Alice's Men (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

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Alice's Men (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) Page 13

by Marla Monroe

  “Here. You need to teach her some manners so you can walk her without her climbing a tree or some poor guy,” Ben said. “Namely me.”

  Landon scowled at the other man, but Alice burst out laughing. The idea had some merit.

  “Thanks, Ben. It looks like it will fit, too. Put it in the basket with the toys we got.” Alice walked around the aisle to where the cat beds were.

  She found one that was almost completely enclosed like a clam or oyster. It had a small hole that Sassy could climb through to get in. It came in gray, black, and brown. She chose the gray one. It would look nice in the office. Although black or brown wouldn’t show dirt as much, the tag said it was washable.

  “I think we’ve done enough damage now,” she said.

  Ben and Landon were so busy petting a boxer they’d forgotten all about her. She smiled and waited while they talked to the guy sporting a ponytail and wearing a black leather vest with tattoo sleeves up both arms. Both men seemed taken with the dog. Maybe they would enjoy having a dog like that as a mascot for their garage. She’d have to ask them later.

  “Ready? Sorry. We were talking to David about his dog. It’s a boxer. The guys said it’s a very loyal dog and has a good temperament,” Landon said.

  “Love the way it looks. Bet it’s smart, too,” Ben said.

  The two men talked about the dog as she checked out and all the way to the truck where Ben loaded everything into the front seat and helped her up into the back next to him. Landon groused good-naturedly but smiled as he pulled out into traffic.

  “Don’t think I can’t see you two back there. No hanky-panky,” he said.

  “Watch the damn road, Landon. Not us,” Ben told him.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The trip home had been fun and a little naughty. Though Ben had obviously held back, they’d done some pretty heavy petting. To her relief, Landon hadn’t seemed the least bit upset that he wasn’t getting to help, but he easily participated by calling the shots from the front seat.

  “I bet her nipples are hard with the way you’re kissing her. Check and see,” Landon said.

  “They are. Hard little points.” Ben then leaned over and sucked one tight peak through her sweater, making her gasp in pleasure.

  “Keep your seatbelts on, guys. I don’t plan on having a wreck, but with all the heat in the car I might pass out and I don’t want you guys to get hurt,” Landon warned.

  “Keep your eyes on the road, man.” Ben popped the back of Landon’s seat.

  They were like that all the way home with Ben following Landon’s instructions as he drove her crazy with need by the time they made it back to her place. She was breathing as heavy and hot as a mid-summer’s day in Texas. It was no wonder she began shivering in the night air when Ben helped her out of the truck.

  She slid down his body until her toes hit the ground, and another wave of shivers poured over her at the obvious erection down the front of his jeans. He was rock hard and so freaking big she felt her mouth water.

  “Hurry up and let’s get her inside, Ben. She’s cold.” Landon grabbed some of her things and followed behind as Ben hustled her to the door.

  Ben unlocked it and led her inside, removing her jacket and wrapping her up in his arms as Landon unloaded the truck. Alice soon warmed up but wasn’t satisfied with being let go. Instead, she grabbed Landon and wrapped herself up in both men’s arms.

  “Damn, honey. I didn’t mean to let you get that cold. Where’s the thermostat and I’ll turn the heat up for you,” Landon said, pulling back some.

  “I don’t need the heat up. I just want both of you to hold me. I had an awesome day and don’t want you to leave yet,” she admitted.

  “Hell, no. We aren’t going anywhere yet,” Ben assured her.

  “Good. Let’s take Sassy’s toys to her and set up her bed.”

  Obviously, that wasn’t what the guys had in mind when they’d said they weren’t ready to leave yet. She smirked at them then pointed to the bed and bag of toys as she strode toward the office door.

  She could hear the grumbling from Ben as she opened it. Sassy was curled up asleep on Alice’s desk chair instead of her bed on the floor. She shook her head and, once the men had walked in, closed the door behind them.

  “She’s so cute when she’s sleeping,” Alice said.

