Working 2 Hard_An MFM Menage Romance

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Working 2 Hard_An MFM Menage Romance Page 5

by Sierra Sparks

“So, back in college, we used to have these things call pass-out parties. Did you have them?”

  “No,” I said fascinated. “But do go on.”

  “Trigg gets hammered,” said Davis. “Like, way beyond drunk. He’s slurring his words, he can’t stand up straight--- But he wants to go downtown and get ice cream. So he staggers away from the party and gets on a bus. We don’t see him. He never comes back to the party!”

  “What happened?” I asked.

  “I got on the wrong bus,” explained Trigg, embarrassed. “I ended up at the airport several miles away. I passed out in the lobby and the guards woke me up.”

  “This is before 9/11?” I asked.

  “No, after actually,” admitted Trigg. “They missed me, so I was lying there for a few hours. I’m covered in sweat. I have no money, no I.D. Eventually, they take me in this room full of luggage and I just went to sleep. They never woke me up. I woke up at like four in the afternoon with no idea how I got there. Fortunately, they let me call Davis and he came and got me at like eight o’clock at night.”

  “Oh, my God,” I laughed. “What an ordeal! I would’ve given up drinking after that!”

  “I did. For a long while,” admitted Trigg. “Fortunately, they didn’t think I was a threat, just really, really stupid. I missed like half my classes that week. It was a mess. If they had just thrown me out of the airport, I would’ve been screwed. I didn’t have my phone!”

  “Where was it?” I asked.

  “I left it at the party in the bathroom for some reason!” laughed Trigg. “Davis and my other idiot friends took pictures of their asses all night instead of coming to look for me.”

  “That’s a great story, and now I have to hit the restroom,” I said.

  Davis moved out, so I could slide out of the booth, but I slid right out onto the floor. I started laughing again, but I could at least compose myself.

  “All right, I’m drunk,” I said. “I’m going to need an Uber.”

  “You going to make it to the bathroom?” asked Davis.

  “Yep-yep-yep,” I assured him.

  I went into the ladies room and stood in front of the sink to gather myself. Seeing my glassy eyes staring back at me, I was suddenly overcome by embarrassment. This was completely unprofessional. I got drunk in front of my new bosses. They didn’t seem to mind one bit. But still! Crap, I could never hold my liquor. Or maybe these Long Island Iced Teas were super strong. Either way, it’s time to get it together.

  Trying my best to sober up, I turned the faucet and splashed cold water in my face. Unfortunately, the shock of the cold made my head reel and I nearly lost my balance.

  Taking a deep breath, I steady myself with rigid arms on the counter. Dammit. There was no way I could drive home. These guys would never let me take an Uber. That was okay, right? I mean, they seemed cool. It’s not unprofessional to get a ride, right? We were just having fun. It’s not like I threw myself at them.

  When I came back to the table, the guys had already taken care of the check. That was okay. They were, after all, the rich bosses and I was their trusty EA.

  Trigg and Davis insisted on giving me a ride home. For a second, their voices grew heated and I thought they were going to fight over who got to drive me. On the way out, I told the bar owner I was leaving my car in the parking lot. He seemed to get that a lot, nodding and waving me away absently. I was glad it wasn’t a problem.

  I ended up in Davis’s car. It was dark and cool, with leather seats. He put on a some old school jams.

  “I’m so sorry you have to drive me home,” I said, giggling lightly to hide my embarrassment.

  “It’s fine,” he assured.

  “No, I drank too much. This looks so bad,” I blurted out, still laughing but not hiding my worry either.

  “No-no, you were just having fun,” he insisted. “We were the ones that took you out. If anyone’s to blame, it’s us.”

  My apartment wasn’t far. Our drive was short and pleasant for the level of unease I felt at my behavior. Maybe I was just getting used to that unease. Maybe Davis had a nullifying effect on it. As he talked, I reveled in his voice—so smooth, flinty and manly. It was deep without being low.

  Trigg had followed and got out of his car by the time we were pulling up. It was a good thing he did, because I almost fell onto the parking lot when I got out of the car. He was already there and caught me.

