Universe Online - Enter the Game: Complete Edition

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Universe Online - Enter the Game: Complete Edition Page 25

by Ryan 'Viken' Henning

  It’s really a lot like high-tech leather. Now if it just had a duster that'd work properly in vacuum, things would be complete. Oh, and Indiana Jones' hat. Yeah. Heh.

  “Well, a lot of things were just laying around. We basically took donations, after we told everyone that the upgrades to their own Mobile Cores came from yours and the data you freely gave. There's actually quite a bit left over. We haven't had a whole lot of time to streamline or optimize yet though.”

  The leader explains, although he's grinning ear-from-ear. I could really understand why. The Drune Rex are tied to their mechanical suits. They are literally their greatest tool, a companion closer than any lover or child.

  So customizing them is something of a pastime for the Rex. With enough time and material even the less mechanically inclined Rex will work out their suit exactly as they want it. It’s like a motorcycle or Harley for a biker. They pick up just enough skills to do it them damned selves, simply for the satisfaction and getting to show off.

  Really though, I'm touched. I let them sit me down and start stripping off my mechanical suit. The work goes swift, and they even switch out some of the metal rods and supports with new ones specially made for the new suit.

  Once put back together and strapped to my space suit, I run a full check and try out all the functions. All sorts of stuff come on inside of my helmet, and it takes me a few minutes to sort through the new data.

  Everything from atmospheric pressure to air composition, scans of every major (and most minor) objects nearby, as well as constantly updating stats and data on a whole slew of other things pop up in my vision.

  Most of them I file away and either minimize them or shunt them to one side so I can have a full field of view. That done, I actually go through a full exercise in the suit, testing it out in comparison to the bare one just moments before.

  Really, I cannot really tell any difference at all. The leader grins while watching me.

  “To get the suit to feel natural like that, we had to replace or heavily modify almost every joint and motor. It gives 100% full range of motion, without weight restriction, at a full 1 gravity. Only high-gravity conditions will cause any noticeable difference. How do you like it?”

  I'm still playing around with the various things when I stop and look at the man with a grin.

  “Call me crazy, but I love it. It feels like my own body moving.”

  My words bring an even wider grin, if it were possible, and a sharp nod to the man.

  “Good. I hear you will be going to the Trident. Me and my boys also prepared something else for you. It’s in that wrist-comp there. Go ahead and check it out.”

  I arch a brow at the man for a moment, but he doesn't spill the beans; so I shrug and does as he says. It’s a fully functioning computer, that automatically ties into my space suit. That's cool. It’s also wifi capable, both as a node and as a stand-alone. Nice.

  But I get a good surprise after I've pulled up what the man was referring to. It’s the full schematics to the new suit upgrade, as well as more possible extensions, add-ons, and upgrades. Complete with lists of needed components, machines, and thoughts on the programming required to get it to work with full compatibility.

  It’s like a strategy guide to mechanical suits! Everything from heavy powered armor to stealth camouflage options are included.

  I'm actually struck speechless. It’s simply that amazing. I definitely am going to make a copy of this and store it everywhere I can.

  The leader of the workshop laughs and slaps me on the shoulder when he sees my jaw-on-the-floor expression.

  “There now lad, that's more like it! You've been strutting around here in that basic mechanical suit since we've known you, and while I know you've been busy and helping all of us, you have to have pride as one of the Rex and go all out with a customized suit! Now, if you need any help, give me a call, ya here? Now, the rest of you! Back to work!”

  The man slaps me on the shoulder again and laughs as he returns to his own workbench, while I pack up the leftover bits back into the small crate and carry it under one of my arms, along with the helmet I'd taken off. I'd actually given my original to them so they can use it for someone who'd actually need it now.

  Still... I feel decked out in all sorts of bling. I don't even know where to start! Haha!

  It’s probably the first time I've felt good ever since this whole thing started down here. I even get very interesting looks when I step back out into the corridor, taking deep breaths to try to calm myself.

  Yep. Everyone can now dig my new threads! Haha.

  Screw high fashion. Every person needs a mechanical suit. Heh.

  Still, I do come down and start checking up more on the suit. I really do need to memorize everything I can about it. I start heading back to the hangar bay and my Hauler, although before I even get close I find the halls packed with people.

  People yelling, screaming, crying. The place is a madhouse. Men and women, some carrying or dragging around children, trying to push into the bay.

  I get a bad feeling; and I'm not wrong. By the time I've wormed my way through the crowd, I can see the full guard detail being used as a cordon, separating the rioting crowd from my ship. Thankfully they recognize me, even with the new suit, and I walk through and then turn around.

  Some of them are cursing at me, while others are yelling or beg to take them with me.

  For some reason it just strikes me as partially funny, while at the same time setting off my anger like a pipe bomb.

