Darmot turned and looked for Zender. He had Zackary back on his feet, still in rough shape but good enough to give his standard grin. Looking down at Hetarons body again he saw the blade that was still clutched in his hand. “Zender,” he called out “Lomark has been poisoned. You had better come quickly.” Darmot remembered when the wizard had found that blade, he knew just what it was and what it could do. Dropping to his knees next to the body of Cynthia, he looked into her dead eyes. “I’m sorry, I know you kept up your part of the deal but you wanted too much from me. More than I am willing to ever give. You never should have threatened my wife.” He reached up and closed her eyes for the final time.
68. Key
I stood over the body of Cynthia, wondering what it was that she wanted to say. I almost wished I had given her a chance to speak, yet in the end I knew the results would have been the same. I looked around at the others. Zackary was well enough to tip up his flask of spirits. Zender was praying over Lomark, asking his god to heal his friend. Seeing Zender use his blessed powers on the wizard was always amusing. The evil bastard would scream and complain about it. Yet Lomark never stopped to think about the fact that the healing always worked. Zender always said there was good in him, this was the proof he always held up. I don't know, in the end he didn't seem to be that bad. He never threatened to kill me or destroy my family.
Looking down at Hetarons corpse I started to feel a little sick. For more than a year we were together, I honestly believed he was my friend. Yet he was only using me for his own gain. I wondered how Roderick would take the news of his death. Then it occurred to me that I had to get home myself in order to give him that news. I took the bodies of Hetaron and Cynthia and put them next to the body of Senjin. I did a quick check of their packs, all three of them had healing potions. I guess we were just lucky they were never used or perhaps as Zender would say, the gods knew we needed them. I was collecting the potions when Lomark started vomiting. "There ya go, you will be your old self before the sun sets." Zender was a little too happy for someone that had a bloody hole in his chest only minutes ago.
Before the sun sets he said. If Hetaron wasn't lying about seeing Xcavere's army we would be up to our necks in undead by the time the sun went down. For one small moment I thought, maybe Xcavere would see the carnage here and turn around and leave. Even if I knew that wasn't the case, he was coming for the Rod of the Arcane. Its presence was like a signal fire, as long as it was within his lands, he would find it. I took a quick look towards the very open front gate and figured nothing would be harmed by closing it. It might even slow down the horde of undead for a minute or two. I took all the potions I found to Zender, letting him decide who would get what. I then went to close the gates of the White Spire. I was glad I decided to do this, I never would have seen Hetarons flying carpet laying there had I not. This was too valuable to leave behind. Even if I couldn't use it, one of the others would be able to. In the end I found it a home in my bedroom. Jasmin thinks it looks nice but I think Pare has been messing with it.
With the gates closed the walking wounded and I took our selves back into the tower. As soon as we were at the top of the tower Lomark went into that strange meditation thing he does to rest. He comes out of it completely rested but he does it all with his eyes open. It makes my skin crawl if I can't find a way out of his gaze. I stood at the window and kept watch to the east, waiting to see some sign of Xcavere's army. Time went by, Zackary's snoring shook the tower but that was the only sign of life to be seen anywhere. After six hours of waiting I started to get tired myself, I took one last look to the east, as I saw nothing I figured someone else could keep watch. I was going to wake Zender up when I saw the small silver disk appear right in front of me.
I did my best to get everyone up and as the silver disk grew in size it took on that mirrored appearance I had seen once before. The four of us, still battered and bruised stood there and awaited our fate, whatever that may have been, at the hands of Ramanthus. At that moment I was sure we were all about to die. The four of us stood there side by side watching the portal grow to the man sized silver disk we had seen before. Just before Ramanthus stepped through I could see him on the other side. His robes were black and torn, at first I thought this was the portal showing me something. When he still looked that way when he stepped through I was almost shocked. He stopped, looked at us and only said one word before he collapsed on the floor, 'Druids'.
