Escape of the Concubines
Page 9
“What is the penalty for allowing a human to die in a pool that we are responsible for protecting? Either way, we will need the protection of the gods to survive what is going to happen to us.” Looking at the indecision on his face, she said, “Tsk! Get out of my way, La’renz,” and dove into the pool.
La’renz removed his boots, rolling up his black leather pants and grumbling to himself the whole while about what kinds of trouble they were going to get into before wading out to help Misa pull the naked woman onto the shore. “What is that attached to her wrist?” he asked.
Misa sucked in her breath. “La’renz, I think she might be a wraith rider!”
I’ve heard of those,” La’renz said. “But I heard that none who saw their faces ever lived,” he said.
“Oh, quick,” she cried, covering her eyes. “Help me turn her over!”
La’renz covered his eyes but knew it was already too late. He had seen her. All of her. e had looked upon her face. If seeing her was death, then she was what humans in their folklore would call an angel of death and his life was a small price to pay for setting eyes on her.
Misa shoved her over first onto her side and then face down while La’renz looked through his fingers and tried clumsily to find a safe place to touch the naked woman.
“Oh for the gods’ sake, La’renz,” she said, swatting his hands away and managing to get the woman on her stomach while giving up on keeping her own eyes covered.
“We can’t take a wraith in! If she didn’t kill us, the priests would,” he said.
“For once, we are agreed on something,” she said. “Wait here,” she whispered in a hiss before disappearing into the woods.
“Misa,” he hissed back at her trying to stop her from leaving. “Misa!” he whispered louder, this time into the empty forest. “Damn it,” he said to himself but was answered by the coughs of the woman.
“The bard,” she wheezed. “I demand to see the bard.”
“The bard?” La’renz repeated with consternation.
“The Bard of Masaghdiva,” she said between coughs. Depressing a plate on the forearm of her gauntlet, she pulled out a red metallic crystalline coin from her gauntlet. “I’m on a quest and can pay,” she said, coughing up more water.
The End Book 1: The Wraith Riders Trilogy
Ages in the World of the Lianshae (A 500-Interval History): War of Light and Shadow [61 intervals]; Shadow Reign [20 intervals]; Era of the Lianshi [140 intervals]; Age of Heroes [89 intervals]; Children of the Draven [113 intervals]; and Heirs of the Lianshi [77 intervals].
Aelfen Woods: The woods that separates east and west on most of the northern half of the main continent in the World of the Lianshae. These woods are so named because the aelfen kingdom that made the crossing into this world with the Army of Light settled in these woods and made them their home. [first referred to in Escape of the Concubines]
Aelite Coin: Aelfen crystal coin, deep red crystal with gold flecks, these coins are grown in the royal water gardens. The estimated value of 50,000 gold each. Rare coin and highly regulated. [first referred to in Escape of the Concubines]
Aether: A mystical energy thought to exist in the space between realms. [first referred to in Escape of the Concubines]
Akemi: see Jintai serving in the northern pass
Alyssa: see Lady Alyssa
Allia Kai: The name taken by Francesca when she accepted the title of Lianshi Empress. In the tongue of the draven, it means, the fire of the dragon. [first referred to in Curse of the Lianshi]
Apple: Dravenkin companion to Kara of the Aelfen [first referred to in Escape of the Concubines]
Argani Tribes: Tribes of various intelligent beasts that were the result of thousands of Draven who attempted to hide in the far southern lands during the Age of Shadow Reign. They are Dravenkin. [first referred to in Curse of the Lianshi]
Ariane: A Wraith Rider of Arkenheim [first referred to in Escape of the Concubines]
Arizian: Also known as Lord Arizian, he is the second child of S’rila and the oldest male. He is the head of The Thirteen, the council of master assassins that rule the assassins guild. [first referred to in Escape of the Concubines]
