Tainted Love: The gritty new thriller from the #1 bestseller

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Tainted Love: The gritty new thriller from the #1 bestseller Page 6

by Kimberley Chambers

  ‘You’ve got a visitor, boss.’


  ‘A beautiful lady.’

  Michael leapt up and kicked the leg of his desk with frustration. Katy had been stalking him via phone all day and he’d told her not to come here tonight. ‘Send her in,’ Michael spat. No way was he going to succumb to her charm. The only fuck she would get tonight would be him telling her to ‘fuck off’.

  He was pouring himself another drink when the door opened. He turned, ready to treat Katy to a barrage of abuse, then dropped his glass in shock.

  ‘Bella!’ he exclaimed.


  As dawn broke the following day, Michael and Bella were still trying to sort out their differences. Michael wasn’t happy with Bella’s explanation as to why she’d disappeared for months. It had hurt him beyond belief when she’d told him she was staying away because she ‘needed space’. Obviously, he was elated to see her, but he wasn’t about to allow her to waltz back into his life as though she’d never been gone in the first place.

  ‘Something don’t add up to me, Bell. I can understand you shooting back to Italy to visit your sick nan, but not for all that time. You obviously got cold feet. I ain’t no mug, so don’t lie to me. We don’t have a future unless you tell me the truth. Did you get cold feet? Or did you meet another geezer? There’s definitely something you ain’t telling me.’

  Bella was sick of repeating herself. She’d guessed Michael would be peeved, but thought he would’ve been more pleased to see her. They’d not even kissed yet and he was as cold as ice. ‘I am not lying to you, Michael. My nana was at death’s door for a long while. Even the doctors were amazed she finally pulled through,’ Bella lied. What else could she do – admit that she’d fucked his brother senseless?

  ‘OK, so I believe your nan was ill. That still doesn’t explain you telling me you needed space. I thought we were a couple and I wanted to be there for you. That’s what people that love one another do, Bella. No matter how awful the situation, we’re meant to support each other. You were my rock when Adam died. I try to return the favour and you push me away like I’m some nuisance, a worthless piece of shit. I was still grieving an’ all, you know. I didn’t get over my son’s death overnight. Still bloody haven’t, and probably never will.’

  Bella was a tough cookie, barely ever cried, but she finally broke down. She had been selfish, had not given Adam’s death a thought when she’d first blanked Michael’s calls, then ordered him to give her some space. How she hated herself for that now. But she’d been so consumed by guilt, she couldn’t think about anything other than what she’d done.

  ‘Well, say something then. Crocodile tears don’t wash with me.’

  ‘The truth is I was worried about the pace our relationship was developing. I love you with all my heart, Michael, always have done and always will. But to take on your two boys is a massive ask. Not so much from my point of view, but I have Antonio to think of – he is my world. Your sons are much older, and I’m not sure it would work out if we all lived together. No way will I risk my son’s happiness by rushing into anything, especially marriage.’

  ‘More lies, Bella? You were probably at it with some other geezer,’ Michael spat accusingly. He had no idea why he was being so horrible to her. Was it guilt because he hadn’t been able to keep his cock in his trousers?

  When Bella began to sob and plead her innocence, he finally softened. Sitting next to her, he put his arms around her. ‘I’m so sorry, babe, I know you’d never cheat on me really.’

  ‘And I’m so sorry too.’

  Michael held the woman he loved close to his chest. ‘Everything will be all right, Bell. Please don’t shut me out again though, that’s all I ask. My life was like an empty shell without you, and believe me, I’m no soppy bastard that usually comes out with such crap. But it was. I only feel whole when we’re together.’

  Laughing and crying at the same time, Bella held Michael’s handsome face in her hands. ‘I swear to God, I will never shut you out again.’

  ‘Things will work out, you know. Perhaps I came on too strong, mentioning marriage and stuff? I know it’s not gonna be easy, us making a go of it with the three boys. So let’s make a pact to take things more slowly. There’s no rush for us to move in together. And even if we decide we want to, there’s certainly no rush for us to get hitched. We’ll make a fresh start. Go on some proper dates, and when the time feels right we’ll introduce the boys properly. Sound OK to you?’

