Coletrane (Bad Boys of Retribution MC Book 4)

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Coletrane (Bad Boys of Retribution MC Book 4) Page 10

by Warren, Rie

  “Yesss,” she hissed.

  “Exclusive. Right?”

  “I don’t play around,” she agreed.

  “Just with me.” I cupped her perfect ass, jiggling it in my palms. “And so. You said no. You don’t want me to kiss all over this lush ass. Ride you with my fingers.”

  I wouldn’t tell her about the rimming action. That would just freak her out even more.

  My voice rumbled as I stared into her widening green gaze. “Lube you up. Get you all nice, and shiny . . . and wet inside and out.”

  The more I talked, the closer my fingertips moved toward what I knew to be a sweet little star of flesh that needed a cock driving deep inside.

  My cock.

  “Get you ready.” I licked her lips and pulled away when she greedily tried to attach her mouth to mine.

  “Getting you ready to take my cock back here. A heavy silver plug snuggled inside your tight ass, rubbing your cunt from the inside—”

  Sin moaned. “Damn you. I’ll do it.”

  “Nah. I don’t think so.” I sat back, flashing a wicked grin.

  Pouncing on me, she gripped my hair and lowered herself onto my lap. “After all that, damn right you’re going to do it.”

  I battled a grin and lost. “Okay.”

  She yanked my head back, and I freakin’ loved the lurch of heat that hit my groin. “You are mean.”

  Rolling my eyes, I gently cupped her tits as she grinded on my dick. “Yeah. Looks like you really mean that.” I dragged her against me, careful not to mash her breasts to my chest. “You staying another night?”

  “I should probably head home. Church in the morning and all that.”

  “Such a good girl.” I smirked.

  Taking off her top, she lifted up her tits—now pierced and even sexier. “Really?”

  I almost howled with need. Suddenly I shook from the intense arousal thundering through me.

  “And did I or did I not just agree to wear a plug for you?”

  “You’re gonna get a spanking for being so saucy.” I laid both my palms against her ass.

  Her lips on mine, she unzipped me. “God, I hope so.”

  Chapter Ten

  FOR THE NEXT COUPLE weeks, Sin had little time to hang out. She was in fast-paced mode, nailing down the final details for the thirtieth annual Fairley-Chatham Foundation Gala.

  I would’ve liked to have seen her more—sure—but it also meant the next time we were together would be that much hotter, sweeter, sweatier.

  And way more raunchy.

  To prep her for the bigger plug, I’d given her a slimmer, silicone insert to try out on her own.

  We were on speaker while she did it.

  “Are you using lube, precious?”

  “Yes,” she hissed. “Oh! Feels . . . weird.”

  “Work it in slowly.”

  What I wouldn’t give to be right there with her. My breath seethed. My cock throbbed.

  “Fuck. It’s all the way in, Cole.” Her voice strained.

  “Do you know how much I wanna jack off right now?”

  “Cole, sexy, I . . . oh, I’ve gotta touch myself.”

  I took out my cock. “Do it. Finger yourself. Let me hear it.”

  Either she was so totally soaking sound traveled, or she placed the phone right by her pussy, because the extreme wet sounds flooded my ears as her moans vibrated louder and louder.

  “I want my cock inside you, Sin.”


  “Not gonna touch it until I can fuck you again.”

  “Please. I want you to come with me.”

  I stroked my fist up the thick length then curled my fingers into the sheets. I wanted nothing more than to bash down on my cock with my knuckles linked, my fingers a tight tunnel. But I wanted her cunt more.

  “Pull out the plug and press it back in,” I ordered.

  “Oh, shit!”

  “How many fingers are you riding in your pussy, Sin?”

  “Two.” She gasped.

  “One more. You can take it. You want it.”

  The liquid sounds grew louder, her moans hotter. I wanted to come in the very worst way, milk my massive shaft, but Sin reached a screaming peak.

  “Cole! Ohhh. Oh, my god! Fuck. Fuck!”

  “You know what I’d do if I was there?”

  “Nnng. What?” She panted.

  “Lick every little drop of your juicy come, your hot body, then make you ride my cock.”

