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Daddy Patrol

Page 23

by Sharon De Vita

  She was so beautiful, he thought. Just so beautiful. Inside and out. And she deserved all the wonderful things that a woman like her needed and wanted. All the things a man like him could never hope to offer.

  Shaking his thoughts away, Joe quietly walked into the room, setting the tray on the nightstand.

  “Joe?” Mattie’s voice was whisper soft as her eyes fluttered open slowly, bringing him into full view. There was something so gentle, so tender in his face, she found her throat closing up.

  Then she shifted her gaze and almost goggled.

  Dressed, Joe was a mighty fine sight to behold.

  Half-naked, he was more than enough to set a woman’s heart and hormones racing, sick with the flu or not.

  He had on a pair of jeans.

  And nothing else.

  His feet were bare, as was his chest, and the sight of it—all burnished gold and copper covering bare, chiseled muscles, had her mouth going dry and her hands itching to reach out and touch him.

  Sick or not, she wasn’t dead or blind, and the sight of the man she loved, barely dressed, and looking so dangerously sexy, had Mattie’s muddled mind clearing quickly as every fantasy she’d ever had about him vividly sprang to life.

  “Oh my,” was all she managed to whisper, lifting a hand to her suddenly dry throat. Need, desire and lust—plain and pure—grabbed at her and hung on, nearly made her moan with wanting. She couldn’t ever remember wanting a man with the intensity she wanted Joe.

  Nor could she ever remember feeling this strongly for someone. The needing and the wanting, coupled with the desire and her own feelings for him, left her weak and dizzy, and the feelings had nothing to do with her illness and everything to do with her heart.

  The sight of all that beautiful golden burnished skin made her hands itch to touch him, to feel his skin warm from the heat of hers, to have her own skin pressed against his, feeling his heart beat in time against hers.

  She was delirious, she mused. Had to be. Why else would she be sitting here gaping at the man, with these dangerously erotic thoughts parading through her mind?

  But what a man, she thought with a sigh.

  “I brought you some coffee.”

  The scent of fresh-brewed coffee filled the room and Mattie almost swooned, not certain if it was from the coffee or the sight of him.

  “My hero,” she said, reaching out a shaky hand for a cup and taking a sip. She couldn’t take her eyes off Joe. Or his body. “Did the boys get off to school all right?”

  He nodded. “They got off just fine.” Apparently unaware of her stare, or the impact he was having on her, he picked up his own cup, took a sip, then gingerly sat on the bed next to her, letting his gaze take her in. “How you feeling this morning?” She wasn’t quite as pale as she’d been yesterday or the day before that. There was finally some color back in her cheeks, although she was still looking far too weak for his peace of mind.

  “Better,” she said, taking another sip of coffee and letting her eyes slide closed in pleasure as the caffeine poured into her empty system. With him sitting so close, if she didn’t close her eyes, weak or not, she just might…jump him. “Much better,” she managed to get out.

  “Well, I’ve got some aspirin on the table here somewhere, just in case you need them.” She’d still had that horrible headache for most of the day yesterday.

  She managed a smile for him. “I don’t think I’ll need them today.” No, what she needed didn’t come in a bottle or in pill form. What she needed was him. All of him. Mind. Body. Heart. “I really do feel much better.”

  “Yeah, well, you might change your mind when you see the…downstairs.” Dragging a hand through his hair, he gave her a weary smile. “The boys and I, well, we aren’t exactly what you’d call…neat freaks.”

  She actually found the strength to laugh. “Now, why doesn’t that surprise me?” she asked with a grin. “It doesn’t matter, Joe. I’m just so grateful for everything you’ve done, I don’t even know how to begin to thank you.”

  Feeling ashamed for the way she’d treated him recently deliberately keeping him at a distance—Mattie realized she had no idea what she would have done without him the past few days.

  “Grateful?” Joe repeated with a lift of his eyebrow, feeling slightly affronted. He was quite sure grateful was not at all what he’d hoped Mattie felt for him. “Gratitude is not necessary, Mattie,” he said a bit stiffly.

