Four Horsemen Cometh, And Hell Followed

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Four Horsemen Cometh, And Hell Followed Page 1

by William Swafford

Four Horsemen Cometh


  Hell Followed


  William Swafford

  Copyright 2015 William Swafford

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  Table of Contents

  Part One

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Part 2

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Part 3

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Part One

  The Signs of the Beginning and of The End

  I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord,

  Which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.

  Revelation 1:8

  Chapter One


  Trevor Dolton lay on the couch with the lights off. He only had on his boxers and his medium length brown hair a mess. He had to be quiet because he six-year-old daughter was a sleep in her room.

  It had been a long day even though he hadn’t done much. He had put out a few job applications and then just sat around the house. He has been out of work for a long time. It had been a while since he even got an interview.

  He was tired but couldn’t go to sleep. The house was quiet except for the rain beating on the window. There was just too much on his mind. He could never think straight when he had so much to stress about.

  Trevor had been working hard on finding a job. He was about to lose his home. He rents off his uncle. His uncle is in no position to keep helping him out. He has been so stressed out over finding work that he has even went as far as blaming God for not helping him out.

  He had been praying for help and reading his Bible when he could. He feels like God didn’t love him anymore. At times he almost believed there wasn’t a God. He knows he has done bad things in his life and that he still does some. He does feel bad for what he does. God just doesn’t want to help him.

  All he wants to do is find a job and save his home. He finally gets his daughter five nights a week. He doesn’t want to ruin that, because if he has to move he will have nowhere to go. None of his family would take him in and none of them can help him out finically.

  He has done ran off most of his friends. He felt that they were bad influences on his life. There would be no place for him to go and nowhere for him to store his stuff.

  The stress was getting bad. This night was getting worse and he lay on the couch in the dark crying. He prayed to God to make things better or to just let him die in his sleep. Swearing that he will never pray or read his Bible again.

  He had done some pretty mean things in his life. He didn’t think that he was truly a bad person. There was just something bad inside of him that gets out.

  His biggest problem is smoking weed and drinking occasionally. He doesn’t like to fight and never goes out to harm anyone or their property. People still think he is a bad guy and he feels that God does too.

  He does have two friends that he can count on, Terry and Robert. Terry is a good girl, but is over-weight and not all that good looking. Robert is a well built forty-two-year old that wishes he was in his twenties again. He loves to party and to get into fights.

  If it wasn’t for Terry and Robert, Trevor would be deeper into depression than what he is now. Both of his parents had passed away. He has nights where he believes he is helplessly alone.

  He just laid there crying till he fell asleep. His final thought before going to sleep was that he finally had given up. He didn’t have it in him to keep on trying. He didn’t want to die but he didn’t want to keep living the way that he does.


  Terry Olsen sat in her normal spot on the couch as she watched her favorite show. Her grandma read her Bible by the window. This is how her Friday nights has gone for years.

  She was always home in their tiny white house. She always sat on the dark blue hard couch. Her grandma sat in her chair watching television.

  She never wants to admit to anyone how long it has been since she has had a real date. The closest she has been to a date was when a girl wanted to go out with her. There was no way that was going to happen.

  She had met the girl at her friend Trevor’s house. She got along with the girl and they started being very good friends. One night the girl tried to kiss Terry and she couldn’t be around someone like that. She wasn’t gay and she didn’t think it was the Christian thing to do.

  Terry is probably the only thirty-year-old virgin in her small town. She wanted to save herself till she got married just like she was taught. She always told herself it was because no man would ever want to be in the same bed as her.

  Religion had always been the center of her family’s lives. Sometimes Terry gets tired of her family’s old fashion religion, but she has accepted God into her heart. The old fashion way is the only way that she knows.

  Terry goes to church with her grandma every Sunday morning and in the middle of the week. Her life was church, work, and sit at home with her grandma. She would occasionally go over to Trevor’s or Robert’s house, but sometimes she didn’t like going to see them.

  Sometimes she would just go over to Trevor’s house hoping that he would ask her out. She has been in love with for years. She has never told anyone not even her grandma. She knew that he didn’t really like her, but she always fantasized that he did.

  Terry turned the television off and got up to her bedroom. “Well, I’m going to bed.”

