Edward (BBW Western Bear Shifter Romance) (Rodeo Bears Book 1)

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Edward (BBW Western Bear Shifter Romance) (Rodeo Bears Book 1) Page 99

by Becca Fanning

  Her rescuer did a quick lick on the drums then stood to hold out his hand to the other man.

  “I’m Luke Saint of The Four Saints,” he said.

  “Well, I am glad to meet you,” the man said. “I’m Chad Burton—the son half of Burton and Son Music. Thought you looked familiar. My wife and I caught your band over at the Full Moon the other night.”

  “That was fun,” Luke said, handing Burton the brushes.

  “I’ll wrap these up for you, if you like.”

  “I do. They have a great sound. Much lighter than the ones I’m using now.”

  “Going to be doing some nice ballads, then?”

  “Yeah. My new sister-in-law writes beautiful ones. We’re trying to get her to sing with us. Hopefully soon.”

  “That going to make you The Five Saints?”

  Luke laughed and pulled out his wallet to pay for the new drum sticks. “Could be, though don’t pass that on. Addy’s okay about recordin’ with us, but she’s not too keen on gettin’ on stage in front of an audience.”

  Chad grinned as he handed Luke his change. “I won’t say anything, then. Pam would have it all over town in a day. She sure liked you boys.” He sighed, shaking his head.

  Luke laughed again. “Don’t worry, man. You can tell your wife that my two older brothers got themselves married over the past few months.”

  “Now, won’t that be a disappointment to some of the ladies,” Chad said, though he himself looked relieved. “Looks like you got yourself a girlfriend, too.”

  Candace froze when she realized he was talking about her. Luke grinned and crossed to put his arm around her.

  “Workin’ on it, anyway.”

  “Looks like she got caught out in that gully-washer this morning.”

  “That she did,” Luke said, hugging her close before turning toward the door.

  “You all have great day, now.”

  “Thanks. You too,” Luke said, reaching for the door.

  But Candace spotted a movement outside and held him back. Luke glanced out and saw the giant black car creeping along the sidewalk. He didn’t hesitate.

  “Hey, Chad,” he said, pulling her back away from the door, “you got a back door to this place?”

  Chad looked up. “Sure, but I keep it locked.”

  “Mind if we use it?” Luke asked. “There’s this car that’s been followin’ us around all mornin’, and I see it out there, now.”

  “Want me to call the cops?” Chad asked, concerned.

  “No, no. They’re probably harmless, but they’re botherin’ my girl. Can you just let us out the back door? We can catch a cab on the next street over and get away before they can follow us.”

  “Sure. No problem.”

  As he started toward the back, Luke caught sight of one of their CDs on display on the peg board behind the counter. It had already been opened, apparently for playing in the store, so he grabbed it, pulled a pen out of his pocket, opened the plastic case, and pulled the cover out.

  “You’re wife’s ‘Pam,’ right?” he asked.


  Luke signed the cover “To Pam” with a flourish then put the case together again and handed it back to Burton.

  “For your wife and the favor,” he told him with a grin. “The next time you all come to hear us, bring it, and I’ll get my brothers to sign it, too.”

  “Thanks, man!”

  Chad led the way back, turned off the alarm, and let them out the rear door.

  “You all take care now, hear?”

  “You, too,” Luke said. “And thanks.”

  It must be nice, Candace thought as she hurried to keep up with Luke. She’d read about celebrities, of course, but this was the first time she’d seen one in action. Then she thought of the easy, friendly conversation between Luke and the store owner and decided that maybe it hadn’t been celebrity after all. Maybe it was just because Luke was a nice guy.

  They came out of the alley onto a cross street, and Luke stepped to the curb to flag down a cab. He kept her hand in his. Probably just to keep me from bolting with his coat, she thought, but it felt good, just the same. Then a taxi pulled up, and Candace froze, as Luke opened the back door and stepped aside to allow her to enter first.

  “I know you’re still not sure of me,” he said, keeping his voice soft, so the cab driver wouldn’t hear. “And you can keep the coat, even if you don’t get in. But I can promise you’ll be better off for comin’ with me. My sister-in-law will be at rehearsal today, too, so she’ll be able to make you feel a little safer, I think. I know me and my brothers can seem kinda overwhelmin’ if you’re not used to us.”

  “You think?” she said, without thinking about it then clamped a hand over her mouth in embarrassment.

  Luke only grinned. “Yeah. That’s what both of my new sisters tell us, anyway.”

