Dred Scott v. Sandford, 166–68
Dubois, Jesse K., 44
Dubuque Herald, 325
Durrett, Reuben T., 341, 351
Dutton, O. H., 281–82
Early, Jacob M., 45, 583
Easton (Penn.) Sentinel, 343
Eckert, Thomas, 496
Edge, Frederick, 321
Edinburgh Review, 452
Edwards, Ninian Wirt, 70, 469
elections, Illinois:
of 1832, 11, 13, 14, 16
of 1848, 88–90
of 1856, 156–57
elections, Illinois, of 1858, xxv
contrast of candidates in, 175–76
debates in, see Lincoln-Douglas debates
Douglas’s campaigning in, 175
Douglas’s securing nomination in, 171
results of, 182–85
elections, New York:
of 1837, 26
of 1846, 87
of 1849, 137
of 1854, 155
elections, U.S.:
of 1832, 16
of 1840, 7, 42–43, 44–47, 52–53, 123
of 1843, 47
of 1844, 57, 58, 65, 98
of 1846, 67–68, 587
of 1852, 142, 144–45, 151
of 1856, 162, 163, 215, 332
of 1862, 410–12
of 1872, 557–58, 560, 563
of 1876, 562
elections, U.S., of 1848, 67, 94, 98
Lincoln’s campaigning in, 101–3
slavery in, 99
elections, U.S, of 1860, xxv, 196
Bennett’s support for Breckinridge in, 247–48
cartoons in, 239, 252–53, 253, 254, 255
Chicago Tribune in, 204
divisiveness of, xiii
German Americans in, 187
Greeley’s stumping in, 251–53, 253
Staats-Anzeiger’s support for Lincoln in, 191–92
see also Democratic Convention, 1860; Lincoln, Abraham, in election of 1860; Republican National Convention of 1860
elections, U.S, of 1864, 411, 456, 496, 498–503, 527–31, 537–40
Bennett and, 531–37
Greeley’s desire for replacement for Lincoln in, 497–98, 500
relaxation of censorship in, 507–9
Sherman’s capture of Atlanta and, 527–28
Elliott, Charles Loring, 45
Ellsworth, Elmer Ephraim, 337
Emancipation Proclamation, 419, 456, 526, 541, 548
African-American response to, 408–9
final, 412, 414–15, 416, 417–18
legal problem with, 395
Lincoln’s early plan for, 394–96, 396, 402–3
Marble’s opposition to, 489
plans for public announcement of, 396–97
Preliminary, announcement of, 408, 410, 417
Emancipator, 139
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 60, 404, 631
Emory, Marcellus, 353
English, James E., 543
“Enquirer” (writer to Lincoln), 394
Equal Rights Party, 563
Erie Canal, xxi
Erie Gazette, 8, 498
Essex County Democrat, 353–54
Ethiopian Singers, 84
Evans, T. C., 282
Evarts, William M., 277, 278
Everett, Edward, 343, 449, 450, 452, 455
Ewing, Thomas, Jr., 359
Fairfield Constitution and Union, 509
Famous Boys, and How They Became Great Men, 200–201
Faneuil Hall, 108
Farragut, David G., 524, 530
Farrell, Charles H., 300
Federalist Party, U.S.:
Democratic-Republicans’ opposition to, xvii
end of, xxxi
Fell, Jesse W., 223
Fessenden, William Pitt, 523, 527
Fillmore, Millard, 98, 101
financial downturn of 1830s, 16
financial panic of 1837, 21
financial panic of 1857, 166
fire-eaters, 259, 277
First Amendment, 336
First Reading of the Emancipation Proclamation, The (Carpenter painting), 396, 466, 518
Fish, Hamilton, 132
Fishback, Charles, 341
Fishback, William, 538
Fisher, Sidney George, 420, 553
Fitzhugh, Harrison, 275
Five Points, 59–60
Flanders, Francis D., 351, 628
Florida, 390
secession of, 262–63
Unionist press in, 458
Fogg, George G., 250, 273
Follett, Foster & Co., 183
foreign press, xxvii
Forney, John Wein, xxiii, 53, 78, 257, 308–11, 311, 316, 358, 369, 413, 415, 432, 455, 466, 472–73, 520, 538, 544, 637, 650
Blair’s termination desired by, 450–51
Boileau’s seizure scorned by, 420
censorship of, 374
death of, 564
drunk Gettysburg speech of, 451