Arkenheim: A community of blacksmiths along the coast north of Eisengard. While technically the first settlement north of Eisenberg, Warren was widely considered a Mage Lord in his own right and so Arkenheim was founded as an independent city-state. The warriors and mage-smiths of Arkenheim gained prominence in the north and throughout the continent as masters of the forge. They also became known for their small army of knights and their cavalry, which bred huge black war stallions. They became known as Ebon Knights and the Dark Riders. Everything associated with the Dark Riders and Ebon Knights is black as they are the only ones north of Eisengard that patrol at night against the Night Fen. The sigil of Arkenheim is a black field inscribed with a silver hammer and anvil. [first referred to in Escape of the Concubines]
Army of Light: see also The Three Races
Artemis: Handmaiden to Georgina, the wife of the Vordoshan Konigar [first referred to in Escape of the Concubines]
Assassin’s Guild: Headed by their Grandmaster, Lord Arizian, The Thirteen rule the Brotherhood of Assassins, which consists of masters, journeymen, and apprentices. Membership is granted in the brotherhood only after surviving the tradition of the culling. Once in the guild, you are in it for life. Loyalty is strictly enforced in the guild, though many also have individual loyalties to the master assassins. Rank in the guild is determined by the number of assassinations carried out though reputation and acknowledged skill also carries a great deal of weight. [first referred to in Escape of the Concubines]
A’tena: The aelfen goddess of knowledge and wisdom [first referred to in Escape of the Concubines]
Azar: A Wraith Rider of Arkenheim. [first referred to in Escape of the Concubines]
Baphomet: Baphomet is a greater Shadow Dragon who sought to conquer a world from which she felt she could build an empire. She was followed first by her retainers: guardians and lesser dragons and later by an army that was pledged to stop her. What followed were intervals known as the War of Light and Shadow, followed by a period known as Shadow Reign. The end of the age known as Shadow Reign was marked by the arrival in the east of the Lianshi. [first referred to in Curse of the Lianshi]
The Bastion: The strongest fortress in the east, built by the dwarves led by Tarkin, who were then expelled from the city by the men of Arden. The sigil of the Bastion is two white curved swords crossed on a field of green. [first referred to in Curse of the Lianshi]
Battle-Magus (plural: Battle-Magi): see Social and Military Hierarchies of the West
Bax: The name of the god of luck amongst the Roma Gypsies. [first referred to in Curse of the Lianshi]
Bohemas: Bohemas is a Roma Gypsy child, paid by Francesca Salanegre to deliver a message to Jean Claude Martel. [first referred to in Curse of the Lianshi]
Blood Debt: A concept among the Vordoshans that when a life is taken, a blood debt is owed to those that perpetrated the death in such a way that it sets an example. [first referred to in Escape of the Concubines]
Brotherhood of Assassins: see Assassin’s Guild
Capetian Guard: The Capetian Guard are royal troops of the Capetian Dynasty, whose kings ruled France from 987 to 1328. Their task was to extend and consolidate the power of the French nation-state. [first referred to in Curse of the Lianshi]
Calendar in the World of the Lianshi: The calendar is based upon the rotation of the two moons around the planet called a turn and the interval of the planetary rotation around their sun. There are 6 days per week; 5 weeks and 30 days per turn; and 13 turns, 65 weeks and 390 days in an interval. There are 23 hours per day and there are usually five seasons in each interval, each lasting approximately 13 weeks as follows: the season of storms (storms) when days begin to lengthen and periods of extreme weather and volcanic activity are common; the sea
son of planting (spring) in which the weather begins to warm a bit; the season of endless day (summer) during which daytime lasts twice as long and the weather warms considerably; the harvest season (autumn) when the weather begins to cool in the evenings; and the season of endless night (winter) where nighttime lasts twice as long and the weather cools considerably. Depending on which part of the planet you live on, the seasons can be lengthened or shortened by up to several weeks and the hours of night and day can be lengthened or shortened each season by several hours.