  “Perhaps not, but I feel it nonetheless. I don’t know what I would have done without you the past week, Joe. And that’s the truth.”

  “I’m just glad you’re feeling better.”

  “I am, a lot better.”

  “That doesn’t mean you’re well, Mattie. Far from it. You’re still going to need a few days to get your full strength back.”

  Mattie sighed, knowing he was right. “Well, Joe, well or not, I want to take a shower.”

  They’d had this conversation yesterday morning as well. Fortunately, the moment she’d tried to get out of bed, she realized he’d been right; she hadn’t been quite strong enough yet.

  “You’re not strong enough to take a shower by yourself,” he repeated, just as he had yesterday. He had visions of her collapsing in the shower, hitting her head on the tile, slipping on the wet floor.

  The mere thought was enough to send him into a panic again.

  “Joe, I need a shower, and unless you want to come in and hold my hand, I don’t have a choice but to take a shower by myself.”

  He grinned at her. “Take a shower with you?” He wiggled his eyebrows as he took another sip of coffee, contemplating. “Now, why didn’t I think of that? If that’s an invitation, I accept.”

  Laughing, Mattie shook her head, more than seriously tempted. But this wasn’t the right time. “You’ll have to settle for a rain check, I’m afraid. I’m not sure after being sick for four days even I want to be in the shower with me.”

  “Mattie, really, your shower can wait until you’re feeling a little stronger. I don’t think you should push—”

  “I want to kiss you, Joe,” she said simply, shocking him into silence “And I can’t and won’t do that until I’ve taken a shower and cleaned up a bit.”

  He merely blinked at her and she almost laughed at the confusion and shock on his face.

  “You…you want to kiss me?” he repeated as if he couldn’t quite believe he heard her right. First she avoided him, now she wanted to kiss him?

  Maybe he was the one who was delirious.

  Mattie laughed. “Yes,” she murmured with a smile. “Among other…things.” Not having him in her life the past ten days had made her realize how much she’d come to depend on him, to need him, to want him. And it had taught her how much she missed him.

  She’d seen what her life would be like if he wasn’t in it, and she didn’t like it. At all.

  If this was all she could have of him, well, then, she’d rather have this than nothing. It was certainly far more than she’d ever had before.

  “You’re serious, aren’t you?” he asked, and she slowly nodded her head, a sly, sexy smile on her face. More than a bit flustered, Joe set his coffee cup down. “Well then, by all means, let me help you up so you can take a shower.” Joe pulled back her covers and scooped her up in his arms, grateful to just be able to touch her again.

  “Joe,” she laughed, wrapping her arms around his neck and hanging on. His masculine scent lingered on his bare skin, teasing her, tempting her. “You don’t have to carry me.”

  Unable to resist, she pressed a kiss to the curve of his jaw and saw him swallow. Hard. Intrigued, she pressed more kisses along his jawline, murmuring softly as she stroked a hand over his bare chest, letting her finger encircle his nipple, nearly buried in the whorls of dark hair on his chest.

  “I can walk, Joe, honestly,” she murmured, still stroking him with her hand and letting her lips trail down his neck, gently lapping at the skin with her tongue. She loved the taste of him, she thought as sh
e felt a shudder race through him.

  “No, no, it’s all right.” His steps faltered. He could feel the warmth of her body, the curve of her breasts pressing against his bare chest through the thin cotton of her gown, and it was driving him mad. “I…don’t mind…” He had to swallow. Again. “Carrying you,” he finally managed to get out.

  “Well, good, then, because I like being in your arms,” she admitted in a soft whisper. Her warm breath fluttered softly against his jaw, his chin, his mouth, and it was all he could do not to crush her to him and take her. But she was right; this wasn’t the time.

  She was weak and worn down, and he was feeling far too needy.

  His heart was pounding, his body was aching, hardening in a way that was wreaking havoc with his self-imposed control, leaving him feeling weak.

