Everything I Need (The Everything Series Book 1)

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Everything I Need (The Everything Series Book 1) Page 20

by A. K. Evans

  “I’m sorry for what happened tonight that made you doubt your worth, especially to me.”

  “You shouldn’t be apologizing to me,” she said. “Throughout this entire relationship, I’ve been…”

  “No, Charley,” I cut her off. “You aren’t going to go back there. I’ve made some bad decisions in life. Dana was one of them. Didn’t realize it then, started to realize it when it ended, and definitely know it now. Also, made some good decisions in my life. You are one of them. No doubt in my mind about that, baby.”

  She bit her lip. My eyes went to her mouth briefly and then she asked, “What happened?”

  I tilted my head, contemplating for a moment, and was about to answer when she said, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked that. You don’t have to tell me. It’s just that tonight Elle told me that Dana broke your heart. When she said that I saw red. It made me so angry to know that someone hurt you.”

  I smiled huge at her. “Feels fucking good, baby.”

  “What?” she asked.

  “You feeling angry on my behalf…that feels good. Love you for it,” I said, pausing for a moment. “Also feels good to know that you get along with Elle. Dana never did. Should have realized then it would never work, but I was young and focused on what I wanted that I never stopped to really consider what I had, or didn’t for that matter, with Dana. We got together when I was relatively new in the business. I was only riding at that point. The guys and I were doing well, but hadn’t gotten to the level we are all at now, but we did well enough to win some contests. Blackman Boards wasn’t a thought in anyone’s mind at the time. I finished school and made the decision to pursue the business. Dana and I had been together for four years when I proposed to her.”

  I felt Charley’s body tense underneath mine, but I needed to finish so she could understand what she meant to me.

  I continued, “I didn’t have much to offer her at that time, but I worked day and night to achieve my dream. I knew if I stuck with it and kept pushing I’d get to a place where I’d be able to give her anything. She was never into snowboarding. She was never excited about the prospect of seeing me ride. And she absolutely hated the time I spent building my business. I know I wasn’t around much at that time, but I was doing what I was doing to be able to give her, to give us, the life I thought we both deserved. Six months after I proposed to her, I came home from a very long day of work to find all her shit was packed and gone. A note and the engagement ring were on the bed. She left me because she believed I was chasing an unattainable dream and she wanted me to grow up and get a real job. It’s been more than two years since she left. Like I said, didn’t realize it then, but now I know it was the greatest fucking thing she ever did for me.”

  “She left because you were working hard to build a career doing something you loved?”

  “Not sure she saw it that way, but yeah.”

  “She’s probably kicking herself now. Serves her right. Wow, what a bitch.”

  I laughed. Loved seeing her fired up.

  “I want you to understand, Charley. You’ve been through a lot of shit in your life. The last year has been tough from what I can tell. That said, it’s understandable that you’ve needed some emotional support. I’m happy that I could give you that. In all that, though, I don’t want you to doubt what you are giving me in return. It was everything to me the day you were excited to see me ride for the first time. She never gave me that. You did. And, it felt fucking fantastic.”

  We sat in silence for a few moments before she said sarcastically, “And here I thought you only liked me for my body.”

  “Can’t say that’s a hardship either, gorgeous. This body and this mouth…I could probably be content with both for a very long time. But there’s a whole lot more to you worth loving. I need to know you get that.”

  I felt the wetness hit my hand that was resting against her cheek. “Yeah, my girl gets it,” I said wiping the tears from her face.

  “Love you, Charley.”

  “I love you too, Wes.”

  Then, I showed her just how much I loved her. I had a feeling it was going to be one of the best years of my life.

  Chapter 26


  “Why the fuck am I so nervous?” I asked Emme, Nikki, and Monroe as I ran around the kitchen getting coffee and breakfast.

  It was Monday morning and it was my first official day of work at Blackman Boards.

