Inception (The Reaping Chronicles, 1)

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Inception (The Reaping Chronicles, 1) Page 21

by Haviland, Teal

  “Yeah, thanks. But not good enough to kick your butts,” he responded. A grin stretched across his face. “But don’t get used to the feeling of victory, pretty lady,” Nate continued. “Next time will be different.”

  “You flirting with my girl, Daniels?” Lucas let go of Gabrielle’s hand and quickly had Nate bent over, his arm firmly around Nate’s neck as he threw fake punches. Nate was overacting, twisting his body like he felt each blow down to his core. Repositioning, Nate picked Lucas up by the knees and threw him off balance, and the two were wrestling in the grass.

  “There they go.’’ Nonie laughed and leaned against the car next to Gabrielle. “There’s no telling how long they’re going to be wrestling like that. They really are just like brothers.”

  “It’s nice to see him close to you all. I mean, with what happened to his parents and grandfather. He needs your family. Each of you means a lot to him. Maybe more than you know,” Gabrielle kept her eyes on the theatrics in front of her as she spoke.

  “Sooo—” Nonie began with the kind of tone that made you look at someone when they spoke because you knew they were about to say something that might make you, them, or both of you a little uncomfortable. “My girl, huh? I could tell the two of you were hitting it off, but I’m a little surprised at how fast it’s progressing.” Gabrielle and Nonie were looking at each other now. Nonie’s hazel eyes searched hers, trying to read something in them. “Lucas doesn’t fall this quickly, and really, I’ve never seen him this into anyone—ever.”

  “Yeah, it’s caught us both a little off-guard. As over-dramatic as it sounds, it almost seems out of our control.” Gabrielle sighed. “It’s like our relationship has a purpose of its own. It’s leading us, and we have to follow. What scares me is what is it leading us to? What is its purpose? I know it sounds crazy.”

  Gabrielle was looking at her feet now, watching her foot as she nervously pushed a rock back and forth with it. It did sound crazy, but it was the conclusion she was coming to; she normally had more control than she’d been executing.

  “Don’t get me wrong. He’s happier than I’ve ever seen him. But you know he hasn’t had a lot to be happy for, really. And I just don’t want to see him get hurt.” Nonie paused and rolled her eyes. “Jeez! I sound like my mom. But you get the point, right?” Nonie was looking at her inquisitively. “He’s just as important to us as he’s told you we are to him. So, even if I don’t think I absolutely need to, I’m going to say it anyway. Back off if you’re not completely into him, if you’re only going to hurt him. Please.”

  Gabrielle glanced back to Nonie with her brows raised and smiled.

  “Wow … I’m glad he knows how lucky he is to have you. I don’t want to hurt him, Nonie. And I’m definitely really into him.”

  Gabrielle looked at Nate and Lucas who now stood, laughing as they dusted themselves off. Lucas smiled a crooked, flirty smile as he walked to her.

  “Definitely,” she said again.

  Even as the word escaped her lips, Gabrielle knew it wasn’t going to be that easy. That wanting him, and being able to be with him romantically, were two drastically different things in her world. She had absolutely no idea what the future held for her and Lucas. She was in dangerous territory for an angel, and she knew the price could be very steep for her.

  “Definitely what?” Lucas asked, out of breath from the wrestling match.

  “Definitely time to get cleaned up,” Nonie replied. “’Cause Mom won’t let us close to the dinner table if we don’t.”

  “Yeah.” Nate looked at his watch. “It’s getting to be about that time. If we leave right now, I can even catch a nap!”

  “Like you don’t already sleep enough!” His sister kidded. “If it’s the whole beauty sleep thing you’re going for, you might want to try another angle, brother. I don’t think that mug would improve if you snoozed right through the rest of high school.”

  It was the twins turn to wrestle as Nate picked Nonie up, slung her over his shoulder like a sand bag, and toted her in the direction of the grass. Nonie tried to wiggle out of his hold the whole way.

  “Did you have fun today, Gabby?” Lucas asked through light laughter as he watched the twins. His laughter quieted. “I did,” he said in a kind of sheepish voice, making him sound boyish and vulnerable, causing Gabrielle to take her gaze away from the tussling in front of her. When she looked at Lucas, he heart skipped ahead several beats.

  “I think it’s safe to say I enjoyed myself.”

  “Good. Now … unless you can’t see the trend that’s presenting itself to you, the only person here who hasn’t ended up in the grass being wrangled by Nate would be you. So maybe we should take off before he realizes his chance to torture you is about to be gone. That way, you’ll have plenty of time to freshen up and rest before I come back to get you for dinner. Unless you’d rather drive yourself. I can take you around the corner to show you where we live.”

  “Let’s go.”

  They headed to his car and yelled good-bye to the siblings. Nate had Nonie pinned in some kind of wrestling hold, and she was yelling for mercy although she was hard to understand through her giggles. Gabrielle smiled but was glad she hadn’t stayed long enough to become Nate’s next victim.

  “See ya ‘bout six!” Nate said without looking up.

  Lucas started the car and turned it toward the exit. Out of nowhere, a large black blur passed inches in front of the windshield.

