Yet, the most interesting places to observe Indonesians are at the spanking new malls, built often with ethnic-Chinese money. While constituting only about 4 percent of Indonesia’s population, the Chinese account for well over half of its business dealings. The new malls, packed with Louis Vuitton, Versace, and other designer stores, are the places to observe women in the most fashionable silk jilbabs and the most revealing, sophisticated dress. Now that the extremists are at bay, even assuming occasionally spectacular terrorist incidents, the real values’ clash here is not between one brand of Islam and another, but the clash between an Islam ostensibly of the Middle East and the rampant materialism of China. The fact that China is nominally still a communist country is, of course, meaningless. China, and the ethnic-Chinese community here, in particular, represent global capitalism, which constitutes the real threat to Indonesian Islam. Nevertheless, these same Islamists wish China well when it clashes with the United States.
The wild card in these tensions is the environment. Remember that Indonesia lies within a ring of seismic fire. Alyasa Abubakar, the Islamic scholar I met in Banda Aceh, told me that because “people accepted the tsunami as the will of God, there was no chaos afterwards. Because of Islam, people didn’t become insane with grief despite losing many of their family members. The people here,” he went on, “had faith, unlike the people in New Orleans after Katrina. The social reactions to the two catastrophes could not have been more stark.”
And so an era of natural disasters will, perforce, strengthen Islam. That will only raise the stakes for the continued evolution of the faith, the debate over which is more pulsating in Indonesia than almost anywhere else, precisely because Indonesia is a non-Arab, virtually secular state. The language of the Prophet is not the spoken language here. The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is geographically distant, despite the widespread presence of Al Jazeera in people’s homes and the resultant public relations victory of the Gaza Palestinians. Islamic law is applied sparingly and is not always revered. Most importantly, Indonesia is a democracy where people are unafraid of having their thoughts on religion printed, for fear of retribution from either the government or radical groups. Thus, Indonesia provides the level playing field necessary to establish the true vision and philosophical texture of Islam in the twenty-first century. Along with India, Indonesia is emerging as a vibrant, democratic powerhouse. Monsoon Asia will truly be at the heart of things.
* Iran, too, has a more nuanced religious identity than is generally assumed. Despite being recruited in recent decades for the purposes of anti-Western ideology, Islam there exists atop an older Persian and Zoroastrian identity.
* The word pesantren comes from santri (orthodox).
* Gus Dur died at the end of 2009. He once told former U.S. ambassador to Indonesia Paul Wolfowitz that he had cried while visiting a mosque in Morocco upon seeing an Arabic translation of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics on display. “If I hadn’t read the Nicomachean Ethics as a young man, I might have joined the Muslim Brotherhood,” Gus Dur said, adding that Aristotle could arrive at deep truths about morality without the aid of religion. Paul Wolfowitz, “Wahid and the Voice of Moderate Islam,” Wall Street Journal, January 7, 2010.
* The two groups also have geographical bases of support: east Java in the case of Nahdlatul Ulema, and central Java and western Sumatra in the case of Muhammadiyah.
Indonesia—in particular, the island of Sumatra—and peninsular Malaysia on the opposite side of the Strait of Malacca form the heart of maritime Asia. The Strait of Malacca is the Fulda Gap of the twenty-first-century multi-polar world, the place where almost all of the shipping lanes between the Red Sea and the Sea of Japan converge at the most vital choke point of world commerce; where the spheres of naval influence of India and China meet; where the Indian Ocean joins the western Pacific. The volume of energy-related tanker traffic will grow in the strait by at least 50 percent by 2020, further increasing its importance.
In and of itself, Indonesia, besides being a major oil producer, will remain East Asia’s primary supplier of natural gas for decades. The country’s vast archipelagic nature, its energy resources, its ethnic diversity, predominant Muslim religion, institutional weaknesses, and ultra-strategic location will make it a critical hub of world politics.1 History is instructive: Suharto’s consolidation of power in the middle and late 1960s—moving the country in a rightward direction—secured the sea-lanes for the United States, making the war in Vietnam unnecessary, had only we realized it.