  “Cole,” she whimpered.

  “Did you like that in your ass?”

  “Jesus. You’re dirty.”

  “Says the woman who just fucked her asshole and her cunt at the same time.”

  “Don’t . . .”

  I slapped my cock against my palm loud enough Sin heard it over the phone. “That’s my dick, precious. And it’s all yours.”

  “I want it now.”

  “I know. Soon.”

  “Miss you.”

  “Mmm. Miss you too. You sweet hot babe.”

  “Goodnight, Cole.”

  “G’night, precious.”


  Sin managed to snag a free weekday night the Thursday after I’d pierced her. We didn’t waste any time getting down to it. As soon as she crashed her lips to mine, I knew it was on. I placed her away from me long enough to sate the mewling, screeching cat-thing with food, pats, and water before taking Sin into my bedroom.

  I checked on her nipples first. They were healing nicely. Quickly.

  All the better for me.

  “Have you played with them?” I asked.

  Her face flushed, but she maintained my gaze. “A little.”

  “Did you think about me?”


  I thumbed both bright peaks at the same time, applying a little pressure to the hoops. “Yeah. Looks like you’ve been taking real good care of these babies. So will I.”

  Jesus fucking Christ, her tight tips looked permanently aroused. I got my mouth over one of them, my fingers on the other. Testing her threshold, I pinched gently. I twirled my tongue. It was too soon to go full throttle, but that didn’t matter one bit. Her sensitive buds rose to my lips while she grasped my hair, unleashing a torrent of moans.

  Healing nicely all right. Real nice.

  Leaving her gasping on the bed, I took off my clothes, hers too, much more slowly.

  From the dresser, I retrieved the plug I’d ordered just for her.

  Sin shivered on the covers, but rolled over, raised her ass, bent her head to the mattress.

  Fuckin’ A.

  I almost lost it right there.

  Then she wiggled her ass.

  I was at explosion point. I knew her nipples rubbed the sheets. And from behind? Her rear end was the perfect heart shape, her pussy gleaming.

  Kneeling behind her, I shocked her when I placed the cool metal against her starred flesh.


  “Guess you like that then.” I chuckled as my body drew as tight as hers. “How about this?”

  Dropping the silver plug to the bed, I grabbed Sin’s ass in both hands and went at it. I licked every curve from the twin dimples at the base of her spine to her shoulders and back down to her waist.

  Her ass rose beneath me. I spread it with my hands. Pulling up a glossy skein of her clear, shiny moisture, I spread it around her untouched hole. My tongue followed, and I clasped her cheeks around my face, digging in deep. No teasing. No prep time.

  Sin coiled up and yelped, trying to push me away.

  No way that was gonna happen but I broke for a breath. “You like it. You’re just too scared.”

  I massaged up to her shoulders then grabbed her wrists, manacling them in one of my fists at the bottom of her spine.

  I swiped her ass all over with my tongue, planting little kisses. “Don’t make me tie you up and gag you, precious. Wanna hear every yell, feel every reaction from you.”

  My tongue lunged inside her tight forbidden hole.

  She seized around me.

  Withdrawing, I pulled her hands higher up her back. Raising her ass, lowering her face.

  “Such a hot ass needs to be fucked by a man who knows how to do it.” Like me. “So hot.” I kissed her rim as she suddenly relaxed, all fear, all fight leaving her. The ring opened. “So smooth. Do you have any idea how much your entire body, your incredible mind, turns me on, Sin?”

  She moaned into a pillow. “Tell me,” she said, pressing back for more.

  “Feel this.” I slapped her soaked cunt with my cock.

  The sound reverberated, loud and wet throughout the room.

  I returned to her tight rosy ring. This woman was expertly waxed from landing strip to asshole, leaving only soft and pampered flesh that opened up to me the more I lunged my tongue inside.

  When I introduced a fingertip, all she did was mewl.

  No pain. Slow entry. Thick lubed fingers sliding inside.

  “God, yesss.” She hugged a pillow beneath her and tilted her ass for more.

  Far be it for me to deny my woman.

  Two fingers widening her hole. She was hot as an inferno. I touched her clit, and she jumped, moaning.

