BDSM Club Series Box Set

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BDSM Club Series Box Set Page 94

by Claire Thompson

  Master Gerard moved to stand behind her. She drew in a breath when a blob of cold goo landed between her splayed cheeks. Then Master Gerard’s finger circled the rim and penetrated her entrance. In spite of her resolve to submit, Morgan tensed a little as the digit probed inside her.

  “Open yourself to me,” Master Gerard commanded. He continued to move his finger, and, to her relief, her sphincter muscles did relax. A second finger pressed its way alongside the first and Morgan bit back a yelp as he spread the fingers inside her.

  “I like to give my subs a bit of a challenge,” he said as he added a third finger. “And today, we will, how do you say in English, kill two birds with one stone by adding some oral training. While I fuck you, you will suck my slave’s cock, worshipping it as if it were mine. He is properly trained to ejaculate on my command. Your job is to keep him hard as a rock until I give him permission to come. At the same time, you are to give yourself fully to me, holding back nothing. No resistance, full acceptance. Are you clear on the assignment, little one?”

  “Yes, Sir,” Morgan replied, determined to handle herself well, glad he couldn’t see her wince as he continued to move his fingers inside her.

  Rick appeared in front of her, naked, his cock fisted in his hand. Grinning down at her now, he moved close so the head of his cock touched her lips. His musky odor assailed her nostrils and she wrinkled her nose. She didn’t like his scent, which figured, since she didn’t like the rest of him either.

  Closing her eyes, she reminded herself she was doing this for Master Gerard, and indirectly for Aaron. Rick was just a tool—an extension of Master Gerard, an opportunity for her to practice focus, oral skills and submissive grace.

  Rick bent down to her and whispered in her ear, “Open your mouth, bitch.”

  Her eyes flew open and she only just bit back a retort. Why was he so hateful?

  She was distracted by Master Gerard behind her as his fingers were withdrawn from her ass. He climbed up behind her on the bench, positioning himself as he gripped her hips. At the same time, Rick grabbed a handful of her hair and twisted it painfully in his fingers as he rammed his shaft into her mouth.

  She grunted as Master Gerard entered her ass slowly but inexorably. In spite of the preparation of his fingers, the penetration hurt, and she yelped, the sound muffled against Rick’s large cock now pushing its way down her throat.

  Master Gerard groaned and thrust hard into her, his fingers digging into her flesh as he yanked her against him. Her anus spasmed painfully around his shaft. Icy fear squirted through her veins as panic licked like flames in her gut. Shit, she was going to fuck this up. She was going to humiliate herself in front of these two men, one of whom regarded her with amusement, the other with undisguised disdain and resentment.

  Calm yourself. You can totally do this. It’s nothing you haven’t done before. Remember, this is a gift. A choice. You’re doing it for him. For Aaron. Breathe like he taught you. Give of yourself not because you have to, but because you choose to.

  Closing her eyes, Morgan focused on her trainer—her real trainer—conjuring his handsome face in her mind as she pretended it was his cock she was worshipping, while he magically also stood behind her, groaning with lust as he took what already belonged to him.

  “Yes,” Master Gerard cried. “Yes, little one. That’s what I want from you. Hold back nothing. You are doing very—”

  “Ow, she bit me,” Rick shouted, interrupting his Master. “This slave girl just bit my cock!”

  Morgan’s eyes flew open at this outrageous lie. Rick kept his fingers tight in her hair as he rammed his shaft down her throat, rendering her unable to make a sound. She shook her head vehemently, or tried to, still caught in his clutches.

  Master Gerard actually chuckled behind her. “Relax, Rick darling. She’s still learning, remember. Don’t be quite so rough with her. I want her to learn focus, not to be choked to death by an overeager slave boy.” He continued to thrust inside Morgan, adding a little breathlessly, “Remember, you have a task, too, boy. I’m very close, and you’d better be ready to come when I say, or suffer the consequences.”

  “Yes, Sir,” Rick replied docilely. “Forgive me, Sir. I forgot we’re dealing with a total novice.” Letting go of her hair, he placed his hands on either side of Morgan’s face and moved his shaft in and out of her mouth, the head of his cock pushing into her throat.

