The Sheikh's Troublesome Bride

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The Sheikh's Troublesome Bride Page 5

by Leslie North

  “Yes. I understand that Slade is putting several of his best men on this case. He also has a new woman working for him and she has been assigned to the case to offer protection for Shira and Erin in places the men cannot go.”

  “Like public restrooms.” Kale spoke what they were both thinking. Many abductions of world leaders occurred in public bathrooms. It was the one place where security guards of the opposite sex could not follow their clients. It made them very vulnerable and was a point that well-trained kidnappers didn’t often pass up.

  Kale thought about his former roommate and couldn’t help asking, “Any idea why he hired a woman? That’s not actually his style. He was completely against women in the military when we were in college.”

  “I asked Talib the same question. It seems that PJ, the woman in question, is the sister of a man that Slade was unable to save during his last operation for the FBI. She joined the military after her brother’s death and when she got out, demanded a job from Slade. He gave it to her.”

  “Wow! That is not like him. Anyway, I look forward to meeting some of his men. He only hires the best.”

  “That is why he has been contacted. I will let you know if the threat is still active. If so, I will want a small detail to accompany you back to Jawhara. Our palace bodyguards are good at their jobs, but a fresh look at our security measures would not be amiss.”

  “I agree.” Glancing at the time, he shook Kamal’s hand, “I’ll check in on your woman when we arrive.”

  Kamal nodded his head, saying nothing. Kale gave his brother one last look and then headed off to finish his own packing.

  Chapter 14

  The flight home was much the same as the flight to Jawhara had been three weeks ago. The only difference – this time when Kale suggested she make use of the luxurious bedroom, he joined her.

  There was something completely naughty about making love at thirty thousand feet in the air. When Kale had first suggested a nap, Shira had started to object, as she wasn’t at all tired. Then she had taken one look at his eyes and readily agreed. The banked hunger in them was too much to resist.

  Kale escorted her to the back of the plane and Shira was astounded at the luxury once again. When he wrapped his arms around her from behind, she let her head fall back against his shoulder, turning her head when his lips skimmed below her ear to give him unfettered access.

  She wrapped her arms around his, letting her fingertips skim the muscles in his forearms and down to where his fingers were quickly undoing the buttons on her shirt. When they parted the material and skimmed back up her stomach, she guided his hands to her breasts, moaning when they reached their goal.

  “You like that, don’t you?” Kale asked, molding her breasts and squeezing gently.

  “Yes.” Shira felt Kale turn them around, but she didn’t pay much attention as her eyes were closed. Even after spending every night, and sometimes several times throughout the day, wrapped in the sensual spell Kale wove each time he touched her, she was amazed at her response. She had always been a very sexual person, but all Kale had to do was walk into the room and she was ready to go.

  “Open your eyes,” Kale commanded softly.

  Shira moaned and rolled her head against his chest, not willing to let the spell be broken by anything her eyes might see. Instead, she was content to let her senses roam free, basking in the path they led her down.

  “Habibiti, open your eyes and watch.”

  Watch? That got her attention and she slowly lifted her eyes, gasping at the raw carnality of the image before her. Kale had turned them so they were directly across from the mirror atop the dresser. She watched as Kale touched her body, seeing her breathing increase in tempo with the desire his hands were carefully orchestrating.

  When one hand abandoned her breasts to begin a slow descent down, she watched in delight as he slipped his hand beneath her waistband. When her eyes started to drift shut, he nudged her with his chin, “Open.”

  Shira raised her eyelids and met his stare in the mirror, holding his gaze as he did things to her body, causing her to writhe back against him demanding more of the same.

  Kale watched her watching herself, and was pleased to see that the eroticism of the moment was not lost on her. When his control was on its last thread, he quickly turned her around, devouring her mouth as he walked her backwards and pushed her down on the bed.

  Joining his body to hers quickly, he pushed them up the peak, for once not worrying about whether she was with him or not. Her moans, pleas for him to “Hurry!” and the raking of her nails upon his back told him she was right there with him.

  They flew into space together, their breaths mingling as he fused their lips together. Each time was better than the last. Rolling to his side, he brought her up against him, closing his eyes and feeling her relax and place her head upon his chest.

  They drifted in and out of sleep, waking once more during the long flight to make each other soar to the pinnacle of ecstasy. The shower was only big enough for one person, so they took turns.

  After a light meal of broiled salmon, and a vegetable medley, Kale excused himself to get some work done and left Shira to her own devices. The jet had a large selection of movies and she chose one of her favorites and settled back to watch.

  As the movie played on, her thoughts began to go through the items that she needed to take care of before she returned to Jawhara in six weeks. The first order of business was to check in on Erin and make sure that she would be able to handle the rent payments by herself for a while. Kale seemed certain that Kamal would be bringing Erin to Jawhara soon, but her cousin was stubborn and not likely to give up her independence so easily.

  She would have to arrange for her belongings to be shipped, stored, or sold. Her Uncle and Aunt would be returning from their world cruise about the time she was due to fly back to Jawhara and she hoped that they would be supportive of her decision to return with Kale.