  ‘I’ve missed you so much,’ Bella murmured, in her sexy half-English half-Italian drawl.

  Michael breathed deeply, lust taking over every part of him. ‘I want you badly. I promise if you ravish me, I’ll return the favour.’

  Bella unzipped the man of her dream’s trousers and took his penis in her mouth.

  Michael Butler stared at Bella’s beautiful face as she pleasured him. She truly was his soul-mate and he knew it.

  Katy Spencer and her friend Lucy Tompkins were in high spirits as they joined the pharmacy queue in Boots.

  ‘I’m so excited for you. When will you tell him – if you are?’ Lucy giggled.

  ‘As soon as I get him alone. I’ve never been a week late before, so I reckon I must be,’ Katy convinced herself.

  ‘I wonder if he’ll ask you to move straight in with him?’

  ‘Michael can be very romantic, so it wouldn’t surprise me. You should see the faces and hear the noises he makes when we have sex. He’s totally into me, Luce, I can tell. The only reason we’re not already living together is because he thinks it’s too soon for Lee and Daniel after Nancy. He loves me, I know it.’

  ‘He is such a catch, Katy. You are one lucky girl. Which reminds me: while we’re in Romford you must pop into Downtown and get that record. Every time I hear it, it makes me think of you and Michael.’

  ‘What record?’

  ‘The new one in the chart I told you about. It’s so you and Mr Butler.’

  When Lucy began singing the words to Atlantic Starr’s ‘Secret Lovers’ Katy felt a warm glow inside. She put her hand on her stomach and as she neared the front of the queue, prayed silently to God that she was carrying Michael Butler’s baby.

  Ava Preston launched herself at her father’s legs and nestled her head against them. ‘Fred did naughties to Auntie Viv, Daddy.’

  Vinny Butler knelt down to stroke Fred, who was also vying for his attention, then picked his daughter up and swung her in the air. Apart from Teddy (the mutt’s toy) the only thing Fred ever wanted to shag was Viv’s leg and Vinny found that highly amusing.

  ‘You all right, boy? I was worried when I couldn’t get hold of you last night. What’s the point of having a mobile phone if you don’t bleedin’ answer it?’ Queenie asked, hands on hips.

  ‘Sorry, Mum. I had a business meeting with Eddie Mitchell and we got on the Scotch. You know how it is,’ Vinny winked.

  Queenie batted her eyelids, then grinned. Both she and Viv lusted after Eddie Mitchell even more than they did that Dirty Den in EastEnders.

  ‘I was thinking, it’s about time we changed Ava’s surname, legally. Best to get it done before she starts school. Whaddya reckon?’

  ‘But I like my name being Ava,’ the confused child mumbled, pouting.

  Carrying Ava into the lounge, Vinny placed her on the sofa, and sat next to her. His mum had enrolled her in nursery school, but that hadn’t turned out too well. Not only had Ava been devastated over leaving Fred at home, she’d also punched two of the other children in her first week and had left by mutual agreement. ‘You’ll still be called Ava, but instead of Ava Preston, you’ll be Ava Butler,’ Vinny explained gently.

  ‘Why is my name Ava Preston?’

  Queenie crouched down. ‘Because when Mummy registered your birth, she forgot to put your father’s name on the birth certificate. Fred’s registered at the vet as Fred Butler, so you want to have the same surname as him, don’t you?’

  ‘Yes, but
will Mummy be upset if the angels tell her?’

  Queenie stroked the child’s hair. ‘No, love. Mummy’s dead. She won’t be able to speak to the angels where she is.’

  Katy Spencer put the arm of the record player on repeat, lay down on her bed and daydreamed of her future. Lee and Daniel already adored her, she knew that much, and if her test came back positive, her and Michael would most definitely live happily ever after. Picturing what their baby would look like, Katy sang along with ‘Secret Lovers’. Lucy had been right. This song was written for her and Michael.

  Taking the test out of her handbag, Katy smiled as she read the instructions. The pharmacist had told her to do the test first thing in the morning before she’d had anything to eat or drink. Patience had never been Katy’s virtue, so she ripped open the box.