  Morgan struggled to remain open to the onslaught, fighting her gag reflex as Master Gerard continued to pummel her from behind. She willed her body to relax and flow with the twin thrusts at her head and ass, and managed to settle into a kind of rhythm.

  “Now,” Master Gerard cried suddenly. “Come for me, slave boy. And you, girl, swallow every drop.”

  Rick’s warm jism squirted in her throat as Master Gerard jerked spasmodically in several short, hard thrusts behind her. As she worked her throat muscles in an effort to swallow, Rick suddenly pulled back and out of her mouth, leaving a gooey trail of ejaculate on her chin.

  Master Gerard pulled away, his hands falling from her hips. “I love my job,” he said with a satisfied sigh. “Rick, bring what you need to clean me and this girl up.”

  As Rick scurried toward the counter, Master Gerard patted Morgan’s ass, adding, “You did reasonably well, Morgan, though clearly you’ll need to work on your oral skills. Claudette is especially adept in this department. I’ll let her know you still need work. There are exercises to teach you to keep your teeth away from your Master’s cock.”

  It was too much. Twisting back her head in an effort to see Master Gerard, she blurted, “Sir, I didn’t bite him! I know how to suck cock. He made that up to get me in trouble.”

  Master Gerard frowned, his expression thunderous. “Excuse me,” he said in a low, dangerous voice. “Did you just speak yet again without permission?”

  “What?” Morgan was flustered, and then, realizing what she’d done, she flushed hotly. “I’m sorry, Sir. I did, but it’s because—”

  “Silence,” Master Gerard said sternly. “You answered the question. I didn’t ask for more than that.”

  His face averted, Rick passed by her with a wet washcloth and a small plastic bag. She could hear them behind her as Rick presumably removed his Master’s condom and wiped him clean. A moment later a warm, wet cloth moved over her ass and between her cheeks, followed by a dry towel patting against her.

  Master Gerard appeared in front of her and crouched down. As he lifted his hand, she flinched involuntarily, expecting him to slap her again.

  To her relieved surprise, he only tucked her hair behind her ears. “I know it’s just your first week of training,” he said in a gentler tone. “But you need to be careful about who you accuse. Rick would never lie about something like that. I’m sure it wasn’t on purpose, but you need to take responsibility for your actions, instead of blaming others for your failures.”

  Morgan opened her mouth to beg for permission to speak, but he stopped her with a finger over her lips, and then frowned. “Oh dear,” he said. “It’s worse than I thought,” he said as he rubbed Rick’s drying come from her chin. “I told you to swallow every drop.” He shook his head. “I’m sorry, little one, but this is one infraction too many.”

  Standing, he addressed Rick. “Help her off the bench and bring her to a punishment pad. This girl needs to be taught a lesson.”

  As Rick released the cuffs, tears of rage pricked Morgan’s eyelids, one rolling down her cheek unchecked. She’d done nothing wrong, but it was clear no matter what she said now, Master Gerard wouldn’t believe her. Rick had sabotaged her at every turn, and the unfairness of it took her breath away. But it was clear that Master Gerard was blind as far as Rick was concerned, and any protest she offered now would only be seen as her trying to get out of something by putting the blame on his beloved slave boy.

  Rick pointed to a mat near the shower stall. “Stand over there,” he said, adding in an undertone too soft for his Master to hear, “I�
��m going to enjoy watching you get what you deserve.”

  Master Gerard came over to them, an ominous wooden-handled leather strap in his hand. He glanced at Rick. “You may go, Rick.”

  Rick’s eyebrows lifted in obvious surprise, while Morgan grabbed what small comfort she could from his abrupt dismissal. His face settled into an impassive expression as he lowered his eyes and replied, “Yes, Master,” in a respectful tone. “Thank you, Sir, for allowing me to serve you.” Grabbing his pants from the floor, he flashed a sudden, venomous look in Morgan’s direction, gone as quickly as it had appeared. Turning away, he made a quick exit, closing the door softly behind him.