  “Oh, my God,” I said embarrassed. “Thank you. I’m a little tipsy.”

  “Why don’t we walk you up?” suggested Trigg. He was smiling but not at my expense. I couldn’t believe it. Here I was, acting like a fool in front of this gorgeous man who has authority over my work life, and he actually seemed concerned for my well-being.

  “I so need some coffee right now,” I admitted. “You guys want some? Come on in, I’ll show you my place.”

  Was this too familiar? Asking both my hot bosses to my apartment? I usually didn’t even ask dates back to my place unless it was mildly serious. You don’t want someone you barely know in your space, especially someone you have no intention of having sex with or starting a relationship.

  Whoa. Did I have an intention of having sex or starting a relationship with these guys? I must be drunk to even think that. You can’t have a relationship with two people at once. Can you?

  I’ve heard of polyamorous relationships, but I never considered one. Wow, talk about greedy, Hallie. I mean, Trigg was clearly flirting with me, but was Davis? He did sound pretty protective when that baseball player started hitting on me.

  Unlocking the door to my apartment, I can really only think one thought at a time. Oh, God. I am so drunk. I shouldn’t have had all those teas.

  “Here we are,” I said introducing my apartment. “Casa Hallie.”

  I greeted my cat. He snorted, but didn’t get up from his chair.

  “Wow, so affectionate,” said Trigg sarcastically. He took a look around from the center of the open living and kitchen area, nodding faintly. Hope he likes what he sees. If he doesn’t, guess I can always lift up my shirt.

  I burst out laughing again. I couldn’t help it. The giggles had returned. Trigg asked if I was all right, but I couldn’t answer, shaking my head with nonsensical high-pitched noises. He helped me to the couch and I flopped down. I buried my face in a pillow, trying to stifle the laughs. They were going lower, those deep-belly giggles that rock your whole body.

  “You want me to make the coffee?” offered Davis.

  Without pulling my face from the pillow, I pointed in his direction and gave him a thumbs up. I had one of those coffee makers that makes one cup at a time. The pods for them were right next to the maker and right next to the sink. It was easy to make coffee these days. He just had to find the mugs in my cabinet.

  After a few minutes, I finally composed myself and lifted my face out of the pillow. I noticed some of my make-up got on it. I tried to rub it out with my hands, but it was a lost cause. I’d have to put it in the washing machine.

  “I’m so embarrassed, Trigg,” I confessed, turning to him sitting next to me. “It’s so unprofessional to get drunk in front of your boss. Bosses. I just lost count of the drinks and—”

  “It’s fine, stop beating yourself up,” assured Trigg, grinning easily. “We were having fun, right? What’s life if you can’t have fun once in a while? What’s life without a little risk, right?”

  “Yeah, I can see that,” I said suspiciously. “What kind of risk are we talking about, exactly?”

  “I’m not sure,” he said a little too innocently. “What do you mean?”

  “I think you know what I mean,” I said. “I’m going to ask you a question. It’s not a work question, but I have to ask. And I better ask it now so I can blame being drunk if it’s inappropriate.”

  “Shoot.” He’s still smiling and at ease, but his eyes are hungry and eager.

  “Are you into me? Like, are you flirting with me in a way that’s something beyond the office? Because I’m
sensing that you did,” I started. “But if you’re just kidding around, that’s fine. But if you’re serious, I want to know. Genuinely.”

  “I am into you,” he admitted with a slightly restrained smile that was way too adorable.

  “Is Davis into me too?” I asked, suspicious and grinning. “The same way? Because I’m getting that vibe from both of you.”

  “You’d have to ask him,” said Trigg. “I don’t want to speak for him…in that area.”

  “Do you want to kiss me?” I asked, looking at him as deeply as my drunk eyes would let me.

  Whoa, Hallie. Do you know what you’re doing girl? This is it. This could blow your whole new career. But he does like me. He said it.

  Trigg bit his lower lip and looked away. Then he looked back at me. He seemed torn about what to say.

  I made a pouty face. That’s it. I could pass this whole thing off as a joke, right? I was drunk. People say stupid things and that’s that.