Chovihani: Within the Roma Gypsy tribes there are those who possess great power through the ability to perform magic with their special range of knowledge. These are often connected to their ability to see into the future yet the full range of magic is only passed down from generation to generation through oral tradition. They are often held in high esteem, not for their gifts but rather the money brought to the tribe by their gifts. [first referred to in Curse of the Lianshi]
Cibola: A valley, also known as the Valley of Kings, completely encircled by high mountain peaks. There are four entrances to the valley that are accessible through the mountains at roughly the main points of the compass. Each contains a heavily fortified, warded wall and gate. These were closed and sealed by Jon B’tal when he left and no one is known to have breached the walls, the gates or the mountains since. The Dravin was the seneschal of Cibola at the time Jon B’tal disappeared. Within the valley are the fortress and the citadel of the high king. No one knows who originally built it as the citadel and fortress were built upon ruins. It is said that the king who holds Cibola holds the west. The sigil of the High King, Jon B’tal, is a silver hawk in flight on a navy blue field. [first referred to in Curse of the Lianshi]
Comte de Toulouse: The Count of the County of Toulouse in the South of France with vast land holdings throughout the eastern parts of the kingdom of France in the year 1040. A member of the royal court with great influence. [first referred to in Curse of the Lianshi]
Conclave: A council of kings and high lords in the western kingdoms that rules in the absence of a high king. Represented is any estate higher in rank than a Mage-Lord. A representative of Vordosha may be invited as a guest when the matter is of concern to them as well. A conclave can only be called by a March Lord and when called must be hosted by that March Lord with safe passage and guest rights provided for those who attend. [first referred to in Escape of the Concubines]
Corth: Arazmus Corth was once a king in the Southlands. He built a wall to keep out the Tribes of the Argani when they threatened the west but was taken captive in an Argani raid before the reign of shadow reached Corth as the last stronghold in the west. Under the rule of Jon B’tal, Arazmus was ransomed and was reinstated without being asked to bend the knee as the other lords of the west had been made to do. As a result, when asked, he accepted the responsibility as Warden of the South and gave shelter to the refugee dwarves under Tarkin, who established Tarkin Heights in the mountains south of the wall and the Ednaum who settled in the hills east of Corth and became known as the Ednami Hills. When he died, he passed the title of Lord Corth and Warden of the South to his son Gherard and ended the reign of kings in the south, becoming part of the western kingdoms. The sigil for House Corth is a black gryphon on a yellow field. [first referred to in Curse of the Lianshi]
Council of Kings: see Conclave
The Culling: A ritual among the Brotherhood of Assassins in which one of the names of the other apprentices is whispered into their ear by one of the masters. They then must execute the contract (literally!) while surviving the attempt on their own life by another. Once the contract is executed, they are inducted into the Brotherhood. Alternately, an apprentice can be inducted into the Brotherhood by killing the assassin who was contracted to kill them. [first referred to in Escape of the Concubines]
Dakheil Sadow: One of the most gifted mage-smiths ever to come to Arkenheim and certainly the most powerful amongst them, Dakheil sought ways to hold Baphomet and her minions at bay. He created an elemental mage forge that was tied to the foundations of the planet known as the Stone Helix. Dakheil Sadow was abducted by the Night Fen while transporting the Stone Helix to the frontier in the war against Baphomet. [first referred to in Escape of the Concubines]
Dark Riders: see Arkenheim
Devonshire: A northern settlement of the western kingdoms set along the northern coast between Arkenheim and Vordosha. [first referred to in Escape of the Concubines]
Douquet: The highest hereditary rank in the western kingdoms during the reign of the High King, Jon B’tal. The rank was eliminated after the disappearance of Jon B’tal. Two of those with the title of Douquet claimed Kingship and the right to the seat of the High King in Cibola: Nicholas B’tal (Medrigor) and Gregory Gabrihil (Eisengard). But with uncertainty over who Corth would support and Lord Corth’s refusal to join either side in their claim, neither is willing to risk moving against the other. Gherard Corth, as Arazmus Corth did before him, made it plain that any armed conflict for the throne would be seen as an insurrection against the High King, Jon B’tal, who they still recognize. [first referred to in Escape of the Concubines]