  “Less dangerous. Don’t wake her up. Let’s just drop everything and let her be,” Ben said in a soft voice.

  “Nonsense. It’s no fun if you don’t see her play with her toys.” Alice reached into the bag Landon was holding and pulled out the feather toy.

  She brushed the tip of it over Sassy’s ears then over her nose. It twitched, and then one eye opened. She ran the feather just out of reach and burst out laughing when the kitten jumped from a sleeping circle into an attack kitten in one bound. Ben yelped when the kitten jumped to the floor and jumped for the feather. Alice looked over to see him standing near the door with one hand on the knob.

  “Scaredy-cat. She isn’t going to hurt you, Ben,” Landon said with a chuckle.

  “You weren’t the one whose body she clawed her way up the other day,” Ben snapped.

  “Did you have a single scratch on your body?” Alice demanded in a mock growl.

  “Well, no. But she could have scratched me,” he said.

  “You’re just upset because she gave you a bath. You weren’t upset when that Great Dane licked you,” Alice pointed out.

  “That was different,” he said with a pouty frown.

  The kitten took advantage of Alice’s inattention and pulled the feather toy from her hand to run around the room with it like a prized bird she’d killed. Alice giggled then pulled out the next toy, a large felt rat that was just about the same size as Sassy.

  “Don’t you think that’s going to scare her?” Landon asked.

  “Watch, she’s fearless.” Alice tossed the rat near the kitten.

  Sassy jumped and arched its back with a loud hiss then attacked it as if it wasn’t any larger than a thimble. In no time it had its front paws around one end and its back paws kicking at the other end while it growled.

  “See, see! I told you it’s dangerous. Look at how it’s treating that rat. The thing’s bigger than she is, and she’s still killing it.” Ben pointed at the little kitten with her toy.

  “She’ll tire herself out in few minutes and want to go back to sleep. Let me set up her bed, and we can leave her alone. I want to show it to her first though.” Alice took the bed from Landon after he’d removed the tags for her.

  Alice set the bed next to the computer desk after moving the first one she’d bought to the other side of the room. She picked up the still fighting kitten, rat included, and stuffed her inside the oyster bed. The growling sounds stopped, and the kitten poked her head through the opening, only to pull it back a few seconds later. The next thing Alice knew, it had pushed the rat out but didn’t follow it.

  “Looks like she approves of her new digs,” Ben said. “Let’s go so she can get some rest. She probably needs it after going three rounds with that monster rat you got for her.”

  Alice smiled. Ben wasn’t nearly as against the kitten as he pretended. No doubt he saw the kitten as girly. Now that the kitten had conquered the big rat, he seemed to accept it a little more.

  They left Sassy to her bed after Alice deposited her office supplies in a drawer of her filing cabinet out of kitten reach. She’d already learned that leaving something important on the desk wasn’t smart.

  “I had a wonderful time today, guys. Thanks for taking me. I hope I didn’t wear you out.” Alice stuffed her hands into the pockets of her jeans.

  “We had a good time, too. You didn’t wear us out one bit,” Landon said.

  “What he said,” Ben added.

  She laughed. “I really don’t power shop like a lot of women do. I just like to get what I planned to get and leave. I can window shop online.”

  “If you had wanted to look at more junk, we wouldn’t
have minded,” Ben said.

  “Thanks, but I looked at everything I wanted. It was really nice of you to take me to the pet store, too.” Alice wrapped an arm around each man.

  “Kind of enjoyed, actually,” Landon said. “Didn’t know they let pets go there.”

  “Really liked that Great Dane with that little old lady and the boxer,” Ben said.

  “You guys should think about getting a dog.” Alice watched their faces for any clues of how they felt about that.

  “We’ve thought about it before but don’t have time for a puppy or to train one. Maybe one day,” Landon said.

  “If we get one, I want a boxer. Liked that dog,” Ben said.

  Alice filed that away for deeper thought later. If they lasted until Christmas, she’d see about finding a young boxer already trained. They should have a garage mascot.