I stood again in Banda Aceh, at the entry point of the Strait of Malacca, which is more than five hundred miles in length and two hundred miles wide here at its northern end. But it is only eleven miles across at its heavily congested southern entrance near Singapore, a place made narrower by treacherous shoals and the very volume of ship traffic, from supertankers to small tugs and fishing boats all vying for space.2 Here geography rules. All the advances in technology since antiquity have thus far done little to reduce commercial dependence on this waterway. Of the fourteen nations constituting East and Southeast Asia, twelve are highly dependent on Middle Eastern oil, which mainly comes through here.3 The Strait of Malacca drives home the point that whereas the Atlantic and the Pacific are “open oceans,” the Indian is “semi-enclosed,” which is what makes it so vulnerable and, therefore, for yet one more reason, so important.4 In fact, in earlier times the very terms “Indian Ocean” and “South China Sea” were not used; rather, in the minds of local merchants, the waters that had to be negotiated constituted a series of separate seas stretching from East Africa all the way to Indonesia’s Spice Islands close to New Guinea.5
Three quarters of the way down the strait on the Malaysia side, not far from Singapore, is the old emporium of Malacca itself, at the halfway point between the Indian and Chinese trading networks, which were themselves dictated by the reversible monsoonal winds: ships could wait out one monsoon in the town of Malacca and then take advantage of another. In the late Middle Ages, Malacca constituted an Islamic maritime city-state, a thriving Malay market town dependent on Indian Gujarati traders and the protection of the Chinese, with whom it had cemented a relationship following the visit of the eunuch admiral Zheng He. The Portuguese overran Malacca in 1511, and for the next 130 years used it as a headquarters for their monopolistic trading empire. So exorbitant was the Portuguese tax on merchants that many traders simply redirected their ships to other ports, undercutting Portugal’s attempts at domination.6 Forced out of Malacca by a trio of the Portuguese, the Chinese, and Hindu Tamil merchants, the Muslim Gujaratis from India more or less en masse shifted their business across the strait to Aceh, to where they imported Indian cloth in exchange for pepper.
Pepper, the “pungent berry of a tropical vine,” which thrives on the wet-and-dry tropical monsoon climate, was the main commercial prize here, just as frankincense was at the other end of the ocean, and just as oil is today. Labor intensive, hard to produce, and craved by all from ancient Rome to China, black pepper (piper nigrum—“the true pepper”) was known in the way of frankincense for its medicinal properties, as a heart and kidney stimulant. Its importance cannot be overestimated. And northern Sumatra—Aceh—was full of it.7 In fact, a main reason the Portuguese failed to take over the pepper trade on Sumatra, despite their perch on Malacca, was that the Gujaratis collaborated with their fellow Muslim Acehnese to develop an alternate supply network to the Red Sea via India’s Coromandel coast and Iran.8 While in the late sixteenth century the Portuguese were transporting 1.2 million pounds of pepper annually around the Cape of Good Hope, about four million pounds were being transported via the Red Sea. This was when Aceh’s maritime kingdom was at its height. Under Sultan Ala-al-din Riayat Shah al-Kahar (1537–71), Aceh was the most powerful kingdom in the Malay world, with international connections as far west as Ottoman Turkey.9 Under a later sultan, Ala-uddin, the first fleet of the British East India Comp
any sailed into Aceh in 1602.
Roughly in the same period, in the early seventeenth century, the Portuguese were essentially ousted from the East Indies by the Dutch, done in by naval sieges and blockades, and by their own narrow-minded trading practices. The Dutch, greeted first as liberators, went on to develop a trading system just as authoritarian and yet more comprehensive than that of the Portuguese. The Dutch became masters not only of the trade routes, but also of the “commercial agriculture” of much of Indonesia’s interior.10 Given that the Dutch and Portuguese went to war over the Malacca Strait, and that the British in 1786 established a foothold on the small island of Penang on the Malay Peninsula—aided by a trading system far more liberal than that of their European competitors—the strait in the early modern era lay at the heart of great power struggles. Yet the recognition that a violent enmity between Britain and Holland was unsustainable led the two powers into an accommodation in the 1824 Treaty of London, which stipulated that the British would restrict themselves to the Malay Peninsula and the Dutch to the Indonesian archipelago.11 Thus, the political map of our own era began to take shape.
