Morgan, Nicole - Sweet Redemption [Sweet Awakenings 1] (Siren Publishing Allure)

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Morgan, Nicole - Sweet Redemption [Sweet Awakenings 1] (Siren Publishing Allure) Page 6

by Неизвестный

  She almost thought the message was over when she heard his ragged breathing and then he started speaking again, “Get out of there, Tamara. Oh, my God. No, what are you doing? The SUV is shaking. Jesus, you are screwing him, aren’t you? You little whore, who the hell do you think you are? Cheating on me with the likes of him. Stop it now! Get out of there, Tamara!”

  Again he said nothing for a few seconds, as if waiting for her to respond to his demands. Then, he said, “You are nothing but a whore and a slut, and you will deserve everything that happens to you! Do you hear me? Everything.” With that, he hung up.

  She sat there in disbelief. Not only had the tone of his anger scared her a little, but she also couldn’t believe that he was sitting out there lurking while she was having the best time since, no, the best time ever.

  Chapter 6

  Jack opened the door to the house and walked through the first room there, the kitchen. He was met with a gorgeous view of the backside of Tamara. She had stayed!

  Jack didn’t know why, but her staying made his stomach flip with a funny sensation. She had her hair washed, and it was still a little damp. It had a light curl to it, and it seemed to fall perfectly around her shoulders and head to frame her face.

  She turned to him and seemed surprised to see him standing there. Then he realized there was another look in her eyes, one that he couldn’t quite place.

  “Hi, Jack. Is everything okay with the club?” She asked the question, but he could tell her mind was somewhere else.

  “What’s wrong? You look a little pale.” Jack walked to her and began running his hands up and down her arms in a soothing fashion.

  “I think, no, I know, he was…Brent, my ex-boyfriend, was still there in the parking lot while we were having sex. He sounded very angry, and his voice scared me just a little.”

  “His voice. Did he call you?” Jack’s concern was genuine, especially after seeing the damage to his club.

  “Yes, well, he left a message, while we were, you know. He went into great detail about how he could see your SUV moving, and he sounded so angry. I’ve never heard him like that before.”

  “Tamara, is your boyfriend’s, sorry, ex-boyfriend’s, name Brent Townsend?”

  She nodded and looked surprised that he knew his name.

  “Tamara, let me listen to the message.”

  She replayed the messages for him. His face remained expressionless during the first three messages. Then he looked at her with pity when he heard the message from Shelby.

  It was when he heard message five though that he closed his eyes and began to grit his teeth. She could see his jaw clenching. He looked angry, but when he heard Brent call her a whore, his eyes looked directly at her, and she could see the fire in them. His temper was boiling below the surface.

  Once the message was over, he turned off her phone and set it very carefully onto the counter. He was afraid that if he wasn’t careful he was going to end up slamming it down in a fit of rage. He then brought his hands up to his face and ran his fingers through his hair. He was frustrated and wasn’t sure what to do. Tamara opened her mouth to speak, but he stopped her.

  “I’m sorry, Tamara. If I had known what you had been going through, I wouldn’t have been so demanding and rough with you. Your ex sounds like a real asshole! I knew he cheated on you and got a little physical, but I didn’t know he was quite so scary. I hope I didn’t frighten you.”

  Tamara’s mouth hung open in shock before saying, “Why are you apologizing? You’ve haven given me an amazing night. I do not want your pity Jack!”

  She took a breath and continued, “Look, after I found out about those two I was pissed, but not for the reasons you think. And before you even ask, no, I didn’t love him. I was with him for a year and a half, and I have been looking for a way out of the relationship for at least half of that time. He always tried to control our relationship and me. It was a shock to find them together like that, but I’m not sad about it. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders.”

  He was about to say something, but she held up her hand to stop him.

  “And don’t you dare apologize for what went on between us earlier tonight because I might be feeling a lot of things right now, but regret isn’t one of them! It was marvelous and so were you!” Even though her voice was stern, she took her hands and rubbed them up and down his chest with the last sentence.