  “Whoa!” Lucas slammed on the brakes.

  They followed the path of the object to its stopping point on the asphalt. The black blur turned out to be a crow joining the rest of its flock. Gabrielle was feeling more uncomfortable about seeing them so frequently. She counted them.


  Very uncomfortable.

  “Is it normal to have so many crows around?” she asked.

  Lucas shrugged while continuing to observe the murder of crows, which was staring back at them.

  “I don’t know … I’ve noticed them kinda hanging around from time to time for most of my life, so I guess it is. Seems like I see them more lately, though.”

  He started moving the car forward again, and as he looked away from the flock and back to Gabrielle, she watched them take off in unison as if they were one creature.

  Gabrielle shivered.

  She felt the threat growing around her, and she was more aware of it when she was near Lucas. It was something she didn’t like or understand. She could be putting him in so much danger just by being with him. She wondered if her relationship with Lucas was the reason he was in danger in the dreams she’d been having.

  “So what would you like to do, have me pick you up or drive?” Lucas asked.

  “In order for me to find my way around better, maybe I should drive myself. If you don’t care?” Gabrielle tried to banish the images that she’d conjured up from her dreams. She had a strange feeling—like she was being watched or that something was coming for her. She figured it would be better for her, and safer for him, if she had some time to use her discernment on the way to the Daniels’ house. Just in case. If she was with him, she wouldn’t be able to use its full effect. It would be too dangerous if a demon noticed her.

  His smile showed he wasn’t upset.

  Lucas made a right out of the parking lot and then another right at the next street. The sign read: Haber Drive.

  Houses with perfectly manicured lawns lined both sides of the street, each with their own distinct character. Some were older, but quite a few had been through what appeared to be significant renovations and additions. Lucas stopped at the sixth house on the right and pointed across the street.

  “The white house there, the one with the ivy growing up the trellis on the side, that’s Nonie and Nate’s house.”

  Gabrielle liked it. It had an
inviting appearance. She had a flash of how it would be decorated at Christmas. Lots of wreaths and lights hung on the house, and she could hear Christmas music playing inside, even through the closed windows and doors. She smiled at how festive it was.

  “Boy … they sure know how to do it up with the Christmas decorations, don’t they?” She said without thinking.

  “Well … yes. But, how would you know what their house looks like at Christmas?”

  Gabrielle felt her insides turn cold, realizing what she’d said, and that there was no way she should know.

  “Oh, I just meant that I bet they do it up. The house would look great with lights hanging from the eaves. In all the windows, if it were mine, I would put lit wreaths with just a red bow on every one of them. With Mr. Daniels being a pastor, I figure they really get into the spirit of things.”

  Gabrielle held her breath as the seconds passed. She could tell by his expression that her explanation didn’t work, but after a few more moments, he let it go.

  “Yeah, they do it pretty much the way you just described.”

  Gabrielle didn’t like the look on his face. Why wasn’t she on her game when she was with him? She was so at ease when he was around. Lucas turned his attention toward the houses opposite of the Daniels’ home and pointed to the one they parked in front of.

  It was smaller than the Daniels’ house but every bit as inviting. It was a brick bungalow with a nice big front porch and two rocking chairs waiting to be sat on. Three large ferns hung above the railing. Like all the others she’d seen on the street, the lawn was neatly trimmed and edged.

  “This is my house.”

  “I love it!” She genuinely did. She wondered what the inside looked like and where his room was, but she stopped her imaginings from following that thought through any further.

  “So, you think you can find us all right tonight?”

  “Yeah, I do.” Gabrielle hoped he wouldn’t bring the Christmas decoration thing back up as he turned in the street to take her home. She was relieved when he pulled into her drive and the subject seemed forgotten.

  He kissed her hand before she got out of the car, seemingly as afraid as she was that things would get out of control if their lips touched.

  “I’ll see you about six,” he said.

  Gabrielle nodded and left. As she made her way into her house, she began to tense, already sensing Amaziah. She had just closed the door behind her when she heard his voice from his usual spot in the kitchen calling out to her.

  “Gabrielle—we need to talk.” There was distinct concern in his voice.

  Damn … this isn’t going to be good.

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  Gabrielle ~ Reality Check

  Gabrielle wasn’t ready for a conversation about her and Lucas. It didn’t matter, though—it was coming anyway. She paused time, anticipating a long discussion.

  “Coming, Amaziah.”

  How was she going to explain the relationship developing between her and Lucas? She didn’t want to think about it, hoping Amaziah didn’t have all the details. She let her mind wander to other matters and sat on the stool across the counter from him, but couldn’t calm her racing heart. The muscles in Amaziah’s face were tense with a deep furrow between his brows, indicating his worries.

  “Gabrielle, there is information you need to be made aware of concerning your dream, as well as other matters I have been sent to take care of.”

  She was surprised and relieved it wasn’t about Lucas but couldn’t recall ever seeing Amaziah so worried, making her wonder if she wanted to know what he’d learned, realizing that his intensity scared her more than anything she could ever remember. Amaziah wasn’t one to show concern outwardly.

  “What did you find out?”