  Candace took a deep breath. How could she tell this man that it wasn’t really him she feared? She was eighteen years old today and had never been in a car before. She’d been literally a prisoner all her life, though it wasn’t until her mother’s confession yesterday that Candace had really appreciated it. She still felt like the biggest fool on the earth.

  “Meter’s running,” the cab driver called out.

  “Don’t worry about it,” Luke said to the man.

  He turned back to Candace. “So. What’ll it be?”

  Candace took another deep breath then stepped into the car.

  “Good choice,” Luke murmured.

  He gave the address to the driver, and they were off. Candace could only stare out the window. She had seen plenty of television shows and movies and car commercials, but she’d never experienced the thrill of moving so fast herself. And they weren’t even moving that fast, she realized when she spied a much larger road off to the right and saw how quickly those cars and trucks were moving. She hugged herself, hoping Luke wouldn’t notice her hands were shaking.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  She should have known better.

  “I’m getting there,” she said.

  He smiled again, and she felt the warmth of it. She had to admit, if she had to be rescued by someone, it was good that it was by someone like Luke. Whether or not his brothers would approve was another story.

  Before she knew it, they were pulling up to a gray-painted block building. There were large windows in front, and what looked like a stone house attacked to the back. The street was tree-lined, so it felt very much like a neighborhood hangout, rather than a fancy recording studio.

  But then, what do I know? she wondered. The performance “theater” in the House had once been a parlor. It had been enlarged, she’d been told, when the Manager had decided to add dinner and musical entertainment to the other nighttime entertainment. At least if Luke’s band was recording, there wouldn’t be an audience, and hopefully this Four Saints group would be too busy to pay much attention to her. The longer she was with them, the longer she was safe from the Manager’s minions, so she hoped they’d let her stay with them at least until she could figure out what to do next. She had no money, no identification, no real identity outside of the House, thanks to her mother’s deal with the Manager.

  Dear God, what am I going to do?

  But Luke was paying the taxi driver, and then he was guiding her to the front door. The sign beside the door said, “Grand Avenue Studios,” so at least Luke was telling the truth about their destination.

  Inside, the place was warm and inviting, with comfortable-looking upholstered chairs and a sofa in the entry. There was a front desk, manned by a young woman with unnaturally red streaks in her blond hair. She wore an incredible assortment of rings and studs in her ears, eyebrows and lip, and when she spoke, they could see she had a gold ball on the end of her tongue. Everything she wore was at least one size too small, and Candace was pretty sure this young woman’s assets were manmade. Candace suppressed a shudder. Some of the women in the House had similar adornments and enlarged breasts,
but the Manager had never even allowed her to pierce her ears. It was the one restriction she hadn’t minded.

  “Hey, darlin’,” Luke greeted the young woman.

  “Hey, Luke! ’Bout time you got here. You’re uncle’s startin’ to pace the floor.”

  “He’ll get over it,” Luke said, quickly guiding Candace past the obviously curious receptionist.

  “Hey, I thought you’d give me a shot at singin’ with the band, and here you’re bringin’ in a stranger?”

  “Nah,” Luke said. “She’s just a friend—here to watch the session.

  “Don’t stop,” he whispered under his breath as he pushed Candace along. “Marley, there, will talk you’re ear off. She’s one of those Dolly Parton wannabes, but unfortunately, her voice doesn’t match her bra size.”

  Candace actually giggled. She couldn’t help it. Luke was that obviously relieved to have her there as an excuse to not talk to the Marley girl. His grin helped her to relax completely. Then he opened a door, ushered her in before him, and her ease turned to panic. There were four men and two women there, apparently waiting for Luke.

  “About time, bro,” one of the others said.

  The men were all clearly related to Luke. Each had the same size and build, the same dark, shaggy hair. Four more sets of the same dark golden eyes studied her closely.

  “I got delayed,” Luke said. “Get over it.”

  “Uh-huh,” the oldest of the group said standing and stretching. “You do know how much we’re paying for this session, don’t you?”

  “Sure. Look, you can take the overtime out of my pay, but I had something important come up.”

  The older man looked at Candace through narrowed eyes. “Uh-huh.”

  “Knock it off, Uncle Bart!”

  Candace knew there was something unusual about the way Luke had spoken to the man who was apparently his uncle by the way everyone else reacted to his sharp tone.

  “Hey, it’s okay,” one of the women said, quickly rising. “Everything’s okay, here. Nobody’s going to dock anybody’s pay, all right?”

