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My First Second Chance

Page 7

by KB Winters

  Him: All right. Done.

  I smiled to myself. So he’d done it. His company was his baby. For him to jeopardize things at work by being with me, not once, but twice? One thing was clear, I owned him.

  And now I’d make him come all over his baby.

  Me: What would you do to me?

  Him: I’d start by peeling off those dental floss panties and kiss the insides of your thighs. . .

  I read those words, and one of my hands disappeared under the waistband of my boxers as I typed in with the other hand:

  Me: mmm…I don’t have any on.

  Him: No? What are you wearing?

  Me: nothing.

  Him: :D You have the most beautiful pussy, did you know that?

  Me: I guess so. Is your cock hard?

  Him: Seriously? It’s about to bust out of my pants. LOL

  Me: Oooh. Okay, let’s let him out. I reach for your fly, he’s hard and I wrap my hand around him.

  Him: mmm . . . I kiss my way down your tummy. You look delicious.

  I read his words again, my finger absently circling my clit. I was so hot, I couldn’t take it. I lifted my tank top over my head, slipped out of my boxers, and laid back down on the bed, rubbing my pussy faster.

  Me: Yum. I’m rubbing my pussy because of you. You’re going to make me come.

  Him: Rub it, baby. Make it feel good. I put your legs over my shoulders and drag you until you’re right at the edge of the bed. I lift your hips so your pussy is in my face. Let me suck it baby . . .

  I let out a little moan as I read the words. I was so hot, it was hard to type in my next message.

  Me: mmm . . . suck my clit. Then I want you to fuck me.

  But he keeps going. I’m no longer thinking about making him come at work. All I could think about was the way he made me feel.

  Him: I’m fucking you with my tongue, slow and steady. You feel it baby? Come on me. Come on my face.

  Me: God. Put your cock in me, Gabe, I need to feel you inside me.

  Me: Shit! People are coming back from lunch. I hear their voices so close, but I need you.

  Him: God, you’re so sweet.

  Me: Please Gabe. I want you inside me.

  Him: There’s no place I’d rather be, baby. Mmmm . . . You’re so fucking wet. And tight. And perfect. Are you ready for this cock?

  But he doesn’t need to do anything else. I come like crazy, thrashing on my big four-poster bed, clutching the sheets and screaming out my release.

  Still shuddering, I pick up the phone and type in: My God, Gabe, the way you make me feel.

  Him: Did you come?

  Me: Yes. And just in time. My boss just poked his head in. You?

  Him: I came the second you said you wanted me inside you.

  I grinned. I’d outlasted him. And I’d made him jerk off in his office, when he should’ve been working on his app. That proved I had control, and I was doing my uncle proud.

  Me: My boss looked at me funny. Did anyone at your work notice?

  Him: Well the building may have shaken a little, but other than that, no.

  I found my grin widening foolishly. Then I heard the front door slam downstairs, and I bolted upright as my uncle called my name. Shit, why was he home in the middle of the day?

  Racing to get my clothes back on, I’d just pulled my tank over my head when he poked his head in the door, frowning. “Still sleeping, Meg? Seriously? It’s noon.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Actually, I’m making plans. I’m laying the groundwork for what I will have to do if you tell me that those plans I photographed aren’t good enough.”

  He studied me, his eyes scanning over my body. “And what plans are those?”

  I flopped down on the rumpled sheets of my bed and hugged my pillow to my chest. “Oh, I have some ideas.”

  My uncle’s frown softened into a sly smile. “Well, whatever those ideas are, they’re clearly working. Gabe was obviously off his game this morning.”

  I leaned forward, wanting to know more. “Oh? How?”

  “He arrived late to a meeting, was completely unprepared, and barely said two words. After that, he locked himself in his office.”

  I smiled, thinking of him behind his desk, jerking off to me. I made a mental note to reread his texts later, since they were that good. Thinking of them, I smiled, and my mind travelled back to his cock inside me. “Score one for me, then.”

  “The real score will be if you get that app data.”

