“Evelyn, you and Bob weren’t here, and I really didn’t have a choice in the matter.” Mattie met the older woman’s gaze. “Joe is not a stranger, but our friend.”
“I can just imagine what kind of friend he is,” Evelyn said with a sniff. “Be that as it may, I want you to know we don’t approve of these kinds of goings-on, and especially not when my grandchildren are around. I would think you’d have more sense. You could have picked up the phone and called. We would have been happy to come and get the boys.”
“Exactly,” Mattie snapped. “You would have done what you always do, what’s best for you, not the boys. They’re in school, Evelyn, in case you’ve forgotten, and they’re involved in community activities, and they have friends and a life here. They can’t just up and take off for a week. And besides that, they were scared. I’ve never been sick before. They wanted, needed to be here, to see for themselves that it was just the flu I had, and I was going to get well.”
“Still, it would have been far better to have the children with us than having your half-naked lover prancing around in front of my grandchildren.”
That did it.
Mattie shot to her feet, her heart pounding in anger. She was not about to tell this woman that Joe was not her lover, simply because it was none of her business, and more importantly, with any luck, Mattie was hoping Joe would be her lover. Soon. But she wasn’t about to lie about it, not to anyone, for it certainly wasn’t anything she was ashamed of.
Taking a deep breath, Mattie decided the time had come to put her former mother-in-law in her place. “Evelyn, I’ve gotten more help and support from Joe in the past week than I have from you since I got pregnant with the twins. You have no right to pass judgment on me or what I do with my life. You’ve never been here, Evelyn,” Mattie finally snapped, realizing she didn’t mean just the past week, but from the moment she’d met the woman. “Not ever. From the moment I got pregnant, you and Bob, as well as Gary, abandoned me.” Mattie swallowed hard, clenching her fists so tightly her nails bit into her palm. She would not cry over this, she told herself. She simply wouldn’t. They weren’t worth it. None of them.
“That’s ridiculous,” the older woman snapped. “That was your decision. Not mine. You have only yourself to blame.”
“Myself?” Mattie’s voice rose. “I was carrying your son’s children. Didn’t that mean anything to you?” Mattie cried. “I never got to make a decision, Evelyn. What I was given was an ultimatum, an ultimatum you had no right to issue. This was between Gary and I, and if you would have stayed out of it, maybe—” Mattie’s voice broke off, and she was appalled by what she’d almost said.
“Then maybe what?” Evelyn’s eyes glittered with anger and tears. “Then maybe my son would still be alive?” Evelyn got to her feet, clutching her purse tightly. “How dare you?” she breathed. “How dare you say such a thing to me!” Her chin lifted. “If our son hadn’t met you, he’d still be alive. You’re the cause of his death, not me.”
Mattie’s eyes slid closed and she realized this was the crux of the problem with the Maguires. They were still blaming her for their son’s death.
Mattie crossed the room until she was standing in front of her former mother-in-law. She could take the insults about her parenting ability, but she was not, under any circumstances, going to let Evelyn blame her for Gary’s death, nor was she going to allow this woman to impugn Joe or his character. She’d never met a decent, finer man, and to have this woman attack his character after the way she’d behaved over the past five years was outrageous. Totally outrageous.
“Evelyn.” Mattie took a deep breath and slid her hands into her robe pockets. “For the past five years I have listened to you criticize and berate me and everything I’ve ever done to or for my boys. I’ve allowed it because I never wanted to deprive the twins of grandparents. I felt I owed my children that much since they were already growing up without a father. I thought having you in their lives was worth whatever abuse I had to take and put up with from you.”
“Abuse?” Evelyn scoffed. “That’s ridiculous. We’ve never said anything but the truth.”
“No, Evelyn,” Mattie said coolly. “You wouldn’t know the truth if it bit you on the…nose. You’re so busy finding fault that you can’t see beyond it. Can’t see beyond your own selfish pain and needs. But you’ve gone too far now. Much too far.” Mattie’s voice was far too calm and quiet. Anyone who knew her knew that was more dangerous than if she’d been yelling and screaming.