  This was, of course, after the incredible weekend we had just had. Even though Wes had stayed overnight at my place many nights, I had spent my first night at his home on Saturday night. He took full advantage of that and I woke up yesterday feeling deliciously sore.

  We then spent the day Sunday at Wes’ house and our friends all came over for the day. I was so thankful that Wes seemed to like my friends enough to allow them in his home. It was important to me that they all got along and I was grateful that Wes was close by yesterday, but also gave me enough space so that I could spend some much needed time with my girls before they went back to California later this morning.

  I came home with them yesterday because I wanted to make sure that I not only spent the last couple hours they were here with them, but also that I went to work separately from Wes today. He wasn’t thrilled with it, but I insisted on it and in typical Wes fashion he gave me what I needed. I’m not sure what or who I felt I needed to prove anything to, but I just knew that I felt very strongly about arriving on my own on my first day.

  “No clue,” Monroe said. “You are going to rock this job, Char.”

  “Yep. I am with Monroe on this. Nobody is worried about your ability to do well at this job because we all know how talented you are,” Emme said.

  “My only concern would be how you plan to stay focused on work all day when you know Wes is in the room right next door,” Nikki chimed in. “If my man and I had a door separating us all day long, he looked like that, and he was as good at giving the goods as you say he is, I’d be nervous that I wouldn’t be able to get any work done at all.”

  “Lucky for you that you don’t have a man then, right?” Monroe asked Nikki.

  “I’m being selective right now,” she answered.

  “Ladies, please,” I interrupted. “I need help.”

  Emme piped up, “You don’t need help, Charley. You’ve got this. I’ve never met anyone more perfect for this job than you. Of course, while I do think that Wes had other motives in putting your office right next to his, he is definitely not the kind of man who would hire someone who wasn’t highly qualified for this position. You are going to be fine. Stop thinking about it being more than what it is. You are doing what you love and in doing that you help Wes do what he loves.”

  I stopped and thought about this for a moment. She was right. I was helping Wes do what he loved by doing what I loved most in this world. I smiled big at my girls.

  “You know, I think you are all right,” I said to them. “I am awesome and I am going to rock this job. Wes’ office being right next door to mine will just be icing on the cake. Maybe I’ll reward myself every time I come up with kick-ass designs by paying him a visit. I hardly believe he’ll have a problem with that.”

  “That’s our girl,” Nikki said.

  “Do this outfit look ok?” I asked.

  I had spent a ridiculous amount of time mulling over what to wear and finally settled on a just above my knee navy blue skirt with a crisp white three quarter length sleeve scoop neck sweater.

  “Sexiest bitch in the room,” Nikki said.

  We all laughed and Monroe said, “You look fantastic, babe.”

  Emme nodded her approval.

  “Ok. I need to go or I’m going to be late. Thanks for the pep talk,” I said as I hugged each of them. I then turned to Nikki and Monroe, “Wish you both would be here when I get home from work. Miss you already.”

  “We miss you, Charley,” Monroe said as she looked from me to Emme. “Both of you. There’s nothing I want more than our
foursome back together again, but it’s not easy for Nikki and me to just pack and leave.”

  I half smiled at her feeling the lump form in my throat. I really missed having them around all the time, but I couldn’t expect them to drop their lives because of what had happened in mine and Emme’s. The two of us could only be thankful that our best friends took the trips out to visit us understanding why we couldn’t go back to California to visit them.

  “I know,” I said to her. “I am really happy with how things have changed for me in a positive way in the last couple months, but sometimes I find myself longing for things to go back to the way they were before everything went to shit. When you and Nikki come out here, I get that back and it feels good. I hate having to let it go.”

  She pulled me in for a hug as the tears fell down my cheeks. I looked and saw that Emme’s eyes were filled with tears and Nikki was swiping her hand across her own cheek.

  After a few minutes of silence, Nikki stepped in front of me, hugged me, and said, “We love you, Charley. Have a great first day and call us later to let us know how it went.”

  I nodded my head. Then, I turned and grabbed my things, gave them one last look, and made my way to the Jeep.