  Three fingers.

  When the slim, silver torpedo-shaped nub skirted against her, she spread her thighs, hunkered low.

  My fingers stroked up her back. “It won’t hurt, precious. You’ll love this. Open up for me? Ease out.”

  Her body and mind in the zone, she tipped that last half inch up and her ass swallowed the tip.

  She gurgled in her throat.

  “Not very long, just a little bit wider.” My knuckles pressed her rear end open. My fingers created a gap that welcomed the swirled, soft-serve ice cream-shaped plug.

  And then everything clamped shut. Her ass closed over the metal plug until all that was visible was the shiny silver heart shape nestled into her ass cheeks. I bet she felt like molten lava inside.

  I wanted to be there.

  All I did was move Sin to her back. She reached for my cock.

  I kneeled beside her head. “Jack me off while I eat you out.”

  “I want you to fuck me.” Her pussy pressed up, an open wet flower.

  “This cock isn’t going in you until the benefit. I want you on fire.”

  “More than this?” She wet her fingers inside her mouth and trailed them down to her squelching flesh.

  “Yeah.” I pulled her slick hand to my hard dick. “Pump it.”

  My face between her legs, I lapped her inside and out, slicking every bit of womanly cream all over my face.

  Sin pulled my hips toward her, twisted her neck, and sunk me throat deep.

  My groin plunged. I face-fucked her. I couldn’t stop it if I tried.

  With her thighs ratcheted beneath my forearms, I lifted her to me, intent on her sex, her ass, and everything slippery in between.

  On my knees, I listened to her gargle, glug, moan.

  I tapped the base of the anal plug and watched her cunt blossom open in response. I sucked her like she tongue-bathed me. For every vein she licked, I went at her labia, pulling them open, inserting my fingers.

  She hollowed her cheeks, taking me inside and I found her g-spot.

  Sin screamed before I did. Two knuckles rubbing deep inside her, I made her orgasm in my face, on my hands.

  I turned around. Hovered over her chest. My cock beat its own heavy pulse against her lips, around her tits, inside her fisting hand.

  “Make me come. All over you.” I was so there. My nads tight.

  “On my tits?” Sin—pretty, precious princess—licked the head, and her lips glimmered with warm, clear pre-ejaculate.

  I drove inside her mouth, her throat. One more time, then it was over. Beyond my control. My entire body bucked. I painted her lips, her chin, breasts, and belly in streaks of white.

  There were friggin’ stars in my eyes when I finally flipped down beside her. I reached over and pulled her to me, and we lay there, warm, a little messy, kind of squishy and content.

  She had to head out a couple hours later, and I held her beside her car. The plug was safely tucked away in what was probably a one thousand dollar handbag. I didn’t have a clue about that fashion shit.

  Kissing her cheek, I instructed, “So, don’t wear it too long. And don’t forget the lube I bought you.”

  “This is your idea of saying a romantic goodnight?”

  My eyebrows shot up, and I kept going. “Every day. Just for a little bit because we’re gonna take it for a full test run soon.” Smoothing the hair from her face, I slanted her head. “And here’s your romance.”

  Our extreme kiss with her bowed over my forearm had my toes curling, and a lot more than my heart knocking.

  “How does that rate?” I drew Sin up to me.

  Her dazed eyes met mine, and she licked her already wet lips.

  Her fingers trembled as she went for the handle of the car door. “That rates.”

  I took over, opening her door, ushering her inside, kissing her one last time. “’Night, precious.”

  Chapter Eleven

  I BEGGED ZEB—THE owner of Inksanity—for an advance, telling him I’d work overtime to make it up ASAP. I wasn’t about to show up at some bigwig benefit with Sin on my arm looking like a down-and-out chump.

  With the cash in hand, I headed to Frankie the Tailor’s. Inside the tiny two-room shop he manned by himself, he cut me a deal. Probably because he thought I was sexy, but I didn’t care. All that mattered was the tux. Also, he could be one goddamn scary motherfucker with his true gangster, streets of New York past, not to mention the sword hidden inside the expensive cane he clearly did not need.

  He was Charleston’s original gay mobster and had been involved in Hunter’s fight against the Cuban Miami Muerte MC last December. As had I.

