Dreamweaver (Hell Yeah!)

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Dreamweaver (Hell Yeah!) Page 19

by Sable Hunter

  “If my dirty laundry is going to be exposed to the public, so is yours!”

  “Ivana, wait!” he cried, but she turned and ran for the room.

  Oh, hell.

  * * *

  It only took twenty-four hours for the shit to hit the fan. The old adage that there was nothing worse than a woman scorned was true.

  After finishing up a jam session at his loft with Zion, Judah was just about to see his friend off and then hit the shower. He and Pepper had plans to have dinner with his family. It amused Judah that she was nervous, he’d tried to tell her the night before that she was every mother’s dream for their son. Still, she fretted over making a good impression.

  “Are you sure you don’t want a slice of pie before you go? Pepper made this chocolate cream pie that’s to die for.”

  Zion considered it for a moment, then shook his head. “I’d better not, I’ve got a date tonight.”

  “Date?” Judah wheeled around to stare at his best bud. “You? Who with?”

  “Is that such a surprise?” Zion pretended to act insulted. “Her name’s Loren and she’s…irresistible.”

  Seeing Zion’s love-struck expression and goofy grin, Judah knew he was a goner. “Where did you meet her and why didn’t I know anything about it?

  “Well, you’ve been so busy with Miss Pepper that you might as well be wearing blinders most of the time.” Zion pulled on his jacket. “I met her at the park down by the river. She was feeding pigeons and waiting on a breeze to fly a kite. I took one look at her and knew I couldn’t walk by without knowing her name.”

  “I think I feel a song coming on,” Judah said, not really teasing. “I’d like to meet her soon.”

  “Count on it.”

  Zion was just about to leave, when both of their phones began to buzz. They both answered and one phone call was from Reese and the other from Eddie. At their manager and band mate’s demand, they turned on the television to a primetime celebrity gossip show. A few seconds later, Judah’s stomach flipped over. The feature of the day was a tell-all expose on Judah James’ mental health problems.

  “The man is a nut-case. He sees things that aren’t there, he has conversations with parking meters and fire hydrants. Judah can’t tell when he’s having a hallucination and when somebody is really standing there talking to him. He’s on anti-psychotic meds.” Ivana Paul stood there with a smirk on her face, enjoying every minute of her time in front of the camera.

  “What do the doctors say is wrong with Mr. James?” The television reporter asked, obviously relishing the juicy gossip.

  “His official diagnosis is schizophrenia. I think he’s a danger to himself and others. And I ought to know, we were in a relationship until he tried to hurt me. He thought I was a threat to him. Me. He’s paranoid and he’s crazy, I tell you!”

  That’s all Judah needed to hear. “I can’t handle this. I’ve got to get to my mother. She needs to hear this from me.”

  “I’ll go with you,” Zion assured him. “Loren will understand.”

  “I’ve got to call Pepper and tell her what’s going on.” He groaned. “What a mess. What a mess.”

  * * *

  “Pepper Elizabeth McCoy, get down here!”

  Pepper was just spritzing on a bit of perfume when Heath yelled her name from the bottom of the stairs.

  Too happy to be annoyed, she practically skipped to the landing outside her bedroom door. “You bellowed?”

  “Come down here. I need to talk to you.”

  “I have to get ready. I’m meeting Judah at his parent’s house for dinner.”

  “I’m not so sure about that, you need to see something first.”

  “Oh, all right.” She followed him into the den where she found all four of her brothers waiting for her. “What’s this? Are you guys ganging up on me?”

  “No.” Jaxson said tersely. “We’re looking out for you.”

  “Sit down, Pepper.” Ten patted the leather couch next to him. “Brace yourself.”

  “What’s this all about?” she asked, not liking the seriousness of their faces. “Is something wrong with Ryder? With Dad?”

  “No, nothing like that,” Philip said, shaking his head. “This may be nothing, Pepper.” His tone seemed almost apologetic.

  “This is damn sure something,” Heath proclaimed as he paced back and forth across the room.