  “When will you know if the data I gave you will work?”

  “Another week, likely. The programmer I work with is out of the country now,” he explained. “So that means you’ll have to keep stringing him along, at least for now.”

  My smile widened. Truth was, I didn’t want to let Gabe go just yet. I loved the idea of more playtime with him. As long as I kept it free and easy, and he kept giving me that big cock of his, it wouldn’t be such a bad way to earn a living. “All right.”

  “If he keeps acting like he did this morning, he’ll bury E-Ventures on his own, whether I get that app from him or not.” He shook his head. “It’s embarrassing. He acted like a lovesick puppy rather than the owner of a successful business. You’ve got to get that app so he doesn’t sabotage the company before we get control.”

  I clasped my hands together excitedly. Poor Gabe. He had no poker face whatsoever. He’d been so honest, so good, that I was almost embarrassed for him. Love was for suckers. Eventually, everything goes sour. In time, he’d have to grow up and realize that’s not how the world worked, and maybe he’d be thankful to me for making him wiser to it.

  That was what I told myself, anyway, rather than feeling guilty about it.

  “Anyway,” my uncle said from the doorway. “Get yourself showered and dressed sometime today. It’s not very enterprising to spend all day in bed and all night at those clubs.”

  I frowned at him. “Uncle, you barred me from attending those clubs, remember?”

  He shrugged. He’d told me that while he doubted Gabe ever went out past his bedtime, he couldn’t afford to have him see me out, on the off-chance he took a foray into the city. So I’d been forbidden from going out and had instead spent most of my nights surfing the web, saying “thanks but no thanks” to texts from people who wanted me to go out with them.

  It’d only been a couple weeks, but I missed that life like crazy. I missed my wild, free days of youthful recklessness. I kept repeating to myself that it would all be worth it. It would be worth it, for sure, if I was living my own life, in my own house, finally out from under my uncle’s thumb. I could party as late as I wanted, fuck who I wanted, and live my own life, for once.

  “Just get up and get moving,” he said, leaving.

  Moving? I had nowhere to go. Not until I made my next move on Gabe.

  So instead, once the front door slammed, I snuggled into bed, pulled the blankets up tight around me, and typed to Gabe: I need you to touch me again. When can we meet IRL?

  Chapter 11


  Meg didn’t want me to pick her up, but that was Meg. She’d always been stubborn, insisting she could do things better than any man could. As much as I’d tried to hold doors open for her and treat her like my princess, she’d hated it. Cut the crap, Gabe, she’d said to me when I tried to buy her lunch. I’m perfectly able to do that myself.

  I arrived early at the Picco Tavern, standing in the lobby by the sweeping staircase, knowing she’d be late, since she was always late. She arrived twenty minutes after seven, even though I’d told her the reservation was for seven.

  She was worth the wait. Her hair was down, loose, and over her shoulders, and she wore a body-hugging black dress that accentuated her flawless, pale skin and every curve of her body. Her lips were painted red, and I couldn’t help remembering how they’d felt around my cock. I’d been waiting weeks to see her, and I wasn’t sure I could wait much longer.

  “Hi,” she said, not apologizing for being late. She nev
er apologized for anything. She had a motorcycle helmet tucked under her arm, which she dropped by the seat.

  I grinned at that, “Your ride is a . . .”

  “Harley,” she said matter-of-factly, looking around the place.

  I could just picture her, skirt hiked up, legs wrapped around a beast. I didn’t think she could be any sexier. I wanted to kiss her again, hard and slow, bathe in that scent that wasn’t perfume but her own, intoxicating musk. She had me hanging by a string, and I wanted to remind her how I’d made her swoon outside RAIN. I wanted to take her home and own her.

  But I’d made a point of making reservations, so we could have a nice, romantic night, and I planned to use restraint, despite my cock wanting something more.

  Despite us blowing the reservation time, the server was able to seat us in a dim, private table behind the piano bar. When she sat down and the waiter plopped the open menu in her lap, she looked at it with mild disinterest. “And how are you?” she asked, sounding bored, as if this was nothing but a dinner date with an acquaintance. As if she hadn’t given me the most erotic encounter of my life the last time I saw her.

