Against All Odds

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Against All Odds Page 20

by Stacy Claflin

  He questioned them, but none had seen Foster since back in the woods.

  Nick went to the waiting room and texted her, asking if she was okay.

  She didn’t respond.

  He tried not to take it personally. She might be driving or filling out paperwork or answering questions about the incident. Or she might never want to see Nick again. And he couldn’t blame her.

  The thought of not seeing her again, or of having a cold businesslike relationship, hurt worse than he wanted to admit.

  Now that Ava was safe, and especially since Genevieve had been the one to free her from Dave, Nick’s feelings for the officer nearly suffocated him. He wanted to hold her in his arms and thank her with kisses and gifts.

  If she would let him.


  Alex pulled into a parking spot in front of his apartment building and glanced over at Zoey, who was still sleeping. She’d fallen asleep before they’d left the hospital parking lot two hours earlier.

  “Zoey,” he whispered.

  She didn’t even flinch. Poor thing was probably tired enough to sleep for days.

  Alex climbed out and went around to her side, opening the door carefully since she was half leaning on it. He unbuckled her, scooped her up, and carried her to his apartment.

  Once inside, he was glad she was asleep. He’d really made a mess of things while she’d been away. That would have to wait.

  Alex brought her into the bedroom, pulled the covers back and laid her down. He pulled off the shoes someone had given her back at the hospital, then tucked the blankets around her and kissed her lips lightly.

  He stared at her, still hardly able to believe that she was actually there with him. She was even more beautiful than before.

  A warmth radiated through him. He wanted to protect her from any more harm, and he wanted to be the best husband he could be. Their wedding date couldn’t come fast enough. Maybe they could move it closer.

  She mumbled something and rolled over. He fixed the covers, then wandered around the room, picking things up. Then he went through the entire apartment, gathering the bottles from his drunken stupor.

  He took them down to the recycle bins, glad to be rid of the evidence even though Zoey already knew about him giving into the drink.

  Back inside, he picked up all the other messes scattered about. He’d really been living like a pig.

  Alex didn’t want Zoey seeing any of it, so he used up all his nervous energy making the apartment look nice. It still didn’t hold a candle to how well Zoey kept hers, but at least it was better. The only thing he couldn’t fix was the mirror that now looked more like a spider web, thanks to his fist.

  At least he hadn’t cheated on Zoey. He’d only blacked out, then wallowed in his misery missing her.

  Alex leaned against the wall and slid to the floor, still staring at the mirror. His gut churned as he thought about how close he’d come to losing everything that mattered to him. He didn’t know what he would’ve done if he’d lost Zoey, either to death or his own stupidity.

  He raked his fingers through his hair and yanked.

  “Don’t ever do anything that stupid again, Mercer!” He jumped up and glared at himself in the uneven mirror. One eye was higher than the other, but that didn’t stop him from giving himself the most furious look he could muster.

  Once he was convinced he’d gotten through to himself, he wandered around the apartment again, picking up a few more stray items.

  That reminded him of the horrible morning he’d found Zoey’s clothes. If he was going to stay sober, he needed to start going to the meetings. Marking the days on the calendar wasn’t enough. And now that Zoey was back, he needed to make sure he didn’t fall of the wagon again.

  Finally, the exhaustion set in. He trudged back into the bathroom, threw off his sweaty clothes, and took the longest shower of his life. He fought to keep his eyelids open as he pulled on some shorts and shirt, then climbed into bed and wrapped his arms around his fiancée. With her there, he fell into a deep sleep.

  When he woke, light streamed in from the windows. Zoey was thrashing around, twisted in blankets, muttering something he couldn’t understand.

  Alex brushed some hair away from her face and spoke softly. “Zoey, it’s okay. You’re safe now. I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”

  She struck him on the chest, then her eyes flew open. They were wild for a moment until recognition settled. “Alex.”

  He pulled her close and held onto her tightly. “I’m here. I’m not leaving your side for anything.”

  Zoey went limp and broke down sobbing.

  Alex’s heart shattered worse than the bathroom mirror. Tears stung his eyes, then ran down his face into Zoey’s hair.

  “It was horrible. A nightmare I couldn’t wake from.” She gasped for air and sniffled. “I really thought I was going to die. But I just kept on fighting.”

  He rubbed her back. “I know, baby. I know.”

  She clung to him and told him everything from the moment Dave showed up at the school office until Alex found her in the woods.

  He cried along with her through the whole heartbreaking story. “It kills me that I wasn’t there.”

  Zoey pulled back and stared into his eyes. “Maybe we should take Ariana and move as far away from this place as we can.”

  Alex arched a brow.

  “This whole town is cursed, don’t you think? It’s practically the abduction capital of the world. Let’s leave it behind and start over.”

  He took a deep breath. It was easier said than done, especially since Zoey’s parents were Ariana’s legal parents, but he didn’t want to shoot down her idea. “We can talk about it.”

  She frowned. “You think it’s a stupid idea?”

  Alex shook his head and ran his fingers across her cheek. “Not at all. I just think we need to give it some time and think everything through, that’s all.”

