An Inconvenient Dare

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An Inconvenient Dare Page 5

by Bethany Lopez

  “Better than I’d ever imagined,” he answered, feeling relieved now that he had a plan to put in motion. “Do you think Mom and Dad would believe it, if they saw the two of us now … both running our own businesses?”

  “Oh, yeah, ‘Rique, they always said we’d be successful, no matter what we put our minds too,” his brother said with a melancholy smile. “And neither of us ever liked to be told what to do, so working for ourselves was a natural progression.”

  Enrique laughed, but he felt a pang at the thought of the parents they’d lost a couple years ago. Their father had a heart attack and passed, and a few months later, their mother did too. Carlos had said it was because Mama couldn’t bear the thought of being on this earth without their father, and Enrique had to agree.

  They’d had a wonderful childhood, filled with laughter and love, and neither of them had ever had any doubt of how their parents felt about each other, or about their sons. Enrique wanted that for himself one day, and he was beginning to think he’d already found the woman who’d hold his heart forever.

  After another hour of catching up, Carlos said he was heading out to one of his friend’s nightclubs before going home. Although he asked if he wanted to join him, Enrique wanted to finish putting together his notes to turn in to Fine tomorrow, so he wished his brother a good night and said they needed to make this a weekly ritual.

  “You got it, and let me know how everything goes with Vanessa,” Carlos said as he pulled his brother in for a quick hug and a hard pat on the back.

  “Will do,” Enrique promised, then picked up the empty beer bottles and waved with full hands as Carlos rounded his condo. He threw them in the recycle bin, then headed up to the one luxury he allowed himself.

  He’d been raised to be smart with his money, and he was, but he’d indulged when he rented his little condo on the beach. Enrique had a great love for the ocean, and had grown up always wishing he could live close to the beach. With the money he saved while being in the military, and the income that was now rolling in with his PI firm, Enrique could afford the rent and still live comfortably. He knew he wanted to upgrade to a house with a yard eventually, but for now, he enjoyed the perks of sleeping with his windows open every night.

  He hadn’t invited Vanessa over yet, partially because they’d spent most of their time at her place or out, and partially because he didn’t want to have to hide the evidence of what he really did for a living.

  It was time to remedy that.

  My house for dinner tomorrow night? I’m cooking, he texted, looking at the clock to make sure it wasn’t too late.

  When his phone pinged a second later, he knew it wasn’t.

  Sounds perfect. What can I bring?

  Just yourself. And maybe your scarves…

  Enrique grinned at the memory of their first encounter, his body tightening as he remembered what it had felt like to be completely at her mercy.

  Okay, she wrote back, and he could imagine her blushing at his request, then she added, see you in the morning.

  Goodnight, Mi Cielo.

  Goodnight, Enrique.

  Tomorrow he’d turn in his report and tell Vanessa the truth about everything.

  She’d understand, Enrique assured himself.

  She had to…


  Vanessa felt like she was walking on air.

  She had a great job, she lived in a wonderful city, had her best friend nearby … and, she was in love for the first time in her life.

  She found herself parking farther away so she could walk longer and enjoy the beautiful morning. The sun was signing, the birds were chirping, and if you listened really hard, you could hear waves crashing in the distance.

  She loved Miami.

  When she’d gotten the text from Enrique the night before, inviting her to his place for dinner that night, everything had fallen into place. This was real … It wasn’t just a fling. She was finally creating a good balance between her work life and her personal life, and it was working. She really could have it all.

  That realization had taken the final bits of doubt out of her mind, and she’d allowed herself to admit her true feelings for Enrique. It wasn’t just about sex, or the fact that he was hotter than sin, but he listened to her … he believed in her … and he was the most sweet, thoughtful, honest guy she’d ever known.

  Vanessa decided that once he was tied to the bed with the scarves she’d tucked giddily into her bag, she’d tell him. She was nervous, but she believed that he felt the same, and she was ready to take a risk by saying it first.

  She bent down outside her building to push her nose into a large open rose, and inhaled deeply. When she righted herself she laughed out loud, thinking what a cliché she was.

  I’m as corny as a Disney princess, she thought, then shrugged, okay with her sappy, love-struck state of mind.

  “Good morning,” she called happily to her fellow employees as she practically floated down the aisles. She had intended to come in a little later, since she’d worked late the last few nights, but she’d found herself wide awake with her creative juices flowing, so she’d decided to come straight in instead.

  Vanessa turned toward Derek’s office instead of her own, intending to let him know she was in. The door was cracked an inch, and when she heard voices, she turned to leave since he was obviously busy.

  I’ll just touch base with him later, she thought, then paused when she heard Enrique’s voice.

  “Here’s everything I gathered,” he was saying, his voice low. “I was able to dig around in his records, and found some info online, but the best source of information are these transcriptions from the tapped phone. He’s been taking money steadily over the past few years, but got greedy and started taking larger sums, which is what tipped you off.”

  “Years?” Derek asked, his voice full of disbelieve. “David’s been with me from the beginning … I just don’t understand … Why would he do this?”

  Vanessa leaned in closer, confusion swimming through her, and she strained to hear what was said next.

