Morgan, Nicole - Sweet Redemption [Sweet Awakenings 1] (Siren Publishing Allure)

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Morgan, Nicole - Sweet Redemption [Sweet Awakenings 1] (Siren Publishing Allure) Page 21

by Неизвестный

  The car came to a screeching halt. Four cop cars in all. “There’s his car. We’re here,” Dollaghan shouted to the backseat.

  Jack’s door opened as Dollaghan’s partner let him out. The officers were quickly trying to organize a negotiation with the suspect. There was a scream. Tamara! Jack didn’t wait. He ran.

  Someone yelled, “Stop him! He’s gonna get himself killed.”

  He burst in the front door with Rex on his heel. Standing over Tamara’s naked and bruised body was Brent Townsend. He was pulling down his pants, obviously ready to rape her. Jack charged him.

  Tamara was so surprised by the sight of Jack she almost thought she was dreaming at first. Since Brent had ended her call, he had hit her a few more times, and she felt dizzy. She felt something warm draping over her body. She looked up and thought she saw Rex. What would Rex be doing here? Had she already died? Or was she unconscious and this was a very lucid dream?

  She turned her head and saw Jack on top of Brent holding him for the police. The police? Had she really been saved? Jack came to her side. He gently picked her up and settled her in his lap, cradling her.

  “Jesus,” Jack said in a whisper after looking at her bruises. He had glanced at her body when he had first come in, but now, looking closer, her whole body was black and blue. He couldn’t tell where one bruise ended and another one began. He was rocking her back and forth. “I’ve got you, baby. I promised you I would be here, and I am. I will never let anyone hurt you again. I swear to you, never again!”

  Rex went to the back room and found a couple more blankets to wrap Tamara in. He handed them to Jack and then knelt down. “Is she okay?”

  Jack nodded. “Honey, we need to get you to a hospital. Is anything broken? Can I pick you up without hurting you?”

  Tamara nodded but held on to him tighter as she did. As they walked out of the house, Jack walked her over to an ambulance that was waiting by the side of the trailer. He carefully set her down on the gurney, making sure that her blanket didn’t come loose. When he started to let go of her to allow the paramedics to check her over, she wouldn’t release her grip around his neck. She was shaking. She had been through hell, and she needed him. Remembering his promise to be here for her, he picked her back up and sat on the gurney with her in his lap. The paramedics looked bewildered.

  “Sorry, guys. It’s this or nothing. I’m not letting go of her, ever!”

  When he said it, Tamara relaxed in his arms.

  Chapter 23

  Jack walked out of Tamara’s hospital room and was instantly handed a cup of coffee by Rex.

  “Did he…?”

  Jack dropped his head and shook it. “We got there just in time.”

  The relief just flowed all over him in waves. When he heard Tamara tell the female officer that Brent hadn’t raped her, he’d felt a huge breath expel from his lungs. The officer had made no secret that she didn’t think it was appropriate that he be in there during her questioning. The thing of it was that Tamara wouldn’t allow Jack to leave her room. She told the officer that she wouldn’t be able to get through it without him there. The officer had reluctantly agreed.

  Jack held her hand as he listened to Tamara give the details of the ten-hour ordeal. He had to control his emotions, for her. It sickened him to think of all she’d gone through when he was just twenty minutes away for most of it. He should have been there to protect her. It killed him that he wasn’t.

  “Jack, listen to me, and listen good. This is not your fault. I know that look in your eye. You blame yourself, but you saved her. If you had waited one more second, she would have been raped. You stopped her from going through that kind of pain. You saved her from not only dying, but wishing that she was.” Rex put a hand on Jack’s tense shoulder. “I know you love her, but that’s exactly why you need to be strong. There isn’t time for your self-loathing. She needs you to be strong and take care of her.”

  Jack nodded. “You’re right. It makes me sick how you’re always right, but you are.”

  Jack looked back at her room and peeked though the long angular window through her door. “Look at her bruises, Rex. How could anyone do that to a woman?”

  “Judging from everything that’s come out about Townsend, I mean Baines, it’s not that surprising. It sounds like he never had a chance at a normal life.” Rex held Jack off with a raise of his hand. “I’m not condoning what he did. I’m just saying he’s unbalanced. That’s all.”