Evelyn looked up at her coldly, confusion etched in her features. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she insisted, glaring at Mattie. “We only wanted what was best for our grandsons.”
“Exactly, Evelyn. What you thought was best.” Mattie’s fists clenched tighter inside her pockets as she stared at the woman who’d made her life and her sons’ lives a living hell. “You never ever considered what was best for the boys, but only what you wanted, needed, not what they wanted or needed.” Inhaling deeply, Mattie knew she had to get all this out now before she exploded. “You’re not the boys’ mother, Evelyn. I am, something you’ve totally disregarded and never taken seriously.”
“No, Evelyn, for once you’re going to listen. I have stayed quiet and let you insult me, berate me and terrorize me for the past five years. I really thought I was doing it for the boys, but I realize now I was simply doing it out of guilt. But you know what? I don’t have any reason to feel guilty. Not for you or your loss. It wasn’t my fault, Evelyn,” Mattie said with a weary sigh. “I didn’t kill Gary, nor did I have anything to do with his death. His own irresponsibility and selfishness are to blame. Not me, and I’m not going to feel guilty about it any longer. Nor am I going to allow you to make me feel guilty about it.” Taking a deep breath, Mattie studied her former mother-in-law. “You profess to love the boys—”
“We do,” she snapped. “More than anything else in the world. But I don’t expect someone like you to understand that.”
“You don’t scare or frighten someone if you love them, Evelyn, and that’s something you’ve done repeatedly to the boys and they don’t deserve it. Now,” Mattie said, taking another deep breath, “I’d like you to leave my home.”
“You heard me,” Mattie said. “I’d like you to leave. And from this day forward, unless you can refrain from scaring the boys by talking about things that are none of your business, and unless you can refrain from criticizing my parental abilities whether you agree with me or not, you’re no longer welcome in my home or in our lives.”
Evelyn’s eyes went wide and her lower lip began to tremble. “Y-you you can’t mean that,” she sputtered.
Determination slid through Mattie and she folded her arms across her chest. “I do mean it,” she insisted. “Until you can conduct yourself like normal grandparents—and that means putting the boys needs and feelings ahead of your own, and not upsetting them—you’re not welcome here.” Mattie walked to the front door and opened it wide. “Or in my children’s lives. Now, please leave.”
“I…this is wrong. You have no right,” Evelyn said. “You can’t do this.”
“I can and I will. This decision is up to you, Evelyn.”
“But you can’t forbid us from seeing our grandchildren.”
“Goodbye, Evelyn,” Mattie said, holding the door open and waiting.
“You haven’t heard the last of me.”
“No, I didn’t imagine so,” Mattie muttered as Evelyn stormed out the door. “Goodbye, Evelyn,” Mattie said quietly to the woman’s retreating back.
Taking a slow, deep breath, Mattie watched the woman climb into her car, and then peel away, before she slowly closed the front door, leaning wearily against it.
“I never knew I could prance,” Joe said with a smile, coming in from the kitchen. He’d tossed on a rumpled sweatshirt, but was still barefoot, with a dish cloth tossed over his shoulder from the scrubbing he’d just
given the kitchen.
“Half-naked, as well,” he said with a smile, walking straight to Mattie and slipping his arms around her. She was pale as the moon and clearly shaken. “Must have been some sight,” he said quietly. His gaze met hers. “You okay?” he asked softly, and Mattie nodded, blinking back tears. She wasn’t going to waste any more tears on any of those people.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” she whispered, glancing down, not wanting him to see the tears that were already forming in her eyes.
He hated to see her like this, hurting and upset. She didn’t deserve it. “Come here,” he said quietly, drawing Mattie closer until she was pressed against him. Her whole body was trembling and it nearly broke his heart. “For what it’s worth, you did the right thing, Mattie. She was wrong. Dead wrong.”
“I guess when she started making derogatory remarks about you, I just…lost it.” Weary, Mattie rested her head on his shoulder, slipping her arms around his waist, needing to feel his warmth, his closeness.
