Four Horsemen Cometh, And Hell Followed

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Four Horsemen Cometh, And Hell Followed Page 10

by William Swafford

  Chapter Ten


  The people had taken disasters all over the world. The events had changed some people. In disaster situations in the past everyone helped everyone. Now, everyone was saving and buying up everything for whatever comes next.

  The big industries were trying to get back on their feet. The smaller mom and pop stores where mostly gone and would never return. Insurance companies were going bankrupt.

  The president would only tell the people that we must go on and deal with what happens next. He wouldn’t meet with any of the world leaders. The U.S. had already taken over the countries with the best natural resources.

  The president had said it was done to preserve the American way of life. People tried to stand up to the president. They were put in jail.


  “We don’t need them to tell us what has happened around us.” Pastor Rodgers was standing in front of his congregation. “They don’t know what is really happening to the world.”

  The faithful church followers held onto every word. No one talked amongst themselves. They were all listening. The seats were filled and some people had to stand.

  “They are too blind to see the truth,” Pastor Rodgers said. “They could know the truth just like we know the truth of God. The truth is right here in this book.”

  Pastor Rodgers held up his Bible. The congregation put their hands in the air. They wanted to feel the word of God.

  “Now,” Pastor Rodgers started again. “I know how some of you may be feeling and what you might be thinking.”

  He looked around at the people. He wanted all of their attention. He had seen some familiar faces and quite a few new faces.

  “You’re thinking that the Devil is coming back to Anderson,” He said. “Well, let me tell you this, you’re wrong. I’m wrong. We’re wrong in thinking he is coming our way, because he has never left.”


  Terry and her grandma pulled up to their house. They just attended church services and her grandma was already to get picking and to go back, but she didn’t feel the same way her grandma did. She believes that it was the end of time like Pastor Rogers said, but she didn’t want to live in the tiny church with all those people.

  “I’m going to go over to check on Trevor.”

  “Why’s that?” her grandma asked.

  “Just to get out of the house,” Terry said.

  “You need to stop worrying about him,” her grandma said. She started toward the house. “You need to start looking for a man to marry.”

  “Okay,” Terry said.

  “Help get things inside,” her grandma said. “Then you can drop me off at Grace Patterson’s house on your way. We’re going to go clean the church before the evening service.”

  Terry went inside with her grandma. When she got to the porch, she looked back over her shoulder. She had gotten a strange feeling. She was sure that someone was watching her and her grandma.

  She didn’t think anymore of it once she had gotten into the house. Her grandma had more to say.

  “You know,” Patty started. “Grace has a real nice grandson. I think his name is Billy.”

  “I don’t want to be hooked up,” Terry said. “Besides, Billy is a little weird.”

  “He’s not,” her grandma said. “It just takes a little bit to get used to him.”

  “A little?” Terry said.

  “Stop being rude,” her grandma said. “What, you plan on keep throwing yourself on a man who doesn’t want you?”

  “That’s not very nice,” Terry said.

  “Well,” Patty started. “Nether are you.”

  “Whatever,” Terry said. “I’m ready to leave. Are you ready to go to Grace’s house?”

  “Just give me a minute,” Patty replied. “I have to go to the bathroom, and then I will be ready.”

  After a few minutes of waiting, they were heading back out the door. The street was quiet. The neighbors were staying inside more and more each day.

  Even though Terry didn’t see anyone outside, she still felt as though someone was watching them walk to the car. She figured that it was just someone peeking out their window.

  Her grandma had dropped the getting a man conversation. She had talked about how she had liked the morning church service. She thought that the pastor gave a good message.

  Terry was just happy that the topic had changed. She could handle her grandma till she dropped her off.


  Trevor had a lot of things on his mind. He was about to try and take care of one the things. He just rang Robert’s doorbell.

  He had begun to feel bad for how he talked to Robert the last time he seen him. He didn’t understand why Robert was acting so funny. He knew that he shouldn’t have gotten so rude over Robert making a pass a Terry. Was he a little jealous?

  Trevor stood for a moment and then rang the doorbell again. He stood quietly listening for any noise. He didn’t hear a sound.

  He walked to his van and got a piece of paper. He was going to leave Robert a note. Trevor needed all the friends that he could get at the moment.

  Trevor knew that he could make up with Robert. He knew that he could even probably talk some sense in him.

  He left the note and left. He was about out of gas. There was no way of getting anymore. He needed to safe what was left in case of an emergency.

  Trevor drove home thinking about whether or not he should stop by Terry’s and check on her. He didn’t want her to think that he had an another reason for stopping other than just to see how she was doing, so he decided just to head straight home.


  Robert was hiding in the closet wondering what he was doing. He knew what he was going to do, but he didn’t understand why it had to be her.

  It had been a long day for him. He had been stressing out all morning. The afternoon he had spent sitting in his hot car. Then he finally snuck into the house.

  Getting into the house was easy was for him. He knew that nobody was home. He had watched them both leave, but he didn’t know how long they would be gone. He wasn’t there to steal anything.

  There was only one thing on his mind. He was going to get what he wanted from the bitch.

  He had been sitting in the closet for two hours. He was about to fall asleep when he heard a noise. When he heard it the second time, he knew that it was the sound he had been waiting to hear.

  The front door had opened and closed. Someone was finally home. It didn’t matter which one wait was, really. He preferred her, but would quickly get rid of the other one. He would wait for the one he needed.

  He heard footsteps coming down the hall. The bathroom light clicked on and the door shut. The room that he was in was next to the bathroom. He heard pants being undone and then peeing. This was his chance.

  Quietly, he pushed open the door and peeked out. It was clear and he got out of the closet. He stood back far enough that he wouldn’t be seen when the bathroom door opened.