  Her sharp tone surprised Jack, but he grinned. He wasn’t sure why when she said she wasn’t in love with her ex that it made him happy, but for some reason he was feeling very territorial and protective over Tamara. Now more so since he heard that message.

  “If you’re not sorry, I’m definitely not.” He smiled, and they stared at each other for a moment, and then very slowly he lifted his hands to her face and brushed his thumbs across her cheeks. He liked her cheeks. They were full and healthy looking. He couldn’t stand it when women looked thin and gaunt as if they hadn’t eaten in a week. Hers were rosy and glowing. She looked so damn sexy. He leaned in to her and brushed his lips against hers.

  Jack began to kiss her, gently at first, not in the way he did earlier. This was more caring, more delicate. Still, he liked this kiss just as much. Slowly, though, the kiss became more demanding. He could sense the change of pace in both of them. If they continued, he knew what would be coming next. He pulled back and smiled at her again. “Are you sure you’re hungry?”

  “I’m starving. Let’s eat, please. I need nourishment.” She smiled back up at him and winked. Then suddenly seemed to remember something as a concerned look washed across her face. “Oh, gosh, Jack, I forgot. What happened at the club? Is everything all right?”

  He thought for a moment that maybe he shouldn’t tell her. It might scare her a little. But he figured she would hear all about it eventually anyway, so he went ahead and decided to go with the whole truth.

  “Your ex, Brent, threw a crowbar through the front window of the club. A security officer patrolling the parking lot caught him in the act. He drove away, but I’m pretty sure the cops have caught up with him by now. He has probably already been arrested.”

  “Oh, Jack. Oh, I’m so sorry. This is all my fault! If I hadn’t of thrown myself at you, this wouldn’t have happened! I feel horrible! Leave it to Brent to find a way to infringe on any amount of happiness that I’m feeling.”

  Jack was surprised by her sincere remorse over something that she had no control over. “Tamara, look at me. No, look at me. Tamara, now!” She looked up, startled by his demand.

  “How can you say this is your fault? He is obviously just a jealous asshole because while I was having a little slice of heaven, aka you, he was being forced to realize that he had lost you. And you might have thrown yourself at me in that parking lot, but I sure as hell caught you, and I would do it again. So, don’t you dare regret this night because of him. He wins then. But, if you and I have a little dinner together, go upstairs and make each other feel good straight into the New Year, then we win!”

  He gave her a devilish grin, knowing that she blushed every time he did.

  “Okay, twist my arm. I’d rather win. Let’s eat, but it might already be cold.”

  “That’s all right. Why don’t you dish up a couple of plates and heat them up in the microwave? I want to take a quick shower. Just give me five minutes.” Running out of the room, he yelled back to her and told her there was some wine in the fridge and asked her to pour a couple of glasses.

  Jack rushed through his shower in record time and ran down the stairs in nothing but a pair of shorts. He got to the kitchen just as Tamara was leaning over the table to pour his glass of wine. He looked at her. She really was very pretty.

  As if she sensed his presence rather than felt it, she smiled and asked, “Are you ready to eat?”

  He got the sneaking suspicion that she wasn’t talking about the lasagna, though. Her grin looked mischievous. He walked over to her and landed a very insistent, very possessive k
iss on her. She welcomed his tongue into her mouth, and before she could moan with pleasure, he was picking her up and walking her into the kitchen.

  He sat her on the corner of the kitchen counter and began feverishly tearing off her clothes. He was still kissing her, but it was urgent now. His breathing was heavy and rapid. He was animalistic again, and he didn’t care. It was driving her crazy. He could feel her heart pounding through her chest.

  “Look at me,” he said softly. She did as he asked and opened her eyes. Jack looked into those beautiful green eyes as he plunged into her. The passion he saw in her heavy-lidded eyes as he took her excited him like nothing else had ever before. “My God, you are so wet, Tamara. You are so hot, you feel so damn tight around my cock, and I love it.”