I bent down and felt his neck for a heartbeat, it was weak but he was still alive. Zender joined me next to his body there on the tower floor, looking at his injuries. He looked much worse than any of us. When the portal snapped shut it made an odd ringing sound. When I looked up I saw Lomark standing there with a knife in his hand perhaps that was the sound I heard. 'Stand back, I will take care of this.' His voice was calm and even. Zender looked at me before standing up to confront Lomark.
'You can't kill him, not like this Lomark. We need him to free the rod for us. We may also need him to fight Xcavere should he arrive too soon. I won't allow you to do this.'
'He is insane and won't think twice about killing us all once he sees what has happened here. His life may be what is keeping the Rod from us.' Lomark spoke so soft, it was almost a whisper. As if he was trying to lull us into letting him do what he wished.
'He is defenseless. This is not some vile creature of darkness, he is still a human man. It isn't like he attacked us. I won't let you do it like this.' Zender took a step towards his friend. I started to wonder if I was going to have to get between then.
'You have not been up here reading his notes and books for the last day. I know what he is. If the darkness in his heart were to fly free it would blot out the light in the sky. Your god knows of your objection, he will not hold this against you.' I could feel the sarcasm dripping off every word. I could not take my eyes off him, my hand was on the chest of Ramanthus, rising with every shallow breath he took. Zender took another step forward.
'This is not up for debate. I will not let you kill him. He is harmless right now, even if he woke up he couldn't defend himself.'
'Once again we see the difference between you and I. Where I am willing to do what needs to be done. You refuse out of some notion of honor and goodness. I have seen the things you have done Zender, I think the light in your eyes had blinded you to the blood on your hands priest.' Zender looked stunned, taking two steps back his hand dropped to his side, resting on his hammer.
My hand on the wizard’s chest started to feel cool and moist. I looked down to see blood seeping through his robes. I called out to Zender while ripping open what was left of the wizards scorched robes. A broken line ran from one side of his chest to the other, it looked like he tried to bandage himself but the wound had broken open and was bleeding. Something had stopped the blade from cutting him clean open. I looked up at the wizard’s neck and saw what looked to be a long key hanging from a leather cord. It must have moved up when he fell on the floor. I took it in my hand and saw the cut in the metal where it had stopped the blade.
'Is that a key?' Lomark asked me excitedly. I held it up for him to see and he rushed over and snatched the key from my hand causing Ramanthus head to rise up off the floor and crash back down again. I tried to ignore the wet thump his head made when it hit the floor again. 'I have been looking for this. I should have known he would have had it on him.' Zender unable to stop the bleeding from the wound laid his hands on Ramanthus and started to pray. 'Do not waste your healing on him, we will be leaving now.' We all stopped and turned towards Lomark who was holding the key up to his face, like some kind of prized possession. 'In his notes he talks about this key, it is the only way to free the Rod. It is too bad the man is so crazy. He was brilliant when it came to the creation of magic items. I would have liked to study with him. Gather anything you wish to take with you, I will open the portal home then free the Rod.'
It was then that I felt the hand on mine, I looked down to see Ramanthus looking up at me. 'Whe
re is General Malkov?' he asked me. His voice was weak and I could see blood on his teeth. Lomark came over in a hurry, pushing me aside. 'Ramanthus, we were attacked while you were gone. We are all that is left and Xcavere is coming. We have to flee now before it is too late.' Ramanthus was in a daze, asking for Malkov wanting to know who attacked. 'My lord' Lomark continued, 'a party of evil wizards attacked in advance of Xcavere, they destroyed everything. Malkov was slain defending us.' The lies rolled out of his mouth like the sea rolled up onto the shore. 'We must hurry if we are to escape Xcavere.' Zender wouldn't look at him, he had turned away to avoid Ramanthus seeing the truth in his eyes. 'What would you have us do my lord?' Lomark asked him after a long silence. He asked to be moved off the floor to a nearby cot that Zackary had been using. I picked him up and carried him to the bed, I could feel his eyes staring into my soul. Searching my mind for the truth, trying to see something or find something other than what Lomark had told him.
