Death Or Fortune

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Death Or Fortune Page 24

by James Chesney

  I took the first four hours of watch, I figured I would let the others get a little extra sleep. As I was about to wake Zackary I heard Zender’s voice. I looked over at his prone body, waiting for some kind of sign that I had not been hearing things. He had started to move, thrashing about in his sleep. When the first scream came out I was in shock. I moved to his side and bent down, shaking him. As a second scream filled the night air I had to resist the temptation to smack him. 'He cannot hear me. Where did he go?' he said just before his eyes opened. At first he looked at me as if he did not know who I was. I said his name, telling him to wake up, shaking him just a bit more. At last I saw his eyes focus on me, he had returned from the nightmare that had swallowed him whole. 'I am sorry Darmot, it was a bad dream. You get some rest and I will take the next watch.' I asked him if he was sure and he only nodded his head. 'I doubt I will sleep again tonight. You go ahead and rest.' I laid my bed roll down and watched him as I waited for sleep to take me. His face was showing the horrors he had faced while sleeping. While I would have gladly fought anything to ease his pain, part of me was thankful that I was immune to whatever it was that was affecting him so.

  Zender had kept watch for the remainder of that night. He had us all awake before the first light, telling us to make ready to march. Any signs that he had been so troubled only hours before were gone. Zackary and I once again set out ahead of the other two, talking about the tournament in Eystlund until the sun was fully in the sky. After that we saved our breath for walking. As the day wore on we took small water breaks when we could. Lomark had a water skin that always seemed to be full. It was the one thing that kept us alive. There was no way we could have carried enough clean water to make the full trip. Finding water in the wasteland that is Toryth Vol is next to impossible. We marched in a single file line, I had not noticed Zackary had stopped walking until I ran into his back. He stood there with a blank look on his face, looking off into the distance. 'Bloody trees, can ya see em?' he asked as I looked towards where he was pointing. At first I thought he was seeing things, the heat was playing tricks on him but soon I could see them as well.

  Still miles away we could see them, standing there waiting for us. Each one was dead as everything else in that land. Still they stood there, not on any map we had. Not that many people went out of their way to map Toryth Vol. The edge of the forest was light but the deeper in we could see how dense it got, dark as its masters heart. The first tree we came to I reached out and put my hand on it, part of my mind did not believe it was real yet. While it was solid, I was sure I could have pushed it over. Before we entered we all stopped and watched as Zender went over the map and checked our rout. 'If we try to go around this it will add weeks to our trip and we don't even know where it will lead us if we try. We have to go through, it is the only way.' Zackary wanted to argue but I smacked him on the back and laughed. I told him that even if the trees had no leaves, it provided some kind of shade. I imagine at one time it had been a vast, green forest. A home to a countless number of creatures and it was all destroyed by the taint of Xcavere.

  In total we spend four days in that wood. With nothing more than Zender’s compass to guide us in the right direction. To this day I had have not seen anything like it. I hope to never see it again. All that life, destroyed without a fight. Yet some life, went down with a fight as we learned on our third day in that retched black forest. We could smell them before we saw them. The putrid sent of death lingered in the air. A half dozen undead stood over the body of an armored figure. More than twice that number looked to be destroyed on the ground. Bits of zombie were scattered all over the area as if some huge battle took place. We were looking at what was left of the party of undead. I was about to draw my weapon when I felt a hand on my arm. 'Unless you want to be part of the fireball, wait for me before you attack.' Lomark whispered in my ear. I looked at the mage and shook my head, pointing to the man on the ground. I told them he could still be alive. Zender agreed with me, pulling his hammer from his belt. I looked him in the eye, while I am sure he could have fought, he was tired. He was still having the dreams each night when we rested. I told him to stay back with Lomark and that Zackary and I would handle them. Any other time he would have fought with me to be part of the battle.

  As quietly as we could, the two of us approached the six zombies. Who were more interested in the body on the ground than anything else. I paused for a moment, hidden behind a tree, watching something I did not quite believe. Grunts and moans were all I could understand but it became quite clear that they were in disagreement over something. I took a long hard look at the body on the ground and could clearly see that there was nothing anyone would be able to do for him. A large knife was driven into his neck all the way to the hilt. Zackary was ready to attack them but I told him to hold back. I wanted to see what they were doing. Soon one of them bent over and tried to touch the shield of the man they had killed. A silent howl of pain escaped its dead lips as it touched the shield. I swear to this day I saw tendrils of smoke drifting off its dead fingers after it stood back up. Zackary had to cover his mouth to keep his laugh in check. Each time one of them tried to touch the shield, it happened again. When one of them picked up an axe I told Zackary to go.

  Drawing my weapon as I moved in to attack, Zackary let out a battle cry. As if they were all being moved by the same hand, each zombie head turned and looked towards us at the same time. While they did not understand why the metal shield burned their hands, this they understood. Once again the living had come upon them, soon they would feast on our warm blood or so they hoped. I am not sure if it was his cry or his flaming red hair but all six of them took after Zackary. Truth be told, I was slightly insulted. I was able to cut down two of them from behind before any of them turned to face me. By then it was far too late for them to do us any harm. In less time than it takes to tell the tale, we had dispatched the six of them and called for the others to join us. Zender asked if either one of us had been harmed but he only had eyes for the man on the ground. As the zombies once stood over the body of the fallen man, we now gathered around his corpse.