emancipation urged by, 397
habeas corpus suspension defended by, 312
legal trouble of, 374, 386–87
Lincoln’s first meeting with, 308–10
money authorized for war news by, 327–28
patronage requests of, 349, 620
Russell’s dinner with, 379
Fort Delaware, 461
Fort Lafayette, 338, 341, 494, 508
inspection tour of, 350–51
Fort Lafayette; or, Love and Secession (Wood), 350
Fort McHenry, 338, 365, 420, 421
Fort Monroe, 385, 386, 543
Fort Sumter, 303, 618, 619
Confederate attack on, 291, 298–300, 302, 304, 307
Lincoln’s planned reinforcement of, 272, 291
Forty-Eighters, 186
Fourierism, 55, 58, 61, 128, 129
Fourteen Months in American Bastilles (Howard), 338
Fox, Gustavus V., 367
Fox News, xxi
Foy, Peter, 273
Francis, Allen, 119
Francis, Josiah, 11–12, 39
Francis, Simeon, 11–12, 14, 15, 39, 139, 140, 162, 195
death of, 559
in departure from Springfield, 195–96
in dispute with Harris, 89–90
Douglas’s fight with, 45–46, 195
election of 1840 and, 42, 43, 44, 45–46
election of 1843 and, 47
Lincoln’s patronage sought by, 118–19, 120, 256
made army paymaster, 195, 196, 559
money issues of, 46, 195
paper sold by, 162, 195
and plan to get Lincoln into Congress, 68–69
Frankfort Commonwealth, 475–77
Frank Leslie’s Budget of Fun, 290
Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, 198, 201, 282, 354, 364, 460, 647
Franklin, Benjamin, xvii
Franklin Gazette, 351
Frederick Douglass’ Paper, 110, 110
Freedman’s Savings Bank, 563
freedom of the press, 12
Freeman’s Journal, 345, 346
Free Soil Party, 87, 103, 154, 158, 160
Frémont, John C., 378, 497, 498, 529
campaign biography of, 242
in election of 1856, 162, 163, 164, 215, 332
slavery banned in Missouri by, 332–33
French, Thomas, 106
French Revolution, 222, 348
Fry, William Henry, 61, 62
Fugitive Slave Act, 141
Fuller, Margaret, 59, 60, 61
Fulton, Charles C., 365
Gales, Joseph, Jr., 76–77, 77, 95, 106, 117, 401
on Lincoln’s anti-emancipation bill, 108
Galesburg, Ill., 179
Gall, Ludwig, xxi
Gardner, Alexander, 449
Garnet, Henry Highland, 416–17, 418, 442
Garrison, William Lloyd, 109, 478, 505, 631
attempted lynching of, 108
p; Liberator founded by, 108
Gay, Sydney Howard, 327, 394, 403, 437, 439, 443, 491
gender equality, 59
General Assembly, Illinois, 193–94, 426
General Land Office, 118–19
General Orders No. 10, 365
General Orders No. 67, 348, 374
Genesis, Book of, 10
Georgia, 390
secession of, 262–63
German Americans, 186, 187
Lincoln’s offer of patronage jobs to, 192–93
Gettysburg, Battle of, 433–34, 448–49, 464
Gettysburg Address, 448–55, 453, 471, 521, 549, 559, 645
Gilbert, Joseph Ignatius, 453, 453, 646
Gilmore, James R., 377–78, 392, 402–3, 405, 444, 448, 497, 508–9, 510
Glen, W. W., 338
Gobright, Lawrence, 329, 362, 368, 412–13, 471, 472–73, 472, 475, 551–52, 564
Godwin, Parke, 528
Goodell, William, 391
Gosport Navy Yard, 304
Gould, Charles, 345–46, 347
Government Printing Office, U.S., 307
Graham, Sylvester, 59
Grant, Ulysses S., 360, 434, 435, 437, 459, 474, 484, 490, 496, 497, 524, 530, 560
in election of 1872, 557, 563
Lee’s surrender to, 550
Missouri newspapers suppressed by, 340, 340
Vicksburg captured by, 438, 460–61
Gray, John Chipman, 464
Great Britain, in Trent affair, 362–63
Great Exhibition, The, 253, 254, 255
Great Metropolis, The (Browne), 92
Greeley, Horace, xxvi, 9, 16, 32, 62, 151, 160, 302
accused of trying to run war, 314, 315