  Then, Trigg slid closer. So I slid closer to him. He had that look. He wanted to kiss me. I leaned forward. He leaned forward.

  The next thing I knew, we were kissing. I mean, really kissing. This wasn’t like a peck on the cheek kiss at an office party. We had our tongues down each other’s throats. Trigg’s rough, manly face bristling against my smooth cheek made it all the more hot. He had his hands on me and I could feel the power of his big strong arms.

  I leaned against him, pressing my body against his. I was soft and curvy, but he was hard and rough. His strength, his smell, all of it was a massive turn-on. I wanted to rip off his shirt and feel his chest. I had forgotten myself in those moments, swept away in passion, when a voice suddenly brought me back to reality.

  “Holy shit, are you kidding me?” said Davis in shock.

  Davis had made the coffee, poured three mugs and came back with a tray and all the fixings. The kitchen where he made it was lit up, but over the bar, where Trigg and I were making out, that was in shadow, since I hadn’t stopped to turn on any lamps. It wasn’t until he had walked in front of the couch with the tray did he realize that we were making out like a couple of crazed teenagers in a car.

  “Jesus, Trigg!” snapped Davis, putting the tray down on the coffee table. “You promised you wouldn’t do this!”

  “I’m sorry,” said Trigg as we broke away from each other’s embrace. “We just got caught up in the moment. I, uh… had a few drinks too, you know.”

  Davis sat down on the other side of me, tense and unsure of what to do.

  “Wait, what did you make him promise?” I swung my head between the two men surrounding me.

  “That he wouldn’t make a move on you,” said Davis.

  “Because you like me as well?” I asked, then realized my hand was on his knee.

  Oh, my God, Hallie. You just keep digging yourself deeper and deeper.

  Davis looked up, looking guilty.

  “Yes,” he admitted. “We both like you. You’re our type.”

  I reached up and started playing with Davis’s hair. I had managed to cross a threshold here. Our cards were out on the table. I was into them, they were into me. The only question now was, what were we going to do about it?

  “Our type? What do you mean by that? Do you guys…share women?” I asked softly.

  “Yeah, back in college, we did,” admitted Davis. “It didn’t work out, but it’s something we’ve done.”

  “Do you want to share me?”

  “If I’m being totally honest,” said Davis. “Yes.”

  “Kiss me.”

  Davis looked me in the eye. I had given him permission to cross the same threshold. He didn’t want to, but he needed to. In that moment, I needed him to. He leaned in. I leaned in. Our lips met, soft and hungry. Stars followed.

  He grabbed the back of my head and kissed me hard. Davis had a different kind of kiss. While Trigg’s was sexy and playful, Davis had an intensity that he brought to everything including his kisses. It made them nuclear.

  “It’s only fair,” he said breathlessly. “We’ve been thinking about this all day.”

  He started kissing my neck. I could feel Trigg running his strong hand up and down my thigh. From their touches alone, I was getting warm inside and wet.

  “I thought of both of you, too,” I admitted. “Since I first walked into that office, all I could think about was touching your bodies. Both of you are so fit and touchable. I never thought a girl like me could have a man— Men like you!”

  Davis was kissing me down the front of my cleavage. Trigg was kissing my neck and touching my inner thigh. His hand slid up and started touching my pussy through my panties. They were damp now. I pushed my hand under Davis’s shirt. With my other hand, I rubbed the front of Trigg’s chest.

  Oh, my God. Could this be happening?

  The boys moved closer to me. I found myself sitting on Trigg’s lap and I could feel his erect penis against my buttocks. I had my legs open on his thigh and his fingers were fumbling to get under my panties. Davis had one of my tits free from my wide V neck blouse and was flicking my nipple with his tongue. I could feel myself getting warm all over, but I was also starting to sober up.

  “What the hell are you doing Hallie? Have you lost your mind?” an inner voice suddenly said. “You’ve worked for these guys for a few short days and now you’re going to let them have sex with you? You wouldn’t even do that when you were dating one guy!”

  I suddenly got up.

  “No. I can’t do this!” I cried. “I’m sorry!”

