It Adds Up for Mary [Hardwick Bay 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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It Adds Up for Mary [Hardwick Bay 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 5

by Morgan Henry

  “Well, things are fine for us.” Karen spoke quickly, presumably to forestall any further comment on their jobs. “I’m getting married, and I wanted you and Dad to know.”

  “Who on earth did you find to marry you?”

  “Gee, thanks, Mom. I know I didn’t have a line of suitors out the door, but you don’t have to sound so surprised.”

  “Well, you haven’t even talked about a boyfriend.”

  “Things are a little different here in Hardwick Bay. I’m actually living with two guys, and we’re going to get married and have a life together. They’re wonderful to be with.”

  “Oh, good God, Karen. That’s just preposterous. Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound? What you’re proposing is bigamy, for one thing.”

  “Actually, it’s only bigamy if I legally marry both of them. I’ll only marry one, and we’ll have an unofficial ceremony for the other.”

  “How could you do something so stupid? It will ruin any credibility you may have once people find out. They’ll be cruel, and you’ll be marginalized. And what about us? How can we be taken seriously if our daughter is off having a wild affair with two men? It will end badly, and I don’t know how you’ll pick up the pieces later. We certainly won’t help.”

  Mary had been getting more and more agitated listening in. She finally growled and grabbed the phone from Karen.

  “Listen to me, Mom,” Mary barked. “Karen is marrying two of the most wonderful guys I’ve ever known. I can’t wait for her to walk down the aisle and call Allan and Zander my brothers. We’re both doing great and acting like sisters again. If you’re too blind to see that we’re happy, and to be happy for us, that’s your problem.”

  “Our problem? Our problem is that we have two daughters that can’t seem to face reality. Your father and I only want the best for you, but if you refuse to conform to the rest of the world, I really don’t think we can continue in this fashion. You two need to come to your senses before we can be a family again.” LeeAnn’s voice was back to the icy hardness, which meant she was deadly serious.

  “So we shouldn’t send you a wedding invitation?”

  “We certainly will not acknowledge such a union. If you come to your senses, call us.” LeeAnn hung up.

  Mary had been consumed with guilt afterward. How could she have spoken so harshly to her mother? And what was worse, she had, at least on some level, enjoyed it.

  Both Karen and Mary had acknowledged that they actually felt better with their parents out of the picture. Unfortunately for Mary, they hadn’t stayed gone.

  A few days later, LeeAnn called again. She continued to disavow Karen and urge Mary to return to her job, condo, and Bob.

  Bob added his voice to the nine hells of parental nagging.

  “C’mon, Mary. You have to see that this ménage arrangement isn’t normal. Their kinky lifestyle is bound to implode. What happens when they have a kid and it’s clearly one guy’s versus the others? You can’t tell me that’s not going to create issues.” Bob had his trial voice on—calm, authoritative, and not to be argued with. He was also apparently sober.

  “It hasn’t been an issue with other ménage families. And it’s really none of your business.” Mary looked out the window of the little apartment over to the bay.

  “It’s not going to end well. Can you imagine the legal nightmare of a divorce?” Mary could hear the air quotes in Bob’s voice around “divorce.” “That aside, what are you going to do about your job? You’ve been helping Angela some, I know, but she’s fast getting up to speed and could quite easily replace you.” There was a slight singsong warning in his voice.

  “Really?” Mary didn’t want to give too much away to Bob. Like that she didn’t want to come back and was trying to ensure she didn’t have to. She didn’t need Bob sabotaging her reputation at work once he realized she was absolutely not taking him back. She would far prefer to leave the firm on amicable terms.

  “Well, no one can really replace you, can they, sugar lump?” Mary always hated when Bob called her that. “Mary, things are not going to go well for you in that town. Why don’t you just realize it and come home where you belong?”

  “Why would you say that? Why would things not go well?”

  “I heard about your sister’s store. Someone smashed the crap out of it, more for the hell of it than any money. Karen’s clearly not wanted in Hardwick Bay. Why would you be?”