She sighed, allowing herself to rest against him, feeling the hard length of him pressed against the length of her and savoring the feeling. “I’ve taken so much from them, Joe, that this was just the final straw, especially after everything you’ve done for us this past week.” Mattie lifted her head to look at Joe. He was such a beautiful person, she thought, wondering what on earth she would do without him. So beautiful. Inside and out. She’d never met a finer man.
He smiled at her. “I’m proud of you, Mattie, for standing up to her, and for making her leave. She was wrong, and had no right saying those things to you.” He drew back. “You don’t blame yourself for Gary’s death, do you?”
Mattie shook her head. “No, I never did, and I think that bothered her more than anything.”
“Because they did blame you?”
“Yeah.” She blew out a breath, still unbearably shaken. “I guess that’s why they’ve treated me this way all this time. They blamed me,” she said, still unable to believe or comprehend it. “I just didn’t realize it until now.”
“And yet they never considered their own culpability?” Joe shook his head, unable to believe people could be so blind. “It’s amazing how blind people can be when it comes to seeing their own failures and problems.” He kissed her forehead. “Come on, Mattie, I think it’s time for you to rest.” She was far too pale for his liking.
“At least lie down for a while. You’re still weak, and this certainly didn’t help.” He kissed her again. “And if I’m not mistaken, you’ve got another headache.”
She smiled, hooking her arm through his as he led her toward the stairs. “You’re right, there.” She pressed her free hand to her temple, trying to ease the ache.
“You take some aspirin, then a nap. And I promise I’ll have a surprise for you when you wake up.”
They’d just reached the top of the stairs and she looked at him wildly. “Surprise? What? Are you going to blow the house up?”
After taking one look at the chaos in the living room, blowing the joint up might be easier than cleaning it after a week of mainly males inhabiting it.
He laughed, taking her hand as he led her into the bedroom. “Nothing quite that drastic.” He nudged her toward the bed, pulling the covers down so she could climb in. “You’ll find out when you wake up. Now, in you go.”
He held the covers out while she slid into bed. It wasn’t that she was feeling ill any longer, no, now, she was just plain weary and tired from five years of nonsense with her in-laws, but now, finally, it was over, and all Mattie wanted to do was put it behind her.
“I never got to kiss you,” she complained as he shook two aspirin out of the bottle and handed them to her, along with a glass of water.
He chuckled. “I know, but believe me, I intend to take you up on that as soon as you’re better.”
“I don’t suppose you’d believe I’m better right now?” she teased, reaching out a hand to him. Torn, he looked at her for a long moment. “Joe,” she said quietly, “I don’t need aspirin. I don’t need rest. I need…you.”
He swallowed. “Mattie, uh…are you sure?”
She tugged on his hand to bring him closer. “I’ve never been surer of anything in my life.” Her gaze remained steady on his, all the love inside fueling her feelings. “Stay with me, Joe. Please?” Her gaze wide and open and full of trust searched his. “Make love to me, Joe,” she whispered quietly. “Please.”
“Mattie…” His voice trailed off as his thoughts tangled. He wanted this, desperately, wanted Mattie, but he wanted to be certain it was what she wanted. “I…I…I…don’t want your gratitude,” he said, and she laughed.
“Joe, is that why you think I want you to make love to me? Out of gratitude?” He looked at her, not answering. “Joe, I love you,” she said simply, laying her heart open. “And it has nothing to do with gratitude,” she added softly. “I know you probably aren’t happy to hear that, but—”
“Mattie.” The one word stopped her cold and she looked at him. He captured her hand, lifting it to his mouth to tenderly kiss each and every fingertip. “I love you, too,” he said gently, knowing in that instant it was true. “But loving each other, Mattie, it isn’t—”
“Joe, it’s enough for now,” she said, not letting him finish. She was fully aware of how he felt, fully aware that they’d never marry, but it didn’t change how she felt about him, or how much she wanted him. Perhaps she couldn’t have the marriage, but she still wanted the man.
“Please just make love to me.” She lifted her face toward him, praying he couldn’t tell how scared or nervous she was.
