Shelter (Red Rebels MC Book 5)

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Shelter (Red Rebels MC Book 5) Page 32

by C. D. Breadner

  The school secretary looked up at them, ran her eyes down them, then sniffed. That disdain was hilarious. Knuckles was sure for a stint she’d been a regular at Friday night parties. He hadn’t fucked her himself—he’d never liked them on the chubby side, to be honest—but he was damn sure Fritter had.

  “We’re here for Adeel and Annie,” Fritter said, tone indifferent.

  The woman hitched up an eyebrow, gave Fritter another scan then got up to open a door behind her desk.

  “Didn’t you—”

  “Yeah, I did,” he admitted. “If she doesn’t fix that attitude I’ll tell her friends what she asked me to do a couple times.”

  Knuckles snorted, then they were called to attention by a throat being cleared. Assfull of Attitude was standing in the open doorway and she motioned them forward like they were in trouble for fuck’s sake.

  Inside the office, Annie and Adeel were sitting on a hard bench along the back wall. Another boy was on the far end, his shirt rumpled, dried blood under his nose. But that was secondary; Knuckles immediately went to Annie, taking in her ripped T-shirt, the red mark on her cheek, and the hole torn in her leggings.

  “What happened?” he asked her, crouching down, and Curly looked ready to burst into tears.

  “Gentlemen, we can deal with this quickly.”

  The principal was a dude that looked exactly how you expected a principal to look. Thinning hair, glasses, a suit that he’d owned for a long time. He motioned for Fritter and Knuckles to sit, but as he did so Knuckles caught the way his Adam’s apple bobbed with a swallow.

  The other man in the room was already parked in a padded office chair. He gave them a head nod, not as impressed by them as the principal.

  “This is Steven Morris. Father of Steven Junior back there.”

  Knuckles gave him a head nod back. This was such a weird situation.

  “Mister Horton, I know you and your...partner are in the process of adopting Adeel. And you, Mister O’Shay, are a family friend of the Prince’s?” It sounded as though he didn’t believe it.

  “Yeah, I am.” He left it at that.

  The principal might have expected more, but not getting it, he blinked and nodded. “Okay. So, this is how I understand what happened. There was an altercation on the school ground.”

  Knuckles and Fritter exchanged a look. Unlike Danielle, he was willing to believe whatever the principal was saying until he had more facts. Fritter was already fixing to call bullshit, Knuckles could tell.

  “When the teacher on supervision reached them, Annie and Adeel were already attacking Steven.”

  Knuckles frowned, unable to make that click. “What happened?”

  “She broke it up and brought them inside. We waited for everyone to get here before we discussed this further.”

  Knuckles turned in his seat to look at the kids. “What happened, Curly?”

  She sniffed, chin quivering, but she just shook her head. He checked out that Steven kid, noting the difference in size. He was bigger than both Annie and Adeel. Knuckles had to ask, “Is he in the same grade?”

  “Two grades ahead,” the principal corrected.

  “Adeel,” Fritter said sharply, and the kid looked up. Jesus, it was nearly enough to make Knuckles shrink under that glare. But Fritter held it evenly, seeing something in it. “What was going on?”

  “He pushed Annie down,” the kid shocked him by speaking up. “She tried to get up. He did it again. She tore her knee, scuffed her cheek on the see saw. No one was helping. He’s bigger than us. He’s not even supposed to be on that side of the playground.”

  The dad made a scoffing sound, which brought Knuckles’ attention to him. That’s when the guy fidgeted, dropping his eyes to his lap.

  “Adeel pushed him away from me and he fell. Then he tried to hit Adeel, but Adeel hit him first,” Annie added, her voice high and frantic. She was buzzing on adrenalin, not just from the fight, but from the fear she was in trouble. She looked completely out of her element here.

  “And then what happened?” the principal coaxed her, disapproving tone starting to get under Knuckles’ skin.

  “I kicked him in the nose.”