'Let the lich come' he said after I put him down on the cot. 'In my death I will destroy him.' I turned and looked towards Zender to see the question on my mind was on his face as well. 'This tower, this whole fortress is bound to me. I knew we might fail. I could feel my soulless ones being destroyed; I knew they wouldn't be here to help. So I decided that if I should fall to Xcavere, he would destroy himself when he killed me. So powerful are the wards that surround this tower it will appear as if a star has appeared on this mountain top when they are activated. For one glorious moment we shall outshine the sun in the sky. Our deaths will be his; he will bring about his own doom in slaying me.' I felt a chill settle somewhere around my heart. Lomark had nearly killed us all when he was going to kill Ramanthus. I could see the mage thinking, his eyes were darting around the room. I stood silent waiting for the next batch of lies.
'Lord Ramanthus, think about what you just said. Even if you destroy his body, the lich will continue to live. We would have to destroy his phylactery first and you know it will not be with him. You would sacrifice yourself for nothing if you died now. That is why it was so important for you to have the Rod of the Arcane so you could face him in Caer Toryth where he keeps it. If you destroy him here his body will just reform. We would all die for nothing. I can open a portal, we can flee now and come back when you are strong.' The truth in Lomarks words had a strange effect on the older wizard. While I didn't understand half the things Lomark was talking about, it was clear that Ramanthus did. He laid his head back and stared up at the ceiling of the tower.
He said something I didn't understand but it was clear that Lomark did. 'Yes, now you see.' he said screaming. 'Even if you destroy this entire mountain, the rod will not be harmed. You will go to your grave and he will come back. You will hand him the entire world. Soon all of Majius will be like Toryth Vol, dead and corrupted if he holds the Rod of the Arcane.' Ramanthus continued to stare off into space for thinking on what it was that Lomark said. While it was only a minute or two, I swear I aged a year while he lay there thinking. He lifted up his hand and called Lomark closer, pulling him down he whispered in his ear. He listened to him for a moment then bolted up yelling at us to make ready to leave. 'You may heal him now cleric.'
I was lost so I just did what I was told, I gathered my packs and made ready to leave. I watched as Lomark used the key to free the Rod of the Arcane from its prison. Ramanthus had told him the word he needed to make the key work. We then all watched as Lomark used the spell he learned from the spell books of Ramanthus to make a portal. Zender and I helped Ramanthus get up, even with the healing Zender did the wizard was still too weak to walk. After the portal was completed Lomark handed the Rod of the Arcane to Zender. 'I do not trust myself right now. You must carry it. Now, all of you enter the portal. I will go last.' I took one last look around and stepped inside.
While I know in my head that it was just a quick simple step from one place to the next, you could not tell my body that. As I passed through the portal I felt as if I was being turned inside out. Up was down, down was up. No matter how deep of a breath I took, the air was being sucked from my lungs. I took three steps away from the portal and puked up everything I had ever eaten. It is not something I ever want to repeat. I looked around at the others once my body stopped rejecting my guts, it would seem I was the only one who was affected by this.
As he said Lomark was the last one to exit the portal, he carried a large bag full of books and items he had taken from the tower. I took a deep breath while looking around. We were in the middle of a road near a field of grain, there was only a barn and a single home in sight. Off to the east I could see clouds of gray smoke, the signs of a city just beyond the horizon. Ramanthus had to sit down. He looked up at us and asked what now, he knew he was no longer in control, he knew he was beaten. I looked at Lomark and he just pointed at Zender. 'I will leave the fate of this man in the priest hands. I will say only this one time more. He should be killed now. Even though we have stripped him of all his spell books and items, he will still be dangerous.'