  Master Gerard slapped the leather strap against his bare thigh. His cock had retreated back into its skin sheath. “Now then, to the task at hand. You will take your punishment with stoic grace. Grab your ankles.”

  Morgan’s gut clenched with anxiety as she assumed the position, bending down to grab hold of her ankles while striving to keep her legs as straight as possible. She grunted and stumbled forward as the thick strap made sharp and sudden contact with her ass.

  “Back in position at once,” Master Gerard said sternly. “Anchor yourself and don’t move.”

  Her ass stinging, Morgan took firmer hold of her ankles and tightened her core. The second blow was harder than the first, but she was ready this time, and managed to maintain her position, though she couldn’t help the gasp of pain.

  Again and again the hard leather crashed against her, until tears were running down her face, her eyes squeezed tightly shut. The pain mounted with each unyielding, relentless stroke. Finally, her legs trembling, her mind a blank of raw pain, Morgan collapsed into a crouch, her hands flying back to protect her blistered, stinging bottom.

  “Please,” she begged. “I can’t. I’m sorry, it’s too much. I can’t…”

  To her enormous relief, the strapping stopped. “Mon Dieu” Master Gerard breathed softly behind her. Strong hands gripped her shoulders, pulling her to her feet and spinning her so they were face-to-face. Her bowels churned with fear at what would happen now that she’d failed to handle the punishment.

  Instead, to her shock, Master Gerard put his arms around her and wrapped her in a tender embrace, pressing her head gently against his chest. “Forgive me, little one,” he said as he stroked her hair. “Sometimes I go too far. You took a good beating, and I should have stopped sooner. I will make it up to you.”

  Letting her go, he lifted her chin and wiped away a tear. “I will send Laura to tend to you. She has a gentle touch.”

  And with that, he was gone, leaving Morgan to stare, open-mouthed, after him.

  Chapter 11

  Morgan woke very early the next morning from a tumultuous dream. The predawn sky was dark purple fading to gray. She lay in bed as her heart calmed and her breathing slowed. She probably had another hour until she had to get up, but she’d never get back to sleep.

  Though the details of the nightmare were already fading, a lingering sense of dread and injustice hung over her as she slipped out of bed and moved silently toward the bathroom. As she showered and groomed, she argued with herself about what to do.

  Laura had cautioned her as she’d gently stroked Arnica over Morgan’s bruised flesh after the brutal session the day before. “I know Rick can be a jerk sometimes, but as you’ve probably noticed, Master Gerard has kind of a blind spot when it comes to his slave boy.”

  “But he lied,” Morgan had insisted. “I absolutely did not bite him. He totally made that up. And he’s been telling Master Gerard I’m vain and god knows what else he’s been slandering me with. It isn’t fair.”

  “I know,” Laura had said gently as she lightly massaged Morgan’s shoulders and neck. “But it’s not worth the fight. The Masters will know your worth based on your behavior. It’s better to remain silent and show them through your continued grace and courage that you’re able to rise above Rick’s petty attempts to discredit you. My advice is to pretend Rick is a little bug—an ant scurrying along the ground, not even worth your notice. Forget about him. Focus on yourself—on your training and on being the best you can be, whatever comes your way.”

  This hadn’t sat well with Morgan, who was used to calling things as she saw them, and couldn’t abide anything she perceived as injustice. But she managed to hold her tongue at dinner, seating herself as far from Rick as possible and completely ignoring him. Master Gerard and Rick didn’t come to the play party that evening—a bondage session with a visiting rope Master who specialized in Shibari—which had made it easier to hold her tongue.

  Maybe Laura was right, and it was best not to say anything. But as Morgan dried her hair and applied her makeup, not forgetting to lightly rouge her nipples, the nightmare kept its hold on her mood. She probably wasn’t the only one Rick had bullied. Why should he get away with it?

  Aware Claudette was an early riser, Morgan tiptoed down the stairs to the first floor, hoping she might find her alone. There was a light on in the kitchen and the smell of coffee brewing, but when Morgan stepped into the room, it was Kristen who stood at the counter, where she was rolling out some dough.

  “Good morning,” Morgan said.

  Kristen turned around and flashed a smile. “Hey, early bird. Want some coffee? I’m making cinnamon rolls but they won’t be ready for about an hour.”