  “Are you sure he was working alone?” Derek inquired.

  “Yes. I ran checks on all of the other employees, and everyone else turned up clean. David’s the source.”

  Unable to comprehend what she was hearing, or what it meant, Vanessa pushed the door opened and entered Derek’s office, not caring that she was interrupting a private meeting. She needed answers.

  Both men turned toward the door. Derek looked annoyed at the interruption, but Enrique’s face turned to shock.

  “What’s going on?” she asked the room, but stalked over to stand in front of Enrique, because that’s who her question was really directed at.

  “Mi Cielo…” he began, but she held her hand up to stop him.

  “Don’t,” she said, then turned and began pacing the room. “So you aren’t really an intern. That was a lie … You’re some sort of undercover cop working for Mr. Fine, and you’re here investigating all of us.” Vanessa stopped pacing and stood before him once again, pain flashing across her face. “Were you investigating me? Is that what this was all about?”

  “NO! Mi Cielo…” At her sharp look he amended, “Vanessa. That was not it at all. I swear … I didn’t know who you were when we met, and when I found out, I was relieved because I’d already cleared you.”

  “And I’m just supposed to believe that?” she asked, bringing her hands to her hips and thrusting out a hip.

  “What’s going on here?” Derek butt in, reminding her that they were having it out in her boss’s office. The boss who wouldn’t look too kindly on an executive diddling an intern.

  Well, she guessed it didn’t matter now. Enrique had never really been an intern anyway.

  “I’m sorry, Derek,” she said, jutting out her chin to show a confidence that she wasn’t feeling. “I was having a relationship with Enrique, even though I thought he was an intern here and knew you wouldn’t like it. We kept it a secret from everyon
e, but I knew it was wrong.”

  Derek ran a hand over his face and sighed.

  “It’s a moot point, but we don’t have a policy against inter-office dating, and Enrique wasn’t your subordinate, so I wish you hadn’t felt the need to keep it a secret. I just ask, in the future, for your honesty.”

  “Funny,” Vanessa said sarcastically, “that’s all I ask for as well.”

  With that parting shot aimed at both of them, Vanessa stormed out. When she reached the hall she began running, and even though she heard Enrique calling after her, she didn’t pause until she reached her car.


  God, how could I be so stupid? Vanessa berated herself as she pulled into her parking spot.

  She swiped absently at the tears rolling down her face as she used her other hand to text her best friend.


  Less than a minute later, Ella texted back: I can be there in 5. What’s the sitch?

  Enrique is a FUCKING LIAR!

  Vanessa took a couple of deep breaths, trying to calm her rage.

  Be there in 3.

  She was too upset to smile, but Vanessa was grateful that she could at least count on one person in her life.

  Vanessa got into her condo on autopilot, headed straight for the couch, and pulled an afghan over her head as she curled into a ball. Feelings of betrayal, anger, and hurt battled within her, and she wondered how she’d gotten to this point.

  This was why she’d always chosen to focus on her career … These feelings sucked.


  She heard a key enter the lock, and knew Ella had arrived, using her emergency key rather than knocking.

  Vanessa peered over the cover to see her friend bust into the door with a pint of Mint Chocolate Chip in one hand and a handgun in the other.

  “Which one do we need?” Ella asked, her face seriously pissed.

  Even though she didn’t think anything would be able to make her laugh in this moment, seeing her friend holding a gun did the trick.

  “I’m one-hundred percent serious, Van. I don’t know what the hell you’re laughing about,” Ella said, then held the gun out. “This is registered to my ex, so if we need it, I have no issue with putting it to use.”

  “Stop,” Vanessa said, holding her sides. “You’re killing me!”

  Ella set the ice cream and gun on the coffee table, then sat on the edge of the sofa.

  “Tell me.”

  “It’s all been a lie. Enrique isn’t an intern, he’s been at the firm doing some sort of investigation for Derek. I overheard him giving his report this morning. He’s been lying to me since the beginning … about who he is, what he does, hell, I don’t even know if Carlos is his actual brother. I’ve never even been to his place.”

  “Didn’t you tell me last night that he’d invited you to his place tonight?” Ella asked cautiously. “Maybe he was planning to tell you the truth. What does he do exactly?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Well, what did he say when you asked him to explain?”

  “I didn’t.”

  “But, if you didn’t ask him about it, how do you know there isn’t a good explanation for the whole thing.”

  Ella knew she’d gone too far when Vanessa’s face got pinched and she shot her a dirty look.

  “There is no good explanation for lying to a person throughout your entire relationship,” Vanessa said angrily. “I knew I shouldn’t open myself up for this … Why couldn’t you have just left me alone? Why’d you have to pick him out at that party? So what if I hadn’t had sex in years? So what if I never went on dates? At least I wasn’t falling for a man that doesn’t exist.”

  “Honey,” Ella said softly, wiping hair off of Vanessa’s face. “He exists … I’m sorry that you’re hurting, but you can’t live your life the way you were. Just think about how much more alive you felt over the past few weeks. I think you should let Enrique explain.” She paused when Vanessa shot her another look, then treaded gently. “But even if you don’t, I hope you don’t close yourself off and throw yourself back in to the job. I want you to be happy.”