  Mary knew Bob couldn’t have smashed the store. He had been in Toronto that night at a fundraiser, and yet he seemed know a fair bit about it. There was a faintly uneasy feeling in the depths of her gut, but she couldn’t figure out why.

  “Bob, you need to stop calling me for a while. I need some time to figure things out.” Mary was a little disgusted at how wishy-washy that sounded.

  “Fine, sugar lump. You think. I won’t wait forever, but I’ll be a little patient.” He hung up.

  Mary sighed in relief. Maybe he would leave her alone for a few weeks.

  “So, spa day tomorrow for you and Hanna?” she asked Karen Friday afternoon.

  “Yeah, she wants to try out this place for her own wedding. She’s totally into the planning for the big day.” Karen opened the fridge in the back room and stared stacking chocolates on a tray to take out to the front display case.

  “And you’re not.”

  “Don’t get me wrong, Hanna’s wedding will be great and what she wants and I’m completely happy for her. I just don’t want nearly the production she’s having. And to be honest, she’s not even going that crazy. She and Cailynn have joined forces for a double-do.”

  “Well, it will be a fun day for you two anyway. I hear you have actually consented to go dress shopping for your own wedding.” Mary leaned back against the counter and put her hands behind her back so she didn’t steal any of the chocolates.

  “Yes.” Karen tilted her head and gave her a little mock snarl. “But it’s not going to be fancy. Just something pretty.”

  “Well, that’s fine. What matters is that you like it.”

  “I’d kind of like Allan and Zander to like it too.”

  “Listen, sister, I lived with the three of you for a few days. They like you best naked, and I know it.” Mary rolled her eyes at Karen. “They even confessed at one point that they like your taste in crazy undies.”

  Karen had a fetish for outlandish cotton underwear. Among others, she had ones with fuzzy chicks for Easter and ones with pumpkins for Halloween.

  Karen grinned at her sister. “You’re just jealous.”

  “I am. I wish I had two hot, sexy guys who thought I was just wonderful the way I am.” Mary was somewhat jealous. She did want a loving, solid relationship like Karen had, but it was the wrong time in her life. She still hadn’t managed to get rid of Bob permanently. Yeah, she had told him the wedding was off and she didn’t want to see him anymore, but he kept calling. She needed to stop answering.

  “What about Derek and Logan?” Karen started out to the front of the store and dragged Mary with her.

  “What about them?” Mary tried to sound nonchalant.

  The Murray brothers were the hottest pair of men she had ever seen. She had been paired up with Logan putting in some shelves in the re-assembly of Karen’s store and had gone out to dinner with the two men once.

  In the little time she had spent with them, she had grown a bit infatuated. Not only did they have sinfully good looks but they were also smart, funny, and kind. They both seemed to have a serious and playful side. The three of them had a few interests in common, and the two men had promised to take her out hiking one weekend.

  But it was the wrong, wrong, wrong time to get involved.

  She was trying to get her life in some semblance of order and didn’t need to complicate it with a relationship.

  And who knew what they wanted anyway? Were they ménage happy like the rest of this town, or would she have to choose? And why did even thinking theoretically about a ménage with them get her hot an
d bothered?

  “Oh, I see. Nice try, but I can see the faraway look in your eye when I mention their names. A look that quickly turns to lust.” Karen didn’t bother to keep the self-satisfied grin off her face.

  “It’s not lust you’re seeing. My woman parts have gone on strike after suffering with Bob for years. They’re happy to be left alone.”

  “Your woman parts?” Karen started laughing. “You need to get a better vocabulary if you’re living here.”

  “Well, we’re in your store,” Mary hissed.

  “Don’t censor yourself for me,” came another woman’s voice from near the ice cream counter. “I like to call a pussy a pussy.”

  “Mary, meet Marla. She’s a lovely domme, and I bet she’s looking for some pistachio ice cream.” Karen was still giggling. “I have some in the big freezer, I think. How much do you want?”

  “Well, my George has been very good, so I’ll take a large tub.”

  “Okay, I’ll go grab that. Mary, put a couple of framboise creams in one of the tiny boxes for Marla to take with her. They’re a treat for you, Marla, from us.” Karen disappeared into the back.