  “Why so early?” Her grandma took a moment to look up from her Bible. “Do you have to work in the morning?”

  Her grandma, Patty Olsen, is seventy-years-old and still moves like she is fifty. She doesn’t die or cut her long gray hair that she wraps up in a bun. Her wardrobe is about as old as she is.

  “No, just tired,” Terry said. There were other things on her mind. “It feels like it has been a long day.”

  “I would like for you to take me to the store in the morning.” Her grandma gave her a small smile. “The weather man says we should be expecting some bad weather for a few days. We need to get all the groceries that we can.”

  “Okay. We’ll go sometime in the morning.” She got up started toward to the hall. “Good night, grandma. Love you.”

  “Love you, too,” her grandma said. She turned her attention back to her Bible. “Good night, sweetheart.”

  I’m going to live with my grandma for the rest of my life. Terry thought to herself as she walked down the hall. But, at least she loves me.

  Terry has lived with her grand
ma for most of her life. Her parents dropped her off one day and never came back. She was never told why her parents had left her. She had always thought that they never loved her. Her grandma swore that they did.

  She closed the door behind her after turning on the light to her bedroom. She walked over and pulled back the covers on. Then she sat down on the edge of the bed.

  She wasn’t really tired and didn’t want to go to bed. She just got bored of the television. She was tired of the same thing every night.

  She stood up and turned around. Then she got down on her knees. She folded her hands and then started to pray.

  “Dear God,” she started. She paused for a moment. She really didn’t know what she wanted to say. “I want to thank you for everything that I have been blessed with. I want to ask for your forgiveness of my sins, because I know I am not perfect. I would also like ask that you bless me with finding someone I can spend the rest of my life with. I need help finding someone that will accept me for who I am. I ask you this in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

  She climbed under the covers and turned off her life. She could only hope that God heard her. She hoped to fall in love and have her own family some day.

  Her mind went to Trevor. She liked him so much. He brought up so many feelings in her. She started moving her hand down her body. She tried to remain quiet as she pleasured herself.


  Robert had to drive twenty miles to find a bar that he had never been to. He had grown sick of the same old places with the same old faces. All of his friends are either broke or didn’t want to leave their houses.

  He couldn’t take sitting around his house all day and all alone. He wanted to get drunk and if he is lucky, get into a fight to take out his frustration. He just felt angry every day.

  He broke up with his girlfriend and she took their son with her. They could never get along. She got into taking pills on top of alcohol every day. The brake up had been hard enough, but now she won’t let him see his son. She has a new boyfriend and he has got her hooked on some new drugs.

  He had met her when she was fifteen-years old. He was thirty-five at the time. He had never seen anything wrong with the age difference.

  If it was drugs that she wanted, then Robert was willing to give them to her. He felt like he was truly in love with her. He would supply her habit, but that still couldn’t get his family back together.

  He didn’t want to think about any of his drama tonight. He just wanted to be somewhere where nobody knew who he was. He needed a town where the cops wouldn’t recognize his face. He was known for getting into trouble.

  Robert has been to jail forty-five times for fighting and domestic violence. Every cop in his small town knows his face and follows him every time they see his black Dakota truck. Violence was how he liked to handle situations that he didn’t want to deal with.

  He was hoping to get lucky and find some woman to take home. He could pound the hell out of her and send her home. That’s not how his luck has been. No woman has wanted anything to do with him since he broke up with his baby’s mamma.

  Why is everything so fucked up? He thought to himself as he waited on his drink. He thought the bartender was cute but he knew that he would never say anything to her.

  He kept telling himself that people were going to push him too far. He didn’t want to be pushed too far, because then they would be sorry. Things just bothered more than what they should.

  His ex had found a new man. A younger man who did the same things that she did. How could he compete with that?

  He wanted to get his hands on his ex’s new boyfriend, but if he didn’t someone would get the boy’s ass whooping. He didn’t care if he went to prison or not. He just wanted to make sure that it would be worth it.

  Robert didn’t know how his night was going to turn out as he took a drink. He knew that he shouldn’t stay out late because of the weather. He really didn’t want to go home. He knew that he needed to do something to make it a night to remember.

  Robert always had some story to be told after one of his nights out. He always stopped by Trevor’s house and told his nightly adventure stories.


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