Shameless Surrender

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Shameless Surrender Page 9

by Jaymie Holland

  Stop that, Chessie.

  If she didn’t quit thinking that way, she was headed for serious heartache when the fairytale ended.

  You’re not Cinderella, girl. He’s not Prince Charming, and he won’t be whisking you off on a white steed and keeping you in a castle somewhere in Los Angeles.

  Still, the thought of Nick doing just that made her smile.

  He came around the limo and took her hand in his before helping her out. “What’s that smile for?”

  Chessie flushed. No way was she going to tell him she’d compared him to Prince Charming in her thoughts.

  “I’ve never been here.” That ranked right up there with a big ‘duh’. A working-class girl like her could never have come to someplace like this. “It’s…nice.” Lame. Totally lame.

  The corner of Nick’s mouth quirked, as if he knew what she’d really been thinking. “Yes, it is.”

  He rested his hand at her lower back, the contact sending heat through her. He guided her to the entrance where a doorman bowed and opened the door, allowing them in.

  The maître d’ greeted them. “Mr. Tarantino. Welcome back.”

  Nick gave a single nod. “Thank you, Angelo.”

  “This way please, sir.”

  Angelo led them to a corner table where Nick seated her before taking his own place. The maître d’ provided them with menus before bowing and retreating.

  Chessie wanted to look around, take in more of the elegant surroundings, and peek at the who’s who of patrons. She forced herself to stare at her menu, which had no prices.

  No prices meant money. Lots and lots of money.

  She swallowed. What if she ordered something too that cost too much?

  “Chessie.” Nick’s voice brought her out of her brain’s freefall through the overwhelming maze of expensive choices. She looked up at him to see him studying her. “Would you like me to order for you?”

  Her shoulders relaxed. “Yes, please.”

  He smiled. “They have a specialty dish I believe you will enjoy.”

  Chessie had no real memory of the restaurant beyond being attuned to Nick’s powerful presence. Whatever he had ordered was incredible, like nothing she’d ever had at a restaurant in her life.

  It surprised her that he made no move to erotically torture her in any way, like he had last night. She had a feeling he was saving up for later.

  The anticipation kept her on the edge of her seat throughout dinner. The way his gaze would drift over her and linger on her breasts caused tingles to travel straight between her thighs. Her nipples were hard to the point of pain and she squirmed in her seat to assuage the ache below.

  Every taste of her meal, every swallow of wine, every lingering gaze, every brush of his fingers over hers, caused her senses to climb sky-high.

  Her nipples ached. She was so wet and ready for him to be inside her again.

  When the staff cleared the table, he said, “I have something special planned.”

  A shiver ran through her as her mind searched for what he might consider special. She had no doubt he would make it memorable, whatever he had in mind.

  Nick couldn’t stop looking at his beautiful woman. Yes, his woman. He had wanted Chessie for far too long to take for granted any moment he had her with him.

  He intended to have her with him always.

  First, he had to get her used to the idea of him being in her life.

  At least a day or two should do it. The thought of having her permanently in his bed and in his world was enough to heat him through.

  He could barely keep his hands off her in the limo as it whisked them from Caruso’s to Club Surrender. This time, he intended to make her wait, make her ache, make her wonder what he had in mind.

  His self-control rode a fine edge and he restrained himself from rushing her into his club and beyond.

  The doorman bowed them in when they reached the doors. This time they bypassed the club’s restaurant and he escorted her to a private elevator that carried them to his secluded quarters.

  Chessie took in everything with her wide blue eyes, her lips parted with wonder and surprise at every turn.

  The elevator opened into a foyer with a large circular table with an enormous bouquet of summer flowers. Three doors led from the foyer. The penthouse behind the double doors in front of them and quarters for special guests to either side of the double doors.

  He opened the door into his penthouse. She sucked in a lungful of air. She turned to him. “This is amazing.”

  They stepped into the opulent suite and he tried to look at it from her eyes. Thick cream wall-to-wall carpeting, dark wood furnishings, black leather couches, and crystal sculptures glittering beneath recessed lighting. It reeked of wealth.

  “Are you staying here?” She sounded nervous and as if she were trying to think of something to say.

  “You could say that.” He drew her into his embrace. “I own it.”

  Chessie’s eyes widened even more. “You own this penthouse?”

  Nick shrugged. “I own Club Surrender.”

  Her jaw dropped. “Really?”

  He smiled. “Yes, really.”

  “Okay, that was a totally lame thing to say.” She bit her lip. “It’s just—”

  Enough. Nick slid his fingers into her hair and grasped it. He pulled her head back in a rough motion and captured her mouth with his. She gave a small cry of surprise, muffled by his kiss. He raised his head long enough to say, “Relax, Chessie.”

  She nodded and he kissed her again. She grew boneless in his arms, sinking against him as if melting into his body. He felt oddly as though he was melting into her.

  God, she smelled good. Sunshine and woman. He relaxed his grip on her hair as he drank her in, let her saturate his senses until he thought he would never get his fill of this woman.

  Chessie didn’t want this dream to ever end. Every moment she spent in Nick’s presence would make it harder when it did.