But let us return to the Dutch, for it was they who created today’s Indonesia. Indeed, both Sukarno and Suharto ruled in the baronial and centralizing style of the Dutch, even as they built on and further fortified the messy empire that the Dutch had wrought.
The Dutch were the most utilitarian of imperialists, a character trait that arose out of their own struggle against nature in the Netherlands, where the landscape is a mazework of waters, polders, windmills, and pumping stations. Everywhere “the voice of the waters, telling of endless disaster, was heard and feared.” Throughout the Netherlands there was the need for “precise coordination and cooperation—the engineer’s mentality,” the “drive for order.” There developed, too, a corresponding need to be on time, for arriving late was associated with failure and irresponsibility. Discipline was everything. In this culture there was ultimately no room for “Catholic pomp and circumstance” and the “frivolity of Rome.” Life was lived according to a strict Calvinistic code.12
You could “manage” the water but could not “force” it. Thus, there developed the supreme need for tolerance within their own community, out of which such coordination and cooperation could emerge. It was a culture of “consensus.”
But if geography had determined national character, why hadn’t such a mechanistic, technological, and cooperative society developed in that other gargantuan estuarial delta: Bengal? In Bengal, as in the Netherlands, watery nature was endlessly on the rampage, and thus it would seem to also require the cooperative hand of man to tame it. But the Bengali character turned out different than that of the Dutch because, again, the choices made by individual men are as important as geography. In Bengal there were “local lords to whom the farmers … paid tribute and taxes.” If the Ganges changed course and the sea overran the land, the farmers, who did not own the land they tilled, simply moved to the nearest piece of dry land and began tilling again. It was only after the English colonists in Bengal introduced land ownership that the local lords began protecting their new property with dikes and other constructions in order to control the water.13
Just as domestic discipline materialized out of the deep insecurity that the encroaching waters imposed on a land of sea-level flatness in northwestern Europe, imperial discipline materialized out of their “tenuous hold” on colonial outposts; indeed, the Dutch “lost their position in Formosa … were kicked out of Brazil,” and the British threw them out of New York. The whole ocean trade itself “was a gamble.”14 Yet the Dutch empire of the seas grew and prospered, particularly in the Indian Ocean and East Indies. The Dutch writer Geert Mak informs us that at its height in the mid-seventeenth century, the Dutch had more than seven hundred ships at sea, “a fleet larger than the English, Scottish, and French fleets combined.”15 Between 1600 and 1800 a total of 9641 ships sailed from Europe to Asia, nearly half of them Dutch. “By 1648 the Dutch were indisputably the greatest trading nation in the world,” writes C. R. Boxer, “with commercial outposts and fortified ‘factories’ scattered from Archangel to Recife and from New Amsterdam to Nagasaki,” with the Indian Ocean as their centerpiece.16 Most extraordinary about the dominance of this compact little country was that its ships and outposts were not backed by a strong military.17 Whereas the Portuguese went to the Indian Ocean as crusaders, the Dutch went as traders first and foremost. Trade was to them a religion.18 In this way seventeenth-century Holland presages the business and economic empires of major corporations, small and modest-sized Asian states like Singapore and South Korea, and the mega-sized European Union in a post-American multi-polar world, in which military might, while certainly a contributing factor to national power, is not necessarily a determining one.
The late British historian J. H. Plumb writes that the faces that stare out of the canvases of Dutch masters such as Rembrandt and Hals are “cautious, prudent, self-satisfied, unostentatious … giving little away of their unconscious drives, but speaking eloquently of the sobriety and dedication of their lives.”19 Truly, there is a very modern, in fact, a very corporate steely resolution that these Dutchmen of high empire exhibit. And that is no accident. In addition to having their national character formed by private land ownership and the constant need to prevent coastal flooding, the Dutch, like the British, established an imperialism that was run by a company to a large degree. In 1602 the United Netherlands Chartered East India Company (Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie, or VOC) was allowed a monopoly of trade and navigation east of the Cape of Good Hope across the Indian Ocean and west of the Straits of Magellan across the Pacific.