  It took a fuck load of effort, but Knuckles didn’t burst out laughing. He and Fritter shot a look at each other, and Fritter just widened his eyes with a lot of “Holy shit.” Keeping his face straight, Knuckles said, “That was not a good idea, Annie.” There, that sounded parental and everything.

  “We do not tolerate bullying in this school. The actions of all three are reprehensible. For that reason, they are all facing suspension from school for the rest of the afternoon, and in-school suspension for the next three days.”

  Knuckles frowned just as his brother spoke up. “Wait, wait a minute. This kid picks on two kids younger than him, and somehow they get the same punishment he does?”

  “Your kids ganged up on my Steven,” the dad said, pushing up the rim of his ballcap and sitting forward. “Thank God the teacher got there when she did.”

  Fritter leaned too, hand on his armrest. “Bullshit. Your kid’s a bully that picks on kids smaller than him. He’s a fucking pussy.”

  Knuckles had a hand on Fritter’s shoulder as the principal cried out, “That is absolutely unacceptable to say in here!”

  “Dude,” Knuckles said, now in the odd position of being a peacemaker. “Come on. the kids are in here.”

  “Who knows what you’re teaching your kids,” the little prick’s dad shot back. “Fucking criminals all but running this town.”

  “Watch it, man,” Knuckles growled, still holding tight to Fritter’s shoulder as his buddy’s body tightened up like it was ready to spring out of the chair.

  “Everyone needs to calm down.” The principal’s voice was remarkably even and cool. “That kind of language will not be tolerated here.”

  “Shut up,” the dad shot across the big desk. “No idea why they let a fucking fag run a school.”

  The principal sputtered, but as Knuckles was wondering what the fuck was going on Fritter tore out of his chair and had Steven Senior against the wall so fast all everyone had time to do was jump.

  “Mister Horton, stop this at once!”

  Knuckles wrapped an arm around that really fucking strong chest and pulled, but Fritter was like a fucking bull. “Come on, man. Not worth it.”

  “Go ahead and teach me a lesson,” the dad snarled. “I’ll call the cops and cheer as they take you away in cuffs.”

  “Not helping, asshole,” Knuckles grunted.

  “Can’t cheer if your ass is unconscious on the ground.”

  “Trash belongs in jail,” the dad hissed out. “You and that fucking little haji prick.”

  Maybe it was the word. Maybe it was the vitriol that it was spewed with. Knuckles let go of Fritter, but it was just to smash a fist in the asshole’s nose, opening it up and letting that hateful, heated blood flow. Now Fritter had him in a bear hug, but he was flailing, trying to fight Red Mode as it came over him hard. His legs worked against Fritter’s brute strength, kicking over a chair. He heard a cry, a shrill “No!” and Red Mode stopped, prematurely, leaving him with the fury still engaged.

  But it was Annie saying no, the plea in her tone enough to both shame and call him to heel. He turned his head against Fritter’s steady hold, and she was on her feet, hands clenched in fists at her sides, tears standing in her eyes.

  “Sorry Curly,” he mumbled, rolling out of Fritter’s hold and scooping her up. Her arms went around his neck smoothly, and her little face burrowed under his chin. She was shaking. Then he turned to the principal, smoothing Annie’s hair so he could see him. “Taking her home for the rest of the day. But there’s no way she’s staying here for a suspension. She’s at home or you lift it.”

  The principal had stood during all this, but made no move to intervene. Fritter took Adeel’s hand and the kid hopped off the stool, cool as shit, ignoring everyone in the room except Knuckles. The kid’s dark eyes pinned h
im to the spot.

  Knuckles only said one thing to the bully, whose eyes were wide where he was parked, frozen in place. “Someone is always going to come along that’s bigger and meaner than you. It’s a better skill to not be an asshole.”

  No one said a word as they strode out of the office, then as they approached their transportation both men slowed, staring at their bikes, then each other.

  It was Fritter that laughed. “Fuck. We suck at this.”


  The rain started at around two in the afternoon, once Fritter and Knuckles had the kids in his garage, fully engaged in motor assembly. Annie chattered away like nothing had happened, educating Adeel on the parts and how they worked together. The open garage door kept it cool inside, the rain providing a nice white noise to calm him down.