  Jack peered over Rex’s shoulder at the sight of Dollaghan coming towards them with his partner in tow.

  “Hey. I told you I’d keep you informed, so here I am. He’s confessed, to everything. We got him on attempted murder of Shelby and Tamara, and the authorities from Arizona are on their way to discuss the case of Katherine Baines. It’s merely a formality, though, seeing as how he already confessed to killing her. Anyway, just wanted to keep my word to you. Take care of her,” Dollaghan said as he used his cap to indicate Tamara. Dollaghan and his partner started to leave when Jack stopped them.

  “Dollaghan, wait. Thanks. For everything.” Jack held out his hand, and Dollaghan shook it.

  “Sure, I don’t think you’ve been introduced to my newest partner. He’s a rookie, so he’s still a little wet behind the ears, but he’ll get there.” Dollaghan grabbed the rookie’s ear and pinched it, laughing.

  “Pleased to meet you, sir. My name’s Bristow, Cullen Bristow.” He held out his hand.

  Jack and Rex both dropped their jaws. They stared first at each other and then the rookie. “What? Cullen Bristow? Do you have any family members that sell jewelry?” Jack asked. He thought they had to be related. It wasn’t that common of a name.

  The rookie, who had red hair and whiter than white skin, rolled his eyes. “Yeah, he’s my dad. He’s a crazy old fart! He embarrasses the heck out of me sometimes with his constant jabbering. I’m quieter. I take after my mom.”

  Jack and Rex laughed, leaving Mr. Cullen Bristow Jr. to wonder what was so funny. Rex stopped and eyed the young man suspiciously. “You’re not here to talk to me about marriage, are you?”

  “Ah, no.” Bristow looked at Dollaghan and whispered, “Did he hit his head?”

  “Forget it.” Rex snapped. “Just keep your old man away from me.”

  “So tell me. Is Shelby going to be all right?” Rex asked Dollaghan.

  Dollaghan sighed. “Honestly, we’re not sure. She has slipped in and out of consciousness several times. She may have some head injuries that they haven’t fully been able to evaluate yet. Only time will tell. She is definitely going to live, but to what capacity we’re not sure.”

  Jack and Rex nodded. They knew that towards the end Tamara and Shelby weren’t close, but no one deserved the amount of pain that was inflicted on that woman. They both silently prayed she would be all right.

  Two days later, Tamara was getting her final seal of approval from the doctor on call. If she checked out okay, they had promised her she would be able to go home. Home to Jack.

  “Doctor, ah, Kentworth,” she said as she read his badge. “Is there any word on my friend Shelby?”

  The doctor squinted and looked up for a moment. He was trying to place which patient she was referring to. “Ah, yes, ICU 6. She appears to be making progress. Her head injuries had us concerned for some time, though. She should be just fine. Her memory of that day is fuzzy at best, but that may be more psychological than anything else. Everything else seems to be fine. She’ll just need time to heal, both physically and mentally. From what I understand, she is pretty lucky.”

  “Yes, lucky to be alive. He hurt her horribly.”

  “Yes, there is that, but from what I understand, she was brutally raped. Luckily, she has no memory of that. As a doctor, I know there’s a chance that memory might seep back over time. As a man, I pray that it never does.”

  Tamara watched the doctor’s expression. He seemed so sincere. “So what do you think, Doc? Can I go home?”

  Pulling hi
s stethoscope to rest back around his neck, he smiled. “You are ready. I’ll have the floor nurse start your discharge paperwork. So, if I were you, I would get while the getting is good.”

  “That is the best news I have had in two days!” Jack stood in the doorway holding a bouquet of white stargazer lilies and smiled.

  “Jack, I get to go home. Those are beautiful. They better be for me, though. I saw those nurses flirting with you.”

  “Can you really blame them?” Jack answered arrogantly. “Besides, they weren’t hitting on me nearly as much as Rex. He has a damn magnet in his body somewhere. I just know it.” He leaned over and kissed her.

  “Yes, well, I’ll leave you two to be. Take care of yourself, Ms. Somers. Bye now.” Smiling, Dr. Kentworth left the room.