  Because something as wonderful as this couldn’t go on forever.

  For God’s sake, he owned Club Surrender. A man as rich as him had far more beautiful and important women in his life.

  The thought deflated her for only a moment.

  Nick’s kiss wiped it all away.

  When he’d thoroughly filled her senses with everything that was Nick, he drew back. He looked as if he was having as hard a time breathing as she was.

  He took her by both shoulders as if about to shake her. “If you don’t want me to tear your dress from your body, take it off.”

  She blinked, her kiss-fogged brain not totally coherent.

  “Chessie…” His tone held warning and she pictured him ripping off her clothes. Her nipples tightened and she ached to the point of tears.

  Strangely, a little voice inside her head said she wanted him to follow through on his threat. She mentally shook off the moment, dragging herself back to reality. “Oh. Okay.”

  She stepped back, her hands shaking. His eyes drank in every one of her movements. She hurried to take her dress off.

  “Slow down, Chessie,” he murmured. “Breathe.”

  Inhale…Exhale… She paused just long enough to catch her breath before she started to remove her dress. Her fingers trembled when she tried to pull down the zipper in the back. He twirled his finger in a circular motion, telling her to turn around.

  She obeyed and shivered as he unzipped her, his fingers drifting against her skin in a smooth caress.

  He drew the material over her bare shoulders and the silk whispered as it slipped down her body and landed in a shimmering mass around her feet. He pushed her long hair above her strapless bra, and kissed her nape. He unfastened her bra and let it drop to join the dress.

  Nick took her by the shoulders and turned her to face him. The hunger in his eyes made her feel somehow powerful—as if she caused him to want to devour her. Does he hold some form of power over me?

  Chessie let out a small sound of pain when he squeezed her
nipples. She had been so wrapped up in him that she hadn’t noticed him reaching for her and grasping the gold and diamond chain looped beneath her breasts.

  Her nipples stung and tears wet her eyes. He pulled each noose tighter on the chain. “Not a sound, princess.” He tugged on the chain and she let out a cry. His voice hardened. “That’s one punishment. You will earn another every time you make a sound. Do you understand, Chessie?”

  She nodded as she gritted her teeth before answering. “Yes.”

  “Good.” He released the chain and she sagged with some relief. Her nipples still hurt, but not as intensely. He cupped her chin with his hand. “Don’t make a sound unless I allow it. From this point on, you will only say ‘yes, Master’, and ‘no, Master’, when I ask you questions. Do you understand?”

  “Yes—” Her voice came out in a squeak and she cleared her throat, “Yes, Master.”

  He stepped back, his gaze drifting over her. She wore only the black thigh-high stockings and garters, panties, and the high heels he had included with the dress he’d had delivered to her. She raised her chin, feeling suddenly embarrassed and shy.

  “With me, you have nothing to hide.” He stepped forward and grasped a handful of hair and pulled her head back so hard her scalp stung. She barely held back a cry. “You are beautiful, Chessie.”

  He made her feel beautiful. The way he looked at her, the way he touched her. Everything he did told her he meant what he said.

  He released her. “On your knees.”

  She knelt in the red silk of her dress and he walked behind her. “Lower your head and look at the floor, then clasp your hands behind your back.”

  The image of a woman doing the same floated through her mind. It had been among the photos on Nick’s tablet. Heat flushed through her and she wondered if he knew she had seen them. The act was even more erotic than the picture had been.

  He got down on one knee beside her and she started to raise her head.

  “No.” He put his hand on the back of her head. “You will always look at the floor unless I give you permission. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Master.” Thrills skittered through her belly from just saying the subservient words.

  He moved his lips to her ear. “Did you like the photos, Chessie?”

  Flames licked her face and her body burned. He knows.

  “Yes, I know.” He drew back and stroked hair from her face. “Answer the question before you receive another punishment.”

  “Yes.” She started to look up but remembered to stare at the floor. “I liked them.”

  “How did they make you feel?”

  Her skin burned hotter yet. “Aroused.”

  “Good.” He cupped her chin and brought her face up so her eyes met his. “Did you wish you were the women you saw?”

  She bit her lower lip then said, “Yes.”

  He narrowed his eyes.

  She hurried to say, “Master. Yes, Master.”

  “Don’t forget.” He released her chin. “You don’t want to earn more punishments, do you?”

  “No, Master.”

  Maybe, Master, the voice in her mind contradicted her. Did she want to be punished?

  If it meant anything like what she’d seen in the pictures, the answer was yes.

  She swallowed, holding her tongue so she didn’t answer him aloud. For all she knew, he might make her punishments more painful than they would have been otherwise.

  “Do you understand the difference between Dom, a dominant, and sub, meaning submissive?”

  “I think so, Master.”

  “If you ever find yourself confused or in question of something you’re doing or being asked to do, I want you to say, ‘may I ask a question, Master?’” He paused. “Will you remember that, Chessie?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Look at the floor and get to your feet.” He moved back and stood. “Keep your hands behind your back.”

  She obeyed, rising and trying to do it as gracefully as possible in heels.

  “Follow me,” he ordered.

  She obeyed.