  Fritter got right in there, too. With that perpetual cigar stub in the corner of his mouth he handed Adeel the right tool, showing him how to tighten and piece everything together. Knuckles watched, also getting the benefit of the lesson. It was Fritter and him that got the motor attached to the frame and wired with the starter.

  When they had it together it was ready to run a bench test. He kept oil and a Jerry can of gasoline in the garage, so that’s when he and Fritter assumed the adult roles and set the kids out of harm’s way. Knuckles attached the gas line since he wasn’t the one smoking, then Fritter added oil, and they waited for a leak. When no puddles formed, Knuckles took the starter button in hand, then paused. He looked at Annie, that red scuff on her cheek fucking flaying his skin, and motioned her towards him.

  “Okay Curly, this is our bike. Right?”

  “Is it?”

  “Damn straight it is. So, this is the button we push to start ‘er up. You wanna help or what?”

  “Yes!” she squealed, climbing onto the overturned dairy case to be higher next to his work bench.

  Her little thumb went to the button, and he put his overtop. “Okay. On one, two...”

  “Three!” she squealed and they both pushed the button...

  And nothing happened.

  “What happened?”

  “Shit,” he muttered over Annie, picked her up and set her back on the ground. “That’s what happens when you let Fritter put shit together.”

  “So, fix it, asshole,” his brother cackled, parking his ass on the stool and crossing his arms.

  Now, that he was capable of. Leaning over the frame he saw that the starter wire wasn’t connected, even though he knew he’d done it. There was a chuckle behind him, and he turned to see Adeel and Fritter bump fists, grinning like idiots.

  Annie looked up at him, eyes wide. “They disconnected it.”

  “You asshole,” he quipped.

  “It was Adeel,” Fritter said, pointing.

  “You fucking with my bike?”

  The kid just grinned, and knowing where that kid came from, it was really good to see.

  “Traitors. I expected more from you in particular, Adeel.”

  It choked on the first try, but on the second one she caught with a holy ruckus and he gave a whoop, adjusting valves as Annie danced around, excited, shrieking “It’s alive!” with a crazy accent.

  It wasn’t until he killed the motor he realized Danielle had arrived home, with Grace at her side. He checked his watch, surprised to see how much time had passed. It was already five thirty; they’d worked the whole afternoon away.

  “Hey Momma,” he greeted her, keeping his greasy hands back as he leaned in to kiss her.

  “Mom! I rode on Knuckles’ bike!”

  Just like that, Danielle’s eyes darkened. “What?”


  “Well, we better get going,” Fritter said, clever prick, handing Adeel a paper towel to wipe his hands off. “Before Sharon sees how I get you back home.”

  Adeel was grinning, and he waved goodbye as he followed his horrible father-figure influence down the driveway. At least it had stopped raining.

  Grace was smirking, then she said amiably, “Come on, Annie. Let’s go clean up for supper.”

  Annie trotted after her, filthy hands out to the sides at a comical distance, around to the front of the Prince’s house.

  And then he was alone with a very pissed off Momma.

  She even crossed her arms. He felt a bit scared.

  “She rode on your bike?”

  “Very slowly. Before it rained. Just from the school.”

  “She’s only ten.”

  “She rode in front of me, Momma. My arms at her sides, her back to my chest. And she had the helmet on.”

  The eyes were getting more and more narrow.

  “I didn’t think,” he admitted, twisting an oily rag in his hands. “You called, and I headed for the school. And then when I found out what happened I got so pissed off, I just wanted to get her out of there.”

  “Why? What happened?” Now she sounded worried. That was marginally better.

  “There was this bigger kid bullying her. He pushed her down a couple of times. Adeel came to her rescue, and when the bully tried to knock him down he kicked the little fucker’s ass.”

  “He pushed her down?”

  “I know, you believe that shit? He’s two years older than them. They had that shit’s dad there, too, and let me tell you, that kid’s on a one-way track to jail or an Aryan Nation membership. The principal was going to give them all the same punishment, which was bullshit.”