  Mary was still as red as the interior of the chocolates she boxed up for Marla.

  “Sweetie, sex is part of life,” Marla said gently. “Do you mind if I say a few frank words to you?” At Mary’s nod, she continued. “Most of us around here are of the mindset that whatever gives you pleasure and is mindful of your partner’s, or partners’, wants, needs, and well-being is okay. If you want it, good sex should be sought after and explored with curiosity, love, and respect. I’ve always thought that using some anatomical terms is useful in directing your partner to what you want. If all I said to my sub was, “touch my woman parts,” I’d not likely get what I was after. And neither would he,” she mused as an afterthought.

  Mary couldn’t help but grin at that. “I’ll try to be less of a prude, but until I know who’s who a bit better, I think I should censor myself in public. There’s still tourists around.”

  “Probably wise,” agreed Marla.

  Karen returned with the ice cream and rang it up.

  “Thank you, ladies, so much. Anything exciting on for the weekend?” she asked. When Karen’s head was down, she winked at Mary.

  It suddenly dawned on Mary that Marla was a guest at Karen’s surprise wedding tomorrow night. With that wink, she put Marla and George from the guest list together.

  “I’m going to a spa tomorrow,” Karen said with some genuine enthusiasm. “We’re trying it out for Hanna’s wedding. Mary’s kindly agreed to work the shop for me.”

  “That sounds great for you, a little less so for Mary.”

  “I don’t mind at all,” Mary quickly interjected. She didn’t think Marla would give them away, but her heart was hammering in her chest with the fear that something would slip out.

  “Well, have fun.” Marla picked up her bag and headed toward the door. “And don’t let your woman parts wither away from disuse, Mary.”

  Chapter 7

  Mary watched the dark green pickup arrive at the back door to Karen’s Kandies the next morning.

  The illegally handsome Murray brothers stepped out. Mary would normally have had to rein in her drool, but she was too distracted today.

  “Thanks for picking me up,” she called to them. “The less cars around the house the better.”

  “We’re happy to help,” responded Derek. “Here, let me take that.”

  He reached for her bag and dress, carefully hanging it in the truck beside what Mary presumed were his and Logan’s dressy clothes.

  She headed back into the store, where they picked up the chocolates that were the favours for her sister’s wedding.

  Karen had made the leaf-shaped chocolates two days ago, thinking they were for an office party. She thought they were to be picked up on Saturday thanks to a fake order done by Mary. They were beautiful, dark chocolate coated with white chocolate tinted in autumn colours. Perfect to go with the fall-themed wedding decor.

  Derek helped Mary into the truck as Logan got in the other side. They headed up the hill to Allan and Zander’s, and now Karen’s, house. It sat on top of the ridge overlooking Hardwick Bay. Karen’s car was still in the drive, but Mary knew Hanna had picked her up. When they returned later in the day, the backyard would be set for the wedding, hopefully with Karen none the wiser and willing to co-operate.

  The rental company was setting up the tent already.

  Logan and Derek helped Mary carry the chocolates into the house, and she slipped them into the fridge. The rest of the day passed in a whirlwind of preparations.

  After all was ready late in the afternoon, the five of them sat down for pizza and beer in the kitchen before the guests started arriving.

  “Here, Mary.” Derek offered her a beer, remembering that she preferred the lighter brew of the two that were on offer.

  “Thanks.” She helped herself to a slice of the meat-heaped pizza. She was going to enjoy this. Neither Bob nor her parents were here to point out the caloric load of saturated fats the pizza contained.

  “Mmm,” she moaned at the first bite.

  “I like seeing you eat,” Logan observed. “You enjoy it so much.” He was on his second slice.

  “Too much, maybe.” Mary was suddenly self-conscious, and she set her slice down as she sat a little straighter. What would they think of her chowing down on pizza like this?

  “No, it wouldn’t hurt you to gain a few pounds. Besides, I hate listening to women whine about calories. Eat and enjoy.” Derek took a swig of the darker brew he preferred.

