Prime Commander (Katieran Prime Series)

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Prime Commander (Katieran Prime Series) Page 5

by K. D. Jones

  Why can’t Jaxon find a nice mama’s boy like Prime Leader RendEL? NO, she only meets big tall muscular assholes. Whatever, she isn’t trying to meet anyone anyway. Speak of the devil. The Commander walks into the suite.

  “We need to discuss this further.” Kyd says to Ren. They spend the next 10 minutes arguing over letting Jaxon move in. In the end, Ren gets his way.

  To make the situation more uncomfortable, Jaxon’s watch vibrates. Damn it. She sighs as she excuses herself and goes into what she assumes is Cassie’s new bedroom. Some days, she really hates her job.

  For a short time, living with Cassie and the Doc was wonderful. They had late night discussions about their ex-boyfriends. They enjoyed movie nights together. It was nice to have friends to hang out with and blow off some steam.

  But, good things never seem to last for Jaxon. It doesn’t take long for Cassie and the Prime Leader RendEL to give into their feelings for one another. They start to see each other regularly. More and more Cassie stays overnight at Ren’s place, until most of her things are there anyway.

  It wasn’t a surprise to Jaxon or Kat when Cassie told them that she and Ren would mate officially. Now they were planning a mating ceremony, the Katieran version of a wedding. Jaxon was happy for her friend, but she felt a little left out. It was just her and Kat living in the big suite. The Commander hadn’t demanded she move back to her original quarters.

  She and Kat got along really well. The doctor was young for her position. Kat was a child prodigy or something. She graduated high school at the age of 14 and got into the top medical school in the country. As smart as Kat was, she was still just as lonely as Jaxon.

  Time seemed to fly by. The mating ceremony was for the next day. Tonight, Jaxon and Kat were giving Cassie a bachelorette party. They invited SandELa and AriELa too. She wanted to get one of the Katieran men to come and dance for them but decided against it because of how possessive Ren was over Cassie.

  Jaxon had one more assignment today with her team before she could head up to the suite to get things ready for tonight. They were assigned to check the flight control panels on all the shuttles. It was a decent assignment for once. She was still going to flight simulators and was ready to get her hands on the real thing again.

  The other team members were done with the shuttles they were checking on, so Jaxon sent them on their way. When she was finally done, she started to make her way back to the prime building. Her heart almost stopped beating. She noticed two men carried Cassie into a shuttle followed by the Prime Leader’s crazy ex-girlfriend.

  She hit her Comm link, “This is Captain Malone on the landing field. We have a security breach. Two men and a woman are taking Cassandra Tomlin on board a shuttle. I am checking it out.”

  The Second Commander responds immediately. “Captain, do not approach. We are sending a security detail now.”

  “Sorry Second Commander, there is not enough time. They’ve managed to fire up the shuttle engines. I have to act now but will leave my Comm link open.” Jaxon runs full speed to get to the shuttle before the doors close.

  “Good of you to join us Captain Malone. I believe the good Senator has met his limitations with the shuttle here.” The blond man says.

  Shit. It was that scum bucket that got Cassie pregnant, Scott McCormick. Erica Rowe was in the co-pilot’s seat and her daddy, Senator Rowe, was in the pilot’s seat.

  “Are you okay?” She asks Cassie who is sitting on a chair breathing hard.

  Cassie just nods her head. Shit. Cassie doesn’t look so good. She remembers that she has her Comm link open. Ren will want to know what is happening. “You’re breathing really hard.”

  “Shut up!” Scott yells at her. Senator Rowe points a gun in her direction. She could disarm him easily but worries that Cassie might get shot accidentally. “You will take Senator Rowe’s spot in the Pilot’s seat. Take us up or I shoot her right here and now.”

  Jaxon had no choice but fire up the shuttle. She hoped the cavalry arrived soon.

  Chapter 5

  Three days later

  Cassie had her twins. Two beautiful little girls they named GabriELa and IsabELa. They were Jaxon’s nieces and her only family. These two little babies pulled at her heart strings like no one else had ever done before. She didn’t know what life was like without them. Now, it was time for Cassie and Prime Leader RendEL’s mating ceremony.

