An Inconvenient Dare

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An Inconvenient Dare Page 2

by Bethany Lopez

  Holy shit he’s not wearing underwear!

  Vanessa almost came on the spot as she took in the long, hard length of him. Her heart pounding and her legs barely strong enough to hold her upright, she decided it was time to move to the bedroom.

  “Follow me,” she said, not bothering to look over her shoulder to see if he was complying. She knew he was.

  Vanessa put an extra sway in her hips as she walked down the hall to her bedroom. She felt high on power, and the fact that he was so obviously enjoying their encounter only made her feel more sexually attractive.

  “Lay down,” she said when they entered the room. Her mind was spinning with possibilities as she watched Enrique do as she said, his body so large that he took up the entire length of her mattress.

  Enrique’s hot eyes followed her as she walked, still fully clothed, to her closet. When she walked out moments later with two of her silk scarves, his lips parted slightly and she could see his breathing deepen. Desire pooled in her belly as she fully appreciated the scene before her.

  She’d never tied anyone up, or been tied up before, but something about seeing his tanned skin against the crisp white of her comforter had inspired her. She wanted to keep him there, and she wanted to prolong this night for as long as she could, and she knew if he touched her, she’d be done.

  Vanessa walked to the bed and gave a satisfied smile when Enrique offered his wrist to her, bringing it over his head so she could tie it to her headboard with the scarf. She made sure it was tight, but loose enough so as not to hurt him, before crossing and binding his other hand in the same way.

  His eyes never left her, and the fact that he was watching her, totally silent, had her wanting more.

  “Tell me what you want,” she requested, eager to hear the velvet touch of his husky voice.

  “Straddle me,” he said immediately.

  She eased up onto the bed, careful not to hurt him with the spikes of her heels as she lifted her clothed body over his naked one. Rather than settling on top of him, she hovered, so that the heat between them met and melded, although their bodies did not.

  “Take off your panties.”

  Vanessa leaned forward, putting her weight on her knees and her forearms, stopping when her lips were a breath away from his. Suddenly, the need to touch those lips for the first time consumed her.

  “I’m not wearing any,” she uttered, then she brought her mouth to his, swallowing his growl of desire.

  It was like her lips were meant for one thing … to kiss this man. The first taste of his full lips was perfection, and when her lips parted and his tongue delved in, it felt like an electric current shot through her. They devoured each other, mouth to mouth. When she could no longer hold herself up, she dropped down, moaning when the hem of her dress rode up and her hot, slick center was skin to skin with his stomach.

  A deep groan reverberated in his chest and Enrique broke the kiss, turning his head to the side and taking a deep breath, before turning his chocolate eyes back to her.

  “I want you to slide that hot pussy up here and sit on my face. Then I want you to ride me until you come. Hard. Screaming my name.”

  “Shit,” Vanessa managed to choke out as his words caused her vision to blur momentarily.

  “Now!” he growled.

  Vanessa pulled her dress up over her hips and maneuvered around his arms to get in the position they were both aching for. Too turned on to be embarrassed or unsure, Vanessa grabbed the headboard and lowered herself onto his mouth. With only his lips and tongue free, Enrique licked her from bottom to top, then flattened his tongue and began to work over her clit.

  “Holy hell,” Vanessa muttered as her orgasm began to build. She looked down to see Enrique’s eyes were closed, and the site only pushed her closer to the edge.

  She would have been embarrassed about how quickly he’d made her come, but she was too busy fulfilling his wish and screaming his name, as she rocked her hips and experienced the greatest orgasm of her life.

  Full of feeling of euphoria and tenderness, Vanessa eased down Enrique’s body and rested her head briefly on his chest. She inhaled deeply, taking in his musky, sexy scent, before sitting up and gazing down at him.

  His self-satisfied grin should have annoyed her, but since she was pretty sure she was wearing a matching one on her face, she decided to let it go.