  The Enemy met his pal in the Eastbrook pub. Dale Grainger and himself had been best mates whilst locked up. In addition to being his drug supplier, he was also going to give him an alibi if and when needed. Dale had no idea what the alibi was for and that’s the way the Enemy liked it. The Butlers were very well known, even in Dagenham, and the less anybody knew the better.

  Two drinks and twenty minutes later, the teenager had attracted the attention of two extremely drunken, much older women. ‘You’re handsome, you, ain’t ya?’ the ginger woman slurred, nudging her equally awful mate.

  Dale nudged his pal. ‘Ignore them, otherwise we won’t get rid. A nightmare they are, proper alkies. Been barred from the Keys, Bull and the Railway. The ginger one goes out with Brett Carpenter, the biggest knob-end in Dagenham. The other one’s shacked up with Dave Green, another prick. You should see ’em perform down the Roundhouse of a weekend when the bands are on. It’s hard to believe she’s Vinny Butler’s sister.’

  ‘Who is?’

  ‘The one with the frowsy blonde hair. That’s Brenda Butler. Minging, ain’t it?’

  Nodding in agreement, the Enemy stared at Brenda and pictured her covered in blood.

  ‘Michael! Stop it! I really do have to get home to Antonio. I promised my friends I would pick him up before noon, and it’s nearly that now,’ Bella explained.

  Obligingly moving his finger away from Bella’s clitoris, Michael propped an elbow on the pillow beside her and rested his head on his hand. ‘When am I gonna see you again? And the little man? Missed him big time an’ all.’

  ‘I’m very busy the next couple of days. I have a lot of work to catch up on and meetings to attend. How about Saturday? I’d like to introduce you properly to my friends who run my favourite Italian restaurant. That’s where Antonio stayed last night. Will you be able to take time away from the club?’

  Michael grinned. ‘You bet I can.’

  ‘Fabulous. But you still haven’t answered my earlier question,’ Bella reminded him.


  ‘I asked you did you date anybody else while I was away?’

  ‘Of course I didn’t, you daft mare. Not unless you count my old mucker, Black Kevin. I took him out a couple of times to cheer him up. Split up with his old woman, poor sod. And I can assure you we’re not gay.’

  ‘I believe you, many wouldn’t,’ Bella chuckled.

  Feeling edgy all of a sudden, Michael leapt out of bed. ‘I’ll put the kettle on, babe. You hungry?’

  ‘No. A coffee will do just fine, thanks.’

  Instead of the kitchen, Michael made a beeline for the sitting room. He’d switched his mobile off last night, then turned his landline and answer phone on to silent. Seeing the black machine flashing away like a good ’un, Michael sighed deeply. He would bet his club on who the calls were from and he had to get rid of her now, fast.

  Vinny Butler was in a filthy mood. He’d been trying to get hold of Michael since early this morning, and had a vision of why his brother still wasn’t answering his phone.

  ‘I thought you were going to take Ava out for the whole day, boy?’ Queenie questioned.

  ‘Nah. Not today, Mum. I took her to the café and we’ve taken the mutt out for a run. Ava’s happy here, playing in the garden.’

  ‘It doesn’t give me much of a break though, does it, Vinny? I’m going down the Roman all day on Saturday with Viv, so best you up your fatherly duties by then.’

  ‘Glad you and Auntie Viv are OK. Who made the first move?’

  ‘Don’t change the bloody subject. I know you love Ava, but you can’t put on me so much. I haven’t had a chance to tidy upstairs properly and change the bedding since Tara and Tommy left. I’m no spring chicken now. I might look like one still, but me bones ache some days and I get tired in the afternoons.’

  ‘When did Tara and Tommy leave?’

  ‘The day Bren came out of hospital. I told you yesterday. Whatever’s wrong with you lately? It’s like talking to a silly boy, and you’ve got a face like a smacked arse.’

  Rather than admitting to his mother that he’d spent most of the day visualizing his brother fucking Bella and wishing it was him, Vinny stood up, waving his hands. ‘I’m going now. Can’t be doing with you when you’re in one of these moods. And you shouldn’t be coming out with insults such as “silly boy”. Champ wasn’t exactly bright, was he? How would Auntie Viv feel, hearing you saying that?’

