Inferno [Part 4]

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Inferno [Part 4] Page 3

by T. K. Leigh

  “Hundreds,” I answered, as if it were nothing.

  “Oh really?” he pushed, pressing his body against mine.

  I met his eyes, swallowing hard as I slowly shook my head. “You’re the only one,” I admitted in a small voice. “Brock never—”

  He crushed his lips against mine, preventing me from finishing my thought, erasing the words from my mouth, from my memory, banishing them to oblivion, where all memories of my past belonged.


  I ZIPPED UP MY dress, stepping into the same strappy stilettos I’d worn to the gala, then faced the full-length mirror in the bedroom of the suite at the Beverly Wilshire that had been my home over the past few days. Heat radiated in my chest, in my limbs, in my smile as I stared back at my reflection. I almost didn’t recognize myself. My dark hair was curled and pinned back in a style very reminiscent of 1940s Hollywood, my makeup complementing the look. My hazel eyes were highlighted with dramatic gray shadowing I’d never be able to recreate, my cheekbones accented with a bit of rouge, my full lips a bright red, contrasting my fair skin. I’d never felt or looked so glamorous.

  All afternoon, as I was pampered and primped in preparation for tonight’s event, I kept smiling to myself, thinking how I could certainly get used to this lifestyle, to having people cater to my every whim. Sure, I’d grown accustomed to living in the spotlight, being the daughter of one of the senior-ranking members of the U.S. Senate, but this…being with Dante Luciano…was a different kind of notoriety and fame.

  With my father, people had simply mentioned they’d seen me at one of his campaign stops or at the Inauguration on TV. When the attendants at the salon and spa found out I was accompanying Dante Luciano, I basked in their envy, biting back my smile as they swooned over his deep, accented voice, one I had the distinct pleasure of hearing moan my name, murmur the most toe-curling, salacious things, whisper words of unwavering devotion. It all seemed too good to be true. Part of me was waiting for the bottom to drop on this, too.

  I smoothed the lines of the sleek black dress with lace and jewel overlay, kicking out my leg slightly to check the slit. Then I secured the diamond necklace, which accented the sweetheart neckline, drawing attention to my cleavage. I recalled the first time Dante saw me in this. How his eyes raked over my body. How he could barely keep his hands off me. I hoped it produced the same effect tonight.

  Drawing in a deep breath, I turned from the mirror, the butterflies in my stomach flitting their wings as I opened the door to the living room. When I emerged, the subtle sound of Ella Fitzgerald’s voice welcomed me. I scanned the area, looking for Dante. I smiled when I saw him out on the balcony, leaning his forearms against the railing as he admired the view. As if able to sense my presence, he spun around. His entire expression brightened as he strode toward me.

  I remained fixed in place, unable to move, to think, to breathe, the sight of him in a tuxedo rendering me speechless. I wanted to pinch myself, thinking there was no way this could be real, that I must have imagined the past few months. I didn’t know what I’d done to deserve this man’s love, his desire, his passion, but I wasn’t going to question it. I would gladly take it and bask in it, no matter how long it lasted.

  His dark eyes leered at me as he closed the distance between us, making me feel more wanted and alluring than any man ever had. He loomed over me, our gazes locked. My heart thrummed, my insides all knotted and twisted as my mouth grew dry with the unwavering hunger in his stare.

  Reaching for him, I adjusted his bowtie. “You look rather dashing this evening, Signor Luciano.” With a coy smile, I ran my hands down his chest, settling them on his waist. Pulling him toward me, I hovered my mouth close to his neck, my voice becoming throaty, wanton, carnal. “Even if you don’t win tonight, I’m pretty sure you’ll still get lucky afterward.”

  “I don’t think I’m going to be able to wait that long.” He gripped my hips, his fingers digging into me. I gasped, the pain causing a dull ache to fill me in the most tantalizing way. “You look incredible, Eleanor. Your eyes. Your lips.” His hold tightened even more as he pressed himself against me, his erection prominent. “God, those lips… I want to see them on me.”

