Dark Magic (Dark Series - book 4)

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Dark Magic (Dark Series - book 4) Page 21

by Christine Feehan

  A hand wrapped around the nape of his neck and held his head down. “Just breathe.” It was an order delivered in that same mesmerizing voice from the storehouse.

  Gary took in great gulps of air, fighting off the dizziness. He made a poor attempt at humor. “I’m sorry, but it’s not every day I meet someone like you.” When the hand slowly retreated from his neck, he straightened up to look at the tall, powerful figure looming over him. He had never seen a more dangerous-looking individual. He swallowed his fear. “Are you going to kill me?” The words slipped out unintentionally.

  Stop looking like the big, bad wolf

  Savannah suggested.

  You’re going to give the poor man a heart attack.

  Gregori sighed, exasperated. “If I was going to kill you, you would already be dead. What reason would I have for taking your life?”

  Gary shrugged. “None, I hope.” He stood up carefully and let his breath out slowly. Up close the man looked even more dangerous. Like a hungry jungle cat.

  “I have already fed this night,” Gregori said dryly.

  “You’re reading my thoughts, aren’t you?” Gary tried to keep the excitement out of his voice. He had always wanted to meet the real thing. Always. From the first vampire movie he had ever seen, he had been fascinated, hooked. He was scared, no question about that, but this was the chance of a lifetime. “I’ve seen you. Does that mean you have to kill me? You let the girl go because she never saw you.”

  Gregori nodded toward the street, and they both began walking, slowly putting the chaotic scene behind them. “No one would believe you if you told them. In any case, I could easily remove your memory of our meeting. The girl will not remember you.”

  “I can hardly believe this myself. You’re right, you know. If I told you my own parents, they’d have me locked up. This is awesome, completely awesome.” He spun around in a circle, his fists clenched in victory. “Man, this is great.”

  Bring him home, Gregori,

  Savannah suggested.

  Not a chance, Savannah. This one is crazy, too. I do not need the two of you driving me nuts. Why would anyone with a half a brain want to meet one of us?

  “I joined the society to see if they had any real evidence of the existence of—” Gary hesitated— “vampires. You are a vampire, right?”

  “You might think so,” Gregori said noncommittally.

  “They said they had this vampire blood, you know. At first I thought it might be a hoax, but it was unusual, real interesting stuff. I’d never seen anything like it. I’m a biochemist, and this was such an opportunity. The blood made a believer out of me.” His words were tumbling over one another in an effort to get out. “Everyone thought I was crazy, even the members of the society, but I thought it might be really cool to establish contact with a real vampire. Unfortunately, they just wanted to capture them and slice them up.”

  Gregori shook his head over the naivetй of human beings. “Did it occur to you that a vampire might be a very dangerous creature? That maybe to lure one out into the open would cause your own death? Perhaps even the death of your family? Everyone you loved or cared about?”

  “Why? Why would a vampire necessarily do that?” Gary challenged. He was clearly a man who thought the best of everyone.

  Do you see why I avoid humans, ma


  They are silly, exasperating creatures. You like him. You can’t hide it from me, even if you try to hide it from yourself. Invite him home. Not for all the trees on this earth. I want to meet him. Savannah.

  She was up to no good, he was certain of it. Gregori’s hand went to the back of his neck, massaging deeply.

  What I should do is scare the holy hell out of him so he will get over this nonsense.

  “So, are you?” Gary asked.

  “Am I what?” Gregori was distracted. Why had he ever talked to this fool in the first place? Because Savannah was making him crazy. Savannah had made him do something dumb. He had read Gary’s mind and found him to be an interesting, likable person.

  Don’t blame me.

  She sounded innocent.

  “Are you a cold-blooded killer? Would you kill my family and friends?” Gary persisted.

  “Yes to the first question,” Gregori answered honestly. “And a true vampire is a great deceiver. Surely you have read the legends that vampires often lure humans into their power? A true vampire would destroy you and all you love. That is his sole enjoyment. Do not ever wish an encounter with a vampire upon yourself. As to killing you and your family, were you to threaten mine, I would not hesitate.”