Dragon Scale Armor: There is only one set of armor known to exist in the western kingdoms and it is worn by Warren of Arkenheim. It was forged in his mage forge and includes black scales from Baphomet, taken during the course of her many injuries suffered at the hands of the Army of Light. [first referred to in Escape of the Concubines]
Draven: The Draven is one of many races of dragons. They are the smallest of the dragon races and average at least a dozen times the size and weight of an average human. They are able to shapeshift and can mystically increase or decrease their mass, drawing upon or releasing energy into the mystical realm known as the aether. [first referred to in Curse of the Lianshi]
Dravenkin: The offspring of draven who are not the purebred offspring of two draven but rather are half-breed children born from their time among other beings whose forms they take as their own. [first referred to in Escape of the Concubines]
The Dravin: The Dravin is the lore-keeper for the Draven. The Dravin has always been seen as an unofficial leader among the Draven. [first referred to in Curse of the Lianshi]
Duncan B’tal: Mentioned at one of the meetings of the Conclave, Duncan is Warren of Arkenheim’s (Warren B’tal) son and a gifted Mage-Smith in his own right. Known as one of the pre-eminent Mage-Smiths of his time, Duncan created an elemental mage-forge known as the Water Forge. Kept in a hidden location, the Mage-Smiths of Arkenheim refer to the place it is kept hidden the Well of Souls. [first referred to in Escape of the Concubines]
The Eastern Passes: To the east of the western kingdoms, Cibola and the Shonan Plains there is a high range of mountains with four passes. They are, from north to south: The North Pass; Bahrent; Jennai; and El Dubai. All but the northern pass are open year-round. The northern pass is blocked by snow in the winter months and often into early spring. [first referred to in Escape of the Concubines]
Ebon Knights: see Arkenheim
Ednami (plural: Ednaum, Ednaumi): Of mixed race. When part of the heritage is human and the other part aelfen. [first referred to in Curse of the Lianshi]
Edorian Empire: A very militant society on the southern half of the continent who began as offspring of the draven before they largely fled this world. Primarily, the draven hid amongst both humans and wolves. The Edorians were somewhere between wolves and humans with great intelligence and organization but with brutality matched only by the most savage humans. Their sigil is the white face of a wolf on a black field. [first referred to in Curse of the Lianshi]
Edward: Edward is the Captain of the Capetian Guard under the command of Geoffrey II, the Count of Anjou. [first referred to in Curse of the Lianshi]
Eisengard: One of the largest fortified cities in the west. During the reign of Jon B’tal, Gregory Gabrihil became the March Lord of the North with the title of Douquet, the highest hereditary social rank in the weste
rn kingdoms under the rule of Jon B’tal. It defends the lands north and just to the south of the River Eriteb. The sigil is a black raven on a green field. [first referred to in Curse of the Lianshi]
Emily: Handmaiden to the Lianshi [first referred to in Curse of the Lianshi]
Esmerelda: Esmerelda Salanegre is the Chovihani of a Rom Gypsy tribe and is the wife of the chieftain. [first referred to in Curse of the Lianshi]
Esther: A Wraith Rider of Arkenheim. [first referred to in Escape of the Concubines]
Falshire: The first of several settlements of the west in northern territories between Eisengard and Vordosha. It sits upon a lake adjacent to the Aelfen Woods. It is under the rule of Eisengard, yet Arkenheim often patrols all of the northern territory settlements and it is not uncommon to see smaller patrols from Vordosha. [first referred to in Escape of the Concubines]
Fayite Coin: the fayite coin is an aelfen crystal coin that is teal in color. These coins are grown in the royal water gardens. Worth easily 100,000 gold. Each is shaped using magic as they are grown. The fayite coin allows one to see within the aether. Rare coin and highly regulated. [first referred to in Escape of the Concubines]
Francesca: Francesca was a young Roma Gypsy girl who was the daughter of the chovihani of her tribe, Esmerelda Salanegre. Her father was the chieftain. She was cursed by her mother for the crime of making a love spell that brought ruin down upon her people. [first referred to in Curse of the Lianshi]
Frederick: Frederick was often the companion to Jean Claude Martel and was a ward of Jean Claude’s father, Geoffrey II. [first referred to in Curse of the Lianshi]