  She brought one French manicured thumb to wipe the moisture from around his mouth, then groaned throatily when he sucked the thumb into his swollen lips. Vanessa leaned down to kiss him once more, unable to resist the pull of those pillow-soft lips, then pulled back and tugged her dress over her head in one swift motion, leaving her as bare as him, save the heels on her feet.

  Vanessa leaned over to the small drawer in her nightstand and rifled around until she found a condom, then sat up and asked, “Do these expire?”

  Surprised, Enrique laughed, the sounds causing his body to vibrate beneath hers. “Yeah, Mi Cielo, they do. If you grab my wallet out of the back of my pants, I have one in there.”

  Vanessa’s eyes narrowed as she wondered if that meant he picked up strange women all of the time.

  He must have guessed what she was thinking, because he added, “I was taught to always be prepared. I don’t make a habit of this kind of thing … promise.”

  Choosing to believe him, Vanessa hurried off of Enrique and into the living room. She pulled his wallet out of his pants, then took it with her into the room. She didn’t feel right going through his things while he was tied up in the other room.

  “Just open it, and you’ll find it in the back of the flap there.”

  Once she had it in hand, Vanessa placed his wallet on the table, then put the condom on the bed next to them and crawled back up. Needing to get their engines revved back up again after that embarrassing pause, she began to explore his body once again.


  Vanessa had woken up the next day to an empty bed and felt conflicting emotions. On the one hand, she was glad that he’d saved her the embarrassing morning after … She couldn’t believe how brazen she’d been. On the other, she was sad not to see if the chemistry between them was as strong in the cold light of day, as it had been after a bottle of wine.

  When she’d finally gotten out of bed and saw the note propped up against her bathroom mirror, she’d felt a rush of happiness that she decided not to analyze at that point.

  I want to see you again. Enrique, it stated simply, listing his phone number underneath.

  Vanessa liked that he once again handed the decision, and therefore the control, over to her. She’d ridden on that high, and the satisfaction from a terrific night of sex, but she hadn’t called. She wasn’t sure yet if she was going to or not.

  She needed to call Ella and talk it all out.

  Now, the weekend was over and she was excited about beginning a new week with a new client. She walked purposefully through the aisle of desks, saying good morning as she made her way to her office.

  It wasn’t big, but she loved it. Tucked away in the corner, she loved having the semblance of privacy. Most of her day was filled with people, so it was nice to have a place to go to when she needed a moment of peace. She’d decorated it simply, in blues and grays. Her favorite thing about it was that if you looked out the window really hard, you could see the ocean in the distance.

  Vanessa had almost made it to her office when she heard Derek call out for her to come to his. She quickly redirected and almost dropped her travel mug of hot coffee when she saw Enrique standing just inside the door.

  “Vanessa Vaughn, this is Enrique Diaz. He’s Angie’s cousin and our new intern,” Derek said with a smile, oblivious to the fact that one of his prized employees had recently ravaged the new hire.

  Her first thought was to wonder whether or not Enrique had known who she was when she picked him up at the party that night, but his face portrayed the same shock that she felt, so she was pretty confident that he hadn’t. Still, what were the od
ds? And he was Angie’s cousin?

  She realized that they’d never got around to last names, and she’d never asked him why he was at the party, so it was really her own fault.

  God, if Derek found out she could lose her job.

  “Ms. Vaughn,” Enrique said, masking his surprise. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  Vanessa schooled her features and shook his offered hand.

  “You as well, Mr. Diaz.”

  “Please, call me Enrique,” he said smoothly, and his eyes heated with a look she remembered well. His thumb gently caressed the inside of her wrist, and she pulled her hand away.

  Taking a deep breath, Vanessa tried to calm her racing heart, but the combination of Enrique’s nearness, and the possibility that they’d done something wrong … something forbidden … had her body reacting feverishly.

  Her question was answered. They didn’t need alcohol to have chemistry; their bodies seemed to combust when they were within a few feet of each other.