  “Coffee is good,” Morgan said, moving toward the cabinet to get a mug. “Do you know if Claudette’s up?”

  “Yeah, she’s out on the veranda. She likes to watch the sunrise.”

  Armed with coffee, Morgan walked through the house toward the veranda. Claudette was reading an actual paper newspaper, a mug of coffee in her hand, glasses perched on her nose. She looked up as Morgan stepped out.

  “Bon jour, ma chérie,” she said with a smile. “I was just thinking about you.”

  “About me?” Morgan replied, surprised.

  “Yes, I just spoke to Aaron.” She nodded toward a cell phone on the small glass table to her left.

  Aaron. Morgan’s heart skipped a beat. “Oh,” she said softly.

  “His mother is doing well. She woke up yesterday morning, and she’ll probably be discharged by the end of the day, London time. Aaron will stay another day, but should be back soon. He asked after you. Other than your transgression yesterday afternoon, I was able to report you’re doing very well.”

  Morgan’s happiness that Aaron had asked after her was doused by the unfair assessment about what had happened. “About that,” Morgan said, forcing down the sudden fury the older woman’s words had reignited. She would speak calmly, with submissive grace, but she would have her say. “May I speak to you candidly, Mistress Claudette?”

  “Yes, of course.” Claudette waved toward a chair adjacent to hers. The sun was just rising over the trees, pink and gold rays illuminating the leaves so they looked like golden-green glass.

  Morgan perched on the edge on the padded chair, her bottom still sore from the strapping. She tried to think how to best approach the issue, mindful of Laura’s advice on rising above it all. But what she ended up blurting was, “Rick lied about me.”

  Claudette lifted her finely arched eyebrows. “Pardon?”

  “He made up lies yesterday during my session with Master Gerard, and I was punished as a result.”

  Claudette pursed her lips. “Master Gerard discussed your behavior yesterday at the dinner table. Based on your infractions, you deserved to be punished, no matter what Rick did or didn’t do.”

  “But he said I’m vain and look down on the house slaves, which just isn’t true, and he accused me of biting him when—”

  “Morgan,” Claudette interrupted, “you weren’t punished because of what he said, but because of how you behaved.”

  Morgan blinked. “What?”

  “From what I understand, you spoke out of turn—not once, but twice. You failed to swallow every drop of Rick’s seed, despite being told to do so. And while I’m sure you didn’t mean to bite
Rick, it’s quite easy to graze with the teeth without realizing it, especially in the throes of passion.”

  The throes of passion? Hardly.

  “But I didn’t—”

  “Based on the way you’re repeatedly interrupting me now, I’d venture to say you still haven’t learned your lesson,” Claudette snapped, her tone sharpening.

  Chastened, Morgan was silent for a moment while she tried to collect her thoughts. She hadn’t really thought about her part in the whole thing. Laura, she knew with sudden certainty, wouldn’t have protested any of the lies. She would have remained gracefully silent and serene, letting her actions speak louder than his words.

  “I’m sorry, Ma’am,” she replied softly. “I’ll do better.”

  Claudette patted her knee. “I know you will. And your trainer will be back soon, to make sure.”

  The thought of seeing Aaron again soon cheered Morgan up, and she couldn’t help but grin. Claudette made her even happier by adding, “Master Gerard and Rick will be away today, visiting a friend of Gerard’s in the city. You’ll be working with Master Michael.”

  After breakfast, Morgan practiced positions with Mistress Claudette and reported to the training room in the afternoon for work with Master Michael.

  He secured her in what he called the orgasm chair, which was a recliner with spreadable legs that adjusted in various positions, restraining straps strategically placed to fully secure its occupant. Morgan was strapped in, her legs spread wide, her arms bound to the armrests.

  Master Michael used various implements, including a vibrating dildo, a remote-controlled butterfly, and finally a Hitachi wand, stimulating Morgan over and over to the point of climax, but forbidding her each time from coming as he turned off the device. After at least a half hour of this erotic torture, she was sweating, over-stimulated, sexually frustrated and flat out exhausted.


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