  Jack pulled a chair up next to her bed. He set the flowers on her lap and took her hands in his. He looked up at her with a serious expression on his face.

  “Jack, what is it? What’s wrong?” Tamara was worried.

  “Honey, two days ago I almost died twenty times over. And with every time, the pain got worse.” Jack took a breath. Trying to find the right words was next to impossible. No words could describe the sheer terror he had felt that day. “The last time we spoke, I thought…ah, hmm.” He had to clear his throat to regain his composure. After a moment, he continued, “I thought when the call ended that it was over. The minutes ticked by, and I thought that while I was trying to get to you…I thought you were dying. I was so…I thought the next time I held you I would be holding your lifeless body. Oh, honey, it was the worst kind of pain.” Tears filled his eyes.

  Tamara waited. She hated to see Jack upset, but she knew it was important to let him finish.

  “Tamara, I love you. I was going to do this the night you disappeared. Then I thought it would be better waiting until you were completely well, but now I’ve realized that I can’t. I’m a selfish man, Tamara. I need to do this now. It may not be the perfect setting, but I swear to you the words are from the bottom of my heart.” He pulled a small purple and gold velvet pouch out from his pocket. Jack opened it and poured the contents out. A beautiful sapphire and diamond ring fell into the palm of his hands. He looked up at Tamara, gazing into her eyes.

  “Tamara Somers, will you marry me?”

  Tamara’s eyes became damp, and tears began to pour down her face. “Jack, it’s so beautiful. Of course I will marry you. I love you.”

  Jack placed the ring on her finger and kissed it. “We will be very happy together. I promise you that.” He leaned in and kissed her, a kiss of possession.

  He was claiming her with his kiss. She loved it. Tamara was feeling better and a bit naughty. She pulled away from his kiss. “Perhaps. Although it seems that maybe we may need to go over the ground rules again. I still haven’t received notice about my gym membership and other things have also been left unattended to,” she said as she glanced down at her chest.

  “You little nymph. What was I supposed to do? Rip down your gown and suck on them right here in the hospital?”

  She wiggled her eyebrows and smiled. “Jack, I am surprised at you, and quite honestly, I’m hurt. You gave me your word.” She said the last word in shock, as if he had broken a sacred bond.

  Jack laughed. “Oh, you just wait until I get you home, missy!” He leaned over and started kissing her. It wasn’t a light kiss. It was a kiss filled with promises of what was to come.

  “Ahem.” Dollaghan was standing in the doorway.

  “Ah, it’s our good old neighborhood crime fighter, Andrew Dollaghan.” Jack extended his hand to shake it.

  Dollaghan nodded at Tamara. “How are you feeling?”

  “Much better. Thank you, for everything.” Tamara smiled at him.

  “Sure, listen…something happened. I felt it would be better coming from me than some cold-as-ice district attorney.”

  Jack took Tamara’s hand and held it. This didn’t sound good. They waited for Dollaghan to continue.

  “I’ll just say it quickly and get it over with. There isn’t going to be a trial.” He held up his hand to warn Jack off. “Look damnit, let me explain. I do not want to be your personal punching bag again.

  He continued, “He has pled to a lesser charge of two counts of kidnapping here in Colorado. He is being extradited to Arizona to face trial for the murder of Katherine Baines, his girlfriend…I mean, his sister.”

  “So, he’ll be in Arizona, not here, and he’s definitely going to jail?” Tamara looked at him, praying she was right.

  “Oh, yeah. He will serve his time for the kidnapping charges regardless of what happens in the murder trial. But with his confession on all accounts and the possible case they may have against him killing his parents, he won’t be out for a very long time, if ever.”

  Jack nodded, silently thanking the man for the words of reassurance that Tamara needed to hear.

  “Yes, well, you two take care, and I hope you’re happy together.”

  “Jack, let’s tell him. We haven’t told anyone yet.” Tamara said excitedly, as if she was going to burst if they didn’t share their news with someone.

  Jack shrugged. “What the hell? Dollaghan, I’d like you to meet the future Mrs. Jack Peyton.”