  Gary stopped walking and stared up at the man beside him. Gregori moved through time and space soundlessly. His unusual silver eyes were mesmerizing, as was his beautiful voice. He moved like a predator, his eyes unblinking and restless. Everything about him screamed danger, yet Gary was strangely drawn to him. He could have listened forever to the sound of that voice. “You aren’t kidding me, are you? But are you saying you aren’t a vampire?”

  “I am a hunter of the undead, a destroyer. There is, however, a true vampire among the members of the society you are in league with. He will destroy them all.” The voice was soft and dispassionate, without expression.

  Gary pushed a hand through his hair. “You’re telling me all this because you’re planning to take away my memory of you, aren’t you?”

  The silver eyes settled on Gary’s face with regret. “I can do no other. I should not have revealed myself to you, but you had great courage, and your one wish that I could grant to you was to allow you to meet something of what you sought.”

  You’re so sweet, Gregori,

  Savannah purred, her voice strong in his mind.

  I am not sweet,

  he objected strenuously.

  “I don’t know what I did to deserve this,” Gary said, “but I’m really grateful.”

  “You tried to save both the girl and me. I did not believe one of your kind, from your ‘society,’ would ever attempt to come to the aid of one of one of my kind.” Gregori was truthful because he felt the human warranted it.

  “You can trust me, you know. I’m not about to give away your secret. Aren’t there any humans who know the truth?”

  “They are in constant danger. I would not wish that for you.”

  You are the sweetest man,

  Savannah inserted softly, her voice brushing at him. Echoing.

  Gregori frowned.


  ? Close. He swung around, cursing in French, an eloquent dissertation that had Gary cringing. Savannah, however, simply took Gregori’s arm and smiled up at him, the stars in her eyes dancing. She was like that. Distracting him and then slamming him sideways with her smile. With her blue-violet eyes with their accursed star centers. She didn’t even have the decency to look repentant.

  Don’t be angry, Gregori. I was lonesome in the house all by myself. Are you really, really angry? Or just a little angry?

  Her voice was soft, a siren’s whisper, made of silk sheets and candlelight. Her long lashes were thick and heavy, a sweep of magic that caught his eye and held it there.

  It is impossible for you to be lonely when you are always running around in my head.

  “You’re Savannah Dubrinsky.” Gary breathed her name reverently. “My God, I should have guessed.”

  Gregori’s entire demeanor changed, becoming all at once menacing and dangerous. His face was etched in stone, his mouth hard and faintly cruel. The hair on the back of Gary’s neck literally stood up. He swallowed hard and instinctively moved a little distance from the woman. Not that he blamed the man, creature, whatever, but his reaction was more that of untamed beast than civilized man. Gary was taking no chances.

  Savannah laughed softly. She leaned into the man despite Gregori’s restraining arm. “He can read your mind,” she reminded Gary softly, her breath swirling with tantalizing warmth over his neck.

  He jumped away as if he’d been burned, his face flamed cr
imson, and he looked guiltily at Gregori.

  Gregori’s dark features relaxed. The hard edge to his mouth softened. “Do not worry, Gary, she is incorrigible. Even I have trouble with her. I cannot blame you for what I myself cannot control.” His arm swept around Savannah’s small waist, and he tucked her beneath his shoulder.

  Are you angry?

  The smile was fading from her eyes, her mouth.

  Gregori tightened his hold on her when her step faltered.

  We can discuss this at home,


  You are already here; you may as well give the boy a thrill. But I warn you, not too big a thrill.

  She relaxed her body into his. That quickly. That easily. As if she belonged, his other half. He was beginning to believe it might be possible.

  Her smile sent a bolt of lightning right through Gary. “Would you like to go to the Cafe du Monde?” she asked. “It’s still open. We can sit there and talk for a while.”

