Snowy Christmas

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Snowy Christmas Page 8

by Helen Scott Taylor

  He'd so quickly become the center of her world. The idea she'd lived so long without him seemed incomprehensible now, and when they'd finished their first course, everyone would know they were to be married.

  Emily chatted with her grandma and Ned, trying to behave normally, when all she could think about was finishing the food on her plate so she could put on her ring and wear it proudly, instead of hiding it away.

  Isabelle banged her spoon on the tray of her high chair, sending bits of turkey and vegetable flying. While Vicky wiped up and picked the bits out of poor Chloe's hair, Jennifer rubbed her huge baby bump and smiled. "Better get used to this, Chloe. It'll be happening a lot soon."

  Once the empty plates had been gathered up, Marcus laid his hand over Emily's, the message in his eyes clear. It was time. She fished the engagement ring from her pocket and slipped it on under the table. Marcus stood, and she moved to his side.

  The conversation around the table faltered as everyone looked up.

  "I'm delighted to tell you that Emily has agreed to be my wife," Marcus said.

  Chloe squealed. "Wow. Fantastic." She dashed around the table and hugged them both. Then everyone was on their feet, all offering their congratulations at once.

  "Oh, darling. How wonderful." Emily's grandma hugged her, and she held the old woman tightly, remembering the years she'd lived with her after her dad joined the army and her parents moved away. She hadn't always been the easiest teen to live with, and her grandma had been patient and loving. Now she would be in Rosemoor to look after her grandma as she grew older.

  "You're full of surprises," Ned said, kissing her cheek.

  "Welcome to the family." Vicky grinned and hugged her, and examined her ring. "It's beautiful. Jon and I were only saying yesterday how well you and Marcus get along together, and wondering what the future held."

  Emily liked Vicky. They were already friends, and it was wonderful they would be family now. She accepted a hug and kiss from Jonathan and Owen, and then stretched around Jennifer's huge belly to accept a hug from her.

  "Have you set a date?" Shelly asked after they'd embraced.

  "The first of February is the earliest the vicar can make it," Marcus said.

  There was a beat of surprised silence.

  "In five weeks?" Vicky said, eyebrows raised.

  Marcus nodded.

  Vicky slipped her arm through Emily's. "We girls have some intensive wedding-dress shopping to do, then."

  "You do realize we'll have a screaming baby boy by the first of February?" Owen said.

  "Owen Bramwell, our baby will not be a screamer." Jennifer batted Owen on the arm.

  "It's going to be a boy, then?" Jonathan said.

  "Owen's hopeful." Jennifer rubbed the place she'd hit Owen, and leaned her head on his shoulder. He put his arm around his wife and kissed her.

  Marcus pulled the celebratory bottles of champagne from the cupboard where they'd hidden them, and Emily lined up a row of crystal flutes. The cork popped, and Marcus sloshed foaming liquid into the glasses to be passed out. Even Chloe had one.

  Raising his glass, Marcus said, "To my beautiful fiancée and her little abandoned dog. I'm so happy I stopped that evening to help her rescue Snowy. Peggy and I would be lost without them."

  "To Emily and Snowy and Marcus and Peggy," everyone chorused.

  Champagne fizzed on Emily's tongue, and tears of happiness tickled her eyes. Marcus kissed her temple and she leaned into him, slipping her arm around his waist.

  She hadn't known it was possible to be this happy. She was going to marry the most wonderful man in the world. This was a Christmas she would never forget.

  Chapter Thirteen

  On her wedding day, Emily woke alone in Marcus's bed. He'd stayed with Jonathan at the gatehouse last night, and it seemed strange to be in his apartment without him—or their apartment, she reminded herself with a little buzz of excitement. She had moved all her things up here from the housekeeper's apartment at Christmastime. Rosemoor Hall really was her home now.

  She rolled over and hugged Snow White, who'd snuggled close to her during the night and now lay with her head on Marcus's pillow. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw her wedding dress in its cover hanging on the wardrobe door, and gave a little squeal of excitement and bounced in bed. Her stunning dress had cost a small fortune. She'd fallen in love with it, and Marcus had told her to buy it if it was her favorite.