  “Just tell me what’s going on! Please!” Pepper demanded. “This is an important night for me, I don’t want to miss it.”

  “I don’t think you’ll be seeing that James boy again, not after you see this.”

  Heath’s statement flabbergasted Pepper. “Why?”

  “Hit play.” Heath directed Tennessee.

  “I had the television on low while I was rocking Ella and Ava to sleep. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw this, so I rewound it and recorded it.” Ten started the clip.

  Breaking News: Singer Judah James Diagnosed With Schizophrenia. “Talk of the Town has learned that superstar Judah James is undergoing treatment for mental illness. He suffers with hallucinations and delusions. His wife, Ivana Paul, has come forward with the complete story.” The television personality gave the camera a sly smile. “We will be checking all the juicy details, I assure you. One of our reporters captured Judah and a woman other than his wife in a…compromising position.”

  Pepper watched in horror as they ripped Judah’s reputation to shreds. At the end, it was her own face on the screen. She wiped tears from her eyes. “How could they do this to him?”

  “I’m sorry, Pepper. We hated to show you this shit, I’m sure it comes as quite a shock.” Jaxson came and knelt by her, taking her by the hand. “He ought to be shot for putting you in such a position.”

  “He probably hasn’t got enough sense to know he put her in a compromising position,” Heath snarled. “The man isn’t stable.”

  “Stop!” Pepper stood up. “Judah is as stable as any of you!” She grabbed the remote and turned off the television. “I already knew all of this. He told me everything. You can’t believe half of what Ivana says. She’s a self-destructive, vindictive, little bitch!”

  “Penelope!” Heath chastised her loudly. “You listen to me…”

  “No, you listen to me! All of you!” She faced them squarely, hands on her hips, and fury in her eyes. “I love Judah. He’s as sane as any of you. He’s brilliant, kind, and has more talent in his little finger than all of you have in your whole bodies! Combined!”

  “Now, Pepper…” Jaxson stood to calm her down.

  “Don’t now, Pepper, me!” She was spitting fire and her brothers were about to get burned. “This is non-negotiable. It’s not up for debate! Judah James is part of my life and I wouldn’t want to live without him!”

  “If that man hurts you, if he harms one hair on your head, he won’t know what hit him when we get through whipping his…”

  Pepper stormed out, leaving Heath and his threats behind. “Don’t wait up! I’m not sure I’ll be back tonight!”

  She didn’t go back to her room to finish dressing, she just grabbed her purse and ran out the door.

  * * *

  Pepper was several miles from Highlands when her phone rang.


  She punched the answer button on the steering wheel. “Judah? I’m on my way.”

  “Pepper, there’s a…”

  “I saw it. I can’t believe Ivana did this to you, not after everything you’ve done for her. Don’t worry about it, it will blow over. All will be well.”

  She was talking so fast, Judah couldn’t get a word in edgeways.

  “I’m on my way to the loft or do you want me to meet you at your parent’s house?”

  “Pepper, I want you to go back home.”

  “What?” She could hear the anguish in his voice. “Where are you?”

  “I just got through talking to my parents.”

  “How are they?”

  “Devastated.” His voice was husky a
nd full of pain. “I should have told them a long time ago. I thought I was protecting them. They saw it on the television, without any warning. This is going to change everything, Pepper.”

  “We’ll talk about it when I get there,” Pepper told him, her heart aching. “Wait for me at the loft. I’m coming to you and I’m staying. Everything will be okay. I promise.”


  “You shouldn’t have come,” Judah said, even as he gathered her close, “but I’m glad you did.”

  “Of course, I came.” She pushed his hair from his face, which was damp from either perspiration or tears. “You’re my love.”

  “Are you going to introduce us, Judah?”

  The carefully modulated, female voice drew Pepper’s attention. She turned in Judah’s arms to see a tall, elegant woman standing a few feet away. Her regal features and long dark hair were the feminine version of Judah’s. At her side was a rugged looking man with a kind face and salt and pepper hair. She didn’t need to be told that these two people were Judah’s parents. “Oh, hello. I’m sorry, I didn’t see you standing there.”