  They had raised her from the time she was ten and they were as much her parents as they were Erin’s. They had always told her to follow her heart, and she only hoped that they meant it. The last thing she wanted to do was disappoint them.

  When she heard the captain announce that they were approaching Dulles Airport, she shut the movie off and joined Kale on the couch where he was still immersed in his computer. Seeing the frown on his face, she inquired, “Is everything okay?”

  Kale looked at the beautiful young woman sitting next to him, and tried to push the worry from his mind as he nodded and gave her a smile. More intelligence reports had come in during their flight that told of a group of dissidents from the neighboring country who had tried to cross the border into Jawhara with weapons. Luckily they had been apprehended, but the leader had promised more attacks were on their way.

  He hoped Kamal could get an agreement figured out for the return of the refugees, and soon. New threats had been made and he feared that desperation would make the dissenter’s act irrationally. That could mean any number of things, but it could also put Shira in danger once they realized his attachment to her was real.

  As soon as they landed, he intended to contact Slade and make sure his team was already on the case. He had a bad feeling about this situation and only hoped that things would settle down before they became too volatile.

  Chapter 15

  It was early evening in Washington D.C. when the private jet landed at Dulles, and while Kale tried to contact Slade, Shira spent time trying to get ahold of Erin. When she didn’t answer at their apartment, she tried her office only to find out that she had left early, not feeling well again.

  Shira was growing more concerned and tried her cousin’s cell phone, which went straight to her voice mail. She spoke of her concerns to Kale and he agreed to have the driver take them to her apartment immediately after they finished passing through customs.

  On the way across town, Kale’s phone rang and he answered it, speaking quickly in Arabic so Shira knew it was someone from
Jawhara on the line. He spoke to the other person for several minutes before disconnecting the call and then sitting back with the strangest look upon his face.

  Leaning forward, he spoke to the driver, instructing him to change their course and take them to an upscale restaurant instead of the apartment Shira shared with Erin.

  “Kale?” she questioned him, wondering what had changed.

  “Well, that was Kamal on the phone. It would seem that your cousin’s illness…”

  “Wait! What’s wrong with Erin? Kale, do you know where she is? Please take me to her…” Shira was close to tears at the thought of Erin being ill and all alone.

  “Habibiti,” he hushed her, pulling her into his arms and wrapping his arms around her, “Calm yourself. Talib is bringing your cousin to the airport as we speak and will be taking her directly to Jawhara where Kamal had the palace physician waiting to evaluate her.”

  “No! Kale, I want to see her. We have good doctor’s here in the states…”

  “Whoa! Listen to me. There is nothing wrong with Erin that several months will not take care of.” He paused, wondering if her quick mind would catch on to where this conversation was heading.

  “You mean…?” Shira asked, her eyebrows raised and her eyes wide open.

  “Yes. It seems that in around eight months, I am to become an uncle.”

  “Erin’s pregnant? That’s why she hasn’t been feeling well!” Shira was at once relieved and concerned. “But, what will happen now. And why is Kamal having her brought to Jawhara?”

  “Shira, think about it. Your cousin is carrying the future ruler of Jawhara in her belly. Do you honestly think, having spent time getting to know my brother, that he would allow the mother of his child to raise his child alone, or without his input?”

  “No…but, doesn’t Erin get a say in all of this?”

  “Of course she does. I’m sure Kamal will politely ask her to become his bride.”

  “And if she says ‘No’?”

  “What do you think?” Kale asked with a grin on his lips.

  Shira shook her head, glad that she was on this side of the world. Erin liked her independence and she imagined having it taken away from her was going to be full of fireworks and tension. “I think your brother doesn’t know how stubborn my cousin can be.”

  Kale laughed and agreed, “Well, I believe he will be finding out shortly. Now, how about I take you to dinner and then to the hotel. There will be plenty of time tomorrow to get started on that list I know you already have formed in your mind.” Kale tapped her forehead with his fingertips for emphasis.

  Shira nodded her head and grinned at him, “You know it. There are so many things to do in such a short amount of time…”

  “About that. I suspect Kamal may want us to return sooner….

  “Than six weeks?! No,” Shira said, shaking her head emphatically, “That’s not possible. My uncle and aunt won’t even be back yet. I have to see them!”

  “All will be taken care of. I will fly Erin’s parents to Jawhara if I need to. But we will be going back to Jawhara, and anything we don’t get finished up can be handled via email or courier.”

  Shira nodded, automatically rearranging her to-do list and wondering how on earth she was going to get everything accomplished in such a short amount of time.

  Chapter 16

  When Kale received another call from his brother several days later, Shira knew she wasn’t necessarily going to like the news. It seems that Kamal had decreed he and Erin would be marrying before the month was out. Due to her condition, the doctor had decreed plane travel unwise and Kamal had charged Kale and Shira with packing up Erin’s belongings as well.