  Emily threw back the covers and pulled open the curtains. Overnight the garden had transformed into a winter wonderland, the walls, shrubs, and lawn shrouded in a layer of snow. It was enough to decorate the garden, but hopefully, not enough to make the roads impassable.

  "Come on, Snowy. Let's investigate." She pulled on her robe and ran downstairs, then pushed her feet into Wellington boots and stepped outside. She and Snow White ran through the pristine, powdery snow, leaving trails.

  While she was kicking snow for her dog to chase, Vicky drove up. Emily ran back to the parking area. "Oh my. Is it ten already?"

  "It is. The hairdresser and beautician will be here in an hour, and I have treats." Vicky held open the bags she carried to reveal chocolates and bottles of champagne and orange juice.

  While Emily showered, Vicky made toast and coffee. Fifteen minutes before the hairdresser and beautician were scheduled to arrive, Jennifer and Chloe turned up.

  "Sorry we're late. Harry kept me up half the night," Jennifer said.

  "I'm just pleased you're here." Emily hugged her. Poor Jennifer had only given birth to her baby boy five days ago, and apparently tiny Harry had his days and nights mixed up. He was sleeping all day and awake all night.

  They lounged around on Marcus's expensive white leather sofas in the sitting room, eating chocolates and sipping mimosas or orange juice from crystal flutes while they had their hair styled and their makeup done. It was difficult to keep the dog fur from sticking to their nail polish, but mostly they managed.

  "Time to get dressed," Vicky said.

  They all filed through to the bedroom, carrying their glasses, and Emily reverentially unzipped the cover of the satin-and-fur creation. With its long sleeves and faux-fur-trimmed bolero jacket, the dress was perfect for a winter wedding.

  While Vicky and Chloe helped Emily into her gown, Jennifer fell asleep on the bed.

  "Poor Jenn looks exhausted," Vicky said. "I know the feeling. That first week while you try to get the baby into a routine is difficult."

  "I'd love a baby." Emily hadn't thought about it until she met Marcus, but she knew how much he wanted children.

  "There's nothing to stop you from getting right down to that as soon as you're married." Vicky waggled her eyebrows, and they both laughed while Chloe rolled her eyes.

  Once Emily was happy with her appearance, she tied a burgundy ribbon on Snow White's collar that matched the bridesmaid dress that Chloe put on. The groomer had visited the previous day to bathe and groom the Westie so she looked her best.

  Jennifer and Vicky changed into their outfits, and they all went down and climbed into the vintage Rolls Royce that was taking them to the church. The village street was lined with people waving as they drove past. Emily waved back tentatively, a little embarrassed.

  "I feel like the Queen."

  "You are the Queen as far as the villagers are concerned," Jennifer said. "They love Marcus, and now they'll love you."

  Emily swallowed. That was not something she'd considered when she agreed to marry him, but she'd cope.

  The car pulled up outside the church, and she climbed out to the pealing of church bells. Someone had swept the snow from the path, and her neat little white suede ankle boots barely got wet.

  Her parents had flown in from Cyprus early that morning, and they met her outside the church.

  "Oh, darling. It's so good to see you. Just look at you, so pretty. Life at Rosemoor Hall obviously suits you." Her mother hugged her lightly, careful of her dress. "We'll catch up later." Her mother squeezed her h
and. "Love you, darling. I'm so pleased to see you happy."

  Tears filled Emily's eyes as her mother stepped back. For years, she hadn't felt close to her parents. She'd resented them for leaving her behind when her father joined the army. But they'd done it for her, so she could stay in the same school with her friends.

  "Look at my girl, all dolled up to be the lady of the manor." Her father kissed her cheek. "We're proud of you, love. Marcus stopped to talk to us on his way in. He's turned into a nice young man."

  "I know, Dad. I couldn't be happier."

  She passed Snow White's leash to Chloe, who took her place behind her, ready to walk into the church.

  "You're not taking the dog in with you, are you?" her mother asked.