  She leaned her hands back against the counter and arched her pussy into his body further. Her head was thrown back, and her eyes closed. Then he felt it, that feeling of anticipation. With each deep thrust and her leaning back pushing herself further into him, his crisp, curly hairs were causing a friction against her clit. She started to moan. She started to whimper and bit down on her bottom lip, trying to restrain herself. Then, without any warning, she came. It was so sudden he wasn’t even prepared for the onslaught of ecstasy that flowed though his body.

  Tamara screamed out Jack’s name and was surprised by the waves of heat and pleasure that kept rolling through her body, enveloping her whole being. Her legs started to shake, and her whole body shuddered. It was the longest orgasm she had ever felt. It seemed like it would go on forever.

  Feeling her climax while he was still deep inside her sent Jack over the edge. As soon as he felt her pussy spasm around his cock, he was a goner. He plunged into her one last time and came so hard he would have thought he hadn’t had sex in years.

  They both stayed where they were for several minutes, clinging to each other, trying to catch their breaths. Jack was shocked. He had never come so quick in his life. Even as a teenager he was not a ten-second cowboy. Something about Tamara seemed to drive him over the edge. He had already thought he came too quickly earlier in the Escalade, but he just wrote that off to the fact that it had been over a month since he’d had sex. But this time there was no reason for it. It had to be her. What was it about her that drove his body insane?

  Tamara moved first and pulled back a little to look up into his eyes. “You aren’t the devil, are you? I’m not going to have to sell my soul for this night, am I?” She fluttered her eyes, flirting with him.

  Jack looked down at his little flirt. “You won’t have to sell your soul, babe, but what makes you think I’ll be done with you after tonight?”

  She was making him say things that he would never have said to any other woman. He never let other women think there might be a future or even a relationship after sex. But again, as with everything, it seemed to be different with Tamara. He usually wasn’t that interested in women after he slept with them. But somehow, watching Tamara, he realized he was nowhere close to getting his fix of her.

  Tamara considered what he said. She loved the idea of having many nights with him. She looked away from his eyes and noticed his chest. This was the first time she was getting a good view of his body. It was absolutely remarkable. His shoulders were broad and muscled and appeared to fit perfectly perched on top of his well-formed arms. She noticed how white she looked in comparison to his tanned skin. On the microwave, she could see the faint reflection of a tattoo on his left shoulder blade. It was small, no more than a few inches around, but the peculiarity of it caught her attention. It looked like it was a frog swimming and holding something in its mouth. She was curious what it meant but didn’t ask. His stomach was rippled with muscles. He had brown curly hair on his chest that started to narrow towards his stomach. Looking at him, she couldn’t find a single flaw on his body, well, at least not the parts of the body she had seen so far.

  She smiled up at him. “Let’s eat!” He helped her down off the counter. She bent to grab her clothes and ran to the bathroom to clean up before she sat down to eat.

  Standing there in his bathroom, Tamara felt strange. He had left her in his house without a second thought, then had no problem with her rummaging around in his kitchen as if she lived there. She wondered what would it be like to live with Jack. Sure, there would be earth-shattering sex, but what more surprises were hidden beneath the sexy exterior of Jack Peyton?

  The way he wanted her drove a liquid heat straight down in between her thighs where her pussy started to throb with excitement and anticipation. He turned her on in ways that were unimaginable. His words were so seductive and made her want him that much more..

  They ate their lasagna and drank their wine, spending time getting to know each other. Tamara was surprised at how easy it was to talk to him. She didn’t feel self-conscious about how their evening had begun, she just enjoyed his company.

  She told him about her parents and how they’d died in a small plane crash when she was in college. She told him about her dad being a pilot and how she was the only child and how her mother had volunteered every Tuesday at Children’s Hospital. She told him all about herself and realized that there was something about him that made her feel at ease. She felt comfortable around him, and until now, it had never dawned on her that she had never felt this way with Brent.