  “Mother, Father, this is Pepper McCoy. Pepper, this is Tala and Jonathan James.”

  “How wonderful to meet you.” She stepped forward to greet them.

  “We’ve heard many good things about you, Pepper,” Jonathan said as he gave her a small, yet courtly bow.

  “I know he loves you two very much,” Pepper murmured, completely aware that his mother was sizing her up.

  “Judah tells us you’re from a ranching family north of here?”

  Pepper nodded. “Yes, ma’am, I am. Highlands Ranch.”

  “And what do you do? Exactly?” Tala inquired, glancing down her perfectly straight, aquiline nose.

  The question made Pepper uncomfortable. Do? What did she do? “I finished my degree in English Lit from UT. I help take care of my family, but I don’t have a job.” Suddenly she felt inadequate in a dozen different ways.

  “I see.”

  “Tala, we’re not here to interrogate Miss McCoy.” Jonathan took his wife by the arm. “Come sit down, let me get you some water.”

  “Pepper’s family is involved in other business ventures. She is active in those, as well as volunteer work,” Judah answered what he thought was his mother’s impolite query. “I’ll get your water, Mother. Pepper, do you want to help me?”

  Pepper blushed a little. She knew his parents realized their son didn’t need any help fetching a glass of water.

  “I’m sorry, my mother is upset,” he said as he filled a glass from the tap.

  “Don’t be, she’s just concerned about you.” Tala’s observation made Pepper think. “I’m sure I need to establish some goals. I’m just floating in limbo, happy to be with my family or you. I spend my days puttering around the house, helping tend to my nieces, or filling some void in my family’s ventures like a handy temp. Perhaps, I should get a teaching certificate.”

  “I’m sure you can do anything you put your mind to.”

  Judah stood there with the glass of water in his hand. Pepper took one look at his face and wished she could kick herself. “At the moment, what my future holds is immaterial. I’m worried about you.”

  Shaking his head, Judah set the glass down. “After my parents recovered from the initial shock, they grew worried and followed me home. My mother’s health isn’t the best in the world. I’ve got to reassure her or she’ll have a setback.”

  “Just tell her the truth, you have a condition that’s being managed. You’re a success, a role-model, and you’re the envy of ninety-nine percent of the men in the world.”

  Judah enfolded her in his arms. “Your faith in me knows no bounds.”

  “My faith in you is thoroughly justified.” She took him by the hand and picked up the glass of water. “Come on. Let’s go back to the living room. I hope you have something I can sleep in tonight. I didn’t bring my PJ’s.”

  Her casual comment made him smile. When they rejoined his folks, it was to find his mother wiping her eyes with his father’s handkerchief.

  “Why don’t you come stay with us, Judah? We can take care of you.”

  Pepper gave Tala the water, stunned by his mother’s suggestion.

  “I’m not an invalid. I’ve been dealing with this for some time,” Judah explained evenly.

  Tala took a sip from the glass, seeming to fortify herself. “Maybe, but you don’t have to deal with it alone. We want to help you. You shouldn’t be trying to cope with all of this and a career too.”

  Pepper could see the doubt and anguish his mother’s words were raining down on him. She couldn’t take it another second. “Judah’s not alone, he’s got me. He has Zion. He has a gazillion fans who love him. And even if he were alone, he’s not incapacitated. Judah is the most capable person I know.”

  Tala’s expression changed from one of concern to guilt. “I know how driven and gifted he is. He’s my son.” She grasped her husband’s arm. “There must be some explanation.” Looking toward Judah, she stood. “Perhaps this thing you’re experiencing is related to the blood that flows in your veins. My mother is a shaman, she too receives visions and visitations from spirits.”

  Judah exhaled loudly. “I’m not seeing ghosts, Mother.”

  Jonathan interjected his thoughts. “It’s getting late, I should get your mother home. You seem to be doing fine, Judah. I’d like to discuss this with you, man to man, when you have the time.”

  “Of course,” Judah assured him, his own emotions in turmoil.