  “Enrique,” she said huskily, and the look on his face told her that Enrique knew she was turned on. She flicked her gaze over to Derek, and was relieved to see he was looking down. “Well, if you don’t need me, I’d better get to work.”

  “That’s fine,” Derek said, looking up with a tight smile. “I’ll see you at the afternoon meeting.”

  Vanessa gave her boss a brisk nod, then turned and added, “Enrique.”

  “Ms. Vaughn,” was his reply.

  She turned on her heel and high-tailed it down to her office, shutting the door and leaning against it to take a deep breath.

  Vanessa was seated behind her desk, caught up in an email she was sending out, when a knock sounded at her door. She looked up and said, “Come in,” then held her breath as she waited to see if he would be there.

  Enrique walked in, then shut the door behind him. His eyes roamed her face, seeming to look inside in order to work out how she was doing, then he grinned and asked, “What are the chances?”

  “I guess they were pretty good, considering we met at a work function,” she admitted, feeling foolish. “I guess I should have asked what you were doing there.”

  “I was invited by my cousin Angie, and her boyfriend, Colt. They’re the ones who recommended me for this internship, and they thought it would be a good idea for me to meet some of the people I’d be working with,” Enrique answered, four days too late.

  “An internship,” Vanessa muttered, thinking that he was a little old to be just starting out as an intern, but not wanting to sound rude. “Have you worked in PR before?”

  “I finished two tours in the military last year,” he replied, peaking her interest. “We didn’t exactly call it PR on the inside, but the work was similar. It’s been hard for me to find a job as a civilian, which is why I accepted an internship. You’ve got to start somewhere, right?”

  His answer sounded almost scripted, but she chalked that up to probably having to field that question a lot since he got out of the military. And now that he mentioned it, it fit him. He looked like a military man. That certainly explained the body…

  “Well, welcome to the firm,” Vanessa said, then lowered her voice and added, “I’m sorry to say that if I’d known you worked here, I never would have approached you. I have a strict no fraternization policy.”

  Enrique walked to the desk and placed his palms flat down on the surface. He leaned down, his face mere inches from hers, and said, “Then I’m glad it was never brought up.”

  She stood, and he rose to full height.

  “That means we can’t do that again, Enrique.” Vanessa could hear the regret in her voice. “It would be inappropriate for me to carry on with an intern.”

  Enrique’s mouth thinned with disappointment.

  “We’re both grown-ass adults, Mi Cielo. We don’t need permission.”

  Vanessa pulled her lower lip between her teeth as she thought about how much she’d like to forgo the rules, just this once.

  “I don’t know…”

  “No one needs to know,” he pleaded, his gaze hot as he watched her worry her lip. “You’re the boss, just like before. You let me know what you want, and it’s yours.”

  She wanted him.

  Right or wrong, she loved the way he made her feel, and she wasn’t ready to give that up.

  “Kiss me,” Vanessa ordered, sealing their fate.


  When Derek had given him the list of names to investigate, Enrique had never imagined Vanessa Vaughn was his Vanessa. When she’d walked into Derek’s office, looking prim and proper with her hair pulled back and her body tucked into some sort of business suit with a skirt, he’d been torn between swearing and taking her right there on the floor of his client’s office.

  He hadn’t lied when he said he’d done two tours in the military, but he’d finished out his last tour working for the Office of Special Investigations, not in public relations. After his military separation, he’d started his own private investigation firm, and had been making a name for himself in Miami. When Derek Fine had told his cousin Angie that he needed to hire someone, she’d given him Enrique’s number.

  Now Enrique was starting his first day, posing as an intern, so he could find out who was embezzling money from Derek’s firm. Luckily, he’d already crossed Vanessa’s name off the list during his initial screening of employees. The theft had started prior to her employment with the company.

  He hated that he had to lie to her, and although he knew the right thing to do would be to stop seeing her, he found he couldn’t. The pull to her was magnetic.