  Before I've even realized it, I've plugged into my comm unit and have hacked into the Hauler's exterior speakers.


  My voice booms over them all, loud enough to hurt even my own ears. Even the guards, in their armors and helmets flinch and turn to look at me.

  But I simply stare at them all, looking from those in the front one by one before looking beyond them.

  “I am not abandoning you! I do not plan to leave and do nothing. None of you know what is going on, and yet you've all come to this judgment in a decision that has more to do with your emotions than your minds! Baseless accusations! Impediments to my honor and your own! Disgraceful!”

  The ones making the decisions and trying to work out the problem, like Andrix and Silene and others aren't here. They're too busy working trying to save lives. And yet the masses have basically turned to riots.

  Fuck that. Not under my watch.

  “If this is the way you are going to act out in space, then you might as well stay here and die! There are no other options. None. Period. Live properly, do what you can, or die. Either here, under the surface of this dead world, or out in the cold bitch known as Space. If this is the way the masses act, then the Drune Rex do not deserve to go back into space.

  “Because right now you are no better than the freaking Drex that caused all of this!”

  My words shock them. Either my anger or my candid admittance that they aren't ready to live in space again gets them. Many go white in shame or red in anger. The younger ones though, the newest generation actually look thoughtful. Even the kids are staring at me wide-eyed, although not in fear or in hate. More like fascinated.

  “This is another split from the will of the group. There are four hundred of you, give or take, standing here. Rushing to rash decisions, trying to take from your neighbors for your own gain. Or simply so afraid that you ignored every other person plight but your own. Like an animal. A beast.”

  I start walking up and down the line, staring hard at each of them in turn. Several turn away; while a few stand and lift their chins, although not a single of them make a rebuke. None of them can.

  “Those with children, I can understand. I can even forgive. But the rest of you? What is your excuse? The Drune Rex are a race with impeccable mentality and strength of will. Brains. Smarts. Genetically written in the structure of our species. In our very DNA. And yet you've rushed to follow the emotional path instead of the smart one. Instead of
thinking out the problem and trying to help, you've acted just as the Drex themselves did when their Conclave left the Rex!

  “I am ashamed! And I know damned well that our ancestors are too! We are Drune Rex! We will get past this problem, or by whatever gods exist in the heavens we hope to call home, I'd rather see us fall into oblivion here and now!

  “Now disperse and go help your neighbors. Go help your fellows. Your family. There are only two thousand of us, and we even lost one today. Go mourn for him, who's become unwilling food to the Drex plague that now haunts us all. Then get your asses in gear. We will either survive this together, as one people under the name of Rex, or we will all die.”

  My speech ends almost as it began, in sudden silence after a sharp word. I walk back toward the centerline, not bothering to look at them at all, staring straight ahead. Until one of the guards turns and salutes me.

  The rest soon follow suite, a thunder of fists striking their armor over their hearts.

  Then the crowd goes wild. And not as a riot. Some cry; but many start screaming. Screaming my name, Allec, or simply Rex; which I had assumed the name of days ago when I first introduced myself to Andrix.

  It was like a freaking speech at a national rally.


  That single yell actually draws more attention than the rioting had, and I can feel it vibrating the floor under my feet. I frown, but finally turn to look at them.

  Fists are in the air. Men and women are holding up their children above their heads. Several have started stamping their feet as if on a freakin' march.

  It’s such a storm of sound and yelling that it takes several minutes to calm down and slowly the crowd disperses as ordered. While talking to each other.

  I'd just gave them the worse tongue lashing I've ever given in my life, and now they treat me like some sort of hero or great general out of old earth history. The thought ticks me off, actually.

  To be honest, I was a bit of a hypocrite. I'd let my own emotions drag me into giving such a speech. It wasn't a conscious decision. Hell, it wasn't even thought out. I just told them what I felt.


  The Turning Point

  You have succeeded in delivering an Inspiring Speech.

  Driven by your emotions and rationality, your speech has shocked and awed the Drune Rex. They have come to remember their pride, and their strong mentality and rationality. Throughout the long years of their self-imposed imprisonment beneath the surface of the world they once loved, the Drune Rex had become lax, and have forgotten an important aspect of their culture.

  Now that spark has been reignited due to your fiery rhetoric and harsh language. Your words will be carried to every Drune Rex still alive, and their opinion of you will become even more favorable. More so than any other, they will look to you to lead them out into the void of space.

  For survival, and for hope.

  You have gained:

  Social advancement within Drune Rex culture.

  Icon Status.

  Other benefits.




  I barely have time to read the message that pops up before Andrix comes running, red in the face and sweating.

  “What the hell is going on? At first I get word there's a riot, and I was trying to get more security teams here to guard your ship so you could get out as quickly as possible; but then I got word that you were giving a speech and people started chanting your name.”