  “The Book you saw in your vision—The Book of Barabbadon—it seems it was not destroyed. Yahuwah was betrayed.” Amaziah spoke in a hurried, ragged breath. “He has called on the Angels of the Thrones to help Him find who deceived Him and search for the Book.”

  Gabrielle felt her stomach drop to the floor. The Thrones was her Choir. She would have to return—for good, she guessed. “But I haven’t accomplished what needs to be done.” She couldn’t tell him how she wasn’t only frustrated because she hadn’t finished what she started, but that she also was saddened that things were going to end far sooner for her and Lucas than she had expected.

  “He has excused you, only because you are the only one who can enforce karma. But Gabrielle, these are dangerous times for all of us, and I am asking you to leave and come back with me to Heaven, now, where you’ll be safe. You are vulnerable here.”

  Gabrielle let out a soft, slow sigh of relief, hoping he wouldn’t notice.

  She was relieved she wasn’t going to have to explain about her and Lucas. But there were even bigger concerns growing about what her visions were warning of. She could sense the disquiet within Amaziah, making her wish the concern in his voice had been what she first suspected—a relationship she had no business having. It was selfish of her to be relieved when so much was going on that was far more important.

  I need to get my head straight.

  “If I’m not being ordered back, Amaziah, I’m going to stay. I have to. We can’t lose this war.”

  Amaziah looked down at his clenched hands on the counter in front of him, slowly shaking his head. She knew it wasn’t what he wanted to hear, and she hated upsetting him. She walked to where he sat and hugged him. He put an arm around her and hugged her back.

  “I knew that was what you would say. But I had to try. I know what you are doing here is valuable and will aid us immensely. I am very proud of you, Gabrielle. You have lived up to everything I thought you would—and more. So that you know, Yahuwah is happy when your name is spoken. Your efforts are noticed—and appreciated.”

  “Thank you. Thank you for your concern and for your praise. It means so much to know that you and Yahuwah are pleased with me. And thank you for understanding I have to stay.”

  He smiled and let go of her as he stood and slowly walked to the door to the porch. “Gabrielle, I have been instructed to inform you that you are being given more powers and abilities to help keep you safe while you are here. This isn’t done often, so you can imagine how much faith Yahuwah must have in you.” He looked over his shoulder.

  Gabrielle nodded her head in understanding although she was stunned. Amaziah continued.

  “You will no longer lose constant communication with any of your brethren while in your human form, and you can do so without ascending. You are granted control over the four elements—air, water, earth, and fire. You now have the ability to make people forget whatever you choose, as long as it’s in their best interest or to keep them from exposing you as an angel. And, as I understand you discovered on the mountain top last night before I had the chance to tell you, you can summon the Earth’s energy to you in order to increase your powers. You can use these additional abilities at your discretion just as the others you have always had.”

  So … that’s why I was able to evoke more power.

  Gabrielle was floored. She was already one of the most powerful of Yahuwah’s angels, but now, she was entrusted on a level she never imagined she’d reach. She was humbled and gave thanks even before Amaziah finished.

  “There’s one more ability I can bestow on you—the ability to Hush. It has been fun for me to tease you about how much you wanted this ability, but it was decided it may serve you well while you are here. Now my ability is yours as well.”

  Gabrielle almost laughed as she looked up to catch her friend’s playful gaze. She would have been more playful towards Amaziah, maybe even Hushing him for a moment, but this wasn’t a playful occasion. She found her mood too heavy to tease him right now. This was serious. And the times she found herself in were dangero
us. More than she’d already suspected if Yahuwah felt this was necessary.

  Amaziah took her hands in his. “I need to be going now. I won’t be stopping in for a while unless some of this is resolved quickly. I’ll send reports if I learn anything new, and you know you can simply call to me through thought, and I will hear you. Just as I always have. Your abilities to communicate are almost as high now as any can obtain. Remember to use them and the others He added to your arsenal. It’s a huge responsibility to be entrusted with so much. Other than me, there has only been one other angel He made this powerful, and we know what happened to him. Use them with clarity and forethought, and if you always put Yahuwah and His ways first in your use of them, you will be fine.”

  Gabrielle nodded in understanding. Ramai was the only other angel granted this amount of ability and power … and he became the Dark Lord. Now, Gabrielle knew Amaziah’s rank, and she had a difficult time perceiving that she was now his equal. At least she was in this way. She hugged Amaziah, sorry he had to leave so soon. Just as he was about to ascend, he stopped. Without turning around, he addressed her again.

  “As far as Lucas and you are concerned … of course I know.”

  Gabrielle tensed.

  “I make it my job to know how you are doing. You know that. Please … be very careful. You are being allowed extra privileges with this relationship, but only because He thinks it will help you learn what is needed faster so you can return home sooner. Don’t go too far, Gabrielle. You know what I mean … and you know the ending won’t be happy if you do—for him or you.”

  “I will, Amaziah. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about it right away.”

  “I know why you didn’t, and I know how close you have already let the two of you become. Again, please think of where this will leave you both when your time here has ended, and of the danger you are exposing both of you to. I trust you to always keep that in mind as you go forward, and to do what you need to with the new abilities you now have … when the time comes.”


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