Lincoln and the Power of the Press The War for Public Opinion

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Lincoln and the Power of the Press The War for Public Opinion Page 95

by Harold Holzer

  ———. “The Linguistic Lincolns: A New Lincoln Letter.” Lincoln Herald 94 (Fall 1992): 106–12.

  Tenney, Craig D. “To Suppress or Not to Suppress: Abraham Lincoln and the Chicago Times.” Civil War History 27 (September 1981): 248–59.

  Towne, Stephen E. “Works of Indiscretion: Violence Against the Democratic Press in Indiana During the Civil War.” Journalism History 31 (Fall 2005): 138–49.

  Trexler, Harrison. “The Davis Administration and the Richmond Press, 1861–1865.” The Journal of Southern History 16 (May 1950): 177–95.

  Turner, John J., Jr., and Michael D’Innocenzo. “The President and the Press: Lincoln, James Gordon Bennett and the Election of 1864.” Lincoln Herald 76 (Summer 1974): 63–69.

  Varon, Elizabeth R. “Tippecanoe and Ladies, Too: White Women and the Party Politics in Antebellum Virginia.” Journal of American History 82 (September 1995): 494–521.

  Villard, Henry. “Recollections of Lincoln.” Atlantic Monthly 93 (February 1904): 165–74.

  Weisberger, Bernard A. “Horace Greeley: Reformer as Republican.” Civil War History 23 (March 1977): 5–25.

  Welles, Gideon. “Administration of Abraham Lincoln [4]. Radical Plottings Against Mr. Lincoln.” The Galaxy 24 (November 1877): 607–24.

  Welling, James C. “The Emancipation Proclamation.” The North American Review 130 (1880): 163–85.

  Wessen, Ernest James. “Campaign Lives of Abraham Lincoln 1860: An Annotated Bibliography of the Biographies of Abraham Lincoln Issued During the Campaign Year.” Papers in Illinois History and Transactions for the Year 1937. Springfield: Illinois State Historical Society, 1938.

  West, Richard. “The Navy and the Press During the Civil War.” U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings, 63 (January 1937): 33–41.

  White, Jonathan W. “The Strangely Insignificant Role of the U.S. Supreme Court During the Civil War.” Journal of the Civil War Era 3 (June 2013): 211–38.

  “Whitelaw Reid.” Scribner’s Monthly 8 (July 23, 1864): 444–51.

  Wiley, Bell Irvin. “Camp Newspapers of the Confederacy.” North Carolina Historical Review 20 (October 1943): 327–35.

  Williams, Frank J. “Abraham Lincoln and Civil Liberties in Wartime.” Heritage Lectures, No. 834 (May 6, 2004).

  Williams, G. F. “How a Reporter Faced Danger in Disguise.” The Independent 53 (April 1866): 1859–64.

  Wilson, Quintus C. “Bitter Verbal Battles Between Editors During Civil War Are Recalled.” The Quill 25 (January 1943): 5, 16.

  ———. “Confederate Press Association: A Pioneer News Agency.” Journalism Quarterly 25 (June 1949): 160–66.

  ———. “Voluntary Press Censorship During the Civil War.” Journalism Quarterly 19 (September 1942): 252–61.

  Winkle, Kenneth J. “The Voters of Lincoln’s Springfield and Political Participation in an Antebellum City.” Journal of Social History 25 (1992): 595–611.

  Young, John Russell. “Men Who Reigned: Bennett, Greeley, Raymond, Prentice, Forney.” Lippincott’s Monthly 51 (February 1893): 185–97.


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  Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations. Page numbers beginning with 575 refer to end notes.

  Abell, Arunah Shepherdson, 72–74, 339

  abolitionism, 41, 60, 79, 310, 346

  condemned by slaveholders, 207–8

  Dred Scott decision and, 168

  abolitionist press, xxvii, 34–37, 107, 109–11, 150, 160

  Bennett’s attack on, 150

  Lincoln biography in, 242

  Lincoln’s reading of, 139

  struggles of, 149

  see also Douglass, Frederick; Garrison, William Lloyd; Lovejoy, Elijah

  Acton, John E. E. D., Lord, 148–49

  Adams, Colonel, 444

  Adams, Henry, 264

  Adams, John, press’s opposition to, xvii

  Adams, John Quincy, xix, 71, 84

  advertising, 12, 18, 20, 25, 27, 60, 86, 206, 307, 309–10, 327

  African-American newspapers, 110, 214, 238, 333, 398, 408–9, 414, 418, 549–50, 563

  African Americans:

  Bennett’s racism and, xxvi, 27, 246, 248, 253, 556

  Emancipation Proclamation and, 408–9, 416, 417–18

Lincoln’s Richmond visit and, 549

  and Lincoln’s second Annual Address, 414

  rights of, 197–98

  suffrage of, 248

  as troops, 418–19, 456, 473–74, 475–76, 485

  see also slaves, slavery

  Alabama, secession of, 262–63

  Alamo, 73

  Albany, N.Y., 29, 279, 287

  Albany Argus, 12

  Albany Evening Journal, 51, 133, 273

  Alexandria Gazette, 338

  Alexandria Local News, 338

  Allen, Coyle, and Snow, 487

  Allen, John, 7

  Alton Freie Presse, 186, 188

  Alton Observer, 35

  Alton Telegraph, 162

  American Antiquarian Society, xxvi

  American Anti-Slavery Society, 110–11

  American Aurora, xvii

  American Conflict, The (Greeley), 518

  American exceptionalism, 6

  American Freeman, 242

  American System, 13

  American Telegraph Company, 496

  American Volunteer, 464

  “America West of the Mississippi,” 276

  Ames, Sarah Fisher, 645

  Among the Pines (Gilmore), 377

  Anderson, Robert, 272, 299, 303

  Andrews, J. Cutler, 329

  Antietam, Battle of, 326, 433, 502–3

  anti-Masonic violence, 11

  Anti-Slavery Standard, 139

  Appomatox, Va., 550

  Argus of Western America, xviii

  Arizona, 72

  Arkansas, secession of, 299

  Army and Navy Journal and Gazette of the Regular and Volunteer Forces, 464

  Army of Tennessee, 436

  Arnold, Isaac N., 107, 158–59, 426, 510

  Arthur, Chester Alan, 559

  Art-Union, 27

  Ashley, James M., 512

  Associated Press, 146–47, 272, 282, 297, 326, 328, 329, 362, 368, 413, 414, 415, 432, 451, 453, 471, 472, 473, 489, 490, 496, 551, 564