  His heart was racing as he held his breath. He wished for a beer to drink to calm his nerves. He was ready for it to happen.

  The toilet flushed and the pants went up. He knew that within moments the door would open and someone would walk out. Water was running and hands were being washed. The hands had been dried and the towel made a noise when put back on the rack.

  He listened to the door knob being grabbed and then turned. The door opened and she walked out. It was who he had hoped for. She had only a second before he grabbed her.

  “What are you doing?” Terry screamed.

  He put his hand over her mouth and shoved her back in the bathroom. He shut the door and locked it. He pushed her to the floor.

  “What are you doing, Robert?” she screamed out.

  He unbuttoned his pants and pulled out his penis. Her mouth dropped with shock as he stood over her and smiled.

  “Terry,” he started. He stepp
ed closer to her. “You’re finally going to get what you’ve been wanting for a long time.” He stood with his penis in her face. “And, it doesn’t matter if you want me or not.”


  Trevor was outside standing on the porch. The weather had calmed, but there was still something in the air.

  He believed that he was going crazy with the rest of the world. Thoughts of the world coming to an end kept crossing his mind. It was the only thing that could explain all the strange things that was happening around the world.

  Trevor felt bad for not checking up on Terry and her grandma. He knew that they could take care of themselves, but Patty was getting up there in years.

  Someone walking up the sidewalk got his attention as he got lost in his thoughts. He hadn’t seen too many people out walking for the past couple of days, especially after dark.

  The man was wearing all white and had a beard. He was looking at Trevor. Trevor didn’t take his eyes off the man.

  “Hi there!” the man shouted out.

  Trevor just nodded and waved at the man. It was the time to just trust anyone who just came walking up the street.

  “Beautiful night,” the man said. He started up Trevor’s sidewalk. “Can I speak with you for a moment, Trevor?”

  Trevor’s jaw dropped. How did the man know his name? Should he let the man get close to him?

  “Who are you?” Trevor asked. He straightens up because he was getting nervous. “Go ahead and stop right there. What do you want?”

  “I just want to talk,” the man said.

  The man seemed polite and didn’t appear to be a threat. Trevor thought that there was something else about him, but couldn’t pin point what it was.

  “How did you know my name?” Trevor asked.

  “I know many names,” the man said. “I know a lot more than just names.”

  “Really?” Trevor said. “I think I’m going inside now. Have a good day.”

  He turned to go inside. The man just stood there. The man didn’t appear to be a threat.

  “Your dreams do mean something,” the man said.

  Trevor stopped and looked at the man. How could he know about the dreams?

  “You must keep your faith,” he said. “It will all be over in seven years.”

  “You’re one of them Jehovah witness,” Trevor said.

  “No,” the man chuckled. “Something great is in store for you, Trevor. You will do great things, but first you must go through hell like the rest of them.”

  The man turned and walked away. Trevor felt like the air and life itself followed the man. There was something about the man.

  “Hey,” Trevor called out. The man stopped and turned around. “What’s your name?”

  A smile appeared on the man’s face and then he said. “Jesus.”

  The man was gone faster than what he appeared. Trevor was stunned by the man’s answer. People in this day and age walk around and call them self’s Jesus would end up in the mental hospital.

  “Everyone thinks they’re Jesus,” Trevor said as he walked into the house.


  Harrison County Mental Hospital housed a lot of patients from both Indiana and Ohio. Ohio had sent a lot of patients to Harrison County, Indiana because it was on the State line.

  The disorders ranged from slight suicidal problems to severe patients that would never walk free again. Some of the patients claim to be possessed by demons. The patients weren’t really possessed. They were faking it for whatever reasons that they had.

  There was one patient that wasn’t faking anything. Angie Steel, a thirty-year old from a small town in Harrison County, was the real deal.

  Angie had been admitted to the hospital when she was twenty-five. The woman was buried somewhere deep in her body. Demons had taken over body. They even carved an upside down cross on Angie’s forehead.

  The night nurse had come into the room. No one was permitted to take off Angie’s restraints when alone. The nurse had to make sure that Angie didn’t urinate all over herself, which Angie did.

  The black robe man stood by Angie’s bed. The nurse couldn’t see him, but Angie could. He smiled at Angie. It wasn’t the first time that the demons had met.

  “It’s almost time,” he said. He pushed the hair out of Angie’s eyes. “You all will be set free.”

  Three different voices came out of Angie’s mouth at once. It scared the night nurse. Only the black robe man understood the ancient languages.

  After the demons stopped, the nurse continued to clean up Angie. She pulled up Angie’s gown. Then the nurse started cleaning between Angie’s legs.

  “You like her hands there?” he asked. The demons put a smile on Angie’s face. “Show her how much you like it.”

  Angie’s hips started moving up and down. Angie’s hips made humping motions every time the nurse touched her in the right spot.

  “Stop that!” the nurse said. She swatted at Angie’s legs. “Don’t start that tonight.”

  “You know you like,” the demons said. “You know you like licking between the legs of women.”

  “Stop,” the nurse said.

  Angie didn’t stop because he was watching. They know that he was the one who could set them free.

  “Alright,” the nurse said. She threw the towel down. “I’m done.”

  The nurse walked out of the room without pulling down Angie’s gown. The black robe man did it for her.

  “Good,” he said. A wicked smile appeared on Angie’s face. “Very soon, you will be free.”

  Angie’s mouth opened and the three voices screamed out. The man just stood back and laughed.

  “Patient,” he said. “You can’t reach what is meant to be.”

  Part Three

  And Hell Followed

  I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold I am alive for evermore, Amen;

  and have the keys of hell and of death.

  Revelation 1:18


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