  I ran into my bedroom and locked the door. I heard Trigg and Davis trail after me.

  “Hallie, wait,” said Trigg. “We won’t take it any further if that’s what you want, but let’s talk about this.”

  “God dammit, Trigg,” muttered Davis. “I can’t believe you did this!”

  “I did this? Buddy, you were there right with me, in case you forgot!”

  “She’s an employee! This was totally inappropriate! Hallie, we apologize. We shouldn’t have done that.” Their voices muffle as they address me through the door.

  “I can’t apologize for how I feel,” said Trigg. “Please, Hallie? Hallie?”

  “She’s not coming out, man,” said Davis. “Let’s just go. Hallie, we’re going to leave? Okay? Look, let’s just forget all this happened and start work fresh tomorrow, okay? No big deal.”

  I couldn’t answer. I was so torn. On the one hand, I had never been turned on so much in my life. Two men like that paying attention to me, tending to me? When I was a fat little teenager, it was unthinkable.

  Now that I was all grown up and in control of my life, well— I guess it must happen. But I had to live in reality, right? I needed a job and I can’t sleep with the boss, let along both bosses. What would people say?

  Oh, my God. If Stacey found out. That would be total disaster! Utter ruin.

  The two men knocked on the door one last time, then finally left. After I heard the door close, I carefully came out. I locked it behind them and fed the cat.

  “I got myself in a mess,” I said to Muffles as I petted him. “I hope I don’t get myself fired. Maybe we could all pretend it never happened. People do that, right? Right?”

  Chapter 6


  We got outside the apartment. This was bad. It was probably the worst case scenario. Davis was beside himself.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!”

  “Look, man, this is all on me,” I said trying to calm him down. “I’ll take the fall.”

  “You can’t take the fall now!” Davis snapped. “I was there! I kissed her! We’re both in this now!”

  “Look, let’s get out of her apartment parking lot,” I suggested. “Arguing about it here can only make it worse.”

  “Where?!” Davis said, on the verge of unraveling.

  “There was a plaza a few blocks back we passed on the way here. Everything’s closed. We can just stand in that parking lot there and talk.”

avis threw up his hands and muttered something like “okay.” He got in his car. I did the same. I was trying to formulate a plan. Shit! If I ruined ME, Davis would never forgive me. On the other hand, this Hallie… She had a hold on me. On us both, I thought.

  As we drove back toward the plaza, I couldn’t help but think that Davis was being a bit disingenuous. He would not have touched her—at all—if he didn’t feel the same way. I mean, Davis is a red-blooded man like us all, but he has standards. He made a conscious choice, just like I did. I may be more of a romantic, but I didn’t put a gun to his head. He could’ve left that apartment. He could’ve seen me making out with Hallie and slipped out. We probably wouldn’t have noticed him.

  No, he wants Hallie too. That’s the real reason he’s so mad. He’s mad at himself more than he is at me.

  Unfortunately, that doesn’t solve our problem. Hallie didn’t strike me as the litigious type, but I didn’t expect her to just get up and lock herself in the bedroom. Maybe she’s less experienced than I’d assume from a normal working girl of today? Did I overestimate her or did I just rush her into something she didn’t want?

  I pulled into the plaza behind Davis. He was out of the car and pacing like a caged animal before I even put the car in park. He had to calm down. This entire episode had set him on tilt and I was genuinely worried he do something stupid before we had a chance to repair whatever damage we had done.

  “How could you?” he started, sounding betrayed. “We built this hotel up, we’ve worked our asses off and now we’re throwing it away on some chick we barely know!”

  “I know and I’m sorry. We rushed her into this,” I admitted. “But it wasn’t just me, okay? It was all of us. She is genuinely interested in us.”

  “We can’t have a relationship with her, Trigg!” persisted Davis. “How is that going to work? How is it going to look?!”

  “Okay-okay,” I said. “You have to calm down. We can think this through.”

  “No, this isn’t about thinking. This is about feelings, okay?” he said a little bitterly. “You know what running around chasing your feelings gets you? It makes logic an enemy and it leaves you with no self-control!”


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