  A huge grin formed on Dollaghan’s face. He looked at Tamara and said, “Let me be the first then to congratulate you.” Then he turned towards the door, laughing.

  “What’s so funny?” Jack asked.

  “Sorry. I was just thinking how lucky she is. I mean you’re such an alpha male. A ring is a much better way to mark your territory. I won’t tell you how my dog handles it.” He left the room laughing.

  Jack and Tamara burst out at the same time of the memory of only a few nights ago. Tamara stopped and held her side. Her ribs were still a little bruised, and it hurt to laugh. Jack leaned over her stomach and kissed where her sore ribs were.

  “When we get home, sweetheart, I am going to take very good care of you. You’ll see.” Jack looked up at her. “I love you, baby.”


  “Are you ready?” Rex walked into the groom’s room of the church. He’d watched his friend over these past four months with Tamara. He had never seen Jack happier. That was something that Rex was truly glad for.

  Jack took a big deep breath. “Yeah, is she ready?”

  “She’s ready, and she’s beautiful. You are a lucky man, Jack Peyton. I tried twenty different ways to seduce that woman. Hell if I can understand it. She seems to really love you. I don’t think she’s pretending either.” Rex chuckled.

  “Screw you. She knows a good thing when she’s got it.” Jack flexed his muscles in the mirror, reemphasizing his cockiness. Then he laughed.

  “Yeah, I know. You are a good thing. That’s what doesn’t make sense. She could have gone from good to great. She could have had me!” Rex winked.

  “All right, enough already, you two. Are you both ready?” In walked Mr. Cullen Bristow Sr.

  “Oh, great!” Rex eyed the old man who had become a thorn in his side. It had been four months since the ordeal of that day, and since then, Jack and Tamara had become good friends with Andrew Dollaghan and Cullen Bristow Jr., which was fine with Rex. But when Tamara met Bristow Sr. and his wife, she just fell in love with them, too. This infuriated Rex. The old man was an overbearing, old meddler intent on nothing else than making Rex’s life miserable. What made matters worse was that, since Tamara’s parents had died when she was in college, she had asked the old man to give her away. Which of course meant he was around more often to make Rex’s life hell.

  “Now, now, lad. You just wait. You’ll get your turn to walk down the aisle soon enough. Remember, I give it eight more months, tops!” The old man smiled and winked at Jack.

  Jack had liked this man from the start and loved how he always got under Rex’s skin.

  “Look, I told you to shut up about that. I’m not getting married, ever!” Rex hollered at the old man.

  Shelby knocked and
walked in. “Excuse me, but Tamara’s ready. She sent me here to make sure you weren’t trying to escape.”

  Jack smiled at her. He really liked Shelby. It had taken some time, but she and Tamara worked through what had happened. They were there for each other and held each other’s hands as they each went through therapy together to discuss what they had gone through. Jack was sorry when Shelby started to regain her memory of that night. Slowly, she started to piece together memories and remembered the several times Brent, or Eric, had raped her. It was hard on her. There were many nights that Tamara would stay up with her and hold her while she cried. Jack would be upstairs and could hear them down in the living room. It broke his heart to listen to the sobs rip from this woman’s throat, but she seemed to be doing better, and he was glad for that.

  Rex walked to Shelby and gave her a hug. “You look gorgeous, you know.”

  Jack also had noticed the way Rex took to Shelby right away. He seemed to feel protective towards her. Jack wasn’t sure when it began, but he found out that while he was sitting in Tamara’s hospital room, Rex was usually one floor down in the ICU sitting with Shelby and holding her hand. There didn’t seem to be anything more than friendship, but that in itself was a huge accomplishment for Rex. He had never been friends with a woman before. Jack laughed at the thought that maybe his Uncle Rexy was growing up.

  “Thank you, Rex. You look equally as handsome.” Shelby smiled at him with the same sincerity that Rex had shown her.

  “Excuse me, Jack.” In walked Johnny, Allison, and their baby, Jack.

  It still made Jack proud to know that they had named the baby after him. Johnny had told him at the hospital right after Allison had given birth that deep down he had always admired Jack. And although he wasn’t always an easy person to be around, he only hoped that when he grew older he was as successful, responsible, honest, and as trustworthy as Jack was.


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