  The ceremony had taken place on the white sandy beach by the Waters of Katiera. It was a stunning setting with the two suns in the background. Afterwards, they had the reception inside the prime building in a room that was similar to a ballroom. Man, they went all out for this thing. Jaxon was seriously impressed. Well, it made sense with Cassie becoming a Prima and all. This was just weird.

  Jaxon stepped onto the balcony for a moment to get some fresh air. She heard a commotion in the corner, almost in the shadows. She stepped a little closer and then froze in her tracks. She had invaded a private moment between Kat and Prime Medic SydEL.

  “I said step back Prime Medic SydEL!”

  “And I said to call me Syd.” Prime Medic SydEL stalked the human doctor until her back hit the wall of the building.

  Kat attempts to dash past him but his large hands reach out and grabs her. He is gentle but firm as he pulls her into his arms. He lowers his nose to her neck and takes a deep sniff. He doesn’t try to hold back the growl that rumbles out of him. “You smell so good female.”

  “It’s my perfume.” Her voice sounds breathless.

  “You don’t wear any perfume Kat.” He presses his lips against the skin on her neck.

  Shit. Jaxon needed to get out of here before she saw more than she wanted to. She slowly started stepping backwards. She was getting closer and closer to the balcony entrance. She bumped into a statue of some sort. She quickly spun and dashed back into the ballroom, hoping that no one saw her.

  Kat and Prime Medic SydEL? Wow. Kat had never said a word to her or Cassie about him. She was going to have to make a point to question her for details later.

  “Excuse me Captain Malone. May I have this dance?” A deep male voice startles her from behind.

  She turned around and had to crane her head to gaze up into the dark green eyes of Commander TylOR of the Kiljorns. The Kiljorns were another alien nation that the Katierans were trying to negotiate an alliance with. The man was at least 7’ tall. He had a shaved bald head which was very exotic among the alien men. All the men she had met so far had hair. She found his bald head extremely sexy. The pale green shirt he wore was stretched to its capacity by his large muscles. And those gold pupils made him one of the most beautiful creatures she had ever seen.

  “I would love to dance with you. And call me Jaxon.” She walks into his waiting arms.

  He grabs her and presses her tight against his body. “Call me TylOR.” His deep voice rumbles.

  Kyd watched from the shadows as Jaxon pressed her body against the Kiljorn male. It didn’t matter to him that they were supposedly dancing. Did the female not know what a temptation she was? Or, did she know and enjoy teasing males? This thought angered him. If that was the case, then he would put a stop to it immediately.

  Jaxon knew she had drunk too much Katieran Juice. Katieran Juice was like Earth’s wine except it was a lot stronger. She felt warm and very, very relaxed. She didn’t even protest when TylOR put his hands on her backside. It kind of felt nice. It had been a long time since anyone touched her as a woman. She felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around.

  “Commander KydEL?” She was surprised.

  “Captain, I would like a word with you if you can pull yourself away from your public display.” Kyd stalks off towards the shadows.

  That … that … MAN! Jaxon yelled in her head as she followed KydEL, determined to give him a piece of her mind.

  Damn female! Kyd thought.

  It hadn’t occurred to her where the Commander was headed until she walked out onto the balcony she had been on previously. She
looked around, nervously, to make sure they had not interrupted something, but Kat and SydEL were gone. The Commander waited for her by the railing.

  She walks up to him and crosses her arms over her chest. “What the hell is all this about?” She demands.

  “What in Kitana are you doing letting that Kiljorn put his hands all over you?” He yells at her.

  “I can do whatever I want with whomever I want to do it with!” She stands her ground when he takes a step towards her.

  “He is not the male for you.” The Commander grumbles.

  “Oh really? Just who is the right …” She is suddenly cut off by strong, firm male lips claiming hers.

  She tries to push away from him but he pulls her into his tight embrace. She feels her body instantly spark to life. Her lips part with a moan. She finally gives into his sensual onslaught.