advice to Lincoln on cabinet and patronage, 276–77, 279–80, 329–30
alleged involvement with Brown raid, 213
ambition of, 60–61
apparent end of Lincoln’s career lamented by, 115
appearance of, 3, 9–10, 57, 62, 63, 91
“Association” reform promoted by, 55–56, 58
autobiography of, 104–5
background of, 3–5, 7–8
Bates supported by, 235, 237, 268, 378
Bennett’s circulation bet with, 85–86, 90
Bennett’s desire to partner with, 24, 51
Bennett’s feud with, 56–59, 64, 170, 184–85, 201, 206, 212, 234–35, 261, 350, 410
Bennett’s suggestion of cabinet position for, 257
in bid for Post Office contract, 64–65, 64
book purchase bill of, 112
bran-heavy diet of, 58
Buchanan opposed by, 174
Bull Run loss deplored by, 329
cabinet position sought by, 276–77
in campaign of 1864, 528–30
cartoons of, 63, 64–65, 64, 252–53, 253, 254, 255, 290, 315, 380
Clay admired by, 65, 98–99
confronted by Southerner, 289, 289
congressional lethargy denounced by, 104
congressional seat given to, 103–4
Cooper’s libel suits against, 63
at Cooper Union speech, 218
Davis’s bail bond signed by, 557
death of, 558
denounced in Southern papers, 212
Douglas mocked by, 240
on Douglas’s intelligence, 165
Douglass’s criticism of, 224–25
Douglass’s praise for, 40
Douglas supported by, 169, 171–72, 174, 178, 185, 210
Dred Scott decision denounced by, 166
early newspaper reading of, 7–8
early resolve of, 7, 8
education of, 4, 5, 7–8
at 1848 Whig Convention, 98–99
at 1860 Republican Convention, 227–29
elected chairman of editors group on censorship, 427
on election of 1862, 411–12
and election of 1864, 537
elective office sought by, xxiii
on Emancipation painting, 396
Emerson’s dinner with, 60
end of congressional career of, 115–16
at Erie Gazette, 8–9
faddish causes and radicalism of, 55–56, 59–60, 63, 91, 123, 124, 128, 129–30, 134, 136, 148, 205, 486, 487, 557
failed printing business of, 50
family home left by, 3–4, 7, 21
first newspaper job of, 8
Forney criticized by, 310
Frémont supported by, 163, 164
government suppression of newspapers supported by, 350
governorship desired by, 155
Hay employed by, 557
Herald attacked by, 54–55
Herndon’s meeting with, 171
homestead bill of, 112
“House of Industry” promoted by, 59–60
idealistic bills introduced in Congress by, 104
Kansas-Nebraska bill opposed by, 150
knee injury of, 314
Lamon attacked by, 388–90, 389
Lincoln reminiscences of, 104–5
Lincoln’s antislavery bill denounced by, 107
Lincoln’s appeal on abolition plan to, 383–84
on Lincoln’s Border Sate compensation plan, 413
Lincoln’s breach with, 518
Lincoln’s call for volunteers criticized by, 300
Lincoln’s campaign supported by, 233, 237–38, 246, 247, 251–53, 253, 255, 256, 262
Lincoln’s Cooper Union speech and, 215, 219
Lincoln’s file on, 481
Lincoln’s first meeting with, 4, 96
Lincoln’s letter on emancipation to, 400–402, 403–4, 405–6, 407, 428, 448
Lincoln’s oratory praised by, 474
Lincoln’s revocation of Frémont’s abolition order denounced by, 333
Lincoln’s “score to settle with,” 196
Lincoln’s second inaugural disparaged by, 546–47
and Lincoln’s Senate bid, 615
on Lincoln’s timidity, 335
on Lincoln’s train to D.C., 284
Lincoln visited at Willard’s by, 289–90
Marble’s criticism of, 505–6, 506
marriage of, 5
Massachusetts anti-immigration bill denounced by, 187
Mexican War opposed by, 80, 85
on national lecture tour, 155
newspaper pay bill opposed by, 112–13
New-York Daily Times sabotage work of, 136