  Ben pulled her away from Landon. “I didn’t get to finish what we started in the truck.”

  “No fair, I didn’t get to even start what you started in the truck,” Landon said, pulling her back into his arms.

  “I’m not a pull toy, guys. There’s plenty of me to go around.” She laughed as they each hooked her waist with an arm.

  Ben won out and backed her up against a wall, caging her in with his arms then sweeping in to kiss his way down her neck to the collar of her sweater then back up to nip along her jawline. His gentle teeth had chill bumps goosing along her flesh. Her panties, already wet from earlier, grew wetter as her pussy tightened.

  “Oh God, Ben.”

  “I want you, Alice.”

  “I want you, too,” she admitted.

  “Say you’ll let us stay,” he rasped out between kisses near her ear.

  “Please. I want you both to stay,” she said.

  “Are you sure? We can stop now, if it’s too soon,” Landon said.

  “Shut the fuck up, man. She said she wanted us to stay,” Ben said with a snarl.

  “She can’t say much else with us breathing down her neck, Ben. Let her go, and if she still wants us to stay, we can. I’m not pushing her when you’ve got her all hot and aroused. She has to be able to say yes without you touching her.”

  “Fine. I’m not touching her.” He took a single step back and lifted his hands. Alice would have laughed if it weren’t for the fact that they were both serious. Well, so was she. She wanted them in her bed, hell, in her body.



  “I’m not changing my mind, guys. I want you both. I’m tired of waiting. It’s time,” she said.

  That was all it took. Ben picked her up in his arms, jerking a squeak from her at the sudden change in position. He strode down the hall to the open door of her bedroom and stopped at the sight of her bed.

  “What? Why did you stop?” she asked.

  “I’m not sure three of us will fit on that thing,” he admitted.

  “It’s a queen. We can fit,” she assured him.

  “Next time we go to Landon’s apartment. He has a king,” Ben said.

  “Not my place. It’s a dump. I don’t want her anywhere near that area of town,” Landon said.

  “Guys, we can negotiate where next time will be later. I want you guys naked, in my bed, before I count to ten,” Alice said.

  Ben all but dumped her on the bed before grabbing a double handful of his T-shirt at the back of his neck and tugged it off in one jerk. Landon was close behind as Ben toed off his boots then shucked his jeans in record time. The man didn’t wear underwear. Landon, however, wore boxers.

  Alice gaped at Ben’s massive erection then noticed that Landon’s cock was hanging out the bottom of his boxers. Dear God, the two men were even larger than she’d imagined. How in the hell would they both fit when it came to sex? Alice wasn’t sure they would and wondered if she’d bitten off more than she could chew with the two men.

  “Uh-oh. She’s thinking too hard,” Landon said. “Quick, Ben. Distract her.”

  Landon started pulling the covers down to the foot of the bed as Ben advanced on Alice, caging her in between him and the bed. She quickly lost the worried feeling and grew hot at the sultry expression on Ben’s face as he reached for her. His warm hands pulled her closer to him so that he could claim her mouth with his.

  The next thing she knew, both men were undressing her, pulling off her sweater and tossing it on the chair at the foot of the bed. While Ben unfastened her bra, Landon knelt to unzip her jeans. He cursed when he realized too late that he’d forgotten her boots.

  “Sit her up on the bed, Ben. I need to pull off her boots before I can get the damn jeans off.”

  Ben picked her up and settled her on the edge of the bed then helped Landon by taking off one boot. Landon jerked the other one off then slid her jeans and her wet panties off her legs. He picked up the damp undergarment and brought it to his nose, only to have Ben snatch it from him.

  “Fuck she smells delicious,” Ben said.

  “I noticed,” Landon groused when Ben tossed the wet panties across the room.

  “Scoot back some, babe. I want to taste this pretty pussy before we fuck you senseless,” Ben said.

  “Damnit, Ben. We talked about this,” Landon said.