  He lifts her up and Jaxon automatically wraps her legs around his waist. Kyd walks them into the shadows and presses her up against the wall of the building. The female drives him crazy with lust.

  Jaxon has a fleeting thought, “This balcony is seeing a lot of action tonight.”

  Her dress rises up to expose her panties beneath. He presses his lower body into hers, she can feel the hardness of his arousal rubbing against the juncture of her covered crotch. She wants him desperately. His thick, rough fingers move aside her panties and tease the lips of her sex. She shivers with need.

  “You are wet for me.” Kyd growls at her.

  “Commander …” They should probably stop before this goes too far. Jaxon just couldn’t get the words out.

  “Call me Kyd.” He whispers as he presses his finger deep between her feminine folds. He pumps it in and out, harder and harder.

  “Oh God, that feels so good.” She moans.

  “Say my name.” He demands.

  “Kyd. Oh fuck … please.” She presses herself back and forth against his hand.

  He adds another finger. “You are so tight Jaxon. Release for me.”

  “Yes! Yes!” She came so hard she almost lost consciousness. It had been a long time since she had been intimate with anyone. Frankly, she had never had such a strong climax before now. The man had talented fingers.

  He starts to undo his pants when his Comm link goes off. “Kitana!” He hits his Comm link, “Commander KydEL here.” He gives her a look that says not to move an inch. “I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

  Ten minutes? That wasn’t going to be enough time. She wanted more. She wanted to get naked with him and lick him all over.

  He ends his communications and slowly lowers Jaxon back to her feet. “I am needed in the Operations Room.”

  Jaxon nodded her head with understanding. She wasn’t sure her voice would work. She could barely stand.

  Kyd grabbed the back of her head and pulled her to him for a deep kiss. When he finished kissing her, she had a sexually satisfied expression on her face. He smiled smugly.

  “You will not dance with anymore males this evening.” It isn’t a request, it is a direct order.

  If she had been in her right mind, she would have told him to stuff it. However, she was still foggy and could only manage to nod her head in agreement. She leaned against the building and watched the Commander’s firm ass walk away. What the hell just happened? She needed a strong drink. She tested her legs out. She took one step, then another. She made her way back to the ballroom.

  She was almost knocked over by the Katieran security liaison TarAK as he dragged a red faced and pissed off AriELa onto the balcony. Yep. That balcony was seeing a lot of action tonight. She headed straight to the refreshment tables and started to drink more Katieran juice. She smiled at the assortment of cupcakes on the table.

  RendEL swept Cassie away to be alone for a few hours. His mother volunteered to watch over the twins for them. Cassie was cleared for all physical activities because she had a quick recovery from childbirth. She owed that to the second set of Nanos that they implanted.

  Cassie had been implanted with two sets of Nanos. The first set was programmed specifically to direct nourishment to the infants while in the womb. After childbirth, the first set of Nanos was expelled from Cassie’s body. A second set of Nanos was then implanted to help repair internal damage to Cassie’s body. Doc had explained that Nanos had a short shelf life and were expelled once the subject was completely healthy or once they had completed what they were specifically programmed to do.

  Jaxon was starting to feel the night weighing in on her. She had two more glasses of Katieran Juice which didn’t help matters. Jaxon headed back to her suite.

  Lieutenant Silas joined her walk to the blue lift that would take her to the 8th floor. They still allowed her and Kat to stay in the suite together even though Cassie wasn’t living with them anymore. Jaxon wasn’t going to knock a good thing. She peeked at Silas. He was a very handsome man, but not the one that had her body humming.

  “What’s up?” She asks him.

  He blushes a little making him appear more adorable. “Uh … I am available for you.”

  Did he just proposition her? She stopped to look at Silas. “Sorry?”

  “I want to share sex with you.” He tells her while sniffing the air around her.

  Oh shit. Did he smell her arousal that Kyd had created and then left her to have to deal with? Crap. Jaxon knew her face was red from embarrassment, which is rare for her.

  “Silas, I like you. I think you’re hot. But, what you smell … well … it is from earlier this evening, with someone else. I think of you as a friend.” She says apologetically.