  “What’s there to think about?”

  He traced her lips, letting his thumb linger. “At least meet Caden Alexander first.”


  “Our nephew.”

  Zoey’s eyes widened and she sat up. “Macy had her baby?”

  “I almost had to deliver him.”


  Alex sat up, held her hand, and explained what happened.

  Zoey closed her eyes. “I was supposed to be there. Does she know why I wasn’t there?” Her eyes flew open. “You didn’t tell her, did you? She doesn’t need that kind of stress!”

  “I didn’t tell her. I’m not sure if Luke did, though. You were gone a long time, and you know Macy. If she wants to know something, she won’t stop until she gets answers.”

  Zoey flew out of the bed. “We need to tell her I’m okay. What about Ariana? Does she know what’s going on?”

  Alex shook his head. “She’s been down with the flu. Nobody told her anything.”

  “Thank God. I never thought I’d be so happy about her being sick.” Zoey grabbed her overnight bag from the floor. “I’m going to take a shower, then we’re heading over to see everyone. I need to give everyone big hugs.”

  “Yes, ma’am. Is your ankle okay? Can I help you?” He scrambled out of bed.

  “It’s fine. I only twisted it, remember what the doctor said? I barely feel it now. Fix your hair, okay?”

  “Whatever you say.” He wrapped his arms around her. “Just know that everything will be fine. We’re together, and we’ll face everything side by side. You couldn’t get rid of me if you wanted.”

  She relaxed a little and her mouth even curved into a tiny smile.

  Alex pulled her closer and pressed his mouth to hers. He held onto the taste of her, the feel of her, everything. Now that she was back, he was determined to appreciate every moment. Every small detail.


  Nick paced his condo. He needed to get back to work. The kids were all in school—Parker and Ava had been bused to two different neighboring
middle schools—and it had been days since Dave’s and Corrine’s arrests.

  Despite his disdain for his ex-wife, Nick had tried to get her out of jail for the sake of the kids. But letters found in her garage had proven she’d been more involved with Dave’s sick plot than first thought.

  She and Dave had planned on running away together with all three kids and then returning to the East coast for Mason where he was staying with his grandmother. Corrine already had fake identification for all of them. The shooting and bomb had been nothing other than a distraction for the authorities while they made their escape. She had stayed with Parker after discovering she couldn’t get to Hanna because of the elementary school lockdown.

  Then she was waiting for Dave to kill Zoey before bringing Parker and Hanna to the cabin, but by that time she had decided she preferred Nick to Dave, so she was going to stay and leave Ava with Dave until she could sneak away to get her.

  The woman could rot in jail for all Nick cared. And she would. Neither she nor Dave were going anywhere.

  He still hadn’t heard anything from Genevieve. Neither Parker nor Ava had seen Tinsley at their temporary schools.

  The pile of paperwork that was sure to be sitting on his desk would get his mind off everything. At least until it was time to pick up the kids. Then he would need to plaster on his smile again and pretend everything was okay. It wasn’t, and they knew it, but someone had to be positive.

  Nick ran a comb through his hair and headed for his Mustang. His mind wandered as he drove. The kids were begging him to move them all into Corrine’s house.

  They did have a point—the condo was cramped with all four of them. He and Parker in one bedroom with the girls in the other. The house had all the things he’d lost in the divorce. Nick would just have to get rid of Corrine’s things. Much of it had already been taken in as evidence. Half the job would be over.

  He only needed to be able to buy it. It wasn’t like Corrine could afford it in prison, and between selling his condo and not having three child support payments, he would easily be able to make the mortgage.

  It was a possibility, but he didn’t want to let the kids know that unless he could actually make it happen.

  Once in the parking lot, Nick texted a friend who was in real estate. Then he headed inside.

  Everyone greeted him with wide smiles, congratulations, and high-fives. It warmed his heart that everyone was so happy for him about Ava being brought home safely.

  His joy melted away as soon as Chang stepped out from the bathroom. Their gazes locked, and the haughty officer’s face paled.


  Nick lumbered toward the other man.

  Chang cleared his throat. “Welcome back, Captain.”

  Nick gritted his teeth. “My office. Now.”


  They walked in silence to Nick’s office—he’d been right about the stack of papers. Nick closed the door behind them and drew the blinds.

  Chang swallowed but stood tall.

  “Have a seat.”

  He sat.

  Nick waited a moment before he took his seat on the other side of the desk. Then he pressed his palms on the desk and stared Chang down for a moment before speaking. “You need to understand something.”

  Chang nodded.

  “You are an officer. I’m the captain. You don’t blackmail me. Try it again, and you’ll not only lose your job but you’ll never get hired anywhere else, either.”


  “I’m not done. You’re going to be the best-behaved officer on the force. Got it?”

  Chang arched an eyebrow.

  “Does the Oasis nightclub mean anything to you?”

  His face paled and he looked like he was going to be sick. “How did you…? I mean, there’s no evidence—”

  “Oh, but there is. And I found it. I have it.”

  Chang glanced around the office, breathing heavily.

