BDSM Club Series Box Set

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BDSM Club Series Box Set Page 86

by Claire Thompson

  “So, what?” Kristen shot back. “What’s he going to do? He’s a house slave, same as us. Just because he thinks he’s god’s gift to Doms, doesn’t mean the rest of us are fooled.”

  “Okay, guys. Enough gossip. I have your assignments.” Laura drained her coffee mug and rose to her feet. “Tara, you’re with Master Michael this morning for cane work. Diana, you’re with Master Gerard for cock worship.” Turning to Morgan, she said, “You’re to report to the positions studio for training with Mistress Claudette. Wait for her on your knees near the mirror.”

  As Morgan got to her feet, Laura added, “Make sure to bring your gear bag. If you haven’t found it already, there’s a rolled floor mat in the bottom of the bag. When you’re sent to a training room, and if you have time, you should always set out your gear neatly on the mat, so your trainer has easy access.”

  For a moment, Morgan couldn’t think where her gear bag was. Then she remembered she’d left it in the positions studio, and the paddle was probably still in the training room. Reflexively, she ran her fingers over the tender, bruised skin on her ass. If any of the other slaves had noticed the bruising, they hadn’t mentioned it.

  Hurrying up the stairs, Morgan tried to decide if she was glad or disappointed she wouldn’t be facing Aaron first thing. He’d said they would start with a clean slate in the morning, so hopefully he’d forgiven her for her blatant breach of protocol, but there was no way he’d forgotten. Just the memory of how badly her gambit had misfired brought a fresh wash of heat to her face.

  “I’ll do better today,” she promised herself as she entered the training room and looked around for her paddle. There it was. Someone had set it on the spanking bench. Hard to believe that small circle of wood, no bigger than a ping-pong paddle, had hurt so fucking much. She picked it up and ran her palm over the smooth, polished surface. It was certainly thicker than a ping-pong paddle, which explained the bruises.

  Morgan returned to the positions studio and retrieved her gear bag from near the door. She rummaged inside and found the rolled mat, which she spread out on the floor against a bare wall. She pulled out all the items and laid them neatly side by side on the mat. As she arranged the cuffs, impact toys and dildos, her body reacted automatically, nipples tightening, pussy moistening. In spite of her promise to herself to behave, a fantasy involving Aaron, the flogger and the wrist cuffs tried to worm itself into her mind. With an actual toss of her head, she shook it away.

  She walked to a yoga mat near the mirror. Before lowering herself to her knees, she twisted back for another look at her bottom. The bruising was worst where her ass met her thighs, but none of it was really too bad. It was kind of sexy, in a way, and empowering to think she’d endured such a paddling. Hopefully the bruises wouldn’t look too hideous when they faded into ugly yellows and greens as they healed.

  She heard the sound of light footsteps in the hallway and sank down onto the mat, her stomach fluttering with anticipation. When Claudette swept into the room a moment later, Morgan did her best to appear poised, though her heels were digging into the tender bruises on her butt. She lifted herself slightly in an effort to get more comfortable, while being sure to keep her back straight and her expression in something she hoped at least approximated a calm demeanor.

  “Good morning, ma chérie.” Claudette was dressed again in a white, full-length gown, though this one appeared to be comprised entirely of lace, rendering it effectively see-through. Her body, Morgan couldn’t help but notice, was a perfect hourglass, her full breasts still firm. “I hope you passed your first night comfortably?”

  Morgan, who had slept like a log until Laura had wrenched her from sleep, replied, “Yes, Ma’am. Thank you.”

  “C’est bon. The trainer will conduct a full assessment, but first, I’m going to teach you a few basic positions. During your spare time, you should practice these positions until they become second nature to you. When a slave is ordered to assume a position, it should be done quickly, smoothly, gracefully and without question.” She lifted her chin to Morgan. “Stand up.”

  Morgan started to lean forward and use her hands to push herself up, but stopped herself in time as she remembered the lessons from the night before. Instead, she tightened her core and rose as gracefully as she could. She must have done okay, because Claudette didn’t make her do it again, thank goodness.