  I tried to pull myself into a better mood on the way to work, but it was tough. Those two girls were such an important part of my life and I hated having to see them go knowing it would be several months before I’d see them again.

  I made it to work fifteen minutes before I was scheduled to start and was still feeling very heartbroken. I figured I’d get in to my office and try to pull it together before I had to work. I entered the building and literally had to take a few steps back when I was greeted by the receptionist.

  “Girl, you must be Charley,” the dark skinned, beautiful black woman behind the counter said.

  I nodded and stayed put as she made her way out from behind the counter to come face to face with me.

  “Name’s Florence, but everyone calls me Flo. Glad to see you really do exist. Almost didn’t believe it when the boss told me about you,” she said.

  Wes spoke about me to his receptionist. Good to know.

  “Hi Flo. It’s nice to meet you,” I said extending my hand. She pulled me into a quick hug instead.

  After she let me go, I took her in. Flo was about the same height as me. She wore a pair of skinny leg black jeans that showed off her ample booty and wide hips. A short sleeved open front gray cardigan was covering her white camisole that covered her modest chest. She completed her look with a pair of black ballet flats, a delicate pink necklace, and matching bracelet. I was admiring the pair of large silver hoop earrings when I couldn’t help but notice just how exquisite her skin was. Her round face had flawless skin that wasn’t overdone with makeup, except for her eyes. Her almond shaped, cocoa colored eyes were dramatically done up, but somehow, at this hour of the morning, she rocked it. Immediately, I decided I liked her.

  “Now tell Flo what’s wrong. Why do you look like someone who just found out that Santa’s not real?” she asked with genuine concern.

  “Is it that obvious?” I asked looking around to see if anyone else was going to notice my sorry self. Thankfully, it appeared Flo was the only one currently in the office.

  “Got at least another half hour before the rest start rolling in here. It’s just me and the big guys upstairs here. And yes, girl, it is that obvious. So, what’s the problem?”

  “My best friends from back home came to visit for the weekend. They are going back home this morning. I had to say my goodbyes before coming in today,” I answered.

  “Where’s home, darlin’?” she asked.

  I pulled in a breath at her question. I hadn’t thought twice about saying it when I did, but I realized once she asked that California was no longer home.

  “They live in California,” I said looking away.

  Before Flo could respond or ask any more questions I heard footsteps and saw Wes was striding towards us. He had a look of concern on his face as he approached.

  “Good morning, gorgeous,” he said as he pressed a kiss to my lips. “You ok?”

  I nodded.

  “Woman, you ever need to talk I’m your girl,” Flo piped up and then turned to Wes. “Got yourself a good one here. I like her.”

  “I am well aware of that Flo. I like her, too. Going to put her to work now.”

  “Have at it. Nice meeting you Charley.”

  “Thanks, Flo. You too.”

  Wes took me by the hand and we walked to the elevator. As we stepped on and the doors closed he turned to me.

  “Why are you upset?” he asked.

  “It’s nothing. I’m just being silly,” I said.

  “If something is upsetting you it’s not nothing to me. Tell me what’s wrong.”

  I looked in his soft eyes to see that he wasn’t being demanding. He was pleading with me to share what was on my mind.

  I took in a deep breath.

  “Nikki and Monroe leave this morning. It’s going to be a couple months before I see them again. They’re the only family I have left, so it’s hard. I’ll be fine, though. Sorry if I worried you.”

  “No need to apologize to me,” Wes said as he squeezed my hand and the elevator doors open. “You ok to do this today? I’m happy to take you back to your place so you can spend the rest of the morning with them.”

  I loved this man.

  “Thank you, Wes. I really appreciate that, but I think I need to get my mind on some designs. I could really use the distraction.”

  “Whatever you need, Charley.”

  We walked off the elevator and down the hall toward our offices.

  As we walked into my office Wes spoke, “Wouldn’t want to push you into something so intense so quickly, but the guys really want new designs for the Games. Would like to have you starting on those immediately.”