  The least threatening of the group, the woman was a couple of inches shorter Candace’s own five-foot-six, with an attractive figure wrapped in a teal blue wool dress. Her otherwise clear, fair complexion was dotted with freckles, and she had pulled her shoulder-length curly auburn hair back into a low pony tail, which was wrapped in a matching teal scrunchie. The woman’s clear blue eyes matched Candace’s own.

  “I’m Mel,” she said, coming forward and offering Candace her hand. “I’m married to the one with the guitar. He’s Matt.”

  Her smile was open and friendly, and Candace allowed herself to relax a fraction.

  “I’m Candace,” she said, accepting the offered hand.

  “Geeze! I can’t believe I forgot to ask you your name!” Luke said, clearly disgusted with himself.

  Candace found a smile for him. “That’s okay. You were busy.”

  “Looks like you got soaked by the rain,” Mel said.

  “I’m afraid so. Luke was nice enough to lend me his coat.”

  “You should sit over here,” the other woman said, waving to the chair she had just vacated which was sitting in front of some kind of grid. “The heat’s on.

  “I’m Addy,” she added shyly. “The guy with the bass is my husband, Mark.”

  Candace could only stare at Addy, who was a couple of inches taller than she was. Her complexion was darker, as though she spent a lot of time in the sun, and her sandy-blond hair was styled in an artsy, feathery short cut. It was her eyes that caught, Candace’s attention, though, for they were the same deep gold as those of the men. Candace automatically took the other woman’s hand, but Addy must have felt her trembling, because she released it quickly.

  “No one here’s gonna hurt you, Candace,” Addy said, her voice soft and low. “Just take a seat and get warmed up. We have work to do, so relax and enjoy it.”

  Candace managed to return the other woman’s smile but was grateful to follow Mel to the other side of the room. The heat felt good, and it was just possible she would stop trembling, if she could only get warm. Then she caught the older man’s piercing gaze and knew it couldn’t be that easy.

  “Okay, then,” Bart said. “Let’s get started.

  “Can we assume you at least managed to buy new brushes?” he asked Luke.

  “Right here.” Luke smiled at Addy. “I think you’re gonna like the new sound, Addy.”

  “I’m sure I will.”

  “The short one is John,” Mel told Candace, joining her near the heat vent as the guys picked up their instruments and Uncle Bart entered the recording booth behind them. “And the big one is Uncle Bart.”

  Candace wanted to laugh. John was only small in comparison to everyone else, and they were all “big” as far as she was concerned. Still, “Uncle Bart” was broader than the others, and he looked as though he was a good ten years older than the oldest brother, Matt.”

  “Don’t worry,” Mel whispered. “Bart’s really not as scary as he looks.”

  “I guess I’ll have to take your word for it,” Candace murmured, though it wasn’t really necessary since the boys were beginning to rehearse.

  They warmed up with a quick, up-tempo number about a dog named Cecil. The lyric was hilarious, and Candace found herself smiling as she tapped a foot and hummed along. The boys all sang bass or baritone, and they blended beautifully. The brothers had all played and sung together for years—that much was obvious—but Addy seemed to fit right in, playing guitar, too, though she only joined in on the singing for the choruses. Candace wasn’t certain why—the other woman had a beautiful alto voice—then between numbers, Mel solved the mystery for her.

  “Addy sings beautifully, but she refuses to sing on-stage with the boys. They’ve talked her into adding her voice when they record, but she won’t sing in public. I’m still trying to convince her—my boss really wants to sign her—but it’s a work in progress.”

  Candace nodded her understanding. The studio was a safe place to perform. She herself had always been terrified to sing and dance in front of an audience, so she could relate to Addy’s hesitation.

  “All right then,” Bart said over the intercom. “Sounds good boys—and girl. Let’s try out those new brushes, Luke. Give me Addy’s “Love Me Always.”

  Candace heard Mel sigh. “She did perform this song live with the band one time—at our wedding,” she said. Her eyes had taken on a dreamy quality. “She made it a wedding present.”

  Candace sighed herself as the song began. It was a beautiful love song, slow and dreamy, about a man giving his heart to his woman and asking that she return it to him intact. Addy’s voice was lovely and pure, and one look at Matt and Mark showed both men were singing it to their wives—and always would.

  When it was finished, Bart spoke again. “Very nice, Addy darlin’,” he said, and even he sounded affected by the music this time.

  But Addy was shaking her head. “I have to fix the key change for the final chorus,” she said. “That final time through needs the female voice on top, but I just can’t hit those notes.”

  “I’ll bet Candace can,” Mel said, and Candace suddenly found herself the center of attention.


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