  Giving him a demure look, I stepped back, keeping my eyes trained on his. I loved that he made no attempt to hide his attraction to me, hide how much he craved me with every waking moment. And I made no attempt to hide those things from him, either.

  “Be a good boy, and maybe you’ll get a taste.” I made a show of leisurely licking my lips.

  He clenched his fists, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down in his throat. “Oh, I plan on getting more than just a taste.” He closed the distance between us once more, cupping my cheek. I melted into the contact, closing my eyes and basking in the feel of him, the smell of him, the nearness of him. He ran his thumb along my bottom lip, the simple gesture causing a ball of need to form in my core. “I want the whole pie.”

  My breath hitching, my eyes flung open to meet his lustful stare. Then he abruptly retreated, leaving me a mess of hormones, and grabbed two flutes off the coffee table.

  “Champagne?” He held one out toward me.

  “Tease,” I shot back.

  “You love that about me,” he reminded me with a smirk.

  “Yes, I do.” Doing my best to appear as if he didn’t affect me the way he did, I took the glass from him, staring into his eyes, the tension between us mounting with every second.

  “Salute.” He raised his glass. I mimicked his motion, our flutes clinking.

  “Salute.” I brought the champagne to my lips, the bubbles dancing in my mouth.

  “This dress looks just as stunning on you as I remember.”

  His eyes remained unwavering. The way he stared at me made me believe he could strip away my secrets, leaving just the nuts and bolts that made up my soul. For the first time, I wanted him to know all those things, to see me for who I was. To see the girl who never felt she deserved to be loved. To see the teenager who always did what was asked of her, hoping her parents would finally love her. To see the woman I’d become because of his love. I no longer wanted to hide those things. I no longer felt as if I needed to.

  “But I think there’s something missing.” A wry smile crossed his face.

  I looked over my ensemble, wondering what I’d forgotten. I thought I had it all. The shoes. The necklace. The earrings. The clutch. I met his eyes, furrowing my brow. “What do you…?” I shook my head.

  Not saying a word, he stepped toward the wet bar and grabbed a velvet box. He paused briefly, the corner of his lips turning up into a slight smirk. My limbs became jittery as he returned to me, each step seeming to last an eternity, my eyes glued to the box in his hands.

  He came to a stop in front of me and removed the cover, revealing a thick cuff-like bracelet, adorned with diamonds, the sun hitting the stones causing a myriad of colors to reflect on the walls of the suite. Just above the bracelet sat two diamond stud earrings, although stud wasn’t quite the right word for these stunning pieces of jewelry. Each had to contain at least twenty diamonds in a circular pattern.

  I brought my eyes back to his, his expression soft, a peaceful glow about him as he admired me. “Dante, I…,” I stammered. I wasn’t an expert in the price of diamonds, but this jewelry must have cost him a fortune. “I don’t know what to say. They’re beautiful.”

  “You deserve to be spoiled with the best diamonds money can buy, to shine everywhere you go.” He placed the box back on the wet bar, removing the bracelet and securing it around my wrist. Then he unfastened the earrings I currently wore and replaced them with the stunning diamonds. Normally, I would have insisted on doing it myself, but there was something about the idea of Dante dressing me in jewels that got my blood pumping even more.

  “You didn’t have to do all this for me.” I stared at the bracelet on my wrist, my eyes glassing over. “You work hard for your money. You don’t have to spend it on me.”

  He pa
lmed the small of my back, pulling my body to his. Taking the champagne flute from me, he set it on the bar. “But I want to spend it on you. There’s no one else I’d rather spoil than you, amore mio.” He cupped one of my cheeks in his large hand, gingerly brushing his thumb over my skin. “Sei la mia vita.”

  I cocked my head as I draped my arms around his shoulders. “What does that mean?”

  “It means you are my life. And I want to be yours, too.”

  “Dante…,” I began, my throat thickening. I wanted to tell him he already was, but how could I give him that reassurance when there was this giant elephant in the room we had yet to discuss?

  “I know there’s a lot we still need to talk about,” he said, always seemingly able to read my thoughts. “And we will, but I wanted a few more days in the clouds with you before we had to face reality.”