The company was a state within a state, able to conclude treaties, make alliances, and wage defensive war in the name of the United Provinces, the precursor to the modern Netherlands. The Dutch conquests of the East were not national conquests but those of private merchants, entitled to sell these strongholds to whomever they wished. “In advocating freedom of international trade in general and the freedom of the seas in particular, the merchant-oligarchs of Holland and Zeeland were primarily … actuated by self-interest,” observes the historian Boxer.20
The Dutch empire came into being and expanded its influence in a manner vaguely similar to the present-day European Union. Seven rebellious provinces or states of the north European lowlands, of which Holland was by far the most important, agreed in the 1579 Union of Utrecht to present a common front to the outside world, and consequently put foreign policy in the hands of the States-General at The Hague, a parliament with administrative authority. Gradually, despite their many differences, these seven states cohered around economic and commercial policy, leading to the formation of the East India Company as one of several culminations in this process. It was a progression that made Amsterdam a thriving hub of an international maritime network, which was, in turn, built on the overseas networking zeal of Hollanders, Zeelanders, Flemings, Walloons, and Marranos, whose merchant communities were about to span the globe.
The Indian Ocean presented the Dutch with a natural zone of expansion for their trade in the Mediterranean and the Levant. This tendency was further encouraged by Dutchmen who had sailed with the Portuguese and therefore knew the East Indies well. There was also the lure of the much-sought-after porcelain, tea, and pepper and other spices of the East; not to mention the European desire for Indian textiles, particularly cotton from Gujarat; Persian, Bengali, and Chinese silks; and Javanese coffee and sugar. There was, too, a demand within and from Asia for indigo and saltpeter from India, elephants from Ceylon, and slaves from Arakan and Bali. Thus it was that the early decades of the seventeenth century saw the Dutch compete with, blockade, and over time displace Portuguese settlements in the Moluccas, Malaya, Ceylon, and India, among other places.*
What was the “company” actually like in the Indies? How did the Dutch behave? The answer is: abominably. The historian Holden Furber writes: “In singlemindedness of purpose, in ambit
ion for personal wealth, in callous disregard for human suffering,” there was no one worse than the conqueror of the little Javanese port of Jakarta himself, Jan Pieterszoon Coen. Coen was right out of the mold of empire builders in Africa two centuries ahead of his time. He sought to make Jakarta—renamed Batavia by the Dutch—the hub of Asian sea trade between the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Japan. His principles were territorial expansion throughout much of the archipelago, a ruthless monopoly of the three main spices—cloves, nutmeg, and mace—and the import of Dutch settlers supported by slave labor.21 Among Coen’s accomplishments was the near-complete extermination of the indigenous population of the Banda Islands in the Moluccas. And Coen was not unique in his ruthlessness. The gulf between the civilized faces drawn by the Dutch masters and the uncivilized criminals who manned Dutch ships was indeed yawning. Although Holland was much further on the path toward modernity than Portugal, it made little difference in terms of its behavior toward the natives of the tropical lands they encountered. The nineteenth-century Islamic scholar Snouck Hurgronje points out:
The chief actors deserve our admiration for their indomitable energy, but the objective for which they worked, and the means they employed to attain it, were of such a kind that we, even with the full application of the rule that we must judge their deeds and doings by the standard of their times, have difficulty in restraining our aversion.22
He goes on to explain that, as it would turn out, the inhabitants of Asia came into contact with the very “dregs of the Dutch nation, who treated them with almost unbearable contempt, and whose task it was to devote all their efforts to the enrichment of a group of shareholders in the Fatherland.”23 The company paid few of its employees a decent wage, forcing them to resort to dishonest means to earn a livelihood. There were, too, the hardships of six to eight months at sea to consider, and the dangers of living in a tropical environment where little was known about disease prevention. Because of the unwillingness of the average Dutchman to sustain such privations, the company’s foot soldiers were often the lowest of the low, and the merchants who did choose to go out to the East the most unscrupulous. The crews, which whored, drank, stole, and murdered, had to be ruled with a “rod of iron like untamed beasts.”24 Beatings and lashings were common, and the punishment for homosexuality was throwing the two culprits, bound together, into the sea.
Monsoon: The Indian Ocean and the Future of American Power Page 32