  Mary didn’t know what to say to that. What man ever said a woman should gain weight?

  “So what’s your plan if Karen says no?” Logan asked Allan and Zander.

  “We threaten to screw her into submission,” answered Zander promptly.

  “Hey, that’s my sister,” objected Mary with a grin at them. “I don’t need that image in my head.”

  “Sorry for my idiot future co-husband,” apologized Allan. “But she’s asked us to marry her, and we said yes, so the only thing is the timing.”

  “She’ll say yes,” assured Mary. “This is too beautiful to refuse.”

  “Thanks so much for your help, Mary. You were a godsend,” said Allan.

  Derek slipped another piece of pizza onto her plate.

  “I didn’t do much, just helped a bit. Allan, Zander, and Hanna did most of the arranging. I just deflected Karen when she got nosy.”

  “And we know how hard that can be,” said Zander with a grin. The group chuckled.

  Mary ate half of the piece Derek had slipped onto her plate. “I should go get showered and changed. Is it okay if I use the bedroom upstairs I had before?”

  “You bet,” replied Zander. “It’s ready for you. Derek and Logan are using our old bedrooms. We’re getting ready in the attic.” The master suite that Karen shared with her men took up the entire attic.

  “Finish your pizza,” admonished Logan. “There’s no hurry yet.”

  “I’m full. Besides, there will be lots of goodies later.” Mary knew there was a light buffet of finger foods for after the wedding, as well as the cake.

  They broke up, and Mary headed upstairs. She had a flattering dress with autumn colours for her role as the maid of honor. It was pretty without being ostentatious. She was sure her sister would pick out a lovely dress on her trip with Hanna today, but it wouldn’t be the full-on huge white wedding gown, so she wanted to make sure she didn’t upstage the bride. And if Karen had refused to buy a dress, Mary had borrowed two from the boutique in town for her to choose from.

  She was about to slip into the bathroom to put on her makeup when the door opened and Logan stepped out, wearing only a towel.

  Mary gasped in surprise and stepped backwards. Then she blushed.

  Logan was even more handsome in a towel than she had fantasized about. His short, sandy brown hair was still glistening with water. He was
still tanned from the summer, and his cabinetry work gave him a muscular upper body that was fully on display. The towel hung low on his hips, and Mary wanted to lick the little indents over his pelvis.

  Logan grinned at her. It was a wicked grin that seemed to say he knew what she was thinking.

  “That’s a beautiful dress, Mary,” he said, his voice low and sultry.

  “Thank you,” she croaked out. She managed to refrain saying how nice he looked in his towel.

  He strode past her, murmuring, “All yours,” as he gestured to the open bathroom door.

  She tried not to be too obvious as she inhaled the scent of his shampoo and general manliness.

  Mary shook her head and tried to clear her thoughts. It wasn’t doing her any good to act like a cat in heat, even though she did want to rub herself all over Logan and Derek. She had things to do for her sister.

  * * * *

  Logan chuckled very quietly to himself as he walked to the bedroom he was borrowing. He had seen the bit of lust in Mary’s eyes.

  She kept herself tightly controlled, but he could tell that was all just the outside. Inside, he would bet she was passionate and had more capacity for joy than she imagined.

  It was a good thing he had taken the edge off in the shower, or he would have walked out with his erection poking out of the towel. Not that it mattered since he was starting to get hard anyway.

  Mary had the starring role of late in any of his sexual fantasies. He would bet that she starred in Derek’s as well.

  The light fragrance of her perfume still lingered in the hall. Logan inhaled deeply, walking to the bedroom he and Derek were using to change.

  Derek was there, already dressed, and he tossed a frown at Logan, presumably to get him to hurry up, then looked back down at his phone.

  “Mary’s in the bathroom. She was dressed so I guess she’s putting on makeup or something,” Logan informed Derek.

  “Mmm hmm,” Derek answered, engrossed in his phone.

  “What’s up?”

  Derek looked up with a smile. “Good news. The patient I sent for surgery is doing well, and her vision is preserved. I’m pretty relieved.”


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