Zender looked from one wizard to another, for a moment I thought he was thinking about doing just what Lomark said. 'It is not our place to decide his punishment. He attacked Eystlund, caused the deaths of many men. His fate will fall into the hands of King Darius. It is for him to decide, we are not gods.' As Zender said this last bit he was looking directly at Lomark. 'That being said, Lomark is right. Darmot, bind his hands behind his back and gag him. That will keep him until after we have lunch and get back to town. My mother will be glad to give us a ride.' I asked him what he meant by that. 'This is my family home, we are not far from town.' I took a look around, I had never been to Windfalls home. Yet I had ridden down this road many times in my youth. As he said we were given a good meal and a wagon ride back into Eystlundtowne. We went straight to the king’s castle where we turned Ramanthus over to him. Darius was glad to see us yet I don't think he expected us to return with the man who had been the one who taken the rod in the first place. At midnight that night, Ramanthus was put to death by order of King Darius.
The following day we were given a quiet dinner in our honor, only a few men were there. The King promised that the Rod of the Arcane would be put somewhere safe this time. Where it would no longer be in danger of falling into the wrong hands. Only time will tell if this is true, I can only pray that it is so. I thought about going to see my mother but truth be told, I was looking at two more weeks on the road before I would get to see my home, my wife. I bid my companions fair well. I told them if they ever needed me again, that they knew where to find me. It was then that Zackary asked me if I wanted some company on the ride home. At first I wasn't sure what to say but I told him I was glad to have him along. He told me that this last trip was a bit much for him and he was thinking of taking it easy for a while. I never thought in a million years that after all this time he would still be here. Zackary Red Beard is now a permanent resident of The Red Dragon Inn.
69. Home
Zackary and I arrived back in the capital of Arcadia in a hair over two weeks. After we turned Ramanthus over to the king’s men in Eystlund the depths of his insanity were quickly brought to light. Darius made the mistake of letting him speak. Any humility we saw in him when he knew his grand plan was in ruins had evaporated by the time he made his speech. Zackary and I left the following night after our dinner with the king. I experienced one awkward moment watching Zender and Zackary say goodbye to each other. I never said anything to the big man but his tears touched me. I had expected some kind of trouble on the road but in the end it was a nice trip. Finding all the gold we took from Ramanthus in the bag of holding Zender gave me was also a nice bonus. Zackary was given his fair share of the coins, more than enough to keep him in his spirits for a year or more. I then gave a large portion of it to the church of Solarth in Arcadia in Zender's name. I figured that is what he would have done with most of it anyway. I put the last of it away in my vault, Charles told me I was foolish for walking around with so much coin on me. I gu
ess two hundred thousand gold pieces is a bit much to walk around with.
We arrived in the Lords District just after dark. I had thought about taking Zackary to an inn but after all he had done for me, if I had to move someone out into the street to make room for him he would stay in my home. At least for one night anyway. We dismounted in front of the gates and walked our horses back to the stables. While there was no trouble putting them away I never expected to find myself locked out of my own house. While the key I had fit one of the locks in my door, it did not fit the other two. I started to worry a bit and pounded on the door. Truth be told, I was a bit irritated and ready to get out of my armor. Not to mention, I had not seen my wife in months. I stood back and waited for the door to open, when all that opened was the small peep hole in the I was ready to kick the door in. 'What business do you have here at this hour?' I looked at Charles, ready to lose my mind. Remembering my helm I took it off and asked him to open the door. I thought for a moment the man was going to crack when he saw my face yet he kept his composure. 'Forgive me Lord Kromwell, one moment please.'
Zackary let out a little laugh and mocked him by saying 'ohhhh Lord Kromwell' while waving his hands about. Once the door opened I saw Charles had a pair of women with him to help carry our bags. 'We welcome you home Lord Kromwell' he said while bending at the waist. 'I trust you are well and whole?' I told him I was fine but the crash I heard coming from the back of the house made me drop my hand to my sword. I could hear the light footsteps running through the house, I also thought I heard a chair fall over in the dining room. I stood and waited for the steps to keep coming, Charles was speaking to me but I ignored all that he had said. The steps were getting faster, getting closer every moment. As a small figure ran into the room I felt a smile start to form on my face. 'Darmot!' Pare screamed at the top of his lungs. He ran towards me and jumped into the air. If not for Zackary keeping me up right he would have knocked me over. With his arms locked around my neck he started to talk and cry all at the same time.
Death Or Fortune Page 36