  “You talked about it, I pretended to listen. She knows I’m crude, rude, and socially unacceptable. Deal with it.” Ben knelt between Alice’s legs, and not much else made sense after that.

  Chapter Sixteen

  He fucking loved the taste of her. She was wild honey and spicy tart apples all at the same time. He couldn’t get enough of her taste, of the feel of her body shivering beneath his touch. Ben held her still with one hand on her belly as he licked to his heart’s content.

  He looked up to find Landon feasting on her ample breasts. The other man seemed mesmerized by them as he nipped at one taut nipple while he played with other one with his fingers. Yeah, Landon was as hooked on her as he was. They weren’t going to be able to back away from her now that they’d sampled her body. No way he’d walk away from her. They’d have to lock him up for stalking if she suddenly kicked them to the curb.

  “Damn, woman. I’ll never get enough of you,” he breathed out.

  “Please, Ben. Oh God, Landon. I’m so close.” She whimpered when Ben blew across her wet folds.

  He dove back in and used his nose to stimulate her clit just enough to keep her on edge while he sucked on her pussy lips and entered her with one finger. He wanted to thrust his dick all the way inside, but she had to come first.

  Maybe twice.

  “Give me your hand, babe,” Ben said.

  She didn’t seem to hear him at first then lowered one hand that had been clutching the sheets. He grasped a finger and dragged it through her wet slit then clamped his mouth around it to taste her that way. Delicious.

  He did it again, but this time, he offered it to Landon. “Taste her, man. She’s fucking addicting.”

  Landon took her hand and closed his mouth around her finger. His moan at the taste that Ben already knew was dangerous told him that he wasn’t alone in loving it. In fact, Landon thrust it back down toward Ben.


  Ben did it again and handed her limp hand back to his friend. Then he ignored the man and lapped at her pussy, adding a second finger inside of her. His thick fingers stretched her as he thrust them in and out, mimicking what he wanted to do with his cock. He couldn’t wait any longer. Ben sucked on her clit while rubbing that little spongy spot deep inside her cunt. He growled with his mouth covering her clit as he felt her explode around him.

  She screamed out incoherent words as he wrung her body dry. It pumped him up even more to know that he and Landon had done that to her. He wanted it again and again, but it would have to wait. His dick was already dripping pre-cum at the sight of his woman’s face tight with pleasure.

  Ben knew that, no matter what happened later, he’d love her until he died. Telling her wasn’t going to be easy, but he’d do it before the night was over.

“Landon, you take her pussy. I want that sweet mouth of hers sucking my cock,” Ben said.

  “Hell, yeah,” Landon said scooting down the bed.

  Ben crawled up and over her, stopping to lick his way up her body before giving each breast a light suck. She hissed out a breath for him when he did. It felt amazing to know that something he did felt that good to her.

  Alice licked her lips when Ben fisted his cock in one hand and cupped her cheek with the other. The sight of her tongue sliding around her pretty pink lips had his dick twitching with the need to be inside that hot little mouth.

  “There you go, babe. Suck my dick.” Ben held it still so that she could explore it with her tongue.

  When she only seemed to be teasing him, he growled. “Open up, babe. I need to be inside that hot mouth of yours.

  She opened wide and sucked on the mushroom head as he slowly fed his shaft into her mouth. She reached up and encircled his cock with both hands, sucking and pumping it all at the same time. When she pulled back and licked across the weeping slit at the top he nearly lost his load right there.

  “Shit, babe. That’s amazing. Yeah. Just like that. Squeeze harder. God, yes,” he said as she squeezed the base of his cock just right.

  She ran her tongue around the stalk then sucked him hard nearly all the way down before swallowing around him. The suction nearly blew his head off. He groaned and dug his fingers through her hair, resisting the urge to hold her still while he fucked her mouth.

  She pulled on him then used her other hand to cup his balls. God, that shit felt good. She was killing him. There was no way he’d last much longer. He looked down to see that Landon had entered her but was remaining still with his eyes squeezed shut. Yeah, he was feeling that need to come much too soon, as well.


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