  Most of the man’s blood had pooled around his head and shoulders. Zender bent over the body and placed one hand on the man’s chest, removing the weapon that killed him with the other. With that act done, he then reached up and closed the man's eyes. 'You know there is nothing you can do.' Lomark said out of the blue. Zender in a rage turned towards the wizard. 'You think I don't know that? I may not be able to save him but I will do right by him. He was a servant of the god Arteris. I will give him his last rights as is proper.' I was lost by their conversation for a small moment I thought they may have known this poor soul. When I asked just that question I was given an odd look. It was then that Zender told me. 'The shield is marked and it is of the Order of Arteris. There is a small sect in Westheath, when a man chosen to be a paladin comes of age they come to Toryth Vol to hunt. This started after Westheath was attacked by the armies of Toryth Vol close to a hundred years ago. It is a rite of passage I guess you could say. They return to their temple with the head of something they killed. Only then are they a full member of the order. Other temples of Arteris do not practice this but there is a strong and deep hate among the people of Westheath for Toryth Vol. Now, Zackary I want you to look around for the paladin’s weapon. Darmot I want you to dig a grave for this man. Lomark will assist you while I prepare the body.'

  I did not question him I just did as he asked. Lomark stood and watched while I was digging the hole with the small spade he gave me. I asked him what he meant when he told Zender that there was nothing he could do. 'For someone who gained lordship at such a young age, you are not very bright. Do you understand where we are?' I wasn't sure where he was going so I just held up my hands in ignorance. 'We have gone where his god will not follow. So strong is the taint of Xcavere that Zender's prayers to Solarth go unanswered. To put it into terms that you will understand. It is as if Xcavere has tossed a blanket over the entir
e land. No god other than Xcavere’s own can see past it. Zender has as much power here as you do. The only power he has comes from the items he carries.' As I dug, I listened and I understood. 'Without his few items and that medallion of his, he would be powerless.' Once the grave was finished I watched as Zender finished with the body. Zackary and I lowered his body into the ground and his sword was placed on his chest. Zender sprinkled holy water over the body and recited the funeral prayers while we covered the body.

  Zender then gave me the shield the young paladin carried. He made me promise that if I lived to make it home, that I would one day return it to the temple of Arteris in Westheath. Of all the honors that have been granted to me, this was the one that touched me the most. I then thought about the things that Lomark said. While it may have been true, he couldn't have been more wrong. Zender was far from powerless. While he was in torment, he still had his faith. He had faith in himself, faith in his friends and in his god. That one thing alone served us better in the long run than any spell I ever saw the wizard cast. It was the one thing you would never be able to take away from him. It was that one thing that made him more powerful than any one of us.

  53. Turning Over Stones

  The little halfling, sat in the corner and could not look away from the fight. No weapons were drawn, no fist were being thrown or was there any blood spilled. Yet it was a fight. Windfall explained to Captain Turk about the contract on Jasmin's life. He explained how this person did not think Darmot would return from his mission in Toryth Vol and wanted to take over his seat. Of the thirty Arcadian Lords, Darmot sat in the third seat away from the throne. Captain Turk listened with great care, making sure that he understood everything the bounty hunter had to say. Things were going well until Windfall explained to the good Captain what his plans were to find the so called contract holder.

  "Sir, you expect me to believe that I am going to stand by and let you turn the city on ear while you hunt for the unknown? While I appreciate your concern over this matter, your help is not needed. This is a matter for the royal guard. We will conduct an investigation of this supposed contract and deal with this our way."

  "What do you mean, your way? Are you telling me that I have to stand back and do nothing?" the half elf asked.

  "You can do whatever you bloody well want to but if you get in the way of my investigation of this matter I will arrest you and put you in a hole so deep you will need an entire village of dwarven miners to find you again."

  "Is that a threat?"

  "No sir that is a promise! I know who you are after all. I saw your handy work from the other night. I will not tolerate a vigilante running wild in the Lords District. As I have said, thank you for your report. You have done your part, now I will do mine, as I have been appointed to do."

  "I am sorry Captain but I will not stand back and do nothing. I think of Darmot like one of my son's. This is his wife. I thought he was your friend? Why won't you let me do something?"

  "The fact that he is my friend cannot dictate my course of action. There are laws that must be obeyed. The royal guard will handle this matter. There is nothing else to say. Now, where is Lady Kromwell? I am going to dispatch a squad of men to protect her." Pare watched the half elf. His face was turning an odd shade of red from the fury that was building inside of him.