  Chapter Twelve

  Anticipation heated Chessie’s veins as Nick led the way into the foyer.

  “You may raise your head now, Chessie.” They had reached the elevator. “Only answer questions I might give you. Do you understand?”

  She straightened and met his gaze. “Yes, Master.”

  “I am going to show you around Club Surrender.” He pressed the elevator button. The only option was down. “When in the club, you will always follow me. Do not attempt to lead or walk at my side. Is that clear?”

  She bit the inside of her cheek. She’d never experienced anything like this. “Yes, Master.”

  At that moment, she wasn’t sure how she felt at being so subservient. What would he do if she misbehaved?

  He studied her with keen intensity. “I have a lot to teach you.”

  She almost responded, but restrained herself. He hadn’t asked a question, and she wasn’t ready for another punishment.

  Not yet.

  Did it mean she would be ready…and would she want it?

  That’s crazy talk, Chessie. Well, crazy thinking, anyway.

  She stepped into the elevator, behind Nick, then stood beside him. She looked up and into the depths of his aquamarine eyes…eyes she could lose herself in forever.

  Did she want that?

  No, she didn’t want to lose herself. She wanted to find herself. With Nick, she knew she could do just that.

  Nick gripped his hands into fists at his sides. He had to restrain himself from wrapping Chessie in his embrace and kissing her long enough to take her breath away, and his, too.

  But this was about her pleasure and his. He wanted to teach her the ways of his world, and give her more pleasure than she could ever have dreamed possible.

  His hand seemed to drift toward her hair of its own accord, but he lowered his arm and held himself in check.

  The doors opened at the lowest floor, where the entrance to Club Surrender was located.

  “Don’t be shy.” Nick offered Chessie a look of encouragement. “Don’t be surprised to see others clothed in far less than you. I don’t allow nudity below the waist in the lounges.” Some of the skimpy attire did ride the edge, however.

  Despite his words, her cheeks were flushed and he could tell it wasn’t easy for her to walk nude from the waist up, and wearing so little else. They walked out of the elevator that opened into the private hallway they had used earlier.

  “We’re back on Level One, which is designed for couples who enjoy playful BDSM.” He walked toward a set of carved oak doors at one end of the long hallway. “I created Club Surrender for all forms of enjoyment. Each floor increases in intensity.”

  He could see curiosity in her expression and in her gaze. He held back a smile. “You may speak.”

  Relief flitted over her features. “Thank you, Master.” They neared the doors. “What do you mean by playful BDSM?”

  “Those new to the lifestyle, or members who prefer light play,” he replied. “I intended from the beginning to make this a ‘safe’ place for anyone who practices safe, sane, and consensual BDSM, no matter how skilled or practiced.”

  “How many floors are there?” she asked as they reached the set of doors.

  “Four.” He paused in front of the entrance. “The second is for members who want more intensity in their play.”

  He continued, “The top, the third level, is for more ‘hardcore’ members who live the BDSM lifestyle twenty-four-seven.”

  “I have a lot to learn.” Chessie looked thoughtful, yet with an edge of nervousness. “I don’t understand the distinction.”

  “I’ll teach you.”

  She nodded. “What’s the fourth?”

  “The lower level is themes.” He held her gaze. “You’re going to enjoy that one in particular. Everyone does.”

  “It sounds…interesting.” She looked intrigued. “What kinds of
themes? What skill types?”

  “A lot of different kinds of kink mixed in with a heavy dose of fantasy.” He slid his fingers into her hair. “One day you’ll enjoy it, thoroughly. But not today.”

  He moved even closer to her and brushed his mouth over hers. “Give me a safe word, Chessie.” He murmured close to her ear. “I need you to choose one.”

  She wrinkled her brow. “Safe word?”

  “I forget just how naïve you are.” He leaned back and tried not to smile. “Choose a word, something you will remember if you want all play to stop.”

  She frowned. “Why would I want that?”

  “Something might take you beyond your comfort zone.” He brushed hair from her face. “If you’re truly frightened or the situation is something you can’t handle, you need a way to stop all play.”

  “Like the word ‘stop’?” she asked.

  He shook his head. “Sometimes ‘stop’ during play means ‘go.’ Everyone here chooses something clearly meant to end play. Choose a word you’ll remember, but could be somewhat unusual.”

  She tilted her head to the side. “Like giraffe?”

  The corner of his mouth curved. “Giraffe?”

  “I always thought they were cool.” Pink tinged her cheeks. “I guess that’s silly.”

  “It’s perfect.” He kissed her forehead. “Remember that once you say ‘giraffe’, everything ends and you’ll go home.”

  She tilted her head to the side. “What if I don’t want to go home?”

  “Then you won’t say your safe word.” Nick grasped her hand and squeezed. “Are you ready?”

  She swallowed. “I think so.”

  For a moment he paused, just watching her. “I need to ask you three more questions, and all are very important.”

  Chessie gave a slow nod. “Okay.”

  “Have you been enjoying our play?” He studied her as he waited for her reply.

  “Very much so,” she said.

  “Do you wish to explore BDSM further?” he asked. “I’m not talking about mild play, Chessie. I mean much more than that.”


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