  Silas is crestfallen. She hates hurting someone who is nice to her. Maybe she can help him out. “Hey, I think I know the perfect girl for you. How about I call you with a day and time where you can share a meal with her and see how things go?”

  He sighed with resignation. “Maybe.” Guess it was time to move on. Whoever it was that Jaxon was with, better treat her right. He left her at the blue lift doors and went back to the ballroom.

  Jaxon wasn’t sure what she would find waiting for her in her suite. Would Kat and Prime Medic SydEL be there? Would they be getting busy? Would Kyd come to her suite later? Would they get busy?

  Turns out, nobody was getting busy that night in her suite. Kat sat on the couch in her pajamas sipping Katieran juice. “Damn frustrating man.” She would occasionally blurt out.

  Jaxon took a shower and changed into her pajamas. When she went to check on Kat, she was still sitting on the couch sipping the juice. Jaxon grabbed the glass from her and placed it on the table. “Did you want to talk about it?”

  Coming out of her trance, Kat stares at Jaxon with confusion. “What do you mean?”

  Jaxon sits down on the little coffee table so she can face Kat. “Doc, we can play 20 questions, or, you can just tell me what is up with you and Prime Medic SydEL.”

  Kat blushed. “How did you know?”

  Jaxon left out her usual snide remarks. She reached out and squeezed Kat’s hand comfortingly. “Doc, I saw you tonight on the balcony.”

  “Oh God.” Kat tried to bury her face in her arm.

  “No one else saw and I left before I saw … too much.” Jaxon reassured her.

  “The man is self-important, stubborn, and just … impossible!” Kat exclaims.

  “Wow, sounds just like his brother.” Jaxon states sourly.

  “Ren? He’s not like that at all. He’s a sweetheart to Cassie.”

  “The other brother.”


  “So, what’s happening with you two?” Jaxon asks sitting back on the coffee table. She wants to keep the conversation off of her and Kyd. She isn’t sure herself what is happening between them and isn’t ready to discuss it with anyone else yet.

  “There was an instant clash of wills when we first met. The circumstances were not great. He was the first medic on site when Cassie had her collapse. I didn’t know who he was and I threatened to have security remove him.” Kat relived that fir
st meeting in her mind as she told Jaxon about it.

  “Wow that must have gone over real well.” Jaxon couldn’t help but laugh.

  A few seconds later Kat joined her in laughing. “Not well at all.”

  “From what I saw tonight, it didn’t seem to me like he holds that first meeting against you.” Jaxon said.

  “He treats me as an inferior, like I have no intelligence or skills!” Kat is getting worked up.

  “You’re a doctor. Of course you have intelligence and skills. You are responsible for the safe birth of Cassie’s twins.” Jaxon states.

  “I was partly in charge during Cassie’s delivery because I was the only one with experience in twin births. Afterwards, they expected me to go back to only assisting the other medics in routine procedures.” Kat wiped away a stray tear that slipped down her cheek. “I worked my ass off in medical school and gave up a personal life so that I could pursue a surgical career. My knowledge and experience have been treated like rudimentary skills all because I’m a woman.”

  “I faced the same thing growing up and especially in the military. I had to constantly prove myself by volunteering for every mission that came up.” Jaxon told her

  Kat nods her head. “Every time I try to do research or question something about the Katierans’ problems with conceiving, I am met with suspicion and resistance.”

  Jaxon sits up at full attention. “Are they hiding something from us?”

  “I think there is more to their problems than they have led us to believe. They won’t let me get close enough to find out. Why don’t they understand, I only want to help.” Kat sounds dejected.

  “If you explain that to Prime Medic SydEL, he could okay the clearance with Medic JadEN. And he seems to be into you.” Jaxon suggests.

  “It’s a little more complicated. I don’t want to involve Medic JadEN in this. I am so confused most of the time. Prime Medic SydEL runs hot and cold. One minute he acts like a Casanova, growling at me, giving me heated looks. Then he talks to me like I’m a wayward 10 year old that needs to be constantly lectured. I’m fed up with him.” Kat complains.


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