  “When you stand in front of someone in authority, unless otherwise directed, you will let your hands rest loosely at your sides. Be mindful of your posture and look down at the ground until you are given instruction.”

  Morgan, who had reflexively brought her arms around her torso, quickly dropped them to her sides. She resisted the urge to bounce nervously on the balls of her feet, instead trying to channel some of Claudette’s stillness and serenity into herself.

  “The first position we’ll tackle is called kneeling down—it’s the standard position you should assume when waiting for your Master to arrive. You kneel like so, with your knees far apart, resting back on the heels.” To demonstrate, the older woman sank with extraordinary grace to her knees. “The back is straight and the hands rest on the thighs, palms up. Keep your eyes lowered out of respect.” She looked up at Morgan. “Go on. You try it.”

  Morgan tried to imitate Claudette’s graceful movements as she lowered herself into position. Claudette, meanwhile, rose to her feet and stared down at Morgan. “Farther apart. Spread your legs farther apart and push your hips forward so we can see your sex. The object here is not only to demonstrate respect through kneeling, but to display yourself and indicate with your body that you are available for use.”

  Though Morgan had almost grown used to being naked in the short time she’d been at the Chateau, she flushed at this instruction to expose her pussy.

  Claudette pressed her lips together, her eyebrows furrowing. “Why do you hesitate?” She clapped her hands together. “Obey at once.”

  Her face on fire, Morgan spread her knees and thrust her hips forward, completely exposing her shaved pussy to Claudette’s critical eye.

  Claudette pursed her lips as she walked slowly around Morgan. “Not too bad,” she finally pronounced. “Let’s do it again.”

  For the next several minutes, Morgan rose and lowered herself repeatedly into position until Claudette was finally satisfied. Claudette then ran through several more positions, while Morgan silently wondered how she’d ever remember them all. The offering pose consisted of kneeling, facing away from your Master and leaning over with outstretched arms and crossed wrists, forehead on the floor, ass raised in the air. The dog was aptly named, and consisted of dropping to all fours, and keeping the hands and knees wide, head up and back arched so the ass was thrust upward. When told to stand at attention, she was expected to place her hands behind her head, her fingers laced together, back arched so her breasts were thrust forward, feet shoulder-width apart, chin up, eyes lowered.

  The examination pose required Morgan lie on her back, knees bent, feet flat and then lift her hips off the floor. The flipside examination pose required her to lie facedown, head turned to the side, knees bent, ass raised in the air.

  Morgan was exhausted by the end of the hour or so it took to practice all the positions to Claudette’s satisfaction. Claudette got her a bottle of water, and then looked at her watch. “Oh, dear,” she said. “We’ve used up our time without finishing the basics. I will let Trainer Aaron know he needs to show you the punishment positions. He should be along shortly. You will wait in kneel-down pose for your trainer.”

  Without another word, Claudette left the room, leaving Morgan alone on her knees. Her thigh and calf muscles were screaming from the constant rising and sinking to her knees, which also ached. She kept her ear cocked for the sound of Aaron’s footsteps, and then slowly unfolded herself so she was sitting with her legs in front of her. She did a few stretches as she thought about the handsome trainer.

  She really needed to stop doing that, she told herself firmly. He pr
obably had a girlfriend back in England and maybe one here as well. She made a mental note to find out more about his private life. Laura would know.

  The sound of boots clomping up the stairs jolted her into action, and she hurriedly reassumed the kneel-down pose, her heart kicking into high gear. When he entered the room, she managed to restrain herself from looking up into his face, instead keeping her gaze down. From her vantage point, she could see he was wearing black jeans today, with a black button-down shirt, again rolled up on his gorgeous forearms.

  “Good morning,” he said in that posh British accent. “Are you ready for your first full day of training?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she replied, hoping it was true.

  He came to stand directly in front of her, so close his boots were between her spread knees. Reaching down, he cupped her chin in his fingers, forcing her to raise her face to his.

