Morgan, Nicole - Sweet Redemption [Sweet Awakenings 1] (Siren Publishing Allure)

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Morgan, Nicole - Sweet Redemption [Sweet Awakenings 1] (Siren Publishing Allure) Page 8

by Неизвестный

  The idea of any other woman didn’t even remotely interest him suddenly. It was a complete turnaround for him. And that in itself interested him. Was he turning into a one-woman man? If Rex even knew that Jack was thinking that, he would kidnap him and take him down to Mexico until such ridiculous thoughts were erased from his mind.

  Jack remembered the first time he and Rex had gone to Mexico. It was right before they entered BUD/S training. Rex had always been a wild man and proved it that weekend. They had gotten into more fights than Jack could even remember. Rex had told Jack it was good practice for them, taught them how to take a beating and fight back. Jack, of course, tried to remind Rex that they’d already covered that portion of training in boot camp.

  The second time they went to Mexico, which in retrospect Jack wasn’t at all sure why he went seeing as how the first time was so crazy, was right after they completed their SEALs training. It had been a year of brutal and intensive training, and Rex had convinced him they had to go, that they needed the trip and deserved it.

  Remembering back, that was when Jack had gotten his tattoo. They had been driving south on Interstate 5 heading towards Tijuana when Rex pulled over at the sign of a tattoo parlor in this little hole-in-the-wall town with nothing but bikers everywhere. Jack thought they were crazy to stop there. Half of the people looked like convicted felons, and the other ones looked like they just hadn’t been caught yet.

  Once those bikers knew they were military, though, they treated Jack and Rex like royalty. They couldn’t express enough gratitude and admiration for anyone who was willing to fight for the good old U.S. of A.

  Although there were many different designs in the tattoo shop that were Navy related, both Jack and Rex decided to have their own custom frogs drawn up. Since SEALS were often referred to as “frog men,” it seemed appropriate, and almost like the final step in their training. Jack had opted for a small frog swimming in the ocean carrying the American flag, while Rex had chosen a fierce-looking, muscular frog with its own tattoo of the Navy trident on its back.

  After getting their tattoos, they stayed behind to have a few beers with the bikers they’d become fast friends with. Although, thinking back, Jack couldn’t remember any of their names. He did remember, though, how they had refused to let them pay for their tattoos. They said it was their contribution to the greater good. Jack chuckled at the memory.

  He had two other messages from girls who claimed to have met him the previous week when he and Rex went to LoDo to watch some games on the big screens at Flannagan’s. But he couldn’t remember them to save his life. The last message was from Johnny.

  Jack was surprised to hear from the little twerp, but his surprise quickly turned to concern as he heard the panic in Johnny’s voice. He claimed to be in the ICU with his girlfriend and said he had tried to call several times last night, but no one had answered the phone at the club.

  Thinking back, Jack thought his story might be believable because he had left the front desk a few times. Johnny went on to explain in a shaky voice that his girlfriend, who Jack was just now hearing was seven months pregnant, had begun having cramps and bleeding yesterday afternoon. He explained how he’d rushed her to the hospital and they had spent all night doing everything they could to save the baby. Johnny pleaded on the message for Jack to understand and to please forgive him and that he would call Jack when things had calmed down. Just as Johnny was about to hang up, he asked Jack if he would pray for his child.

  Jack suddenly saw the 19-year-old twerp in a whole new light. Maybe he would give him another chance after all. He could hear the medical chaos of a hospital going on in the background, so he knew at least Johnny was being truthful about being there. If his child really was in danger, the last thing he needed was to be worrying about his job.

  Turning to his computer, Jack searched the number for the local hospital. Calling the ICU department, he wasn’t sure who he was going to ask for since he didn’t know Johnny’s girlfriend’s name. As soon as he explained who he was and whom he was looking for to the nurse who answered, she said she knew exactly who he was asking about.

  “Oh, that poor boy has just been beside himself all night long. You know, he hasn’t slept a wink. He isn’t here right now, though. The other nurses and I forced him to go down to the cafeteria and eat something. His girlfriend is resting comfortably right now. She seems to be on the mend. They have controlled her cramps and bleeding, and with whole lot of bed rest and TLC, she should be able to carry that baby to term. God bless the miracles of modern science, I always say.