He sat down beside her, framing her face with his hands, letting all the love he felt inside for her wash over him.
“You are so beautiful,” he whispered, kissing her eyes, her cheeks, her nose, and finally her lips, letting his mouth linger to tease and seduce. “So beautiful,” he whispered again. His warm breath fluttered over her lips and Mattie shivered, reaching for him, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck as they fell backward together on the bed.
He continued to kiss her, trailing his lips softly, gently, across her face, her lips, then sliding lower to light a fiery path of passion down the slim column of her neck.
Mattie moaned softly, shifting her body so she could feel his, wanting this flaming ache inside relieved.
“Mattie.” Her name came out a low groan as desire whipped into him, blurring his mind, awakening his senses. He wanted—needed to touch her, to feel her body, soft and ready for him, wanting with the same kind of need and desire that lashed through him.
His hand slid from her slender waist upward to cup her breast through the thin cotton of her gown. Her low moan heated his blood, desperately urging him on.
He felt her fingers clutch in his sweatshirt, her small, sharp gasp as he cupped her small breast in his hand, caressing it slowly, gently, until she was arching against him, moaning softly, driving him nearly mad.
He took them deeper, slowly, inch by inch he gave her all the passion and desire that had built inside for her. He slipped off her gown, sliding over each inch of exposed skin with his lips, his tongue, making her shudder and moan, and reach for him.
Her body was pale white and slender as a young girl’s, with little trace that she’d ever given birth. Her legs were long and shapely, legs that he’d drooled over on more than one occasion.
Her breasts were high and firm, small, they fit her body structure to perfection, and fit his hands as if they were made for him. Only him.
She was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. Just the sight of her, naked, and wanting him was enough to nearly send him over the edge.
His own desire became a fierce, breathing animal bearing fire. All heat and warmth, he couldn’t seem to get enough of her. Couldn’t seem to fill his hands, his mouth, his heart.
His mouth went to her breast, her nipple, and she cried out, arching again, her eyes glazed with desire, passion. Gen
tly, his other hand caressed the silk of her skin, her thighs, then higher, until she was whimpering softly, the sound only fueling his own desire.
His own body hardened and ached in a way that had his breath nearly ripping from his lungs. He couldn’t wait, not an instant longer. He needed to be inside her, to be one with her, in body, and in heart. He’d never needed like this, never loved like this, and surely had never wanted like this.
He rose over her, pinning her hands with his. He paused, met her gaze, and looked deep into her eyes.
“I love you, Mattie,” he whispered, watching her eyes glaze as he slowly entered her. “I love you.”
She clung to him, whispering words of love in his ear as he began to move inside her. Slowly at first, drawing out moans and whimpers that were more beautiful to him than the greatest symphonies.
“Joe, please.” Her voice was husky with passion, her body pliant with desire as he moved faster, bringing them both higher and higher. He never released her hands, needing something solid and steady to hold on to. He never drew his gaze from hers, watching all the emotions streak across her face, watching as love filled her eyes and desire fueled her body, higher and higher.
When she hit the first peak, he heard her gasps of breath, the short, muffled scream as she clung to him, dazed. He didn’t stop, but drove her back up again until she was clinging to him, moaning softly.
Gasping for breath, Mattie reached for his hips, urging him on, faster, faster, until they both fell off the cliff—together.
Dazed, Joe shifted his weight, fearing he was hurting her. He’d never felt so complete, as if the final puzzle piece in his life had finally slid home.
“No, don’t move,” Mattie whispered against his chest. “I like having you here.”
“I’m too heavy for you,” he said, glancing down at her. They lay side by side, his arm around her, their hearts beating in rhythm. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
She laughed, pressed her lips to his chest, still savoring the taste and touch of him. “You won’t.” She hesitated. “Joe?” Her gaze searched his when he turned his head to look at her. Feeling suddenly shy, she glanced away. “I’m…I don’t…I don’t have a lot of experience at this, and I know I’m probably not very good at—”
Daddy Patrol Page 24