  “You know, I didn’t call you over here to take his side…” Vanessa said sulkily.

  “I’m not,” Ella assured her. “I’m Team Vanessa for life, I swear. We don’t need this,” she said, pushing the gun away and picking up the ice cream. “But what do you say we put on Magic Mike and eat this? Sound like a plan?”

  Vanessa nodded and snuggled back down into the couch and pulled the afghan around her while Ella went to get the movie and a couple of spoons.

  They were mesmerized by Channing Tatum’s amazing dance moves when something registered in Vanessa’s brain.

  “Don’t you have to work today?”

  “Nah, I told them I had a family emergency.”

  Vanessa shot her friend a grateful smile, then frowned when a loud knock rapped on the door.

  Looking warily at Ella, she watched as her bestie walked to the door and opened it.

  “I don’t think she wants to see you right now,” Ella said, and Vanessa could guess who was standing on the other side.

  She knew she was right when she heard Enrique reply, “Please, I just want to explain.”

  Ella turned to look at Vanessa over her shoulder.

  Vanessa pushed back the blanket and stood, then she walked to the door and glanced at Enrique briefly before she slammed it in his face.


  Enrique rested his forehead against the closed door, wrecked at the sadness and anger he’d seen on Vanessa’s face. Her cheeks were streaked, so he knew she’d been crying, and it killed him to know that he was the cause of her pain.

  He could hear them arguing on the other side, and prayed that her friend won.

  “Just hear him out, Van,” Ella was saying.

  “Why should I, Ella, so he can lie some more?” Vanessa asked harshly, and he felt those words slash through his gut.

  “Come on, Van, don’t you want to know the truth? If you don’t ask now, you may never find out why he was really there…”

  Enrique held his breath when Vanessa didn’t immediately answer, then took a step back when he heard the door handle turn. When the door finally opened, Vanessa’s back was to him and she was almost to the couch. Ella was still standing by the door and simultaneously gave him a death glare and an encouraging smile.

  He had no idea how she pulled it off.

  He entered slowly and came to a full stop when he noticed the Beretta PX4 semiautomatic pistol on the table. Vanessa had her gaze averted, so he looked at Ella, who just shrugged and gave him a grin.

  Enrique cleared his throat and asked, “May I sit?” Indicating the chair across from the couch.

  “If you must,” Vanessa answered, and he practically shivered from the chill in her tone.

  Sitting on the edge of the chair, Enrique leaned forward and spoke from the heart.

  “I’m so sorry for the way things played out,” he began. “I hated lying to you, but it was in the contract that I had with Derek that no one from the company could know why I was there, except him. I swear that when I met you that first night, I had no idea who you were or that you worked for Fine PR, and when I saw you there my first day, I was torn over what to do. I decided to keep seeing you, knowing that I couldn’t tell you the truth until the case was solved, because I really liked you and didn’t want to lose what we already had, even in that short amount of time. I knew you were special, Mi Cielo, and although I’m sorry that I couldn’t tell you why I was there, I’m not sorry that I got to be with you.”

  “What’s your real job?” she asked irritably, and he felt a moment of relief that she was at least speaking to him.

  “I own a private investigation firm, and was hired by Derek to find out which employee has been stealing from him.”

  Vanessa frowned at that information, but didn’t ask him to reveal what he’d found out. Instead she probed, “Were you really in public relation
s in the military?”

  “No,” he admitted, but hurriedly added, “But I was in the military. Special Investigations. I opened my firm after I separated.”

  “Is Carlos your brother?” she asked, the question striking him as odd.

  Shit, she really thought he’d lied about everything.

  “Yes, Carlos is my brother. Mi Cielo, everything we shared, everything we talked about was true, except any information regarding my position and why I was at the company. My feelings for you are the truth … I promise you, our relationship wasn’t a lie.”

  Vanessa brought her eyes to him once he was finished, and the look in them made his heart clench.

  “I don’t believe you … I can’t trust you. You’ve been lying to me since the moment we met. How can I possibly know what was real and what was part of your job? Maybe you needed to get close to me to help further your investigation … I don’t know. What I do know is that I need time. Time to let everything settle and see how I feel about you once it does.”

  “Mi Cielo, Vanessa, my feelings for you are genuine. Everything we shared was real. I’d crossed you off my list before we even met; you had nothing to do with my investigation. I was going to tell you everything tonight at dinner, you have to believe me,” he pleaded, not caring if he sounded like the desperate man that he was.

  She didn’t answer, she just got up and walked out of the room, leaving him bereft and unsure of what he could do to fix the mess that he’d made.

  He turned to leave and was startled to see Ella leaning against the door, looking at him with sad eyes; he’d forgotten she was in the room. She pushed off the door and walked toward him, her hand outstretched.

  “Give me your phone,” she whispered.

  Uncertain of where she was going with this, he pulled his hand out of his pocket and handed it to her.

  After a few seconds she said, “I punched in my number and called my phone, so I’ll have yours. I’ll shoot you a text over the next couple days and give you a location to meet Van and I at…”


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