  “Anyway, that poor Johnny has been as equally worried about you. He said his boss could be kind of a strict one. But I told him not to worry. I told him that no one with even half of a heart would fire someone when they were trying to save their child.”

  Jack smiled. This nurse knew what she was doing. She had obviously taken a liking to Johnny and had decided to take up his cause by laying on the guilt a little when he called.

  “I’m glad everyone seems to be doing better. Listen, could you tell Johnny to take care of his girlfriend and baby and when he is ready and able to come back to work to call me. His job will be here. Just ask him to keep me informed. Also, what’s her name and room number? I’m sure anyone with half of a heart would send flowers to a girl in her condition,” Jack replied smugly.

  “Bless your heart. Yes, they would. Her name is Allison McDaniels, and she is in ICU 4. I’ll give Johnny your message. You take care, Mr. Peyton.”

  With that, she hung up, and Jack felt good about what he had done. Looking up the local floral shop, he had a dozen yellow sweetheart roses sent to ICU 4 in care of the club. He also made sure to have the card read, “From everyone here at Lean & Fit.”

  With the mystery of his missing employee solved, Jack decided that he should get back out there and help his staff out.

  He was all ready to leave his office when his phone rang.

  “This is Jack.”

  “Hey, man, you’re a hard man to reach. I called you at least a dozen times last night. Every time it went straight to voice mail. What gives? You getting old or something? Did you go to bed early?” Rex, who else.

  “Hey, bud, we’re slammed, and no, I’m not getting old. I’ll give you a call tomorrow,” Jack answered. He was in a hurry to get back to work.

  “What? I thought we were supposed to watch the bowl game tonight at Flannagan’s.”

  Oh, crap, he had forgotten. All he could think about this morning was when was the next time he was going to get to see Tamara.

  “I sort of forgot man, sorry. I have a date, and it can’t be rescheduled. We’ll get together this weekend and do something, all right?” Jack had never blown off Rex for a girl before. It felt awkward.

  “All right, that’s cool. Is she hot?”

  Typical Rex. “Yeah, she’s beautiful, but I really gotta go. Talk to you soon.”

  “Yeah, later.” They both hung up.

  Jack felt a little guilty. He’d blown off Rex, the man who had been like a brother to him, for Tamara. And what’s worse is he told Rex they would get together this weekend. And all Jack wanted to do was fly away to a tropical island and spend the rest of his life making love to Tamara. If he wasn’t careful, he was going to get in way over his head.

  Chapter 8

  Tamara left the leasing office and headed back up to her apartment. Shelby’s car still wasn’t there. Good! She unlocked her door, closed it, and locked it again.

  Walking down the hallway, she started to head back to her bedroom. What was she going to wear tonight? The idea of going on an actual date with Jack had her feeling giddy all day. She walked into her bedroom and headed for the closet when she saw him in the mirror. Startled, she turned and screamed.

  “Don’t scream, honey. I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m so sorry for what I did. I love you. Please say you’ll forgive me. I can’t live without you.” Brent looked at her with wounded eyes. He clearly hadn’t slept last
night, and he was a mess.

  Brent, damn it! He must have gotten in when she was at the leasing office when she didn’t have the chain on the door.

  “Look, Brent, you know I haven’t been happy for quite some time. I don’t want this. Yes, I am angry with you, but that isn’t the bigger issue. I will get over your betrayal, but it won’t change the fact that we are incompatible. In more ways than one. You must even realize that, with the way you were pounding into my best friend. You have never taken me like that, not once. No matter how many times I begged you, you wouldn’t. What does that tell you?”

  His eyes changed, and out of nowhere Brent reached his hand up and backhanded her so hard across her face she fell to the floor.