  My lips parted and I peered into the eyes that always seemed to gaze at me with more love and adoration than anyone in my life ever had. I prayed that love would be enough to temper the storm I feared had already begun swirling around us.

  “Will we make it?” I asked, my voice cracking with emotion.

  “Of course we will.” He ran his finger down the line of my face. “Never underestimate the power of fate. She made sure we found each other. It’s going to take a hell of a lot more than just a few bumps in the road to tear us apart.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “I think this is more than just a few bumps in the road. How can there be a future between us when every time you look at me, you’ll see my father? The man who—”

  “Shh.” He hushed me with a finger over my lips, lingering for a long moment. I couldn’t help but wonder why he was avoiding this topic. If it were me, I’d press the subject in the hopes of uncovering more information. “We don’t know anything for certain. And you forgot the most important thing.”

  “What’s that?”

  He lowered his mouth to mine, leaving me with a soft, full kiss. “Love is always more powerful than hate.” He pulled back, turning from me. “And for the record, Eleanor, when I look at you, I don’t see your father. I never have and never will. All I see is the woman who made me believe in love again. Don’t ever think otherwise.”

  I opened my mouth to argue, but was cut off when a loud knock ripped through the suite.

  “Ah, that must be Bradley.”


  “My driver,” he explained, turning from me. “Well, he’s more than just a driver.”

  “Like your American version of Antonio?”

  “You could say that.” He winked, then proceeded toward the foyer and pulled the door open, revealing a man I estimated to be around the same age as Dante. He gave off the impression he was former military or law enforcement — broad shoulders, strong muscles, formidable stance, buzzed hair.

  “Good afternoon, Mr. Luciano,” he said, entering the suite, coming to an immediate stop when he saw me standing in the living area. When I heard his distinct, gravelly voice with a Midwestern accent, I was immediately transported back to that day at Dante’s Tuscan villa. His voice was one I’d never forget, one that made me rethink everything I thought I knew about my father.

  “Good afternoon, Bradley. I’d like to introduce you to Miss Eleanor Crenshaw. She will be accompanying me tonight.”

  Bradley’s eyes seemed to study my every move, unnerving me, like he could tell what I was hiding from Dante with just one look. I wondered if he could. “Pleasure to meet you, Miss Crenshaw,” he said, his tone curt.

  “You, too,” I replied softly, straightening my spine, doing my best to act as if this man didn’t completely unsettle me.

  He studied me for a moment longer before turning back to Dante. “There will be quite a bit of traffic. I suggest we get going.”

  “Of course.” Dante looked at me, a devilish glint in his eyes. He turned back to Bradley. “Miss Crenshaw just needs one more minute. We will be down shortly.”

  “Certainly, sir. I will be waiting in the limo.” He retreated from the suite.

  The instant the door closed, leaving just Dante and me, my body noticeably relaxed, tension rolling off my shoulders.

  Dante studied me, his brows gathering in. “Are you okay?” I nodded quickly, avoiding his eyes. He strode toward me, cupping my chin and forcing my gaze to his. “Eleanor, what is it?”

  “Nothing.” I plastered a fake smile on my face, resting my hands on the lapels of his tux. “I’m just a little nervous.” I bit my lip, hoping he believed my lie. What could I tell him? That something about Bradley seemed off to me, but I couldn’t quite pinpoint what that was? It sounded ridiculous.

  “You have nothing to be nervous about. It’s just like any other event you’ve been to.” He placed a soft kiss on my nose before stepping away. Finding my shawl on the couch, he draped it across my shoulders, then lowered his hand to my back, leading me toward the door.

  “Except all the cameras and lights as everyone wonders who I am and why I’m with you.”

  “Why would they wonder that?”

  “Because I’m a nobody. Just a once-promising lawyer who’s now hanging onto her career by the skin of her teeth, who drives a car that was made the same year Friends ended, who lives in a studio apartment that’s smaller than the bedroom in this suite.”

  “Eleanor,” he soothed, cupping my cheek. “None of that matters. Not to me. Don’t let them win.”

  I furrowed my brow. “What do you mean?”