Nicolay recommended for job with, 244
“Old Philosopher” nickname of, xxviii
on patronage positions given to Tribune reporters, 274
peace negotiations of, 510–19, 512, 529–30, 532, 540, 544
political relationship with Weed and Seward terminated by, 153–56
Political Text-Book published by, 243
poor handwriting of, 147–48, 578
poor oratory of, 104, 130
profits eluded by, 52, 54, 60
public appearances of, 62
Raymond praised by, 122
Raymond’s criticism of, 123, 235–37, 239
Raymond’s first meeting with, 124
replacement for Lincoln desired by, 497–98, 500
in run for presidency, 557–58, 560
Russell criticized by, 317, 320, 321
Russell’s dinner with, 379
rustic clothes of, 9–10, 205, 450
Rust’s beating of, 165
Scott supported by, 144, 145
secession as viewed by, 261, 266, 330–31, 377
as self-righteous reformer, xxvii
Senate bid of, 257, 277–78
Seward and Weed’s halt to exclusive news for, 137
Seward’s nomination opposed by, 224, 225, 229, 234–35, 236, 237, 277
similarities with Bennett, 63–64
slavery opposed by, 60, 144, 150, 156, 166, 205, 225, 228–29, 376–77, 378–79, 380, 381, 382, 392, 399–406, 399, 415, 417, 428, 485, 511, 517, 518–19
; soldier recruitment bill of, 112
in split with Raymond, 122, 126–30, 596
Springfield visit of, 276–77, 279, 288
statues of, 558
Thirteenth Amendment and, 543
and threat to Tribune building, 443, 444
travel expense bill of, 113–15
Tribune launched by, 53–54, 155
unpredictability of, 484–85
U.S. name change bill of, 112
Washington antislavery talk of, 376–77, 378–79, 380, 381, 382
wealth of, 201
Webb’s disputes with, 63, 90–91, 127–28, 213
Weed’s recruiting of, 51–52
Whig campaign speech of, 58
Whig politics of, 51
Wilmer’s dislike of, 200
work ethic of, 10, 61
see also New York Tribune
Greeley, Mary Cheney:
death of, 558
marriage of, 5
Green, Duff, xviii, xix, 23, 24, 38, 70, 106
Confederacy supported by, 270, 271
Herald statement of, 270–71
Lincoln recommended conciliation of South by, 269–70
Wilmer’s dislike of, 200
Green Bay Advocate, 518
Green Port Watchman, 351
Grey, Ethel, 140
Grinnell, Josiah, 155
Griswold, A. W., 282
Guadalupe Hidalgo, Treaty of, 84
Gurowski, Adam, 319, 404
Guthrie, James, 342
habeas corpus suspension, 504
Marble’s opposition to, 489
on route from New York to Washington, 312–14
widening of, 409–10
Hackett, James, 482–83
Hale, David, 16
Hale, John P., 111
Hall, Oakey, 494
Hall, Thomas W., 365
Halleck, Henry W., 360, 634
Hallock, Gerard, 16, 345
Halpine, Charles G., 465
Halstead, Murat, 225, 227–28, 230, 272, 360
Hamilton, Alexander, 20, 561
Hamlet (Shakespeare), 420
Hamlin, Hannibal, 409
as newspaper compositor, xxiii
Hammand, Jabez Delno, xx
Hampton Roads conference, 544–45
Hand-Writing on the Wall, The, 427
Hannibal Evening News, 339
Hanscom, Simon P., 251, 366
Harbor News Association, 146
Hardin, John J., 88, 119
Harding, Jesper, 349
Harding, William W., 432
Harlan, James, 533
Harper & Brothers, 241
Harpers Ferry, Va.:
Brown’s raid at, 206–7, 207, 208–9, 210–14, 219
surrender of, to Confederacy, 304
Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, 215–16, 218, 314
Harper’s Weekly, 150, 198, 242, 287, 321, 446–47, 447, 460, 539, 539
Harris, Ira, 278
Harris, Thomas, 89
Harrisburg, Pa., 286
Harrison, William Henry, 27, 43, 44
Greeley’s support for, 52–53
Hartford Times, 274, 353, 619
Harvey, James E., 274
Lincoln and the Power of the Press The War for Public Opinion Page 97