  “Fine,” I said. I wanted smoldering stares. I wanted sweetly spoken come-hither words. I wanted this woman all over me, wanted it with every pore of my body. But as it was now, she studied the menu coldly, not looking at me. “How are you?”

  She shrugged, looking around and rolling her eyes. “Been better. You’ve eaten here?”

  I wished she’d show as much interest in me as she was showing the menu. “Yes.” I opened my own menu. “It’s quite good. The oysters are particularly good.”

  She wrinkled her nose.

  Never mind that they were said to be an aphrodisiac. She clearly didn’t seem in the mood. “Seafood Risotto?”

  “I’m not one for seafood,” she said, abruptly snapping the menu closed. Was she annoyed? Now I regretted this choice. God, that was one thing about Meg. She could play the bitch so well that it made you want to hang yourself.

  “Would you rather go somewhere else?”

  She shook her head and sighed. “No, I’m good. They have burgers.”

  I remembered what a cheap date she’d been. I’d take her to McDonald’s and she’d want nothing more than to share my fries. She said they tasted better when they were mine. Back in school though, we were no-nonsense when it came to our tastes, which was just a matter of not having any money. I didn’t realize that, now that she was living and working in the city, she was still a no-nonsense girl.

  “Did you have a rough day?” I prodded, wondering if she’d finally reveal something about herself.

  She shook her head. “No. Why?”

  I shrugged. I thought that maybe, just once, she’d let me in on a little about her life. Her job in the city. She never spoke about it. She’d mentioned something about college once but wouldn’t elaborate despite my questions. Her answers were always deliberately vague. I suppose Meg always loved mystery, but it was a mystery that had taken her away from me, and I couldn’t afford to have that happen again.

  She closed the menu and leaned forward, finally making eye contact with me. “So,” she said. “You’ve moved up in the world.”

  I shrugged. I wasn’t arrogant about my success, not at all. I knew that things in life could turn on a dime. My parents’ death taught me that; Meg’s leaving just when I thought we had it together. “I hope to. The app was well received at that party. But we won’t really know for sure if it’s a success until it releases this summer.”

  She nodded. “Interesting. You’re so smart, Gabe. Do you really like designing techy stuff?”

  I shrugged again. “It pays the bills. I don’t think I love it the way some people love some things. Like, the way you loved writing. You used to go everywhere with that notebook of yours. Creating characters, settings, remember?”

  She screwed up her face, and it turned wistful. “Yes. Uhm. Like I said, I don’t write anymore.”

  “Why not? You were good at it.”

  “You never read any of my stuff.”

  “Not for lack of trying.” I’d asked her to share them with me all the time, but she never did. As confident as she was about things, she’d always been very shy about her writing. “But, I could tell you were good at it.”

  The waiter came, and I handed over the bottle of wine I’d selected, a nice Shiraz. I’d considered myself a bit of a connoisseur of wine, visiting local wineries on the weekends for tastings. Tiffany had appreciated my knowledge. But Meg just wrinkled her nose and said, “I’ll have a Coke.”

  I studied her. “You’re not into wine?”

  “It gives me a headache.”

  “But you like to drink . . .”

  “Beer, mostly. Or hard liquor.”

  “What kind of beer?”


  I motioned to the waiter. “Forget the wine. We’ll have two Buds.” I leaned forward. “Do you just not have fancy tastes, or do you really like the taste of Bud?”

  She drew her lower lip under her teeth, a sexy maneuver that nearly had me groan aloud with need. “It’s just my go-to. If it ain’t broke, why fix it, right?”

  I snickered. “I suppose. But we’ve got to get you being a little more adventurous.”