  “You selfish, whoring bitch. I told you that we would work this out, and I meant it. I am willing to forgive you for your little indiscretion last night because I know you were acting out of pain. I know you didn’t mean it, and you were thinking of me the whole time. We love each other, and maybe this misunderstanding was what we needed to bring us closer together. So, don’t you dare tell me our relationship is over! You’ll only be lying to yourself. Now get up! Let’s get you cleaned off. That blood is going to get on the carpet.”

  Who was he? He had never laid a hand on her before. This was not the same man she had dated for the past year and a half. She wanted to cry, but she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.

  She got up and started to walk towards the bathroom. He grabbed her and pulled her into his chest in a strong embrace. He held her and rocked her back and forth. It took every amount of restraint she had to not knee him where it counted most. The truth was, he was bigger than her, and he had just proven that he could be violent. She wasn’t sure if she could overpower him, especially since all of her muscles were so sore after last night. She let him hold her for a second, thinking he would be easier to handle if he was at ease.

  “I’m so sorry, honey. I love you. I don’t want to hurt you, but I will not lose you. Please don’t forget that. We will be together always. As far as Shelby goes, I told her what a disgusting slut she was. I never want to see her again. And I won’t either, you must believe me. Tell me you believe me.” Tamara nodded and smiled.

  She glanced at the clock. It was now five o’clock. She had one hour until Jack was supposed to be here. She didn’t think she could stay alone with him that long. She had to do something, but what? She walked to the bathroom and got a towel to clean off the blood trailing down her mouth. Then it hit her. Pizza!

  “Brent, I’m hungry. How about you? Should we order a pizza? I could call Domingo’s. They are usually pretty quick.” Did she sound casual enough? He was just looking at her, as if he was assessing their situation.

  Then he smiled. “Sure, hon. Go ahead and call. I’m gonna see what movies are on pay-per-view. Get whatever you want on it, my treat!”

  His treat, huh! He sleeps with her best friend, slashes all four of her tires, throws a crowbar into the health club’s window, and he hits her, but hey, it’s okay, because he’s gonna buy the pizza! What a guy! She walked to the phone and started to dial. She dialed 911 and waited for the operator to pickup.

  “911. What is the nature of your emergency?”

  “Hi, delivery, yes the number is 555-6741.” Tamara paused a second to make it seem like the pizza place was looking up her information.

  “Ma’am, is there a problem there? Is there someone there with you?”

  “Yes, that’s right, Apartment H210. Better make it a large, though.”

  “I understand, ma’am. Has the person there harmed you? Do they have a weapon?”

  “Yes, and no, I don’t think so. Why don’t you bring some packets of cheese, too?”

  “Ma’am, I think I understand. Try to stay on the line. Just keep talking like you are. The police have been dispatched and are on their way.”

  “Sure, I’ll hold.” She looked at Brent. He wasn’t even looking at her. She didn’t say anything for a minute.

  “Ma’am, are you still there?”

  “Yes, I’m still here. Twenty-three dollars even, got it. Does that include the cheese bread?”

  “Ma’am, the cruiser just pulled up to your building. Will you be able to answer your door?”

  “Yes, there’ll be someone here to answer the door.”

  Knock, knock, knock. She looked at Brent. He was still watching TV. He was absolutely oblivious to what was going on.

  “I’ll get it.” Tamara hung the phone up. Brent looked at her and got up. He started to go toward the door but got to it just as Tamara exited and stood behind two police officers. Brent looked so confused.

  “Officer, his name is Brent Townsend. He is wanted in connection with vandalizing the Lean & Fit Health Club last night, and he hit me right here.” she said, pointing to the left side of her mouth, which was now starting to swell.”

  The officers entered the room and started to read Brent his Miranda rights.

  “You selfish, self-centered, cock-tease bitch. I take you back after you sleep with that meathead, and you call the cops on me? Who do you think you are? You will pay for this! I was giving you another chance. It doesn’t bode well for you to piss me off like this, Tamara! When I get out, you will be on your knees begging for me!”

  “All right, that’s enough, sir. Let’s go!” one of the officers said as he was cuffing him.

  “Bristow, you take him in. I’ll get a statement from the victim,” the taller officer said.