  He’d kept a tight rein of control over himself, knowing how scared and distrustful Mattie was with men. He never wanted to do anything that would scare or spook her, especially now, when he felt he was finally making some progress in the trust department. Well, he thought he’d been making some progress, at least until she’d started avoiding him.

  It was a good thing they’d reached the bathroom. He wasn’t certain how long he could last.

  “I’m going to set you down, Mattie. You sit while I start your shower and let it get warm. I’ll get you some fresh towels.”

  “Fine,” she said as he set her down, reaching over to close the cover on the commode. She sat, watching him. If she didn’t know better, she’d swear he was…flustered. For some reason, the thought amused her. Gorgeous Joe flustered by a few kisses and caresses. His reaction was both endearing and amusing.

  Patiently, she sat while he turned on the shower, tested it with his hand, then headed out to the hall linen closet to get some fresh towels.

  When he returned, carrying several large fluffy towels, he set them on top of the tank, then held out a hand to help her up. “I think the water should be ready about now.”

  “Good.” She kept her gaze on his as she slowly reached down and lifted the hem of her cotton gown, slipping it over her head. It was the most brazen act she’d ever done, and surprisingly, she didn’t feel the least bit nervous or self-conscious.

  When his mouth dropped open and his eyes all but bugged out of his head at the sight of her naked body, she simply felt…wonderful. And giddy. And incredibly, wonderfully lovely.


  “Yes, Joe,” she said with a smile, taking her time folding her cotton gown.

  “You’re…you’re…uh…naked.” The words came out a strangled moan.

  “Mmm, yes, I know.”


  “Yes, Joe.” Smiling at him, she found she was enjoying this. This was just the tonic she needed, and was far better than aspirin or any other medicine to make her feel better.

  “Get in the shower,” he ordered, his voice harsh and deep. He closed his eyes and clenched his fists tightly together, fearing if he didn’t, he’d do something rash. Like grab her and take her. Here and now. Need for her was building with the intensity of a volcano, and any minute he feared it just might…blow.

  “Please, Mattie,” he all but whimpered, sliding the shower door open so hard it bounced against the wall and came sliding back.

  “Okay, Joe.” Still smiling, she held out her hand to him. She could see the dark dash of desire in his eyes, in his body, and it made her feel sexier and more feminine than she ever had in her life. But then again, she reasoned, she’d never felt so bold or so brazen with a man before. Not ever. But something about Joe brought out all the feelings, physical feelings that she’d always just assumed she’d been lacking. Now she knew differently.

  He took her hand, helping her step over the tub and into the shower. “Thanks,” she said with one of those wonderfully sexy female smiles that had his eyes darkening even more.

  He had to clear his throat. “You’re…welcome,” he managed to get out. “I’ll wait right here until you’re done. So, if you start feeling weak or anything, just call me.”

  “I will.” Mattie stepped into the spray of warm water and let out a heartfelt sigh. It felt heavenly. Closing her eyes, she turned, and tipped her head back, letting the warm water slide through and over her head, her hair, and then run down her back.

  The moment the door closed, and he knew she was safely in the shower, Joe sank back against the wall, desperately needing something to hold him up.

  His legs were weak, his body shaky. If she was trying to drive him crazy, she was doing a very good job of it.

  How on earth was he supposed to keep himself under control when she looked at him with those damn sexy eyes?

  Or when she dropped all her defenses, along with her clothes, and stood before him naked and vulnerable. And oh so trusting.

  He supposed that’s what got to him more than anything, humbling him. She trusted him. She had to or she would never have stood naked in front of him.

  The thought that Mattie had given him her trust made him want to do everything possible, everything in his power, never, ever to abuse that trust.

  He wanted her, yes. And if he wasn’t mistaken, she wanted him as well. But Mattie wasn’t the type of woman to go in for one-night stands, any more than he was the kind of man who was interested in something like that, either.

  It simply wasn’t his style.

  But there was no reason that they couldn’t…want each other, and make love with each other, knowing that they had mutual respect, caring, kindness and love.