  He's out of breath, but still hastily asks me for details. I give a slight rueful chuckle; although the sound catches in my throat which had gone suddenly sore again and I end up coughing before taking another couple of swallows of water.

  “Well... It’s hard to explain. I just kinda exploded at them.”

  Andrix definitely looks stupefied at my words, but I nod my head to the guards who are all grinning beneath their helmets. One of them even steps up and activates his comm, where he'd recorded everything.

  Andrix ends up getting to listen from it all, start to finish. I end up looking away, my cheeks and ears burning a bit red hearing myself say all of that.

  “Oh. Oh... damn. I can see why they were chanting your name now, Allec. It was harsh yet... inspiring.”

  Damn, now even Andrix had gone all sappy on me! And he'd tried to kill me not too long earlier!

  “Well, it seems you will become known as Rex. Probably the Rex, if I've any right to judge. You really do make all sorts of interesting things happen, don't you?”

  I frown, but he laughs it off. Damnit. Sometimes I really hate how things like this can crop up!

  But I end up shrugging it off. I have other shit I have to do, and for some reason I'm really tired now.

  At least I can sleep on the way to Archon Station. Hopefully the dreams won't be too bad.

  -|- -|- -|-

  “Hauler 1, Archon Station.”

  ”Archon Station, Rex. We heard everything. If it wasn't Andrix calling us to tell us what happened, it was Silene yelling at us saying that you'd somehow broke up a riot. And then we got the recording of your speech... We all stopped everything we were doing to listen.”

  Oh freak. It had already reached the station? Shit. But then, I'd been asleep for hours after turning on the autopilot. I was literally out like a light. It had been a long day, and it still wasn't over with.

  And it was Celes on the horn, to boot. So she was dead serious.

  “That really doesn't make me feel any better, Celes. Just call me Allec or Boss. Taking the name of Rex as a title just feels... weird. Anyway, get a tug ready and a couple of the crew, including Luke. We'll be heading out to the Trident as soon as I can stock up.”

  “Roger that, Re... Boss. Ah, I'd heard you got a suit upgrade, congrats. Those are treated even better than birthdays for us, ya know. I'll make sure you'll have what you need when you get in. ETA has you twenty minutes out.”

  “Yep. I'll be there in twenty minutes. And make sure you warn the crew about the Rex thing. I really will shoot one of you bastards for it.”

  I get off the radio, but not before I hear Celes laughing on the other end at my words. Damn. Just what the hell is going on with these freaking people!? It’s like the whole world had gone nuts after a single speech. A speech I basically pulled out of my ass, damnit!

  Then again, maybe I'm just not use to all the public attention. I'd had fame and the like in other games, sure; but nothing like this. It was as if my image was tied to the entire culture of the species itself.

  I am not some sort of prophet or messiah! Leave that to the gods. If there are any gods here.

  Finally though I break into the landing hold, and set the Hauler down, running the last check before grabbing my helmet and getting out as quickly as possible. This time there wasn't much sent back from Site Prime, but the bots are already swarming all over the place to get to what little there was.

  Celes is waiting for me, along with Luke and two others. One is a technician, and the other is one of our prime mechanics. That's good.

  “Okay guys. Here's the deal. We're going to go wake up the Trident and open her up for the space in the cryostasis pods. That means every man, woman, and child will be put in there to sleep until we can make enough space livable for the rest of them.

  “There isn't any time to lose, so we're going to go in with a tug and get as close as possible. I don't give a damn if we have to cut our way into the inner ring to get access. So gather your shit and get your asses into the tug.”

  To my surprise I even get salutes from these guys! Celes grins and rolls her eyes by way of apology, while Luke actually smirks and gives a wink. Shit. These guys. I'm really am going to pop a cap in your asses, you know!

  I sigh and let it drop, and instead turn to Celes, arching my brow inside my helmet.

  She gets the drift, and scans my new suit up and down before nodding.

  “I think it fits, Boss. Pure survival and self-sust
ainability. Even has a solar cell, huh? The stuff's over here. We wanted to keep it close.”

  She leads me to a nearby workbench that has just about everything I had wanted to grab. Batteries compatible with my suit, boosting my total energy time by almost 4 whole days. Air bottles, enough for 72 hours. Water, rations, and even energy clips for my new laser pistol. I do grab a few more things, wiring and some scrap plates just in case.

  I even bring my older, bulkier multi-tool. I may not -need- it with all the new tools hanging around my waist, but this one is a trusted companion that I'm not willing to give up.

  Next, I gather the latest updated inventory and map data of the station. Compared to what I got from Andrix, it is much lower quality; but the information in it is also five hundred years newer. Which is a really long time, regardless of scale.


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