  The deal done, I had the tux in hand several days later because the black-plumed, bull-sized man did not fuck around when it came to his customers or his clothing.

  By the time the big to-do rolled around at the very beginning of September, I was ready, if not a little nervous. I’d be meeting Sin’s folks for the first time, and I wanted to make a good impression, not come across as some wrong side of the tracks loser.

  I’d borrowed Hunter’s Tahoe. The big, black, bulletproof ride wasn’t as swanky as a Bentley or whatever else the Chathams possibly had stored in their garage, but it was a damn sight more acceptable than the Harley, and I couldn’t possibly drive Sin on the back of my bike in a huge, expensive gown.

  I’d only considered that option for the hotness factor alone just once or twice.

  When I picked her up, she wasn’t waiting outside, ready to skip down the stairs of the giant, white marble pavilion. Stepping out of the SUV, I yanked down my shirt cuffs, inspected my polished shoes, and headed up the brickwork path to the mansion.

  The doorbell sent a chime throughout the house that I heard from the outside. I stepped back. Riffled my hands through my hair. Hastily tried to comb it back down. Fiddled with the wallet in my pocket, no chain—no chains at all—tonight.

  Through the tall, narrow windows on either side of the big doubles doors, I saw Sin descend a long polished staircase that curved out and widened toward the bottom.

  So out of my league.

  Then I simply stared. With my mouth hanging open and my eyes peeled wide. As more and more of her came into view, I took in the vision, feeling the need rub my eyes to make sure she wasn’t a mirage.

  When the door opened and she stepped out in front of me, I nearly fell flat on my ass.

  It was a gown. But it wasn’t some off-the-rack frilly prom thing. No. Sin approached me, shoulders back, hips moving, tits obvious in a half-classy, half-naughty version of hell fuckin’ yeah.

  Her shoulders were bare, the dress floor-length. The top of the sexy gown appeared sheer beneath bold black lace. From there, it cupped her tits, followed the lines of her body to her hips, and fell in sleek lines to her toes. The sleev
es that ended in a lacy ring around each of her middle fingers looked like gloves—see-through again except for the floral black lace. The entire goddam thing from top to bottom hinted at the idea of her naked breasts, her long legs and all that sinful flesh nearly visible if anyone looked closely enough.

  Whatever type of heels she wore added an extra four inches to her height because suddenly her lips were at my chin.

  “Sin,” I hissed when she tentatively touched me on the arm. “What the hell are you wearing?”

  “Custom made.” She twirled around. “You like?”

  Her sea-green eyes had never shone so bright, her red lips never so glossy.

  I wanted to bite them.

  “Like doesn’t quite cut it. Am I slobbering?”

  To complete the look, her hair was piled in rings and coils on top of her head, tendrils brushing her temples and shoulders.

  “You’re not slobbering.” She molded her body to mine. “And you look mighty damn fine too.”

  “It’s new.” I grunted.

  Fuck. We needed to get in the truck and get gone before I ripped the gown to shreds, let it fall at her feet, and fucked my way between her legs.

  “You shaved,” she murmured against my neck.

  No doubt I had. My skin tingled when her tongue and lips landed on the freshly bared flesh of my jaw and chin.

  “Yeah,” I muttered, my head notching back.

  “And aftershaved.” She sniffed at my neck, grasping my hips.

  “Cologne,” I managed to get out in a roughened voice.

  My cock said its own hello, striving against tight briefs and the fine material of the tuxedo pants.

  “Oh.” Sin leaned into the arm I held around her back. “You’re already hard. Wanna fuck me, Cole?”

  I bent after her, joining my lips with hers, coiling her tongue into my mouth. Flexing my pelvis, I nudged her where she threw off the most unbelievable heat.

  “Where’d you learn such bad language, young lady?”

  “From you.” Her shoulders rolled and she flipped her head up.

  “Yeah, I wanna fuck you. But we’ll get to that later.” I two-handed her ass, and she squeaked.

  Sin tried to free herself, but there was no way she was getting away from me. I spun us around, locked my arm around her waist, and we all but floated down the steps.


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