  “I’m not ready to leave. My son needs me,” Tala protested, even as she allowed her husband to help her to her feet.

  Judah moved closer to his mother. “I’m fine, Mom. Look at me.” He placed a hand on Tala’s cheek. “I’m managing. This has been with me for a while. Maybe it’s my curse, but maybe it’s my blessing. We all have our own ways of relating to the universe, you and grandmother taught me that.”

  Tala let out a long breath. “I am always available to you, Judah. Do not ever hesitate to come to me, I would move the sun out of its path for you, if you need it to be so.”

  Pepper watched, fairly certain his mother could do as she said. At that moment, she missed her own mother. “I’ll be with him, Mrs. James. I, like you, stand by Judah’s side.”

  She hung back while Judah walked them out. When he returned, he came to her and she held him. He was such a big, powerful man. Despite his size and strength, she knew he was vulnerable, a victim of circumstances beyond his control. Pepper held him tight, trying to convey as much reassurance and strength as she could. “You can get through this. I’ll help you. You’ll come out of this stronger, it will be a relief not to have to hide it.”

  Judah knew there was truth in what she said. “I just don’t know how the fans will react, how this will affect my career. There could be a feeding frenzy, a firestorm of negative publicity.”

  “I think you should get ahead of it, make some type of statement tomorrow. Reassure your fans that you’re the same Judah James today as you were yesterday.”

  Her suggestion made him feel better. “Don’t think this is just about money, it’s not. A lot of people depend on me. I don’t want to let Zion down. Or the band.”

  “I know, Judah. This is more than a job to you. Making music is your life.”

  He knew she was right, or she used to be. “Music is ultra-important to me.” He kissed her gently. “Do you know what’s more important?”

  Pepper felt the mood between them shift, and she gloried in the change. “What? What’s more important?”

  “You. You’re my world.”

  Pepper smiled. “I know the feeling.” She clasped his arm. “Come with me, let me take your mind off this for a while.”

  Judah didn’t know if Pepper realized it or not, but he’d follow her anywhere.

  When she led him to his room, he thought they were heading to bed. Instead, she guided him to the large en-suite bath.

; “A shower to wash our troubles away?”

  As he envisioned taking her against the shower wall, memories of the night he’d given her the fireworks at Mount Bonnell came flooding back. “I can get behind this plan.”

  The huge walk-in shower had been on her agenda also, until she spotted the tub. “Actually, I’d love a good soak. Would you care to join me?”

  To Judah’s amazement, Pepper turned on the water, added bath salts, then proceeded to completely distract him with a striptease. She wasn’t really trying to entice, but her natural beauty and inherent femininity made each move erotic. Every twist, every turn, every inch of creamy skin she unveiled made him harder.

  When she was completely nude, Pepper turned her back to him and bent over to turn off the water and Judah almost went to his knees. He could see her, all of her, and she was wet, pink and glistening. “You want me.”


  Facing him, Pepper held her breath as he stalked across the room toward her, shedding clothes as he came. He was the predator. She was the eager prey. His dominance and intensity excited her. Even better was the fact that he was completely focused on her and what they were about to do, not worrying about what had happened today or what tomorrow might bring.

  He ran his finger over the top swell of her breasts and her nipples popped to attention, swollen and distended. “I love your tits.”

  His somewhat crude language thrilled her, Pepper felt her desire running down her thigh. She didn’t move, but stood perfectly still while he paid homage to her breasts. She closed her eyes as he cupped her flesh, rubbing his thumbs across the turgid peaks. There was no question she enjoyed his touch, but she also reveled in the fact that she could take his mind off his problems and troubles.

  Leaning down, he took one of her breasts in his hot mouth, Pepper almost swooned at the delicious sensations rushing through her body. His hand delved between her legs to find the center of her pleasure. A surge of pure bliss shot through her as he rubbed her slit, up and down the slick folds. When he slid two fingers up inside her sheathe, she stood on tiptoe to encourage him to continue. A moan of pure joy erupted from her lips as he finger-fucked her, his palm rubbing circles on her clit.


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