lies, and then told him that her and Max broke up. He tried telling her again that he is with me and she completely lost it. I was in shock that all this was unfolding in front of me. I have never witnessed a scene like this before, it was unreal. After Pierce called security to escort her out, she called me a bitch and I had about enough of the name calling. I was about to tell her off when Pierce stepped in and put her in her place. He doesn’t get angry often, but when he does, he’s so sexy. Anyways, right then, security came in to escort her out. She actually yelled at me to ‘watch out’ when they exited the room.” I feel exhausted after explaining all that to Morgan. I look at her and she is sitting, staring at me with her mouth hanging open. “Crazy, right?”

  “That’s batshit crazy. I wish I was there to see it. I swear all the good shit happens when I’m not around. It sounds like she went off the deep end.”

  “Yeah, it looked like it too. Pierce threatened her with a restraining order trying to get her to back off,” I say, grabbing the clothes I’m going to buy as we exit the dressing room.

  “I just don’t get it,” Morgan says following me out.

  “Get what?” I ask.

  “Why is she suddenly so desperate to have Pierce back? He was single for a long time before you came along, so why now? It’s just weird, ya know?”

  “I have no idea. I agree, it is weird. I just hope this matter gets cleared up sooner rather than later. I don’t understand why she just can’t leave him alone and let him live his life,” I say shaking my head.

  “Well, it sounds to me like she will have no choice but to leave him alone, he’s clearly had enough of her shit.”

  We head up to the checkout line and pay for our clothes. I hope Morgan is right; Samantha will have no choice but to leave him alone. We finish shopping and part ways, agreeing to a girl’s night later in the week. I head home so I can get ready for a night shift I’m covering at work.

  HEARING A horn honking out front of my house, I grab my keys and go outside to meet Jeremy. He’s picking me up so we can meet up with Damon for a few beers. I’m not particularly excited about the place they chose, but it was sort of our hang out at one time.

  After a few minutes, we pull up to Docs. Seeing that Damon’s car is already here, I search the room for him once we get inside. I notice he’s sitting at the bar, so we make our way over to the two empty seats beside him.

  We greet each other and order another round. “So,” I say, “did you pop the question yet?”

  Damon slowly grins and says, “Yep, I did it this weekend.”

  “And…?” Jeremy asks.

  “And she said yes,” Damon says while beaming. He looks down at his beer with a grin on his face and takes a drink. It’s good to see my friend so happy.

  “Congrats, man,” I pat him on the back.

  “Another one bites the dust,” we hear Jeremy murmur. I punch him in his shoulder to get him to shut up.

  “What was that for?” he asks while rubbing his arm.

  “Don’t be a dick. It’ll happen to you someday too, and I can’t wait to make you eat shit for it,” I say before taking a drink of my own beer.

  “Whatever,” Jeremy grumbles.

  We chat some more over a few beers until I see the one person I was hoping to never see again.


  We lock eyes and she gives me a slow, seductive smile. I glare back at her.

  “Well, hello boys,” she says, leaning over the bar to give everyone a view of her breasts. “What are you guys doing here this evening?”

  “Just having a few beers,” Jeremy says in a clipped tone. He’s fully aware of the shit
storm she caused the last time I was in here with Addison.

  “And here I was thinking you came in here to see me,” she says, looking at me the whole time.

  Unable to hold in my anger, I say, “Cut the shit, Brooklyn. No one here wants to be bothered by you.”

  She pulls back slightly and tilts her head. “What do you mean?”

  I lean forward and drop my voice to a low tone. “I mean cut your bullshit. We all see through you. You act all innocent like you don’t know the shit you’re starting, but I know for a fact you did that on purpose.”

  “Did what on purpose?” Her eyebrows are drawn in, and the fact that she’s still playing stupid pisses me off.

  “You knew Addison got her memory back, yet you found it necessary to bring up what happened between us? Tell me you didn’t do that on purpose.”

  Her only response is to shrug before she says, “If you didn’t want her to find out, then maybe you shouldn’t have fucked me. It’s not my fault you were seeking comfort and found it from me.”

  I clench my jaw, trying to hold down my anger. “No, I sought out an easy fuck, which you happened to be. I’m sure you’ll be hard pressed to find someone in this bar you haven’t let fuck you,” I snap at her.

  Damon raises his hand. “Uh, I haven’t fucked her.” I roll my eyes at him as Jeremy laughs.

  “Do us both a favor and stay the fuck away from me and Addison. Don’t say another fucking word to her, do you understand?”

  “Yep, I understand perfectly,” she says in a cheery tone. I can’t stay here any longer with her working behind the bar.

  “Sorry guys, but I’m out of here.” I throw some money down on the bar and look at Jeremy, waiting for him to get up since we rode together.

  On the way to his car Jeremy says, “Man, she’s like herpes. She just keeps popping up.”

  I cut Jeremy a sideways glance and lose it. That’s the funniest shit he’s said all day.

  STEPPING OUT of the shower, I hear my phone go off. I’m thankful it’s the text tone and not the ringtone. I’m still getting blocked calls on my phone and I think I might need to change my number. Whenever I pick up, I’m met with silence on the other end. I’ve tried telling them I think they have the wrong number, and to please stop calling, but it’s a lost cause since they just keep calling. Checking the message, I see it’s from Pierce.


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