  She was unable to prevent the sharp intake of breath as she tumbled into his clear, gray-green eyes. Jesus, what was her problem? Men fell for her, not the other way around.

  His expression was stern, but she thought she detected the ghost of a smile as he said, “We’ll have a better day today, yes?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she replied, heat rising in her face at this subtle reminder of her appalling miscalculation.

  He let go of her chin and took a step back. “Good. Today I will assess your strengths and weaknesses, and go over a few positions Claudette said you didn’t get a chance to review yet.” He glanced around the room, his eyes settling on the items she’d placed on the small mat against a side wall. “Good, I see you’ve set up your gear. We’ll make use of some of that today.”

  The flogger. Use that yummy flogger on me, pretty please.

  He gave no sign of having received the telepathic message. Instead, he said, “First off, please assume the examination pose.”

  Morgan glanced up at him, not having expected him to begin the session quite so abruptly. But a lift of his dark blond eyebrows spurred her into action.

  Not wanting to just flop back, she rose to her feet with as much grace as she possessed, then lowered herself slowly to a sitting position. Lying back, she placed her feet flat on the mat and lifted her hips into the air. As she assumed this vulnerable position, she wondered how it was possible for one human being to blush as much as she had since she’d arrived at the Chateau, and if she’d ever get comfortable enough to stop doing it.

  From her position on her back, she could just see Aaron in her peripheral vision. He crouched between her legs and stared down at her spread pussy, while flames continued to lick her face. “With some trainees, I use gloves for this exam, based on the restrictions imposed by their Masters. But since you have no Master, and the contract you signed expressly permits direct sexual contact, we won’t worry about all that.”

  She focused on the ceiling, trying not to moan as he touched her labia and ran his finger around her clit. He used the perfect combination of gentle touch and friction, and his fingers slid easily over her sex, her own natural lubricant smoothing the way. Christ, if he didn’t cut it out, she was going to come. Maybe that was okay? Maybe he wanted her to come. Maybe this training wasn’t so bad.

  She grunted as he pressed his digit inside her, her vaginal muscles clamping down on his finger as a shudder moved through her body. Unable to help herself, she moaned. He chose that precise moment to stroke her clit with his thumb, and as he crooked his finger just so inside her, she moaned again, teetering on the brink of climax.

  Behind her closed eyelids, she envisioned Aaron lowering himself onto her in his naked perfection. She could almost feel his hard cock as it penetrated her wetness. “Yes,” she whispered breathlessly, barely aware she was speaking. “Please, yes.”

  All at once, the hand was withdrawn. “Keep those eyes open and control yourself,” Aaron snapped. “Sexual responsiveness is a good thing. Greedy, sluttish behavior is quite another.” He rose above her, and she stared up at him, shocked and alarmed at his sudden anger. What had she done wrong?

  As he apparently read the consternation on her face, the anger drained from his expression. “Morgan. I can see you’re confused, and I have to remind myself how completely untrained you are.” He took a step back. “Stand up and assume the at-attention position.”

  Her cunt still thrumming, Morgan got to her feet as she tried to swallow her sexual frustration. She put her hands behind her head and interlocked her fingers as Claudette had instructed. Pulling back her shoulders, she thrust out her breasts, her erect nipples pointing directly at the man who’d nearly made her come, and then yelled at her for it.

  Aaron moved his eyes up and down her body without the slightest flicker of interest before settling on her face. “Pay close attention, because next time I have to remind you of a rule, you will be punished.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she whispered, chastened.

  “First of all, you violated the rule of not speaking out of turn, which we discussed last night, and which I expected you to retain. Secondly, you were about to come without permission.”

  But wasn’t that the point of what he’d been doing? Morgan almost asked for permission to speak, but Aaron kept going before she had the chance. “I can’t hold you accountable for that breach, since we didn’t specifically review that rule, so let me make it very clear right now. Slaves do not own their bodies. While you are here, you are the property of the Chateau. You will never, ever come without express command or permission. And, since you apparently need things spelled out for you, that also means you will never touch yourself sexually without express command or permission, even in the privacy of your own bedroom.”