  "Snow White is the reason Marcus and I met, Mum."

  "Owen and I had a dog at our wedding as well," Jennifer said. "It's a family tradition."

  "I don't want to keep Marcus waiting," Emily said. The others wished her luck and hurried inside. Emily slipped her hand through her dad's arm and they walked in the church door. The burst of warm air as they passed inside was a relief after the cold.

  The church was packed full with friends, relatives, and villagers. Marcus stood beside his best man, Jonathan, at the front, smiling as she walked down the aisle. The strains of Mendelssohn's "Wedding March" rose to the rafters, played by the old man who owned the post office, who'd been the church organist for fifty years.

  Marcus lifted her hand and kissed it as she stepped up beside him. "Good morning, my darling," he whispered.

  She squeezed his hand. "Missed you."

  "Me too."

  The vicar chuckled. "When you two have finished talking, we'll start."

  The wedding ceremony flew by, the familiar words spoken, the rings exchanged. She touched the diamond-studded gold circle on her ring finger in wonder. This was real. She was married.

  Marcus pulled her close and kissed her, taking her by surprise.

  "I'm in a dream," she whispered, and he laughed.

  "Congratulations, Mrs. Bramwell," he said.

  "Thank you, my darling husband."

  Chloe passed Snow White's leash to Emily, and her little dog trotted beside them as they walked out to be greeted by a group of people, all pointing cameras at them.

  "Smile," Marcus said as the flashes nearly blinded them.

  "I can't stop smiling," she said.

  She'd thought after Vicente that she would never fall in love again. Now she realized she'd never been in love with him, not really. Marcus had shown her what real love felt like. He was her one and only.


  Marcus stopped the car near the back door of Rosemoor Hall and opened the door. Stepping out of the air-conditioned interior, the July heat hit him. He rounded the vehicle to open Emily's door and took her elbow to help her out. She slid down from the high four-wheel drive, wincing a little.

  "All right, darling?"

  "A little sore."

  He stroked the hair back from Emily's face and kissed her. She'd been wonderful and brave, and he loved her so much. Watching her give birth to their daughter had been the most magical moment of his life.

  "I'm going to look after you. I'll run you a lovely warm bath, and once you've fed Rose, you can have a long soak and go to sleep. I'll look after her as much as I can tonight."

  He opened the back door of the car and unfastened the straps on the baby seat before lifting his precious newborn girl into his arms. She had a little tuft of dark hair like a Mohawk, and a squashed face. Yet to him, she was the most beautiful baby in the world. He thought he'd fallen in love with Emily fast, yet Rose had claimed his heart in an instant.

  He passed their adorable little girl to Emily and while she went in, he gathered the rest of the baby paraphernalia out of the back of the car, and then locked up.

  When he reached their apartment, Rose's plaintive wail sounded, and he nearly tripped over as he dropped everything to hurry to find out what was the matter. "Is she all right?"

  Emily smiled. "A dirty nappy or an empty tummy."

  "Oh, not the end of the world then." They smiled at each other uncertainly. They both had so much to learn about caring for a child. Vicky and Jonathan and Jennifer and Owen made it look easy.

  "I'll do the bottom end, and then you can do the top." Marcus took his daughter, feeling as though his hands were too big and clumsy for her small, fragile body. He cupped her head in his palm and held her to his chest. She was such a tiny thing. It was difficult to imagine she would grow into a little girl, then a teen, and finally a woman. He didn't even want to think that. He wanted to enjoy her being a baby first.

  He took her through to the dressing room off their bedroom, where they had set up the changing table, and laid her on the waterproof mat. What should be a five-minute process took him about fifteen, and Rose was bawling her eyes out by the time he finished.

  "It's all right, sweetie. Daddy's sorry he's so slow." He lifted his daughter into his arms. "Let's go and see if Mummy's ready to fill that little tummy of yours, shall we?"

  Emily had changed into her nightdress and was sitting propped up against a heap of pillows in bed when he emerged, grinning, his huge sense of achievement over putting on the fresh nappy disproportionate to the task.