  There it was, he realized, the crux of his problem. All along he had known that Mattie was different, known too that he had to be particularly careful with her and her feelings. Getting her to trust him had taken Herculean effort, and while he had been trying so hard to get her to trust him, he’d apparently missed the fact that somehow he’d fallen in love with her—whether he wanted to or not.

  “You all right in there?” he asked, straightening his frame and shaking off his thoughts.

  “Fine, Joe,” she called over the rush of water. “Just fine.”

  He heard the faint peal of the doorbell. “Mattie, someone’s at the door. Will you be all right while I run down and answer it? It’s probably just one of my sisters stopping by to see how you are. I shouldn’t be more than a minute.”

  “Joe, go. I’m fine,” she said as the doorbell pealed again. After giving her one final glance to make sure she was all right, Joe raced out of the bathroom, then through the bedroom and down the stairs.

  “I’m coming, I’m coming,” he yelled as the bell pealed urgently again. He got to the door and yanked it open without bothering to look to see who the visitor was, and found himself staring at a stranger.

  “Can I help you?”

  The woman, whom he guessed to be somewhere close to seventy, had a severe cap of silver-blue hair and frown lines etched around dull gray eyes. She was sturdily built and wore a dress of unrelieved brown, with matching, sensible shoes.

  “I’m Evelyn Maguire,” she said coldly. “And who might you be?” she asked, taking in his attire. Or rather lack of it, with an expressive lift of her eyebrow.

  So this was Mattie’s mother-in-law, Joe thought, absently leaning against the doorjamb. She looked almost exactly as he’d expected her to look. Pinched and pursed lips, cool, disdainful eyes, and an attitude that really required some adjustment.

  “Joe Marino,” he said formally, extending his hand. “Sheriff Joe Marino.”

  She glanced at his hand and pointedly ignored it, clutching her purse tighter to her ample frame with both hands. “You’re the sheriff?” she said with such disdain Joe simply flashed her a charming smile.

  “I am.”

  “What are you doing here this early in the morning?” Her glance of disapproval was clear. “And half-naked at that?” She sniffed as she deliberately lifted her gaze from his chest to stare somewhere over his shoulder. “And where is my daughter-in-law?” />
  Joe glanced down at himself. If this woman thought she could rattle and intimidate him the way she did to Mattie, she had another guess coming. She had no hold over him, nor did he have to worry about her feelings in the same way Mattie apparently did.

  He gave her a smile just to annoy her, then crossed his arms over his chest. “I prefer to think of myself as half-dressed, Mrs. Maguire. And as for Mattie, she’s taking a shower.”

  “A shower?” She made a sound of disgust. “If it’s not too much trouble, I’d appreciate it if you’d tell my daughter-in-law I’m here to talk to her about the children.” Her glance swept over him again, then over his shoulder to the mess in the living room. “And I can see by the looks of things, it’s not a moment too soon, either.”

  Chapter Ten

  Wrapped in a warm, terry-cloth robe, Mattie was curled up on the couch, trying to hold on to her temper and her patience as she listened to her former mother-in-law rage at her.

  Joe had slipped into the kitchen to clean up, not wanting to intrude and not wanting to give Evelyn an easy target.

  “Really, Mattie. Having a man spend the night in your home—a man you’re not married to or related by blood—while my grandsons are in the house, why, it’s a disgrace.” Purse in her lap, legs crossed at the ankles, Evelyn had a disapproving scowl on her face. “I mean, what were you thinking?” she demanded. “Is this why you wanted to move from Chicago? So you could carry on and carouse with men?”

  “Evelyn,” Mattie said again, “I have not been carrying on or carousing with men, and I resent your even thinking such a thing, let alone saying it.” Mattie sighed. “I’ve told you several times already. I’ve been sick. I had the flu. Joe is a friend. He came over to take care of the boys while I was sick.” She was beginning to feel as if she was reciting a speech, the same explanation over and over again, and it still didn’t get through to the woman.

  “You would rather have a stranger care for the boys than his own grandparents?” Evelyn demanded, clearly offended.


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