  It was funny for me to say that to her. Meg was always the one testing the boundaries with me, trying to get me to try new things. Hell, we’d already tried quite a few positions I’d never attempted before in the bedroom, our first night together. I’m going to make a sinner out of you yet, she’d said to me, with a sly little wink. Unafraid, she was the first to go skinny-dipping, had no problem with skipping class, and always lured me out to the bleachers between classes to make out. She grinned. “Oh, I am plenty adventurous. Do you want me to show you?”

  I nodded without hesitation.

  Without warning, I felt her bare foot sliding up my calf, wrapping around my leg.

  Now, this was more like it. I shifted in my seat, and my cock twinged. I looked around to see if anyone noticed, but there was a long tablecloth over the table, and we were tucked into a private nook behind the piano.

  Slowly, she massaged her way up to my knee, pushing aside my thigh. I was already hard by the time her toes began to rub my crotch. Raising her eyebrows, she caressed my cock with her toes, making it press painfully against my zipper.

  It just made me think how good we were together. How well we fit. How different our lives might’ve been if she hadn’t run away. With her touch doing wild things to me, I could barely think of anything, but that was one thing that stuck in my mind.

  I tilted my crotch into the pressure and said, “Why did you leave, all those years ago?”

  “Who cares?” she said with a sexy smirk, knowing exactly what she was doing to me. “I’m here now.”

  “But you just up and left. And I missed this . . . for what has it been? Almost seven years . . . I missed this. You.”

  Her eyes cast down. “It was a mistake.” I felt her insistent pressure on my cock start to lessen, so I decided to shut the fuck up and enjoy the ride. She was right. It didn’t matter. What mattered was we were here, together, now.

  Our beers came. Meanwhile, I was in too much bliss to even reach forward and take a sip. She studied me with great amusement as I leaned back, grasping both arms of the chair for dear life.

  “Turns out,” she said sexily, her voice low and throaty. “I’m not all that hungry.”

  I shuffled in my seat to allow her better access. “I was thinking the same thing.”

  I laid down a twenty for the beers we’d barely had a chance to drink, then we stood up. My hand on the small of her back, I led her out into the warm night, where even my car parked down the road seemed too far away. We walked along, stopping every few moments to turn to each other and kiss, groping each other hungrily.

  I was completely under her spell, and needed her now, with a fierceness I’d never felt before. When I got to the edge of a building, I
peeked down into a narrow, tree-lined alley between two buildings.

  “Come here,” I said, guiding her.

  She was always up for any adventure, and she let me lead her down the dark alley without hesitation. I stepped her through the trees and when I was sure we were hidden, pulled her flush against me and sank my mouth down on her lips.

  I think I may have lost my mind a little, kissing her like that. I ran my hands up her dress, lifting it, grabbing a hold of her full ass. I ran my hands all over it, and even spanked it for good measure. She let out a gasp of surprise. “My, my, how my Gabe has grown,” she moaned into my skin, laughing a little.

  I was hot and bothered to say the least, and hearing her call me hers? Could there be anything sweeter?

  I kissed her underneath the trees, under the star-heavy sky, imagining her completely naked, all of that soft skin bared to me as my hands roamed under her dress. She wasn’t self-conscious and didn’t need to be. She had more weight on her than when she was in high school, but she wore it well, and her lush curves only served to make her sexier. I’d always preferred to have something to hold onto, and all I could think about was sinking into her, feeling her tight, warm cunt grip my cock.

  I kissed her until she pressed her body up against the wall of the building and wrapped her leg around my hip. She broke the kiss to say, “You’re wearing too much clothing.”

  She was right. With her help, I ripped open my pants in record speed, revealing my hard cock, and her gasp only fueled my passion. She put her hand on it, stroking it, but I was already ready for her. I kissed her and licked at her mouth, fucking her with my tongue as I’d soon be fucking her with my cock. She twined her arms around my neck, sifting her fingers through my hair. She lifted her other leg around my hip, drawing me to her, pressing her pussy against me so I could feel the silkiness of her lace panties. At the press of our naked parts together, we both groaned.

  “You’ve grown in more ways than one,” she said, smiling. “I’m impressed. And every night, I’ve dreamed of having all of it in me again. Don’t make me wait.”


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