  Jack told her about his mother, who raised him by herself since his father had abandoned them when he was only three months old. He told her about all of the odd jobs his mother had done to support them, with a gleam of admiration in his eye. He had loved his mother and was still in awe of all she had done for him over the years. It broke his heart that she had spent all of her life working so hard only to die of breast cancer at the young age of forty-five. He was in his second year in the Navy when he found out. Her cancer had spread so rapidly there was nothing the doctors could do but try to make her comfortable.

  Jack, with a tear forming in his eye, told Tamara about the day she died. When his sweet, selfless mother had asked him to not cry for her, but to be happy for the joy being his mother had brought her. Tamara held his hand as he told the story.

  They sat there and talked until it was 11:30.

  He eyed the clock and said, “Only thirty minutes to the New Year. Do you trust me?” He cocked his eyebrows at her suggestively.

  “Surprisingly, I do. I don’t know why, but I do.”

  “That, Tamara, is a good thing. I have a surprise in store for you. Would you mind giving me twenty minutes before you come upstairs? Perhaps you could be a good little woman and do the dishes while I’m—ouch! Geez, I was just kidding. You don’t have to slug me.”

  They were both laughing and having such a good time. Again, without warning, he grabbed and kissed her, it was filled with urgency and unspoken promises.

  Although he was still kissing her, he began to whisper instructions to her. “In exactly twenty minutes, I want you to grab that bottle of champagne out of my refrigerator and meet me upstairs. I expect you to be standing in front of me naked no later than 11:55. Is that understood?”

  As he looked down at her, she noticed that look in his eyes again. They turned dark with hunger, like they did in his SUV earlier tonight, right before he claimed her pussy with his mouth. She loved that look. “I’ll be there.” She smiled, and he walked away.

  Jack ran upstairs. He didn’t know where his idea had come from, but it had certainly surprised him. He had never wanted to take a bath with a woman before, but since everything else about Tamara was different, why wouldn’t his desire for baths change, too? Come to think of it, in the three years since he’d bought this house, he wasn’t sure if the tub had been used at all. He couldn’t remember a time.

  He surprised himself while they were eating. The only person he had ever told about his mother was Rex. But, again, he reminded himself that something about Tamara was just so different than any other woman he had ever met before.

  He had watched her all through dinner. He didn’t remem
ber any of his past girlfriends being as pretty as Tamara was. He didn’t really have girlfriends, more like girls he slept with from time to time. It was a further surprise to himself to think of Tamara in the girlfriend sense. He had never been one to put a label on a situation. But watching Tamara sitting across from him at his table in his house, he felt like a cattle rancher who wanted to brand his prize cow so everyone knew whom she belonged to.

  He continued to rummage through the bathroom, looking for anything that resembled bubble bath. Finally, he came across a trial size of a bodywash that came free with his last purchase of bars of soap. He smelled it. It was something floral. He shrugged. He didn’t care for it, but he was sure that Tamara would. And wasn’t this night all about her anyway?

  Whoa! Where did that thought come from? When did this night become only about her? He went into this to fuck her and make her scream just like she’d asked him to. Why was that changing after only a few hours? Were a couple of orgasms making him crazy, or was he really starting to like her? “Only time will tell,” he muttered to himself.

  The bath was almost ready. He began lighting candles that had never been lit before. He merely used them for decoration. He’d walked into a department store a couple of days after he bought the house and saw a bathroom display. Everything in it looked nice enough, so he bought the whole ensemble. Now he was glad he did. The candles sent off a glow into the room as the flames reflected in the mirror.

  I hope this night was perfect for her. Jack startled himself again with that thought. He’d spoken his first words to her only six hours ago. What was it about Tamara that drove him to have feelings like that? He’d never cared before whether or not any of his dates had a perfect time. Sure, he wanted them to enjoy themselves, but he never would have gone to such lengths to ensure it happened. They either had a good time, or they didn’t.


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