  As he paused, Morgan thought guiltily about her masturbation the night before, but then forgave herself, as he hadn’t said anything about it until now.

  “Repeat the new rule, please,” he said in his clipped British accent.

  Morgan swallowed as she collected her thoughts, her pussy still throbbing softly due to her denied orgasm. “I will never come without express command or permission. I will never touch myself without express command or permission either, Sir.”

  Aaron nodded and then pointed to the ground. “We’ll continue with the examination. Assume the dog position.”

  Grateful he’d chosen a position she could easily remember, Morgan lowered herself to her hands and knees and stuck out her butt like a bitch in heat. If she’d had a tail, she would have wagged it, she thought with an inward grin, glad for the comic relief, even if it was only in her own head.

  Her amusement fell away as he said, “I’m going to check how receptive you are to anal play. Don’t resist, and remain still. No more sluttish displays, if you please.” She could see him in the mirror as he went to the long counter in the back of the room and opened a cabinet above it. He took out some things she couldn’t see, and then made his way to her supply mat, where he picked up the three butt plugs. Morgan was no stranger to anal play, but nor was it her favorite, at least not the limited experience she’d had with it.

  She could no longer see him as he moved behind her, unless she turned her face directly to the mirror, which she didn’t dare do. She flinched slightly when he touched her ass, but it was only his hand, which he moved over her flesh with surprising gentleness. “These bruises are superficial,” he informed her. “They should be completely healed in a day or two.”

  His hand fell away, and she heard him moving behind her. There was a small, snapping sound she couldn’t quite identify, and she very nearly turned her head, but managed to restrain herself.

  “I will use gloves for this examination,” the trainer announced, and she realized what she’d heard was the sound of latex snapping against skin. “And lubricant.”

  Thank goodness for small favors.

  Morgan tried to stay still as Aaron’s lubricated finger circled the perimeter of her asshole and then pressed inside. He placed a hand underneath her belly to hold her steady as he penetrated her fully. It didn’t hurt at all—act
ually it felt pretty good, and her clit perked up with interest.

  “Good,” he said. “That’s very good. Stay relaxed. I’m going to try a series of anal plugs to assess your tolerance. All your orifices should always be fully accessible to even the largest cock.”

  Like yours? He was over six feet, with large hands and feet, but who knew if the old wives’ tale was true. Hopefully, she would find out during the sexual training part of the program. The thought sent another gush of moisture into her pussy, and she very nearly moaned again. Jesus, she had to get better control of herself.

  The first plug went in fairly easily, though the last bit did hurt. Morgan, startled by the sudden pain, gave a yelp as she jerked reflexively away.

  “Back into position,” Aaron commanded in a stern voice. “Control your reactions. You’re doing a good job overall, but you need to remain absolutely still and receptive to me. If you move again, I will punish you.”

  Remembering the paddle and with no desire to feel its harsh sting again, Morgan replied, “Yes, Sir.”

  The second plug was fatter, and penetration was more difficult. “Relax,” Aaron admonished. “You’re tensing up. That kind of resistance is unacceptable. You’re denying me access instead of surrendering yourself to me. Take in a deep breath and let it out slowly. Continue to breathe that same way as I insert the plug.”

  It was all very well to be ordered to relax, but quite another thing to manage it. Still, Morgan tried. She closed her eyes and breathed as directed. But when he pressed the damn thing home, she squealed and jerked away, in spite of her best intentions. Her abrupt action caused the plug to pop out.

  “Unacceptable,” Aaron announced from behind her. “That’s only a medium plug. It should be easily tolerated, if you were relaxed enough to receive it. You continue to resist, and for that, you will be punished.”

  Morgan nearly wailed with dismay. She almost begged for another chance, but stopped herself. Laura wouldn’t beg. Laura would take her due with submissive grace. Morgan would try like hell to do the same.


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