  “Association” reform, 55–56, 58

  Astor House conference, 426–28

  Atlanta, Ga., 527–28

  Atlantic Monthly, 388, 544

  Atlantic Telegraph Company, 365

  Austro-Sardinian War, 316

  Ayres, E. W., 459–60

  Babcock, James F., 273

  Bache, Benjamin, xvii

  Badeau, Adam, 327

  Bail Bond of Mr. Jefferson Davis . . . With all the Signatures Thereto, 557

  Bailey, Gamaliel, Jr., 111, 149

  Bailhache, Preston, 203

  Bailhache, William H., 162–63, 186, 195, 203, 231, 289, 600

  death of, 559

  Lincoln’s first inaugural typeset by, 280

  quartermaster post received by, 273–74, 468–70

  Baker, Edward D., 87, 88, 119, 332, 336

  Baker, Edward L., 162–63, 163, 186, 195, 196, 231, 289, 538, 543

  in campaign of 1858, 177

  death of, 559

  Fitzhugh recommended for commissioner appointment by, 275

  Lincoln interviewed by, 226–27

  Lincoln’s meetings on Bailhache’s post with, 469–70

  Ball, Thomas, 563, 564

  Ball’s Bluff, Battle of, 331–32, 362

  Baltimore, Md., 239, 286–87

  habeas corpus suspension criticized in, 312

  Northern troops attacked in, 304, 619

  Baltimore American, 365, 466

  Baltimore Clipper, 101

  Baltimore Daily Republican, 430

  Baltimore Exchange, 338

  Baltimore Loyalist, 508

  Baltimore Sun, 72, 287, 339, 466

  habeas corpus suspension criticized by, 313

  Bangor Democrat, 353

  Bangor Whig, 125

  Bank of the United States, 41

  Banks, Nathaniel, 358

  Barlow, Samuel L. M., 488, 653

  Barlow’s Knoll, 434

  Barney, Hiram, 501, 502

  Barnum, P. T., 28, 147, 253, 254, 353

  Barr, Martin W., 341

  Barrett, Joseph H., 242, 273, 521

  Bartlett, David W., 242, 367

  Bartlett, William O., 533–34, 535

  Bates, David Homer, 496

  Bates, Edward, 192, 395, 501

  in bid for nomination of 1860, 224, 230, 234, 235, 237

  cabinet post sought by, 245

  at Greeley’s lecture, 378

  Lincoln visited in Secession Winter by, 265

  Weed’s desire for campaign position of, 268

  Baton Rouge, La., 458

  Battery, 100–101

  Beach, Moses Yale, 56, 73

  Beardstown Chronicle, 15

  Beauregard, P. G. T., 314

  Beecher, Catherine, 12

  Beecher, Henry Ward, 215, 494, 551–52, 563, 631, 654

  Bell, John, 239

  Bellew, Frank, 539

  Belmont, August, 488, 523, 534–35

  Benjamin, Judah P., 516

  Bennett, James Gordon, xxvi, 28, 302

  abolition opposed by, xxvi, 27, 409, 410

  Acton’s criticism of, 148

  advanced copy of Lincoln’s first annual message received by, 369–72

  Anderson defended by, 303

  anti-Semitism of, xxvi, 23, 482, 535

  background of, 21–22

  on beginning of secession crisis, 258

  bishop’s dispute with, 27, 58

  on “Black Republicans,” 246

  bomb sent to, 30

  Breckinridge supported by, 247–48

  Buchanan supported in 1860 by, 239

  call for peace from, 300, 302–3

  cartoons of, 64–65, 64, 239, 255

  Chicago press attacked by, 431

  credit for success of Times taken by, 138

  daily routine of, 147–48

  death of, 556

  Democrats supported in 1856 election by, 164–65

  Douglas praised by, 142

  on Dred Scott decision, 167

  in duel, 30

  editors’ declaration and, 427, 428

  Emancipation Proclamation and, 409, 415

  expansion of slavery opposed by, 149

  Frémont initially supported by, 163, 164

  government suppression of newspapers supported by, 348–49

  Greeley’s circulation bet with, 85–86, 90

  Greeley’s feud with, 56–59, 64, 170, 184–85, 201, 206, 212, 234–35, 261, 350, 410

  Greeley’s similarities with, 63–64

  Greeley suggested for Lincoln’s cabinet by, 257

  Harrison supported by, 27

  Herald started by, 21, 24–25

  as “His Satanic Majesty,” xxviii

  Jackson admred by, 23

  Kansas-Nebraska Act opposed by, 149–50

  Kossuth’s appeal questioned by, 141

  Lincoln criticized by, 233–34, 500, 534, 535–36

  Lincoln opposed by, 233–34, 246–48, 250, 256, 262

  Lincoln’s Cooper Union speech and, 222

  on Lincoln’s Corning letter, 429

  Lincoln’s courting of, 391–92

  on Lincoln’s letter to Greeley, 404

  Lincoln’s “lynching” remark and, 250

  and Lincoln’s reelection, 531–37

  on Lincoln’s second Annual Address, 414

  Medill’s attempt to forge neutrality deal with, 246–47

  partnering with Greeley sought by, 24, 51

  patronage post desired by, 24

  Pennsylvanian edited by, 24

  political independence of, 33

  Post Office contract of, 64–65, 64

  post of minister to France offered to, 534, 534, 536–37, 556

  public orations printed by, 27

  racism of, xxvi, 27, 246, 248, 253, 556

  Raymond criticized by, 130, 272, 345

  rivals’ loathing of, 31–32

  Russell insulted by, 319

utation editorial of, 22–23

  as showman, xxvii, 27–28, 29, 32–33, 52, 99, 138, 252

  telegraph installed at office by, 74

  on Thirteenth Amendment, 543

  Trent affair and, 363

  Tribune’s censorship urged by, 426

  Villard relieved of reporting on Lincoln by, 285

  wealth of, 201

  on Webb’s diplomatic appointment, 311–12

  Webb’s fight and disputes with, 29–30, 31, 213

  Wood promoted by, 147

  Wood’s friendship with, 303

  see also New York Herald

  Bennett, James Gordon, Jr., 304, 556

  Benton, Thomas Hart, 73

  Bernays, Charles L., 192

  Bible, 10

  Bigelow, John, 537

  Bilbo, William N., 542, 543

  Binmore, Henry, 180

  Black Hawk War, 14, 15

  black press, xxvii, 414

  see also specific newspapers

  blacks, see African Americans

  Blair, Francis Preston, Jr., 226

  Blair, Francis Preston, Sr., 23, 24, 78, 542

  Blair, Montgomery, xxiii, 340–41, 347, 351, 374, 395, 410, 501, 529

  Forney’s desire for termination of, 450–51

  House Judiciary Committee’s questioning of, 421–22

  blanket sheets, 25, 26

  Bloomington Times, 422

  Board of Trade, Chicago, 423

  Bohemian Brigade, xxv

  Boileau, Albert D., 420–21, 430

  Bone, J. H. A., 282

  Booneville Patriot, 340

  Booth, John Wilkes, 551, 552

  Border States, 269, 336, 541

  in election of 1864, 538

  Lincoln’s abolition plan for, 382–84, 394–95, 413

  newspaper suppression in, 338–42, 345

  Boritt, Gabor, 455

  Boston, Mass., 29, 365–66

  Boston Advertiser, 102, 466, 488

  Boston Atlas, 232

  Boston Commonwealth, 492

  Boston Courier, 266

  Boston Daily Atlas, 101, 102

  Boston Herald, 251

  Boston Journal, 437, 466, 550

  Boston Transcript, 466

  Bowen, Henry, 217–18, 273

  Bowles, Samuel, III, 201

  Brady, Mathew, 158, 318

  Bragg, Braxton, 436

  Bragg, Oliver Tarbell, 206

  Breckinridge, John C., 239, 241, 247, 255–56

  Bridgeport Daily Advertiser and Weekly Farmer, 352–53

  broadsheets, 127

  Broadway Tabernacle, 163

  Brockway, Beman, 257

  Bromley, Isaac Hill, 225, 228


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