  "Let me help you." The half elf said in a slow, even voice. Captain Turk leaned back in his chair and looked the half elf in the eye. Pare thought for sure he could see smoke rolling out of the bounty hunters ears. After what seemed to be an hour long staring contest the good captain just shook his head no. He had nothing else to say on the matter. "Very well Captain, Lady Kromwell is located out at Darmot's estate home. I have left two men there to guard her. Pare and myself will be in the city over night and then we will head back there. If any of your men arrive there before me, I cannot promise they will go unharmed. Ebbit answers only to me. You might want to wait for me to get there before you approach the house." With this said the half elf turned and swiftly walked towards the door. Without using the handle the half elf opened the door, causing the guards outside to jump as the wooden door crashed to the ground.

  "I am sorry about that Turk. I'll see you later I guess." Pare said as he jumped from his chair to follow after the half elf. By the time he got out the door Windfall was already mounted and waiting for the halfling. Pare climbed up into the saddle of his small horse and just looked at the half elf for a moment. "Is it normal for your ears to turn purple when you are angry? My mom was the same way. I knew what was gonna happen when I saw her coming at me with purple ears. Bam! She would smack me right upside the head and yell at me for doing something stupid." The half elf gave the little halfling a sideways glance, the color in his face had returned to normal and even had a slight grin on his face. This worried the halfling to no end.

  "Lead the way my friend. I would like to see this Red Dragon Inn that Darmot owns." Pare thought about pointing out that the inn really belonged to five people. Pare, Hans, Hetaron and Jasmin all had a share of it after the reconstruction. While the Inn had belonged to Jasmin's family for years before the fire, they could not afford to rebuild after its destruction during the riots in Arcadia. This was all on the tip of his tongue yet he somehow thought better of it. Pare couldn't figure out why he looked so happy all of a sudden. "Oh I want you to stop by the city jail on the way, I want to let Captain Myers know I will be headed back out of the city in the morning." The halfling thought that sounded practical and was more than happy to lead the way.

  When the strange duo arrived at the city jail, which the city watch operated out of Pare figured it would be a short stop. So he waited outside with the horses. After a half hour or so Pare wondered if he had to go rescue his temperamental new friend. Just as he was about to slide down from the horse he questioned himself about if Windfall was really a friend. Pare was a thief and he was a bounty hunter. While Windfall seemed to care about Darmot, Pare's best friend and Windfall wanted to help with Jasmin. Could they really be friends, he asked himself? He wasn't sure but to be safe he didn't want to get on his bad side. Jumping down from his mount Pare poked his head into the city watch office. On the south wall near the entrance was a large area filled with notices from various lords, the kingdom and wanted posters. This was where Pare found Windfall. He studied each one in order. Some were from other kingdoms but close to half were from the capital.

  "I almost expected to see your happy face up on this wall or at least someone that looks like you" the half elf said. "Still, there might be something we can work with here. Do you see any one that you know?"

  "What are you going to do?" Pare asked in a soft voice. As if he was afraid of being over heard by someone. The half elf looked down and placed one hand on the hilt of his sword. Pare hung his head low and took a step forward then looked up at the posters on the wall. "That guy there is dead, I have seen those two but they left town months ago. That one is still around and I know I have seen that one." The half elf patted the top of Pare's head and started walking towards the door. "What are you going to do now?" he asked again.

  "Now we eat. So show me the way to the inn. We will have a good, hot meal and a bit of chat. Perhaps you can tell me about the dragon you killed. I've taken down a couple in my time as well." Both men, large and small, mounted their horses. Pare made his way through the streets without thinking about where he was going. He had spent so much time in the city that he could have gotten there in his sleep. What he did think about was what the half elf could be up to. While he trusted him, he wasn't sure why. They did not have time to go track down random folks just to fill a coin purse or two. This is what Pare wanted to point out to him. That the men he was looking at were nothing more than just a bunch of random guys. None of them connected, only thing they had in common was that they were in hiding.

  The two arrived at the Red Dragon Inn with no problems, even if Pare wasn't paying attention to where he was going. Yet the smell coming from the kitchen
drew him back from the waking dream he was caught in. Pare waved to the serving girl and made his way towards his normal table, yelling out for her to bring two of everything. A very pregnant woman by the name of Jessica brought out two steaming bowls of beef stew and a loaf of bread with two large tankards filled to the brim with the house ale. The two men ate in silence, both of them looking up at the dragon head mounted on the wall. Watching them eat their meal with its cold dead eyes. Pare knew they were just glass orbs but he swore from time to time that they moved, watching the one who killed her child.

  "This is a nice place and the food is good. How do they keep the beef this fresh? I don't see where they could butcher meat. The only thing that was in back was the stables." Windfall asked.

  "Follow me!" Pare said excitedly. He led the bounty hunter into the kitchen towards the back door of the inn. Grabbing a lantern from the wall he opened another door and took him down into the cellar. "Just before the inn burned down we found this magic orb. Now, Hetaron was able to figure out what it did but did not have a single use for it. It was some kind of cold effect, Hetaron said if we used it on a lake it would freeze solid and it would stay that way. So after the inn was rebuilt, Darmot came up with the idea to use it in here." Pare stopped outside of a large steel door in the wall. "Anything we put in there will stay cold. It is seriously the greatest thing ever. The orb is in the very back and we can't touch it for any reason but I swear it snows in there some days."


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