  ‘Me and Viv both call him next door “silly-boy-got-none”. Unlike you, Viv hasn’t had a personality bypass,’ she sniffed. ‘Sod off then, and don’t bother coming back until you’re more cheerful. Or on Saturday, when you will be looking after your daughter for once.’

  Without saying goodbye to Ava, who was in the garden with Fred, Vinny slammed the front door behind him.

  Driving off like a maniac, he immediately regretted his actions and punched the steering wheel. Out of all the birds in the world, why did Michael have to fall in love with that cunt?

  As soon as Bella left, Michael Butler listened to the messages on his answer machine. There were nine in total – six from Katy and three from Vinny.

  Pacing up and down the room, Michael wondered what to do for the best. Katy was young, worked for him, so was it fair to sack her over the phone? It had to be wiser to do so in person. He should blame her dismissal on the boys’ recent bad behaviour and pay her off with a wad of money. Surely that would keep her sweet? And quiet, regarding him and her.

  Before he could pick up the phone and ask Katy to meet him, the buzzer disturbed Michael’s pre-planned speech. Nobody else was at the club, so he answered it himself. It would be proper handy if it was Katy. Save him a journey.

  ‘It’s Vinny,’ came the gruff voice over the speaker. ‘Where the fuck you been and why aren’t you answering your phone?’

  Michael ran down the stairs and flung the door open. ‘Sorry, bruv. I had a visitor last night – Bella. She’s back from Italy and we’re gonna give it another go.’

  ‘How very romantic! And did it not occur to you that me and Mum might be worried if you wasn’t answering your phone?’

  A bit taken aback by Vinny’s obvious anger, Michael shrugged. ‘I’m a grown man, Vin, give me a break. I had to switch both phones off in case Katy rang. Good job I did: she’s left tons of messages.’

  ‘I’m not interested in your fucked-up love life, Michael. If you’re silly enough to take a bird back who has already dumped you, that’s your lookout. What I wanna talk about is Dagenham Dave. He needs to be taught a bit of a lesson. Brenda might be a pain in the arse, but she’s still our sister.’

  ‘But she threatened you with the Old Bill, Vin,’ Michael reminded his brother.

  ‘So what. It’s a direct piss-take at us, him clumping Bren. We won’t kill him, but he needs a stern warning. People will think we’re mugs otherwise.’

  ‘What people?’ said Michael, wondering why Vinny was getting in a lather. ‘Bren and Dave had a punch-up. Big fucking deal. They’re back together now and everybody knows what a nightmare Brenda is.’

  ‘I was out with Eddie Mitchell yesterday. Even he agreed that Dave needs a good hiding. I’ve done a bit of res
earch and heard through the grapevine that he serves up in the Cross Keys at the weekends. Barred from there is our Bren, she’s down the Roundhouse. So, we’ll stalk the Keys at the weekend, take Carl with us to entice the cunt outside. There’s a graveyard opposite. The perfect place for Dave to be taught who not to mess with in the future.’

  ‘I can’t make Saturday. I’m seeing Bella.’

  ‘Business before pleasure, Michael. And family before whores. Always remember that, bruv.’

  As Vinny turned his back and walked out the premises, Michael wanted to give him a slap; disrespecting him was one thing, but having a dig at Bella was another. Instead he punched the wall. Vinny was obviously in one of his Jekyll and Hyde moods and until he snapped out of it, he was best left alone.


  Michael Butler put the boys’ breakfast on the table.

  ‘Ain’t you having none, Dad?’ Lee asked.

  ‘Nah. And I need yous two to pop out for hour or so about half eleven. Someone’s coming round and I need to talk business, in private.’

  ‘Who’s that then?’ Daniel enquired.

  ‘Nobody you know,’ Michael lied. Today was the first chance he’d had to talk in private with Katy and he was absolutely dreading telling her that there’d be no more her and him, and he didn’t need her taking care of the boys any longer. A thousand pounds he planned to give her as a pay-off, and he only hoped that would soften the blow.

  ‘But I thought we were grounded?’ Daniel questioned suspiciously.

  ‘You were until today. Can’t keep you locked indoors for ever, can I? Just learn to behave yourselves in future. And keep away from Donald and Mary’s café. If I hear you’ve been within a hundred feet of that joint, I swear I’ll send you both away to a bloody boarding school. Understand me?’


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