  “What was that?”

  “Suspended the rest of the day, three days in-school suspension. Annie kicked the bully when he was down, and she knows that it was wrong—”

  “She what?”

  “—so I brought her home. But I said she’s in school tomorrow. Today’s the only punishment for her. Adeel should get a fucking medal in my opinion.” Fuck, he was rambling like this was a mom convention.

  Danielle shook her head, hand up to stop him like she couldn’t follow. “Okay, okay. One second. What was the bully’s dad doing?”


  “How did you know his dad is a prick?”

  “Oh!” Knuckles flipped the rag to his shoulder. “Called Adeel a haji. And the principal a fag.”

  “What?” She was completely stunned.

  “Exactly. So, I had to punch him.”

  “You what?”

  “Got a bit pissed.”

  “You punched him in front of a bunch of kids?”

  “Three kids, Momma. And Adeel’s seen much worse done to nicer people.”

  Danielle nodded like she had to agree. He’d told her about Adeel’s history, and her heartbroken reaction made him adore her even more.

  “Then we left. I wasn’t calling for a cage. I just wanted to get the kids back here, take their minds off that shit.” He sighed, linking hands behind his neck. “I’m sorry, Momma. But I swear we went slow. Kids on skateboards were passing me.”

  “Bullshit,” she muttered, but her eyes weren’t little suspicious slits anymore. Then she gave a half-smile. “Did she really kick him?”

  “In the nose. He was bleeding when we got there.” Then his smile went away. “Her pants were torn at the knee. She knocked her cheek on something when she fell. It was fucking killing me to see her hurt.”

  “And Adeel saved her?”

  “Like a knight in shining armor.”

  “What a sweet kid.”

  “Yeah.” He ducked his head to check her eyes again. “You still mad?”

  “You’re gonna pay for that later,” she threatened, turning to head back down his driveway.

  His cock responded happily. “Do you promise?”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  “Oh God!” Danielle whispered against the skin of Knuckles’ neck, eyes squeezed shut. He moved in her, over her, through her, all over her in the best way possible.

  “Forgiven yet?”

  “No,” she moaned softly in the dark bedroom, nails sinking into his back deeper as his pace increased, hips tilting into hers and hitting everything
she needed with absolute precision.

  “How about now?”

  “Getting there.”

  His chuckle curled her toes, and as the orgasm washed through her she clenched her teeth in his collarbone to keep from wailing as her body quaked. As always, that seemed to do it for him, too, as he planted deep, burying his face in the pillow next to her head, grunting low and long.

  The short hair on the back of his head scraped under her nails as she ran them up and down the back of his skull. He stayed like that, sprawled out on her, for a few minutes while they both caught their breath. She doubted she would be ready to stand for a good half hour. Good God, the man rendered her useless.

  “That was good, Momma,” he moaned as he eventually pulled out and rolled off her to the edge of the bed. Familiar with her room in the dark now, he made his way to the bathroom. He didn’t even turn the light on, just cleaned up and returned to bed, snuggling up to her back as her eyes fell closed.

  He’d woken her up at three am, well after the girls were asleep, by slipping his hand into the front of her pajama pants. Usually being woken up in the middle of the night was bad. She didn’t find this at all horrible anymore.

  “Thank you for getting Annie out of that office today,” she mumbled, halfway to falling back asleep again.

  “No problem,” he said, sounding equally alert.

  She fell asleep at some point, but shortly after some kind of commotion brought her fully awake, just as Knuckles was leaping out of bed and turning on the bedside lamp. “Stay right there, Momma,” he instructed, pulling on his jeans and a T-shirt. “Let me check this out.”

  As she blinked a few more times, also pulling on clothes, Danielle recognized the noise as motorcycles. Jesus, there had to be a dozen of them outside. Knuckles was dialing his phone as he headed out of the bedroom, and she followed, tugging a cardigan on over her T-shirt. The tension that Knuckles left in his wake had her convinced this wasn’t his club coming to visit.


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