  The shorter of the two officers shuffled Brent down the stairs. He was fighting the officer every step of the way and cursing obscenities at Tamara for betraying him. Tamara watched as Brent was put into the backseat of the squad car. Did he really believe all of that crap he just said?

  “Ma’am, I am Officer Dollaghan. I was at the club last night when the call came in about the broken window. I spoke with Mr. Peyton. Do you feel up to giving a statement right now?”

  “Yes, I’m fine. In retrospect, I could have made a run for it, but I guess I just chickened out.” She felt embarrassed now.

  “Nonsense. It is always better to call for help if you can. If he raised his hand to you once, there is no telling what he would do the next time.”

  A half an hour later, Tamara had finished giving her statement of what had happened. She got up and was walking him to the door. She opened it just as Jack walked up the stairs carrying a beautiful bouquet of stargazer lilies. He stopped dead in his tracks on the top step. He stared at the cop, then her, then took a closer look at her mouth. He nearly crushed the bouquet in his hand and stalked over to her in three long strides.

  “What happened? Who hurt you?” The look in his eyes was fury mixed with rage.

  “Jack, I’m fine. Please don’t be upset. I’m okay!”

  Jack looked at the officer, “Officer Dollaghan, right? From the club last night? Tell me what happened.” It wasn’t a question. It was an order.

  “Well, Mr. Peyton, the good news is that we have Mr. Townsend in custody.” He sighed, silently preparing himself to get an earful from this man. Jack had already read him the riot act this morning on the phone for not getting Townsend in custody sooner. “The bad news is, he surprised Ms. Somers here and got a little violent. He doesn’t appear to be handling the breakup so well.”

  Even Tamara was surprised by his poor choice of words and his lack of tact. She knew he didn’t mean to, but he sounded callous, like it wasn’t that big of a deal. She looked at Jack. His jaw was clenched. She actually thought he might hit Officer Dollaghan, who looked equally worried.

  “Jack, let’s let Officer Dollaghan go do his paperwork at the station. You come in, and I’ll tell you everything that happened.” She pulled Jack inside as Officer Dollaghan left and closed the door. Jack pulled her in an embrace that was crushing. He held her so close, tucking her head under his chin. She almost couldn’t breathe for a moment. Did he look scared?

  “Jack, I’m okay. I swear to you. I don’t like that look
in your eyes. Please, believe me, I’m okay.” He relaxed a little and loosened his grip. They walked over to the couch and sat down.

  Tamara told Jack everything that had happened after she got back from the leasing office. He held his cool pretty well, but when she got to the part when Brent hit her, he balled his fists until his knuckles were white. She tried to take his hand, but he wouldn’t relax. When she had gotten to the point when Jack came to her door, she took a deep breath.

  “So, that’s it. I have a sore cheek, but I’m fine.” She stopped for a moment as Jack reached his hand up to gently caress her swollen cheek.

  Her beautiful cheeks. He loved her cheeks, and now one of them was swollen. He wanted to kill the SOB for touching her, for hurting her. He reached over and gently placed his lips over the area that was starting to form a bruise.

  Tamara placed her hand at the nape of his neck and continued, “I would have called you, but everything happened so fast, and you were coming anyway. Jack, please relax and look at me.” He slowly turned his gaze away from her cheek and brought it toward her eyes. “Are you going to take me to dinner or not?”

  He smiled. He was starting to relax. He brushed her hair away from her face to tuck it behind her ear. “Of course, anywhere you want to go, baby.”

  She looked at the flowers that were still sitting on the coffee table in front of her. “Those are beautiful, Jack. Thank you for bringing them for me.”

  He leaned over to kiss her, and as usual, she melted. “You are beautiful, Tamara. I promise I’ll take you to dinner, but are you really hungry right now? I have been fighting a hard-on all day, aching to be inside of you.” He lifted his brows twice and gave her a mischievous look.

  “Oh, all right. I guess I could be persuaded to have sex with you. But I want you to know I’m going to enjoy the hell out of it!” She smiled.

  He laughed and pulled her into his lap. She straddled him as he began stripping away the barriers between them.


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