  They were still expected to be back in Jawhara, but Kamal was now requesting they return in less than two weeks. Kamal had gone so far as to send a private yet to Brisbane to intercept her uncle and aunt and have them brought to Jawhara for the wedding.

  Shira was glad that she would get to see them, but now had even more loose ends to take care of. The shipping company delivered more boxes and she got to work packing up Erin’s personal effects while Kale had a talk with the landlord.

  When he returned, she was pleased to find out that the landlord had happily cancelled their lease and she suspected that Kale had paid the man but couldn’t prove it and he wasn’t saying anything about it.

  “Is Erin feeling better?” Shira inquired, taping up the last box of books.

  Kale took the box from her and placed it with the others along the living room wall. “Yes. The doctor has provided her with vitamins and a special diet. Kamal seems to be pleased, so everything must be going better.”

  “Good. Erin is one of those people who rarely gets sick and I can’t imagine that she is handling it all that well.”

  “She is being well cared for. Kam did mention that she had some personal items at her office that she would like you to pick up for her.”

  Shira nodded, “That’s fine. I need a break from packing anyway.”

  “Good,” before Kale could escort her from the apartment, his phone rang again. This time it was Slade, his old college roommate and head of the security firm which already had agents in Jawhara helping to bolster their security.

  “Slade, it is good to hear from you.”

  “You too, man. I spoke with Kamal a few minutes ago and told him I would contact you. Two of the agents I sent over to Jawhara picked up some intel a few hours ago. There’s a leak in the palace.”

  Kale started to shake his head and then remembered that Slade was very good at his job. If his agents said there was a leak – there was a leak! “Do they have any suspects yet?”

  “No. What concerns me more is the nature of the intel.”

  “And that is?” Kale asked, wondering if he really wanted to know the answer.

  “The dissidents are smart. They realize that getting to either you or Kamal is going to be very tough, if not impossible. That is not true of your women.”

  Kale cursed before asking, “What are you saying? That they are going to try and hurt Erin or Shira?”

  “I’m afraid that’s exactly what I’m saying. I spoke with Kamal and he wants to basically lock Erin up in the palace and never let her leave again. I advised him against doing that, but I don’t know that he listened to me.”

  “That would be his first response and not such a bad one.”

  “The female agent I sent over there disagrees. Erin has become an integral part of caring for the refugees and seeing to their comfort while in Jawhara. If she suddenly stops, it will be noticed by everyone and could harm the negotiations your brother has worked so hard to get signed. The refugees are to being crossing the border back into their own country next week.”

  Kale sighed, “So, what do you recommend?”

  “Everyone needs to be extra careful. I have already instructed PJ that Erin goes nowhere by herself. Not even to her bedroom in the palace. And especially not anywhere public.”

  “And she agreed to this?”

  “She will. She was on one of her mercy missions to the refugee camp when I spoke with Kamal. He was sending someone out to bring her back immediately.”

  “Good.” Kale ran his fingers through his hair, the sooner the refugees returned to their own country, the sooner Jawhara could return to a peaceful existence and he could focus on his future.

  “Anyway, I wanted you to let your men know what’s going on. I’m going to fly over there at the end of the week with several more agents. Until this thing goes away, I don’t want to take any chances.”

  “Sure you don’t just want to go lay on the beach for a while?” Kale asked, nor forgetting Slade’s fondness for Jawhara or the ocean.

  “Well, every job has to have some perks.” Slade chuckled, “I’ll be waiting for your return. Let us know when you leave the states and I’ll make sure we have extra security waiting for you when you land.”

  “Will do. Thank you.”

  “Don’t mention it. I can
’t wait to meet your woman. Kamal tells me she is the perfect mate for you.”

  Kale looked at Shira, who had been watching him the entire conversation and smiled at her, “Yes, she is perfect.”

  Shira knew he was talking to someone about her, and smiled at him, a blush staining her cheeks at his words.

  When he hung up, Kale pulled her to him and hugged her close, filling her in on the new threats that had been discovered and securing her promise to keep at least one bodyguard with her at all times, unless she was with him.

  The threat to her wasn’t in the states, but once they returned to Jawhara, her life would be just as precious as Erin’s. He was taking no chances with her, now that he had found her.

  Chapter 17

  The refugee camps, Jawhara western border….

  Erin walked amongst the refugee tents, pleased to see that many of the people not only bowed to her, but gave her shy smiles. They were growing to trust her more with each passing day and she hoped that their lives would return to normal when they were allowed to go home.

  “Your Highness?” one of the new bodyguards called to her.

  Erin turned to the young man with a raised eyebrow, “Yes?”

  “Ma’am, there is a woman several rows over who is demanding to speak with you.”

  “What does she want?” Erin asked, confused at the guards use of the word ‘demand’.

  He shook his head, “I really have no idea. She said she would only speak directly to you.”

  Erin glanced to where the rest of the palace detail were still handing out food packets and water. She had promised Kamal that she would take extra precautions and that included having several guards with her at all times.


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