  Gary glanced at Gregori’s impassive face. Who could deny her anything? She was like something mysterious and magical from another world. Gregori looked as merciless and ruthless as ever, his dark, dangerous features granite, his silver eyes cold and glittering with menace. But his posture was protective, the arm circling her waist, tender. Gary turned his face away to hide a smile. Vampires seemed to have women problems, too.

  “Would you like to join us at the Cafe du Monde?” Gregori asked him quietly, already changing direction. They turned down Saint Ann Street toward Decatur and Jackson Square.

  As they passed the famous St. Louis Cathedral, Gary cleared his throat. “I always wanted to know, is it true the vampire can’t go onto sacred ground? Will a cross help to protect a person, or is that hogwash?”

  “The vampire cannot go onto sacred ground. His soul is lost for all time. It is his choice; he made the decision to become vampire,” Gregori answered softly. “Do not make the mistake of feeling sorry for the vampire. He is truly evil.”

  “You’re blowing all my theories,” Gary said sadly.

  “What are your theories?” Savannah asked, her blue eyes steady on his face. It made him feel as if he were the only man in the world, as if whatever he said was terribly important to her.

  Gregori stirred restlessly. The cold, merciless eyes swept over Gary, leaving a bad taste in the human’s mouth. He wanted to tell the creature he couldn’t help himself, that Savannah was just too sexy. But he had the distinct feeling the admission wouldn’t win him any favors. Instead, Gary kept his gaze steadfastly away from her haunting beauty and his thoughts centered on his excitement of being with such mythical creatures of the night. His lifelong dream.

  “You were going to tell us of your theories,” Gregori prompted gently.

  They crossed the street with a crowd of wandering tourists. Gregori was all too aware of most of them staring at his lifemate. Heads turned as she stood on the edge of the cafe’s patio, where tables were set close together.

  One of the waiters waved them toward an empty table, then recognized Savannah, gawking for a brief moment, then hurrying to take their order.

  Gregori sat with his back to a thick post, partially hidden in the shadows, his eyes restless, all senses on alert. He couldn’t afford to let his guard down. Somewhere in this city was a powerful vampire with a legion of human puppets to do his bidding.

  Savannah signed several autographs, chatting briefly with each person who came to their table. Gregori’s hand was on the nape of her neck, his fingers moving soothingly, tenderly, against her bare skin. He found himself very proud of her. But by the time their coffee and baguettes arrived, even Gary wanted to be rid of the fans pressing close.

  Gregori summoned the waiter and leaned close, his voice hypnotic. “Savannah has been happy to provide autographs for your patrons, but she needs to have time for herself to enjoy your superb coffee right now.” The suggestion was a clear order, the silver eyes capturing the waiter and giving him no chance to do anything but agree.

  Savannah smiled her thanks as the waiters provided her with loose protection from the tourists pressing around them.

  “Is it like this everywhere you go?” Gary asked.

  “Pretty much.” Savannah shrugged calmly. “I don’t really mind. Peter always—” She broke off abruptly and brought the steaming cup to her mouth.

  Gregori could feel sorrow beating at her, a crushing stone weighing down her heart. His hand slipped down her arm to lace his fingers through hers. At once he poured warmth and comfort into her mind, the sensation of his arms around her body, holding her close. “Peter Sanders always took care of the details surrounding Savannah’s shows. He was very good at shielding her. He was murdered after her last show out in San Francisco.” He provided the information quietly to Gary.

  “I’m sorry,” Gary said instantly, meaning it. Her distress was evident in her large blue eyes. They shimmered with sorrow.

  Gregori brought Savannah’s hand to the warmth of his mouth, his breath heating the pulse beating in her wrist.

  The night is especially beautiful,

  mon petit amour.

  Your hem saved the girl, walks among the humans, and converses with a fool. That alone should bring a smile to your face. Do not weep for what we cannot change. We will make certain that this human with us comes to no harm. Are you my hero, then?

  There were tears in her voice, in her mind, like an iridescent prism. She needed him, his comfort, his support under her terrible weight of guilt and love and loss.