  He watched her waging a war inside her brain as to whether or not to let him go, and the sight of her sucking her lip between her teeth had catapulted him back to their night together … to the sight of her crawling up his body after tossing the condom on the bed.

  His hands bound, he’d been helpless to touch her the way he’d wanted, but she’d let him voice his needs. In fact, hearing him talk dirty had made her lose control, and he’d loved every second of it. Losing his sense of touch had made the experience even more erotic, and he’d come harder than he’d ever come in his life.

  It didn’t hurt that she’d primed him by wrapping her beautiful lips around his cock, eyes looking coyly up at him, as he’d expressed everything he wanted her to do. And she’d done it all, without hesitation. She was the most sensual, erotic person he’d ever encountered, and there was no way he was giving her up.

  Not even for his job.

  So he did as she asked, and kissed her.

  Vanessa moaned deep in her throat at the first touch of his lips, and he knew she’d missed him just as much as he’d missed her, even if she hadn’t called. If he was honest, he hadn’t really expected her to, at least not right away. He figured she probably needed a few days to talk herself into using the number he’d left, but he was glad he didn’t have to wait for that to happen.

  He struggled to keep his word and go at her pace, based on her command, but everything inside of him yearned to do more than just taste … He wanted to touch.

  Slanting his head slightly, he deepened the kiss, sucking and nibbling on her full lips as he savored her taste. His cock grew rapidly in his khakis and he knew he had to pull away, or he’d never be able to stop.

  When Enrique broke the kiss and stepped back, the sight of Vanessa’s large hazel eyes clouded with desire nearly did him in.

  Panting, she begged, “Don’t stop.”

  He brought his hand up, intending to smooth back the hair that had sprung free, but when she turned touched her lips to his palm, darting her tongue out to taste him, he moaned in frustration.

  “We have to,” he replied, mentally kicking himself for being the voice of reason.

  “I don’t have any appointments until after nine. No one will know,” Vanessa assured him. “Lock the door.”

  Deciding the voice of reason could go to hell, he did as she said and locked the door, then came back to stop in front of her
, his hands aching to see if she was as ready for him as he was for her.

  “What do you want?”

  “Touch me.”

  “Thank fuck,” he swore as he lifted her deftly onto the desk.

  Cognizant of their lack of time and privacy, Enrique brought one hand to the back of Vanessa’s neck, holding her there while he ravaged her with his mouth, and slid the other hand under her skirt.

  When his hand brushed against her bare flesh, wet and hot with desire, he tore his mouth from hers.

  “No panties? Again?” he managed as his dick pulsed painfully against his zipper.

  “I never wear them. Don’t like ‘em,” Vanessa said as she kissed the base of his throat.

  “God bless you,” he said, causing her to laugh, which tickled his skin sensually.

  He loved the sound, but he loved the sound she made when he slipped one of his fingers inside her pussy even more.

  “Yes,” she moaned as she began to writhe on the desk.

  Enrique inserted another finger, pumping them in and out as he brushed his lips along the length of her throat.

  “Fuck me,” Vanessa demanded. “Now.”

  Never one to disobey a command, Enrique pulled the condom that he’d replaced in his wallet and swiftly released his cock, not bothering to take his pants off. As he sheathed himself, Vanessa scooted her skirt up her hips, leaving herself bare and ready for him.

  “Christ, you’re gorgeous,” he said reverently as he pulled her hips down to the edge of the desk.

  He entered her in one swift motion, causing Vanessa to cry out.

  “Quiet, Mi Cielo,” Enrique said, not really caring if anyone heard them. But he knew that Vanessa didn’t want to get caught having sex in her office, so he covered her mouth with his own, swallowing her cries as he pounded inside of her.

  Vanessa’s hands were on his ass, urging him faster. He wrapped one arm around her waist to hold her steady, and used the other to brace himself as he brought them both closer to climax. He felt the sweet little whimpers at the back of her throat, and knew she was almost there, so he swiveled his hips as he pumped, grinding his pelvis against her clit.


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