  I looked at him, but said nothing.

  “No pressure. I’ll tell the guys you aren’t ready for it if you want.”

  “No. Don’t do that. They’ve been great to my friends. I can do this for them…and for you.”

  He smiled at me. “Going to let you get to it then, but first I need to taste you. Give me that pretty mouth, baby.”

  I kissed Wes and then I got to work. I was right. Work was just what I needed to occupy my mind and help me focus my attention on something other than my friends leaving. I wrote down some ideas I had for boards for each of the guys. I also managed to start on the design ideas I had for Zane.

  It felt like five minutes had passed when Wes walked back into my office.

  “Hey, honey. What’s up?” I asked.

  “Planning to eat lunch today?”

  I glanced at the clock. I had been so caught up in my work that I hadn’t even realized how much time had passed. This was typical for me. I could so easily lose track of time when I was designing.

  “Wow. That went quickly.”

  Wes’ head tipped back and he laughed. When he looked back at me he said, “Glad you are enjoying yourself in here. I’m going to assume you are liking your new job?”

  “I love it, Wes.”

  He smiled. “Want to take a break and be my lunch date?”

  I pretended to think for a minute and said, “I guess I’ll go with you. I mean, if you can’t find anyone else to join you. I would absolutely hate for you to go alone.”

  He sauntered toward me, bent down so his face was inches from mine, pressed his thumb to my lower lip, and said, “Love this fucking mouth. Even when you are being smart with it.”

  Then he captured my lips with his. He slipped his velvety tongue past my lips and into my mouth. I stroked his tongue with mine and moaned as I wrapped my arms around his neck. Wes groaned as he wrapped an arm around my waist and hoisted me out of my chair. He pressed my body into his and the evidence of just how much he really loved my mouth was pressing into my belly.

  I pulled my mouth from his and said, “Noted.”

  With the
silence surrounding us, my stomach growled loudly. I felt my cheeks flush and I bit my lip.

  Wes chuckled. “Come on, gorgeous. Let’s go feed you.”

  That afternoon, we ended up at the most popular deli in Rising Sun, according to Wes. He told me the homemade chicken salad was second to none so we both ordered that. I took mine on pita while he had his on rye. As we waited for our lunch I pulled out my phone and saw I had received texts from my friends all sending words of encouragement for my first day. I tapped out quick replies to let them all know that everything was going well and that all my nerves from earlier that morning had been for nothing. Of course, they all responded promptly telling me how they knew that would have been the case.

  I tossed my phone back in my purse and looked up to find Wes holding our food. He motioned over to an empty table. As we ate our sandwiches (Wes was not kidding about the chicken salad) I filled him in on the progress I made on Zane’s board design.

  “Sounds awesome,” he said. “Can’t wait to see them all.”

  “I hope they like them.”

  “I’m confident they will. Don’t worry.”

  I smiled at him and took another bite of chicken salad. Wes continued, “Wanted to talk to you about the Games. What are the chances I can convince you to come out to them with us?”

  I swallowed my food and stared at him. “Excuse me?”

  “Blackman Boards will be one of the sponsors for the event. I need to be there and I would like to have you there with me. The event is four days long, but we’ll all need to head out a couple days early. We’d be gone about a week.”

  Fuck. I put my sandwich down and sat back in my chair, biting my lip. I really wanted to go. I also really did not want to leave Emme alone for an entire week. Shit.

  Wes studied me a minute and then said, “Was also thinking that I’d like to see if Emme’s available to go with us. The guys will be debuting the boards from the Fire line up in the Elements Series. The Games will be the perfect place to get shots for our marketing materials. I’ve seen Emme’s work. I asked her yesterday when everyone was over if she could send me some of the pictures she took from this past weekend when we all went riding. She emailed the photos over this morning and I was impressed. She took some amazing shots and I think she’d be able to get some great stuff for us to use for our marketing. I haven’t said anything to her about it yet — I wanted to run it past you first.”


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