  “Your parents. I may be wrong, but I have a feeling they’ve done everything in their power to convince you that you’d be nothing without them, that the only reason you’ve enjoyed the relative success you have is because of their influence.” When I remained silent, he gave me a soft smile. “Breaking free from the hold they’ve constructed and manipulated for nearly twenty-nine years isn’t going to be easy, but you’ve already taken the first step. You’re making your own way. You could just have easily gone groveling back, but you didn’t. You persevered, even when you didn’t think you’d ever find a job again.” His eyes grew intense, his voice brimming with passion and reverence. “That’s why I’m with you, Eleanor. Because you’re a survivor. You’re strong. You’re courageous. You’re resilient. All reasons why I couldn’t help but fall hard for you. All reasons I continue to fall in love with you all over again every single day.”

  I sighed, reveling in his words of encouragement as I craned my neck and braced myself for his kiss. His lips brushed against mine and I melted into him, losing myself in him. It was exactly what I needed at this moment. His reassurance that his love for me was real, was true, was pure. That it would survive even the most tumultuous storm.

  “My mother’s going to blow a gasket if any photos of the two of us arise from tonight.” A smile cracked on my lips as I pulled away.

  He cocked his head, studying me with an inquisitive gaze. “How so?”

  I gave him a playful look, stepping back. “Eleanor Crenshaw, the daughter of the great Senator Crenshaw, beacon of political conservatism, being seen on the arm of a man who wrote a book spouting Socialist ideologies and who embodies what’s wrong with this country? According to her anyway.”

  “Well then…” Dante held his elbow out for me. “Let’s give them a show they’ll never forget.”

  I hesitantly looped my arm in his. “What did you have in mind?”

  “You’ll see,” he replied with a wink, pulling me out of the suite and down the hallway toward the elevator. “But I plan on making them blush with how I won’t be able to keep my hands off you. They may just have a heart attack from all the vulgar and lewd things I plan on doing to you all evening.” He narrowed his gaze on me, his expression growing heated, carnal, wicked. “If you think the gala was fun, I have even bigger plans for you.”

  “Bigger?” I raised my brow as the elevator doors opened. I stepped inside, turning to face Dante.

  He slowly nodded, licking his lips in a lascivious manner. I felt the hair on my nape stand on
end, a shiver rolling down my spine. “Bigger. This evening will be one long act of seduction, my beautiful Eleanor.” He leaned closer, nuzzling the crook of my neck as he inhaled my scent, releasing a greedy moan. “I plan on making you come several times before we even make it back here.”

  “In public?” I panted, almost ready to fall apart from the thought alone.

  He stepped back, his eyes unwavering. “As long as you do as I say this evening.” He lifted a brow. “If you don’t, I won’t let you come.”

  Moisture immediately pooled between my legs at the thought. From the beginning, I’d been attracted to his dominance, his power, his passion. Tonight was no different. Maybe this was exactly what I needed to quiet the thoughts fighting for attention in my head telling me nothing had changed between us, that a relationship would never work. Maybe I just needed to surrender complete control to Dante and let him take the lead.

  “A full night of power exchange?” I pinched my lips together, giving him a demure look.

  He slowly nodded, his pupils dilating. “I’ve been fantasizing about this for a while.” In one quick motion, he spun me around so my back was to his front. Then he gripped my neck, forcing my chin up. My heart pounded in my chest as I was held captive by this man, his breath on my skin making me impatient with need.

  “By the time the evening is over, your parents are going to wonder where innocent little Eleanor has disappeared to, will wonder who the confident, bold, enigmatic woman on my arm is.” He nipped at my neck, his teeth grazing my skin, sending a delicious shiver of anticipation through every inch of me, leaving no part of me unaffected. “They’ll see the real Eleanor. The Eleanor you were always meant to be but were forced to hide. The Eleanor they all secretly wish they could be, too.” He ran his hand down my chest, his fingers brushing underneath my breasts before settling on my hips. “Tonight isn’t about me being in control. It’s about guiding you, letting you open your mind and spread your wings even more. Okay?”

  I bit my bottom lip, my breathing ragged as I nodded quickly.


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