  Always, for all eternity,

  he answered instantly, without hesitation, his eyes hot mercury. He tipped her chin up so that she met the brilliance of his silver gaze.


  mon amour. His molten gaze trapped her blue one and held her enthralled.

  Your heart grows lighter. The burden of your sorrow becomes my own.

  He held her gaze captive for a few moments to ensure that she was free of the heaviness crushing her.

  Savannah blinked and moved a little away from him, wondering what she had been thinking of. What had they been talking about?

  “Gary.” Gregori drawled the name slowly and sat back in his chair, totally relaxed. He looked like a sprawling tiger, dangerous and untamed. “Tell us about yourself.”

  “I work a lot. I’m not married. I’m really not much of a people person. I’m basically a nerd.”

  Gregori shifted, a subtle movement of muscles suggesting great power. “I am not familiar with this term.”

  “Yeah, well, you wouldn’t be,” Gary said. “It means I have lots of brains and no brawn. I don’t do the athlete thing. I’m into computers and chess and things requiring intellect. Women find me skinny, wimpy, and boring. Not something they would you.” There was no bitterness in his voice, just a quiet acceptance of himself, his life.

  Gregori’s white teeth flashed. “There is only one woman who matters to me, Gary, and she finds me difficult to live with. I cannot imagine why, can you?”

  “Maybe because you’re jealous, possessive, concerned with every single detail of her life?” Gary plainly took the question literally, offering up his observations without judgment. “You’re probably domineering, too. I can see that. Yeah. It might be tough.”

  Savannah burst out laughing, the sound musical, rivaling the street musicians. People within hearing turned their heads and held their breath, hoping for more. “Very astute, Gary. Very, very astute. I bet you have an enormous IQ.”

  Gregori stirred again, the movement a ripple of power, of danger. He was suddenly leaning into Gary. “You think you are intelligent? Baiting the wild animal is not too smart.”

  Gary’s laughter joined with Savannah’s. “You


  reading my mind! I knew it. I knew you weren’t kidding me. That is so cool. How do you do that? Can humans, do you suppose?” For a moment he had been intimidated, but the laughter in Savannah’s eyes eased his tension.

  Savannah and Gregori exchange
d a smile. It was Gregori who answered. “I know for certain there are a few humans who possess such a talent.”

  “I wish I had it. What else can you do?”

  “I thought we were discussing you,” Gregori said softly, somehow unwilling to leave the human with his own unflattering perception of himself. “I have never met a human male with more courage and insight than you displayed tonight, and I have lived a long time. Do not sell yourself so short. Perhaps you bury yourself in your work to avoid the pain of a failed relationship.”

  Savannah’s long lashes swept her cheeks as she hid her expression. This from a man who perceived himself a monster. Who claimed not to feel for anyone or anything.

  Gary took a sip of the celebrated coffee and a quick bite of the baguettes the Cafe du Monde was so famous for. He found them delicious. He noticed that the couple across the table from him appeared to be eating, but he wasn’t certain they really were. What were they? Why did he feel so comfortable with them? He liked their company. He felt invigorated by it. Soothed by it. Interesting observation, when the man was rather like a dangerous, cornered animal, lethal at any provocation. He had witnessed the power the man possessed.

  What if what the man said was true? What if vampires were great deceivers? What if the man sitting so casually across from him was deceiving him? Gary studied the impassive face. It was impossible to tell his age. His was a harsh beauty, with a hint of cruelty, yet he was incredibly handsome. He passed a hand over his face. How did one know?

  “That is the problem with the vampire, Gary,” Gregori counseled softly. “There is no way a human can tell the difference between what is the hunter and what is the vampire.”

  Gary noticed he used the word




  . What was he?

  “To enter our world is very dangerous,” Savannah added gently. She went to lay a hand on Gary’s arm in her naturally sympathetic way, but a low, fierce growl issuing from Gregori’s throat stopped her. She put her hand in her lap.

  Gregori ran a fingertip along her knuckles in a kind of apology for his failure to overcome his possessive ways.


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