  "I'm too tired for a bath. I'll go straight to sleep once I've fed her." She held out her arms. "Come to Mummy, angel." Emily accepted Rose into her arms, giving a serene smile as she started feeding her.

  Marcus sat on the bed beside them and watched in wonder, fatherhood so new and amazing. He couldn't quite believe this little girl was really his to keep forever. He touched his fingers to her tiny foot and smiled. They would have so much fun together, playing hide-and-seek in the garden and the house, spotting the deer, and walking the dogs.

  There would be birthday parties outside in the summer sun, and winter fun in the snow. In a few years, Rose would run around, gurgling with laughter like Jonathan's little Isabelle. With only thirty months between the girls, they were near enough in age to be friends and play together.

  Rose dozed off when she was satiated. Lifting her free and placing her between his legs on the bed for a moment, he helped his exhausted wife to lie down. He kissed Emily. "Love you so much, darling. Thank you for giving me my dream." He cuddled his little girl and gently rubbed her back to burp her as he watched his wife sleep.

  Snow White came into the bedroom, jumped on the bed, and snuggled beside Emily, curling against her front.

  "You missed your mum, didn't you? She's back now, safe and sound."

  Snow White and Peggy had stayed at Owen's while Emily was in the hospital. Apparently Snow White had sat at the door, whining most of the time. Dogs had a sixth sense, and Snow White was so close to Emily, she knew something unusual was happening when the contractions started.

  Marcus settled Rose in her bassinette beside the bed and changed into his pajamas, even though it was only six and there were hours of daylight left. He lay behind Emily, his arm over her so he could hold her hand, and released a contented sigh.

  The stress of the past was a distant memory. Gabriella had married an Italian billionaire who'd quickly realized his mistake and dumped her without a penny. Vicente had been arrested, prosecuted, and sentenced to three years in prison. It turned out what he'd done to Emily was the tip of the iceberg. He was stealing credit card details from his restaurant customers and selling them to criminal organizations.

  What goes around comes around, he thought. The bad people had got their comeuppance, and the good people had married, had an adorable little baby, and lived happily ever after.

  A tiny, plaintive cry emerged from the bassinette and Marcus jumped up, gathered Rose in his arms, and took her out of the room so she didn't disturb Emily.

  "What's the matter with you, Daddy's little rosebud?"

  Rose cried louder, her tiny face turning red. Peggy lay down and tried to push her head under a cushion.

  Okay, maybe the g
ood people with the adorable little baby faced challenges and must expect to be sleep deprived for a while, but nothing could spoil his happiness.

  He was the luckiest man in the whole world.

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  Other Books by Helen Scott Taylor

  Golden Christmas

  Paw Prints on Your Heart #1

  Two wounded hearts are brought together at Christmas by a trusty golden Labrador and an adorable golden retriever puppy.

  Every Christmas Vicky hides so she doesn't have to celebrate the date she lost her husband and son. She doesn't want to see anyone, but when she finds a dog's lost ball she meets Jon, a wounded ex-soldier who's struggling with his own problems. This brave man touches Vicky's shattered heart and makes her realize she can't hide forever. With his support, can she find the strength to love again?

  Praise for Golden Christmas

  "I enjoyed this book so very much! It's hard to go wrong with a hunky wounded warrior and not just one, but two precious pups!!" Sandra D

  "It's such a sweet book and will have you reading it quickly, just like I did! I couldn't put it down! I loved the epilogue!" Valri Western

  "It is a really sweet story about second chances and it will touch your heart as it touched mine." Winnie Lim

  Silver Christmas

  Paw Prints on Your Heart #2

  A heartwarming story of love rediscovered at Christmas with the help of a sweet silver kitten.

  Ten years ago, Owen gave Jennifer an ultimatum, give up her dream of being a veterinarian and marry him, or he'd take custody of their newborn daughter. His plan backfired when she left him to go to college. He’s raised their daughter alone but never given up hope that Jennifer will return to them. Now he has a second chance. Can he prove he’s changed and win her back?


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