  Nick leaned over his desk. “It’s not here, and it isn’t at my home or anywhere else you might think to look. It’s safe. But one wrong move, and it won’t be. It could get into the wrong hands. All too easily.”

  Chang clutched the sides of the chair, his eyes wide and face continuing to pale. “I could lose everything.”

  “I know.” Nick let that settle for a few moments. “Do we have an understanding?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Now, I’m sure that whole thing was a misunderstanding. Maybe you were framed. Who am I to say? You’re a good officer, other than your head being too big. You going to keep that in check?”

  Chang nodded.

  “Good. Get out of here.”

  The other man jumped from his chair and fled the room, leaving the door wide open.

  Nick got up to close it but watched as Chang raced to the bathroom. At least that was one loose end he didn’t have to worry about any longer. All Nick would have to do would be to say “Oasis” and Chang would shape up.

  He went over to his desk and flipped through the tall stack of papers. Oh, the glorious life of a police captain. He separated the pages into four different piles, but couldn’t bring himself to start going through any of it just yet.

  Nick wandered over to the door and glanced out at the cubicles. Many were full, but one in particular was empty.

  A little too empty.

  He wandered over to Genevieve’s desk. All personal items had been removed. This was more than an administrative leave.

  His heart dropped. She’d left the force. That was the only explanation.

  Nick yanked open a drawer, hoping it was a mistake. Maybe someone had put the photos of her family and Tinsley in there.

  Just office supplies. He went through all of them, finding nothing of Genevieve’s.

  Hardly able to breathe, he stumbled back to his office and locked the door. He crashed onto the couch and fought to catch his breath.

  She’d left without so much as a text.

  He’d messed everything up. They’d had such a good thing going. Now it was over before it had even had a chance to start.

  Maybe he could try and find her to at least talk about what had happened.


  Zoey wiped some mist from the mirror and studied herself in the small space. Almost all the bruises were gone, though the rope burns around her wrists were still there if she looked hard enough.

  Her ankle had been back to normal pretty much since she returned from the hospital. But that had been the least of her concerns.

  She had a couple small scars—nothing that wouldn’t heal.

  It was the internal wounds that worried her. The nightmares hadn’t stopped. One after another, every single night.

  She’d kept everything to herself after giving all the details to the doctors and police.

  Alex had asked so many questions. He only cared, of course. The love and devotion in his eyes was undeniable.

  That was what made it worse. She couldn’t bear to tell him everything that had happened. She’d left out the worst assault. She could hardly handle thinking about it.

  But at some point, she was going to have to tell him.

  Zoey studied her now-clearer reflection, her gaze landing on her stomach. She rested her palm over her belly button.

  Her period hadn’t shown in the time she’d been back. She kept telling herself it was from the stress.

  But deep down, she knew the truth.

  She was carrying a psychopath’s child. And it was also hers.

  Yes, she would have to tell Alex about Dave’s final assault on her. There was no getting around it.

  Tears welled in her eyes. She turned away from her reflection and pulled on her clothes.

  Hot, angry tears spilled onto her cheeks. She’d thought she’d gotten them all out in the shower.

  Zoey took a deep breath. It was time to put on a happy face for everyone. She and Alex were taking Ariana to hang out with Nick and his kids.

  As she applied her makeup and f
ixed her hair, she thought about things that made her happy. Her daughter’s beautiful face. The love of her fiancé. Little baby Caden Alexander.

  Zoey gave herself a quick once-over. She looked normal, despite barely hanging on inside. She stepped into the hall and smiled at Sparky—named by Ariana—then patted him between the ears. “Almost time to get that cast off your leg, huh?”

  The faithful dog leaned against Zoey’s leg, wanting her to pet him some more. She obliged, partly wishing she could just stay in her apartment with him for the day. But she knew that every time she got out and lived her life, she not only grew stronger but she also gave Dave a figurative kick in the groin.

  She would win, not him. Her whole life was in front of her. He would be behind bars for the rest of his days if there was any justice in the world.


  Sparky ran over to the door as best he could, barking happily.

  Zoey took a deep breath and hurried over to open the door.

  Alex stood there, holding a bouquet of colorful flowers. He held them out for her. “These made me think of you.”

  She took them from him, then wrapped her arms around him, squeezing as tightly as she could as she blinked back tears. “You’re perfect, you know that?”

  He snickered. “Hardly, but I’m glad you think so.”

  “You are.” Zoey held him for a few more seconds before stepping into the apartment and putting the flowers in a vase. She kept her back to him so he wouldn’t see her struggling to keep her emotions in check. All she wanted to do was run to her room and give in to the tears. Instead she turned to Alex and smiled widely. “You’re a dream come true, you know that?”

  He came over and pulled her close. She stiffened at his touch, but quickly relaxed.

  Alex frowned, obviously aware of her initial reaction.

  Zoey raked her fingers through his hair. “Thank you so much for the flowers. I’m going to take pictures and show them off online.”

  He traced her lips with his thumb. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  She kissed his thumb. “Of course. What makes you ask?”

  “I just can’t help but think there was more to your ordeal than you’re letting on.”


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